Monday, April 30, 2012

Levels of the Mind

A Look at the Depth of Consciousness and how it can be Used in Every Day Life

Most people experience at least three Levels of Consciousness within their Minds, Waking, Dreaming and Sleeping.

But this is a very flat, linear way of Looking at the Mind. The Mind also has Depth, as is experienced when transcending in meditation. The Mind is a three- or even multi-dimensional experience, which is not limited by either time or space.

Each state of Consciousness has its own reality and experiences. If we were dreaming and fell out of an aeroplane only a parachute in the dream state could save us.

In the same way all Levels of existence have their corresponding level of Consciousness and only by experiencing Consciousness on the same level can we hope to have an influence.

Science tells us that Consciousness and the movement of thought is an electrical activity that can be measured on an EEG machine. This machine measures the electrical activity in th e different parts of the brain. But science also tells us that electrical activity exists at many Levels within matter.

The Body is a whole being and the Mind has the Consciousness of the whole. Though the Body is also made up of organs and these have their own Consciousness. The heart functions on an automatic level of Consciousness, giving out waves of energy, which cause the muscles to contract at regular intervals. But within the organ there are cells and within the cells there are molecules and within the molecules there are atoms. At each level the electrical activity operates in its own unique way.

But what is the common theme in this? It is that on all Levels of existence there is order, there is progress and evolution and there is intelligence. Science also tells us that, at the finest level of physical existence, there is a vacuum state, a field of pure energy. In this state Everything exists in virtual form. This field of pure energy and pure intellige nce is the coming together of Mind and Body: the physical and the mental.

This vacuum state, which is omnipresent, all-pervading, eternal, has been suggested to be a scientific way of Looking at the reality of God itself.

So how is this order in nature maintained? It is kept in balance by the existence of opposites. The atom has a nucleus, which is positively charged and electrons, which are negatively charged. The two types attract each other and the speed of movement keeps them apart: forming a balance and equilibrium.

The cells of the Body are controlled by the environment in which they find themselves. These have a more sophisticated method of communication, by the use of various hormones and interaction with the DNA. The DNA is like the brain of the cell giving out information and creating the order that forms the structures of the various components of the Body.

A group of cells in turn form the components of the organs. These again have their o wn method of ordering the individual parts.

The main point being the strength of this order: if the cells go off doing their own thing, the system starts to break down. This is the main cause of cancer in our bodies, when cells start to multiply were they shouldnt.

So how do we strengthen this order, to bring more coherence to our bodies and Minds? The easiest way is through meditation and becoming aware of ourselves. This means, in simple terms, taking our conscious Mind deep into our subconscious Mind, experiencing the subtler Levels of thought and of our own physical existence. By reaching the source of thought and becoming in tune with our deepest self, we become in tune with the universe and all that exists in our environment. We become charged with subtle energy and bring this to Everything that we do.

Our Minds are full of intelligence, but it is only when we become aware of the intelligence, that intelligence becomes intelligent. Therefore self-awar eness is the basis of learning, becoming more aware of our bodies and Mind and the intelligence that permeates both. We become intelligent, we gain the ability to use our intellect and make decisions at all the different Levels of the Mind, Body and Consciousness.

Also, other people can experience this same self-awareness, which we can experience. This experience is the experience of reaching that field of unity. If all the people become in tune with their selves and work from the same cosmic plan, then problems dont come up. We experience harmony and balance.

We experience all knowledge in its virtual form. This is also the meeting point of all the individual Minds of the world in a common universal Mind. By putting our Mind in tune with the universal Mind we eliminate the main cause of stress in the world. When you are in tune with the universal will, you are doing what is right in that place at that time. You experience a frictionless flow of Life, which is su pported by the environment and all those around you.

As you experience these subtle Levels of the Mind you begin to realise that it is also intelligent. You can start asking it questions and seeking knowledge. This is another way of gaining knowledge; some people refer to it as intuition, some as general knowledge.

It is also possible to talk to other people at these subtle Levels and develop ones powers of telepathy. As with Everything in Life, you are limited only by your power to comprehend and desire what it is that you want to achieve.

Message channelled by George Lockett (C) Copyright 2006, All Rights Reserved.

* New book * A Journey into the Self -- the multi-dimensional nature of being human: HealerGeorge Web Site and New Book

Description: What is this book going to do for YOU? For those who are seeking a complete energetic makeover, as you read it you will feel a stirring and awakening in the Depths of your heart. For those who have que stions about Shifts in Consciousness, Energy Balancing and Healing within the Body, you will find clear answers.

Read HealerGeorges Blog: Curezone Blog or ask at question at: Ask HealerGeorge

Author:: George Lockett
Keywords:: Levels, Mind, Look, Depth, Consciousness, Used, Every, Day, Life, Layers, Body, Spirit, Health
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Silver Spoons and Slavery Reality Check in the Present Period

So often anti-establishment and anti-globalists will call into question the dominance of what they call the global elite bloodlines. Indeed this is unfortunate because as we look around we only need to thank the entrepreneurial capitalists for all we are and all we have built in this great civilization of ours. Indeed these global elite family names are well known and they are strewn throughout my personal ancestry, does that make me a bad guy? Hmm? Recently I was attacked by an anti-globalist complainer, who had never done anything in their lives, only complained, yet was so willing to attack me? Why? In fact he stated;

Lance, I almost wanted to cry over your spilt milk...What's the matter did you almost trip over your silver spoon?

Dear Sir, this is an empty comment, personally the silver spoon was not the way I grew up and it appears I didnt need it anyway. Why is that? Is it merely because I tried harder, worked harder, observed better? Now I see people con demning me for winning, without assistance from another or family. The inner will and genetic drivers may have a lot more to do with this than any sort of conspiracy, which exists only in your mind and the mindsets of other wannabe loser anti-globalists who just dont get the bigger picture. Great civilizations do not build them selves, you cannot get to Utopia by merely wishing for it? Yet our anti-everything continues his attacks and states;

You see it's not that we the people covet what you have it's that we desire to be free and to be on a level playing field. When all the rules benefit the master and never the slave is this fair.

Interesting comment, as I know of no slaves in the United States; the term slave does not exist here. If you are referring to Choice which often allows people to economically enslave them selves that is choice not Slavery. It is trading for the here and now at the potential expense of the future and that is a risk, which is also a choice. Those who are; anti-globalist, anti-establishment and anti-Bloodline elite family; are simply missing the bigger picture and ought to stop and look around and perhaps just say thank you for what has been built. Consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Silver Spoons, Slavery, Reality Check, Present Period
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

A Finite Mind Cannot Understand Infinity?

Recently a gentleman in an Online Forum Think Tank who was a spiritual type person told the group that we were all dummies because we could not understand infinity. Some in the group were taken a back, as they had no problem with the concept of infinity at all. He said he had become enlightened and that he understood infinity but that most all humans could not understand it and therefore had tiny finite minds and were stupid. In fact he went on to say that Einstein, Newton and many others were stupid too and had finite minds and were un-enlightened.

The self-proclaimed enlightened on said: This is the problem! They have been chasing their tails. A finite mind can't understand infinity.

Indeed, he makes an interesting discussion however I disagree entirely. Infinite is not so hard to comprehend although many wish to tell the masses they cannot understand it to get them to stop asking questions of the so-called Experts who really do not know what they are talking about for the most part. In fact I bet once humans are told how it all works that they will indeed be able to teach it to a child in the second grade, I am sure of it. For someone to say that a finite mind cannot understand something, they need to speak to themselves for the problematic issues arrive and stay with them, not I.

How about you, can you understand infinity? Do you believe the Cosmos are Infinite? Is it possible for you to describe it? Would you know it if you saw it? Have you ever thought about it? Think on this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Finite Mind Cannot Understand Infinity, online think tank. scientists, Infinite, Experts
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

The Devil

I sought for the Devil in the scheme of things, for I came to perceive the rules that govern our existence on earth and the pattern that the Creator has set into the design for us to abide by.

And I realized that if there is indeed a vacuum for the Devil to occupy in the master plan and its unraveling into the circumstances surrounding us as individuals, then it is in the pursuance of our wants; for then the Devil inserts himself/itself into our actions by creating hurt and conflict between us and others. For want in itself seems harmless enough, but the carrying out of want may create pain for ourselves and for others through conflict.

This is my nearest identification concerning the role the Devil plays in our actions, centralizing himself/itself on each mans originally harmless desire and wreaking pain along with its manifestation into the play of events.

So that when we guard ourselves against our wants and desires we are not in fact protecting ourselves from ourselves, but from the Devils obvious and predictable pre-occupation with them as soon as they begin to come into existence.

Fo r I reasoned that I never see an actual unknown entity harming me or harming others as I go through life, only human faces.

But perhaps this is the key; that the Devil breeds upon our desires and manifests his/its own plans through them.

Silent, patient, scheming, waiting for an opportunity to introduce the element of pain.

So that the infliction of pain; the creation of it, is what the Devil comes to be, having no birthright or purpose of his/its own, to say little of a master agenda, but preying upon our desires and using the will inside each of us as a tool of destruction.

Disguising himself/itself behind the wants o f human beings, keeping himself/itself hidden and blamelessly out of sight.

Is this not the way of cunning people direct tools of their master that play people against each other by identifying and manipulating their victims innermost wants and desires?

Nobody really intends to do evil [the way to hell being paved with good intentions and all. The Devil recognizes this and has developed a subtler, cleverer scheme to achieve his purposes through temptation.

Every man wants something, the Devil aligns his intentions with a particular, usually quick and easy method to achieving this thing, and offers it up to the individual, who then becomes a donkey the unseen force will ride skillfully, and a scapegoat to whom all the accusing fingers will point when the deed is done.

So that we do not necessarily become slaves to the desires we have but slaves to the Devil that swiftly rides upon them and then disappears into thin air, leaving us to face retribution.

And the Creator is perhaps pained that we, the chosen race, would let ourselves become subject to a force that is so beneath us, a force that was declared base and inferior before the beginning of the world.

I said in the past that I cannot be ashamed of my feelings for they are innocent divine I said actually, but it is what I choose to do with them that I will be held accountable for, for in those things I have been given the power of choice.

I think tha t these words must now further explain this point, for my choices may empower the unseen malevolent force that seeks only to create havoc and destroy me and others.

I have searched for the Devil. I wonder have I found him/it.

Because then it is not a new thing at all, just a fact that lay right before my eyes and I refused to see consciously or unconsciously.

Whenever a plan comes to your mind, offering itself to you as a means to achieving a want, desire or goal, search for the pain factor for you or for others. There lies the Devil and his/its intentions.

Stop creating the Devil and he/it will cease to exist.

Take responsibility.

I am a poet, a writer, and an artist, and I believe in beauty, creativity and perfection. I love life, the world, and existence, thoroughly enjoying all of my various roles in the three. I believe every moment on earth is a gift; my advice for anyone would be to ensure that days are conscientiously and properly seized and nights spent in the profitable dreaming of dreams that come true. The Gemini star sign captures my personality satisfactorily; I enjoy the duality and restlessness declared as significant components of my nature. I get occasionally erratic. This is usually when new ideas start spinning round in my head. I absolutely thrive on these moments I define as my moments of clarity; quickening my pace to catch up, hastening to a keyboard to punch away into the middle of the night or doing whatever it is that is must be done immediately at all costs or else. I am passionate about my writing. I have found art to compose of a variety of covertly classic mediums that capture and portray thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and I savor it.

Author:: Natasha Ashwe
Keywords:: Devil
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Ban All Religions in 2012

Have you ever stopped to consider during this huge controversy over the Catholic Church and the Da Vinci Code Movie that maybe we just need to ban all religions? Starting with whatever religion that the International Terrorists are and even the Catholic Church its self?

I mean they have kind of blown it with this latest round of child molestations and they are known for playing both sides against the middle in previous wars. In fact with all the stolen art you have to wonder if that tactic did not serve them well, too well?

If we consider these International Terrorists who obviously are a very problematic group as they go around killing as many innocent people as possible under the name of their god and religion one has to wonder if perhaps the religion is the problem along with all those Clerics who rather enjoy their sense of power. And any religious leader who calls for beheadings or Jihad Holy War because someone some 4000 miles away drew a nasty cartoon is simply out there anyway?

So lets just ban all human religions and let people worship on their own or get together if they feel so inclined. What if we simply banned all religions in the present period and had them all gone by 2012? Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Ban All Religions, 2012
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Proof That Humans Are Unique

Some want to scientifically prove that humans are unique others believe that the present classification of humans as higher order mammals in the animal kingdom is the scientifically proper place for them. Indeed that does makes sense, but not to many religious followers who believe humans are the work of god and that god created man in his image thus making him divine, unique and inherently special unlike any other creature in the Universe.

Recently this issue came up with a young researcher who is seeking truth and will use scientific method to get there. Further they have stated; What we seem to be looking at on the one hand, is a problem presented from an analytical perspective. A case where quantifiable scientific data is presented as a means to establishing the classification or categorization of groups. On the other hand, we are also trying to quantify various psychological and social characteristics and responses to the same common categorization process.

< p>Well it was not long before at least one member of the online think tank challenged such a project and stated:

Well perhaps, although what scientific data would be of value here? I certainly cannot think of any. You can look at that the anatomy of animals and humans; they are extremely similar. Their brains work in similar fashion and the DNA is rather close too only a couple of percent from Chimpanzees and Humans. And the IQ points are not that far off from Dogs to Pigs or from Chimpanzees to Humans.

In fact Humans have a wider range of IQ than the differences from the Smartest Dog to the most inept Human. Humans seem to reason similar to other animals and use similar tactics to fulfill wants and desires, although human behavior is more complex, they have set up more complex social, cultural and civil societies. And many animals of similar genetics to humans live in large groupings too with rather complex behavior personalities and social networks. Perhaps we might consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Proof That Humans Are Unique
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

What Life Is

It has been said: since there is no true condition described by non-Existence then the universe can only have always existed. The physical universe is described by the word reality: The non-physical universe is described by the word imaginary. The fundamental substance of which the universe consists is described as being matter and its Energy: there is no evidence that these are substantially different. Since the universe has always existed the matter and Energy of the universe has likewise always existed. This fact demands that the naturally occurring relationships existing within and between matter and its Energy have likewise always existed. The relationships existing naturally within and between real physical things are referred to as being the naturally occurring physical phenomenon of reality. Philosophically these relationships are studied by the science of metaphysics.

Real things can relate with one another only in ways allowed by their identities. Some of these relationships have been discovered and others remain yet to be discovered. (1) Some of these relationships don't result in change. (2) Some relationships are of an electro-chemical nature and (3) some of these are self-sustaining (that is they attract the Energy resources from the universe necessary for their electro-chemical relationships to continue). And then (4) some of these relationships retain the by-products produced by its electro-chemical reactions where upon it grows and expands. The first is inert nature; the second includes all chemical reactions; the third includes the electro-magnetic gravitational subsystem that is necessary to identify these electro-chemical reactions as the processes of Life and the last defines what a living-organism is.

The self-sustaining self-generated electro-chemical relationships know of as being the processes-of-Life are a naturally occurring aspect of the universe and therefore; like the universe, have also always exis ted. Life describes a specific kind of naturally occurring eternally existing electro-chemical Energy process taking place within the universe between the fundamental physical substance of the universe know of as: matter (and its Energy). This is often referred to as the Life-processes that are naturally occurring within all biological organisms. Life is innate action and this compels its earthly host to enact specific acts of self-preservation in its Lifes benefit. But within the universe the processes of Life may be described by additional factors.

A. Life describes a self-sustaining Energy process. Life attracts the Energy resources from nature necessary for the continued functioning of its own electro-chemical processes.

B. Life describes an Energy consumption process. Life consumes the Energy resources it has attracted from nature.

C. Life describes a matter conversion process. Life converts the material Energy resources it has consumed from nature int o new substances which are then released back into nature.

D. Life describes a self-generation process. Life grows, expands and replicates itself by causing its host to perform specific acts of self-preservation and reincarnation

Humans have physical and intellectual components that must be in harmony and functioning normally if they are going to continue to survive. Like plants humans sense reality. Unlike plants humans must make judgments about what they are sensing. These judgments must be accurate; they must correspond with what reality is if mans goal is survival and it is. When a human volitionally applies his mind to the task of interrogating reality by applying reasoned logic to it he will discover two fundamentally different things about what the nature of reality is: 1) things live and 2) things don't live.

Things that live possess an additional distinguishing characteristic which things that don't live lack. Humans hold as a fact of nature that this characteristic is the fundamental distinguishing characteristic of the physical universe. Humans comprehend since they are identified as a living-organism they then possess this additional distinguishing characteristic. This additional distinguishing characteristic is of such significance to both the fact of their living Existence and the requirements of their continued Existence that it has been assigned the word Life in-order to gather more information about it.

Since Life does exist as the first observed difference of the physical universe: And since all things of the universe are explained by whatever substance the universe actually consists of: And since; at the fundamental level, the substance of the universe is explained by whatever matter its Energy and their electro-chemical relationships are: Then matter its Energy and their electro-chemical relationships (at some specific point) explain what Life is.

Humans must achieve the values their Life proce sses require or these will cease functioning and its human host will die. This requires that humans think about what value is in-order to discover what their Life processes require for their continued eternal survival. Metaphysically: Life is the fundamental distinguishing characteristic in the real universe. Epistemologically: Value is its intellectual incarnation. Value is the mental integration of what Lifes Existence means to a living-things continued Existence. Life is metaphysical fact; Value is its epistemological fact. The fact that Life exists physically creates the fact that value exists intellectually. Life and value are as one.

Value is a dependent concept. Value is identifiable only by the fact that Life exists. Value is dependent on Life for its proper identification. Life is an end in itself; Life describes what Life is and requires. Life requires itself in-order to continue existing. The requirements of Life are the values necessary for its continued Ex istence. Here since the first requirement of Life is its own continued Existence; then, its-self is its supreme-value. Contrarily: If Life is not the supreme in values this means that it does not serve ones purpose to act for the continued Existence of ones own Life. This being the case the Life processes going on within oneself will fail and one will die.

Life requires that the electro-chemical processes it describes continue functioning. In the universe these are naturally occurring process; they will continue to occur as long as there is matter (and its Energy). However within a living-being its Life processes have become dependent Energy processes. The processes described by Life going on within living-beings are dependent on that beings proper actions. And these are determined by the Energy resources necessary to keep that beings Life processes functioning. This is the principle of causality - The goal determines the actions necessary for its achievement. The iden tity of the actor determines what acts he is able to perform. If an actors identity does not enable him to perform the actions required for the achievement of a particular goal; that goal will remain unachieved by that actor.

Helping other lives to achieve their goal of continued survival is not a necessity in-order for ones own Life to achieve that same goal. The primary goal of Lifes electro-chemical processes is not the survival of other Life processes; it is the survival of its own Life processes. This is not to say that cooperating with another to mutual benefit is wrong. As a matter of fact mutually beneficial acts are good and proper human acts and ought to be undertaken; but only when a mutual benefit actually does exist.

Life is an Absolute. This means that Life is not; it cannot be considered to be, what it is not. Life can only be what it is. Aristotle put it this way: A=A. Meaning that Life is (can only be) true to what its identity is: in-fact. This defines what a true thing is. When we say a thing is true we are saying that it is always what it is in relation to what physical reality is; it is a fact of reality. Statements about what is true about reality are called truths; or true statements about what is real; i.e., about what is factual. These are often referred to as factual statements.

Since Life is Absolute; purpose, meaning and value (when properly defined) are Absolutely true. Since Life is defined as a naturally occurring and eternally existing phenomenon of the physical universe; this says that it is not proper to re-define Life as being or having purpose, meaning or value. It is only proper to say that these exist by the result of the fact that Life does exist. Since your Life exists: purpose, meaning and value result from that fact. Youre Lifes Existence validates that purpose, meaning and value do exist. All that reminds is to properly define these words.

I differentiate a living chemical-organism from a living-being by the word biological. In each case the Life processes occurring within each remain the same. Life is a naturally occurring eternally existing electro-chemical aspect of the physical universe. In the case of a chemical-organism the processes of Life occurring within it are not dependent on the physical characteristics of that living chemical-organism. However in the case of a living-being the Life processes occurring within it are depe ndent upon the physical characteristics of its host.

Again: The means of survival for the Life of chemical-organisms is not dependent on the physical characteristics of the organism. The processes of Life occurring within chemical-organisms directly attract the Energy resources from nature required for the continued functioning its electro-chemical processes. It is required that chemical-organisms possess some type of electro-gravitational system to attract the required natural resources for the continued functioning of its Life processes. These Energy resources are converted by its Life processes into the structure (the body) of the chemical-organism within which they are functioning and upon which the organism grows and expands. The primary example of a living chemical-organism is our own sun.

Biological-organisms are sensual in their nature. The means for the continued survival of the Life processes of biological-beings is dependent on the physical characteris tics of the biological-organism. The Life of a biological-being depends on the proper or moral actions (the virtuous acts) of the organism for the Energy resources required by and for its electro-chemical processes. It is said that a biological-being must seek and acquire the Energy resources from nature its Lifes electro-chemical Energy processes require in-order to continue functioning. The electro-magnetic gravitational system possessed by chemical-organisms has evolved into the Energy-resource sensing system which biological-beings must possess and to which they must respond in-order to supply their Lifes Energy processes with the natural resources it requires from nature to continue functioning

Youre biological-being evolved from the naturally occurring eternally existing electro-chemical relationships of matter and its Energy in the universe which holds the definition of what a living chemical-organism is. In the universe Life's continued Existence is an Absolute; it will always continue to exist. However; within your body Lifes Existence is dependent upon you (its biological host) to act properly with respect to its needs of survival. Meaning you must act properly in-order to supply your Lifes Energy processes with the values necessary for their continued functioning. This fact of survival for the Life which biological-beings possess identifies what proper human action is. Meaning: It is proper for a human being to act to the benefit of the continued functioning of his own Life processes. One either lives in accordance to what their Lifes Energy processes require or they will stop functioning and that one will die.

Living biological-organisms evolved directly from living chemical-organisms which evolved directly from the processes of Life occurring withi n the fundamental substance of the universe defined by matter (and its Energy). Notice: The natural resources required for the continued functioning of Lifes electro-chemical processes remains unaltered wherever it is found (Life is Absolute). The idea of what a living-organism is must necessarily include the phrase as it exists wherever it is found within the entire physical universe if that idea is to be an accurate identification of that which possess Life. However: If this living-organism has evolved into a biological-being in the sense of what we call plants and animals here on earth then we must additionally specify that we are referencing a living-organism as being only those possessing Lifes electro-chemical processes here on earth. For this is the extent of our current knowledge of what biologi cal-beings are.

Visit any graveyard. Every person buried there did previously possess the Energy processes described by Life or they would not be there. Death (the loss of Lifes Energy processes) cannot be discussed absent the Life processes it references. However the definition of Life describes a naturally occurring eternally existing electro-chemical phenomenon of the physical universe. Meaning that Life has always existed in the universe and will always continue to exist; it is not only possible to speak of Life apart from death it is proper to do so.

Now notice this very important fact: All biological-beings eventually die. What then does the concept of proper mean relative to this fact? Since it is a fact that every living-being here on earth will eventually die does this say that biological beings are not (cannot be considered to be) a proper host for Life? Absolutely not! Why not? It is because of the principle of proper action. What does the principle of proper action say? Proper action is any action that results in preserving the electro-chemical processes described by Life. Every living-organism of the universe (which includes human beings) exists still by result of the principle of proper action.

In each instance where a specific type of growing and expanding electro-chemical process exists; these Energy processes are defined as the Life processes of a living-organism. Living chemical-organisms are able to continue to exist simply because they possess some type of a naturally functioning electro-magnetic gravitational system which does attract the Energy resources required for the continued survival of their Lifes electro-chemical Energy processes. Living biological-organisms continue to exist because they possess a natural resource sensing sy stem.

The principles of Proper Action are defined as those actions which result in the continued eternal survival of Lifes Energy processes. And this leads to the identification of the laws of nature. The principles defined as The Laws of Nature are determined by the physical characteristics of Lifes host. Again: The Energy resources required for a living-organisms Energy processes determine which actions are proper for their gain; and the characteristics of its physical nature determines if those actions are natural to it. Proper actions will continue to be defined by Lifes requirements as long as matter and its Energy continue to act in accordance to their identity; and they always will. This says that the laws determining a things natural survival acts are discovered by observing that thing as it exists naturally (and in the case of humans; rationality) in the universe. Each living-organisms physical identity (and again in the case of humans; their rationality) dete rmine the laws of nature governing the continued eternal Existence of the Life it possesses.

In each instance where Lifes processes are occurring within a biological-being this necessitates the identification of additional Laws of Nature if those Life processes are to continue functioning for the remainder of eternity. This means that since biological-hosts do eventually die they must successfully perform some type of Life preserving function prior to their death or; upon their death, their Lifes Energy processes will vanish; forever. Upon their death the chemical by-products previously produced by their Lifes electro-chemical processes will remain but the Life processes which produced them will stop functioning. Therefore it can properly be said that the continued Existence of living biological-organisms does not depend on the continued Existence of the Life processes they possess: Contrarily; the continued eternal Existence of Lifes Energy processes which they posses s depend upon their proper actions for its continued functioning. Therefore the reincarnation of their Life by some type of procreation is an additional required law of nature existing naturally within all biological-beings on this earth and wherever else biological-beings may occur in the entire living universe.

The Life processes of a biological-organism can be saved only when that living organism successfully creates another or an additional biological-organism directly from the living materials of its own body. This is the derivation of the word offspring. Living organisms spring-off (or produce) additional living organisms from their physical living Existence. Human offspring are a direct result of the principle of proper action as it is applied to the requirements for the continued Existence of the Life possessed by human beings. Human beings result naturally from the joining together of a human egg and a human sperm. Sperm and eggs are composed of the matter and Energy of the living being from which they originate; they extend that beings living Existence into the future. Thus the product resulting from the off springing (i.e., the recreation; or the reincarnation) of their Life by human beings is responsible for determining the proper definition of the words: purpose, meaning and value by demonstrating that a continuous living relationship exists between human beings and the naturally occurring eternally existing electro-chemical relationships of the universe which are identified by the word - Life.

Author:: James W. Peterson
Keywords:: Life,Existence,God,Energy,Absolute,
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Marxism and Literary Criticism

In Marxist Criticism Raymond Williams is described as having,

brought to his readings of literature a proletarian background highly unusual in a Marxist critic, few of whom have had any close acquaintance with hard manual labor. [That his thought about the industrial revolution is filtered through his personal sense of what alienation from the countryside might have meant to the poets of the generationWilliams found poetry exhibit homologies with elements in the nonasthetic segments of the superstructure or the relations of production in Base. (Richter, 560)

Williams ability to look at Marxist Theory from the perspective of the working class shapes much of his interpretation of the value of literature and how literary theory is interpreted in Capitalist and Communist societies. In Base and Superstructure in Marxist Cultural Theory Williams compares the value of literature in contemporary USSR and a capitalist state, the Soviet state is much very much sharper in investigating areas where different versions of practice, different meanings and values, are being attempted and expressed. In capitalist practice, if the thing is not making a profit, or if it is not being widely circulated then it can for some time overlooked (Williams 462)

Here, Williams romanticizes the Soviet Unions ability to evaluate and appreciate a work for the value it may have to society as opposed to how much money it can make which is the way he describes the value of literature in a capitalist society.

I can understand why the Soviet way of evaluating literature may seem superior to someone from a working class backgr ound: if youre poor and lack the clout and or education of your wealthier writers than you may not get the backing needed to make your book a financial success but if the monetary value of the book is taken off the table then the book can be evaluated equally with anyone else who may have written a book regardless of class or status.

The problem with this way of thinking however is Williams doesnt take into consideration the USSR or other communists societies penchant for censorship. Books that are deemed dangerous or not fitting communist ideology never have the opportunity to reach the public or be fairly evaluated for its merit or social value. So whether if it is by censorship or lack of profitability literature can find it never reaches its intended audience in either society.

Later in the essay Williams tackles the different ways literary criticism is viewed. Williams is struck at how, nearly all forms of contemporary critical theory are theories of con sumption (Williams, 463) or in other words the theories are concerned with how the reader reacts to a particular work, or what effect does this work have on me? (Williams, 464) instead of focusing on how the work was produced.

Williams suggests that how a work was produced or the components that go into the production of that work, the relationship between the components and the objects itself, is more important than the affect the object has on a reader.

The components/production view works well with Marxists theory because the production aspect of creating a work would be considered the Base and then one could look at how the production of the work plays in the larger society or the superstructure.

Williams ability to look at the work that goes into producing an object is important because i t keeps that work in context with where, how and why it was made. Many times when you take a piece of art out of the context of how it was made its value can be lost or not fully appreciated. Marxist Theory, at least Williams interpretation of that theory, allows one to look at the artistic value of a piece of literature or art in general in a way that consumption theory overlooks.

T.S. Johnson is a freelance writer and owner of Visit for all of your writing needs or to have your music, movie or book reviewed.

Author:: Tamika Johnson
Keywords:: Raymond Williams, Marxism, Superculture, Hegemony, Literary Criticism, Base
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tip s

Humans And Animals Are Much Closer Than We Think

What sets Humans and Animals apart? Not much really? Although many a religious scholar will claim the opposite and cite all sorts of BS and hokum to prove their point; none of which will make a lick of sense from a reality based observational standpoint. And really to tell you the truth; I truly believe Humans are Animals, just better evolved ones for their particular habitat.

In fact I have seen and heard no viable evidence to contradict my observations and findings. I have considered all the arguments of science such as;

(1) Animals do not have empathy. This is incorrect by observation.

(2) I have heard of the concept that Humans can choose not to procreate. We cannot prove that Animals cannot do this and I think it is false, as when there is not enough food, Animals will skip procreation that year often, overcoming their instinctual needs. Not all Animals but many can and do.

(3) Animals cannot lie very well. Fair enough comment, but we know they can deceive and do and Chimpanzees under potential threat of torture have been known to tell lies and also in order to get free ice cream and bananas too. Humans can concoct complex lies or even live entire lives, which are a lie. We do not know if Animals can do this, although we do not know. Animals do understand when we deceive them often for instance pretending to throw a stick, when we dont the dog will look at us like; You jerk, I am not falling for your BS, now throw that stick, come on!

(4) Animals cannot throw things very well. Indeed dexterity in throwing things sets Humans apart a little, but since they can throw some of things, although not very well I hesitate to call this a deciding factor.

(5) Animals have no soul. I disagree, life energy of living species is universal, you can call that a soul if you wish, but still I cannot go for that religious based comment or answer.

(6) Animals do not have spiritual type beliefs. This has also been proven wrong. Studies with Guerillas and Chimpanzees have been known to go to waterfall areas where the light shines at a certain time in a certain way, which gives off a totally unique ambience. They have a concept of Wow, like a shrine, but they only go during a certain time.

Basically Humans can lie, cheat, steal and throw things better than Animals, but in the end Animals can do all those things, but perhaps have decided not to, as it may not be in their best interests or the interests of their social group; herd, troop, school, pac k or flock. You know maybe Animals are a lot smarter than we think. How does it feel to be a lying, cheating, temper tantrum throwing, ignorant human? Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Humans, Animals, much closer we Think
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

With Religion Good People Can Now Do Evil Thing

Recently in a very heavy debated political Blog the personal attacks became overwhelming to the point of wondering what was wrong with these people. The debate took an issue of International Terrorism and turned it into a religious brawl and a literal free for all. In the heat of the conflict a gentleman [Sam posts;

Food for thought... without religion, good people will continue to do good things and bad people will continue to do bad things. With religion....good people can now do evil things!

Sam, I very much appreciate that comment. May I use that saying in the future and where did you come across this quote for the record? The way I see it is that when humans get together in groups that require you to give up your belief system to join, they then in turn replace it with something else. Then in order to build unity in the group they pick an enemy. Then they label their enemy evil, making it okay to kill them?

Kind of an unfortunate and problematic situ ation for humankind, and all religions seem to partake in these destructive ways? And although this is not on topic, I am grateful you bring it up. You see, Sam makes a very good point about the problems with religion in our world and how it is so easy to hate, when religion proclaims an enemy of another culture. Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: With Religion Good People Can Now Do Evil Thing
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Holism & the Gestalt


The notion that the world is a changeless unity at some level can be traced back to Parmenides, although the word in its current form was coined in the early 1920s by Jan Smuts, who defined it as The tendency in nature to form wholes that are greater than the sum of the parts through creative evolution. It is my contention this notion is fundamentally misunderstood at all levels, and that the resulting Holism-Reductionism debate is in fact no more than a trivial non-issue.

I shall begin this essay by providing a high-level view of some principal areas whose outlook is tantamount to Holism. I shall attempt to provide clear examples of the holist position and its supposed reverse, Reductionism.

The second part of this essay will attempt to show how these issues are encapsulated in our understanding of the space around us. In particular, I will examine the notion of abandonment and its place in the development of states and of objects. I will ar gue that through an understanding of the examples provided, we can come to understand how the debate reduces to an analysis of language For the philosopher, as an analyst, is not directly concerned with the physical properties of things. He is concerned only with the way in which we speak about them. (Ayer, 1946)

Thirdly, I shall draw the threads of the essay together in attempting to show that positing any form of meaningful debate between Holism and Reductionism results in a failure of rationality, and that such a position is thus devoid of meaning.

Holism : From Gestalt to Emergence

The early Greek atomism of Leucippus and Democritus was a forerunner of classical physics. According to their view, everything in the universe consists of indivisible, indestructible atoms of various kinds. Change is a rearrangement of these atoms. This kind of thinking was a reaction to the still earlier position of Parmenides, who argued that at some primary level the world is a changeless unity.

In the seventeenth century, at the same time that classical physics gave renewed emphasis to atomism and Reductionism, Spinoza developed a philosophy reminiscent of Parmenides. According to Spinoza, all the differences and apparent divisions we see in the world are really only aspects of an underlying single substance, which he called God or nature. Based on pantheistic religious experience, this emphasis on an underlying unity is reflected in the mystical thinking of most major spiritual traditions. It also reflects developments in modern quantum field theory, which describes all existence as an excitation of the underlying quantum vacuum, as though all existing things were like ripples on a universal pond.

It was not until the 20th century that the term Holism wa s first coined. The South African politician Jan Smuts saw that Creative evolution synthesises from the parts a new entity not only different from them, but quite transcending them. That is the essence of a whole. It is always transcendent to its parts, and its character cannot be inferred from the characters of its parts. (Holism & Evolution, 192x)

Work by the Gestalt theorists Max Wertheimer, Kurt Koffka and others in the early 20th century can be seen quite clearly to belong to the Holist view. It was their position that the classical theories of, amongst others, JS Mill and H von Helmholtz were insufficient in their reduction of the world to atomistic principles. The classical view held that our sensory receptors analyse the energies provided by the world into independent but unnoticeable sensations Mill, for example, defined matter as the permanent possibility of sensation. However many perceptual phenomena seem to defy analysis in terms of such independent or at omistic sensations. A melody sounds the same when transposed to a new key and is thus to perceived as new auditory sensations; objects moving through the field of ones view display physical constancy despite a changing set of physical receptors; etc.

In addition, the classical theory seemed unable to account for what is known as the figure-ground phenomenon the way in which a given outline can be perceived as very different shapes. Rubin (1921) showed that the area considered to be the figure is a definite, bounded space whereas the ground is less well-defined. This ability to recognise shapes given their setting requires that the form be identified in the well-known figure-ground example that represents either a vase or two faces talking, we discard information in the first case that we need in the other. Classical theory, reducing the task to its constituent elements, did not appear to account wholly for shape perception.

This perceived failure is part of w hat drove the Gestalt theorists to claim that form is the most basic element of perception, with properties derived from underlying brain processes configured by a direct response to patterned energies acting on the sensory nervous system. Although this physiological model does not appear to have a great deal of basis in fact, and although the notion of steady-state form-based process models seems inherently flawed in order to perceive any large object, ones vision is directed at a number of different places at a rate of four times a second, providing a rapid superimposition of fragmentary information for the hypothesised brain field there is a lasting impact of the Gestalt school in their laws of organisation.

Many of these laws were proposed: the law of enclosedness, stating that any enclosed region tends to be perceived as figure; the law of good continuation, stating that we perceive the organisation that interrupts the fewest lines; etc. This approach does seem to suggest that there are evolved structures or patterns by which we interpret our sensations a topic which would later receive significant interest with the development of evolutionary psychology as a discipline in the early 90s but suffer from a failure at the predictive level. The relative strengths of such laws are unknown, and potential conflict cannot be resolved.

Another area which has had increasing visibility in recent years has been the field of Emergence. In the study of complex systems one often sees that a collection of interacting systems shows collective behaviour. This is intuitively what we understand by Emerge nce. Johnson (2001) traces the development of Emergence as a field of study back to the development of information theory and the subsequent work by Warren Weaver which divided the world of scientific inquiry into three camps. The first two types of problem two or three variable problems, such as the rotation of planets, and what he called problems of disorganized complexity characterized by millions or billions of variables, had both been fairly well understood. There was, however, a third group of problems which involved a moderate number of variables and which far from needing the statistical approach that problems of disorganized complexity required exhibited instead some essential features of self-organization. He called these problems of organized complexity.

Predominantly, thes e problems display behaviour which comes about not through top-down decision making but through bottom-up accumulative actions. The simplest way to understand these problems is not through the number of variables but through their ability, over iterations, to show behaviour that looks controlled something often seen, for example, in the insect kingdom

There are many cases where emergent properties can be observed. What is most interesting to us here, however, is the level of similarity between Holism and Emergence. For example, Baas & Emmeche (1997) comment that :

As we see it here Emergence is just the same as Hol ism. An emergent structure is a holistic structure. We should emphasize, that from this refined notion of Holism, it does not follow that `the whole' cannot be analyzed, nor that it is always impossible to deduce the properties of the whole from its constituents and the observational mechanisms.

In each of these areas and others, the term Holism is used to discuss wholes whose very existence defies any ordering of the parts making them up; that the meaning of the parts is given if and only if they are combined in the whole. In contrast, the reductionist view is taken to refer to a number of related, contentious theories holding that the nature of complex things can always be reduced to simpler or more fundamental things. This is said of objects, phenomena, explanations, theories, and meanings.

What is clear is that so-called Reductionism, like so-called Holism, can take on many forms. Dennett (1995) coined the term greedy Reductionism to describe reductionist the ories that attempt to explain too much with too little while it may at some level be meaningful for me to describe the behaviour of my car with reference to sub-atomic particle behaviour, I will lose much of the useful context. Reductionist explanations can be conducted at different levels, maintaining this context a hierarchic Reductionism (Dawkins, 1986) which allows that explanation has meaning at a given level, but not at another.

In considering Holism and Reductionism as two diametrically or philosophically opposed positions, I have touched briefly on three areas of a broadly holist disposition and highlighted how Reductionism takes a different approach.

Decline & Fall : zd

The Hungarian town of zd is situated some three hours drive to the north-east of Budapest, on the Slovak border. It is an easy drive for the first two hours; for the final hour it is instead picturesque, taking a winding path up and down a two-lane forest road. The town itself, h owever, is singularly bereft of charm. With forty-two thousand inhabitants, it is the second largest town in Borsod County, and is unusual for its octopus-shaped layout which reaches far into various river valleys.

Germuska (2002) comments that zd is is a typical one plant- one town settlement. Based on the geographical makeup of the area, rich in brown coal and iron-ore, the iron industry is considered to be traditional, with small-scale works having been the norm at the beginning of the 19th century. These were later replaced by larger factorys :

The factory was built from 1846 to 1847 at the joining of the surrounding hills valleys along the Hangony stream. The factory had become the generator of settlement, the organizing power of the urban structure situated in the centre and, as a result of its extensive economic and social activity, which had created and maintained the new settlement zd, the industrial town. Therefore the factory had become the centre of t he little villages situated in the joining valleys. As factory workers lived in these villages, they became a part of the urban structure of zd, too, but keeping their local architectural images. Consequently the centre of the town is not a historical town centre (in Hungary traditionally with a church and a main square) but a factory itself. (Vasczi, 2003)

The entire life of the town was built around this colossal factory, which during the latter part of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century built a large number of residential areas in order to house its workers. The factory site covered 50 hectares together with these residential areas making up a major part of the central area of the town. In addition, the colonies themselves were built along the hierarchical lines of the factory politic; the area named Big America, built for directors and clerks of the factory, was positioned so as to have a direct view over Little America, which was built for th e skilled workers. Other areas were the Untidy Colony for unskilled workers, and Venice which lay alongside a canal. At one point the factory employed 14,000 workers.

The extent to which the factory affected the life of the town is hard to gauge without having been there. In Vasczis 2003 lecture she mentions that the sign language which was used amongst workers in the factory was also used by schoolchildren; that the factory hooter structured the life of the town instead of the more-usual church bell; that the factory built a number of public buildings, which street became the centre of the towns corporate life.

Almost 150 years of development and prosperity followed the building of the factory. There was a deal of regime change in Hungary driven in part by the failure of economic reforms dating from 1968, and the countrys apparent prosperity was maintained from foreign loans which incurred significant debt for the country. The collapse of the economy and the clo sure of the factory meant that Ozd lost 15% of its population between 1980 and 2000 (Germuska, 2002)

From a physical perspective, much of the factory has now been destroyed the so-called chimney cathedral razed, and many buildings left standing empty. Necessary maintenance has not been carried out, leaving what is left in a precarious state of disrepair. Despite the investments of foreign business, a large number of young and educated people left the town in its decline, stripping it of such resources for the immediate future. Unemployment reached nearly 30%. A shopping centre project begun in 1969 remains unfinished, and the effective centre of the town is a short side street predominantly notable for its grim aspect.

There is much that we can understand about abandonment in this story: economic planning that undercut a countrys progress; political instability leading to democracy; a town deserted by its own future. From a philosophical perspective, however, my question is based on how we can begin to understand the reality that is zd; and it is here that questions of Holism & Reductionism come into play. If I stand in the ruins of the factory, to what extent can I understand the establishment and subsequent disbanding of COMECON a period in history critical to understand the cause of the ruins? Or, indeed, the Marshall Plan? Or the history that led to WWII? If I wish to understand the current state of zd, is it necessary for me to understand these things? Each of the moving parts may be known, but the makeup of each of these parts seems to require tougher enquiry.

Perhaps a more important question is how abandonment has affected zd. A visit to the town today reveals it to be without any meaningful centre, with the hulls of former factory buildings visible from almost any point. The former workers settlements, predominantly occupied by unskilled workers and those on the bread line, cry out for immediate attention the shops in these areas are heavily barred. The town has been quite comprehensively abandoned in social and civil terms, which fact gives it an existence defined almost wholly through the degree of abandonment evidenced in the facades and in the visible poverty.

There are infinite levels by which this small city can be understood: as personal spaces, constituting homes and lives; as part of a great socio-economic cycle; as the conjunction of a teeming legion of tinier parts, subatomic particles about which only accurate prediction can be made. The so-called Reductionist perspective seems not to serve me particularly well. An examination of the buildings elements their bricks, the physical elements that make them up would be a hopeless and some might argue meaningless task. On the other hand, surely I can enumerate all of the parts that make up the locations current state, even if in order to do so I must use entities which themselves defy a level of reductionist explanation at some level.

It would be possible to take the most extreme Logical Positivist approach to the question at hand, and while agreeing with a form of Gestaltism, or Holism, simultaneously argue that the perspective is meaningless as philosophers do not speak of the properties of objects but instead express definitions, or the formal consequences of definitions (Ayer, 1946). Similarly, it would be possible to argue that as quantum physics has shown us that entanglement is a very real consequence of the properties of matter, and leads to some non-local effects for which simple causal explanations are not workable, no Reductionism can ever be whole, or complete: as in Gdel-sentences, any formally reductionist system would always contain at least one step which was holist in nature and thus would prove its Achilles heel. However, it seems to me that our problem is not in discussing either the whole, or its parts. Our problem is in the sum.

Let us take the simplest exam ple:


Here, the whole seems very much the sum of its parts. But why? Presumably because there is a value associated with these formal symbols.


And why not? Well, because in addition to the value given by the symbols, the combination thereof also acts according to certain rules in this case, mathematics combined with number theory. Knowing the rules, and recognising the symbols, I can start with 2 and arrive at 1 and 1 so in this case, one might say, the whole is exactly equal to the sum of its parts. That does not mean, however, that I can necessarily, given the number 2, arrive at the sum 1+1. I may arrive at a quite different and infinitely more complex system of operations, all of which adhere rigidly to the same rules and theory. What one means when one says that the whole is the sum of its parts in this case is simple : given the whole, and the sum, it is possible to deduce the properties of the whole from its constituents.

Is there any meaningful difference between this simple case and the case of, say, a non-linear equation whose output is predictable only between certain values? When we know the process for arriving at one from the other, we have the whole story. At what point did something else creep in? For when I say sum, I am speaking of a precise combination, not the vagaries of chance. The whole of a chaotic equations output may be a diagram complete with strange attractor; it becomes useful as an object of study by conjunction of whole and parts, through the controlled sum.

Critics of Reductionism, according to Ayer, point out that few if any complex objects in this world are simply the sum of their parts. It is my contention that a simple error divides the Holists whose focus is naturally on the behaviour of the whole and the Reductionists, whose behaviour is naturally focused on the parts. Without focus on the sum, neither position is complete: once one focuses on the sum, t he differentiation becomes meaningless, trivial.

Looking once again at zd, we can say that the situation is the result of a number of social and political currents and actions, that together created record levels of unemployment and poverty in the town. We can say that the factory buildings, abandoned as they have been, can be understood through reference to their position in that conjunction. This is simple Holism. There is a level, however, in which it is meaningful to talk of the town as a combination of its buildings, a building as a combination of bricks, a brick as a combination of sand, water, and so on. This is a form of hierarchic Reductionism.

If two things, or positions, are effectively the same then we must call them the same to do otherwise, and furthermore to pit one against the other in a trivial contest of wills, constitutes nothing less than a failure of rationality. It is my belief that by dividing explanations into either of these two supposed camps is a mistake that has wasted enough time and should be put behind us.

Conclusion : Abandonment as Elision

In considering the debate concerning the supposedly opposed positions of Holism and Reductionism, I reviewed in some detail two positions forming a base for modern Holism Gestalt Theory and Emergence. I then laid out the story of two locations whose history is not unlike a cabinet of threads. Each location has been abandoned in some way and yet attempts remain today to revive it in Princelet Street, the charity is ready to take any form of financial help, and in zd a level of regeneration is being brought about through efforts to list buildings & gather financial aid.

It is my view that this abandonment is critical in understanding any location, or any complex structure. In a case such as Princelet Street, it is part of the dialectic of the building, one of the parts that make up the sum should the current caretakers fail in their grandiose scheme to turn this dilapidated building into a museum for immigration, the dialectic will continue. In zd, the extremity of its plight has changed the face of the town forever at this stage, it is perhaps one of the important elements or processes by which the town has come to be as it is.

In either case it is by understanding not simply the parts or the whole but the sum thereof that we come to understand the world around us. A division of perspectives into Holist and Reductionist is based not on any basic methodological schism but rather on the elision of the word sum and all that it entails. By placing this term centre-stage, the debate is revealed as nothing more than an error occasioned by a lack of understanding, and should now be closed.


This article was first published at Dispatx Art Collective

Dispatx Art Collective was created in 2004 by Oliver Luker, Vanessa Oniboni and David Stent. We work with collaborating artists to develop ideas and display works related to specific themes.

The website functions as a rigorous concept-space for the exploration of these ideas and is used both for the exhibition of completed works and as a focus for the exploration and advancement of collective projects.

Issue 04 : [english [castellano

Author:: Stephen Levy
Keywords:: Gestalt,Reductionism,Holism,Emergence
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Why Does Leibniz Reject Empiricism?

Why does Leibniz reject empiricism? Even do that Leibniz was not only a mathematician, physicist, a public figure and a philosopher, he is mostly known as the founder and developer of Different and Integration Calculus on the hand with Isaac Newton.

But his achievements and merits in other sciences and basically in philosophy are of the same importance as in mathematics.

He was a bright representative of rationalism: a philosophical outlook that stated that the only objective sources of knowledge are humans reason and intelligible thinking of a man.

Leibniz supported the ideas of positive idealism and its well reflected in his teaching about monads. His teaching about monads is well described and answers the questions of time organization of microspace, which is considered to be humans inner world, and time organization of external world, the Universe and space. The conception of monads has been used before Leibniz in the works of other philosophers both of modern time and ancient Greece. But in Leibnizs philosophy are the fundamental concepts of his system of outlook. Monads are characterized by Leibniz as bodyless, true atoms of nature, and elements of objects. He attributes both positive and negative properties to monads. Negative properties are: indivisableness, immaterailmess, undestraction, uniqueness; positive properties are determined by: self development, activity characterized by perception and aspiration. Monads are also divided by the level of development into: primitive, monads-souls and monads spirits. The teaching about unconscious perceptions, small perceptions is used by Leibniz to explain the continuity of mental activity and the whole system of process taking place in our world. Because of this correlation any monad from Leibniz point of view is a constant living mirror of the Universe, has its own ability of perception and notion. In his work Discourse on Metaphysics Leibniz states that every substance is like the whole world and is reflection of God or the whole Universe, but expressed in different ways in the depending upon its location. Leibniz calls a monad living mirror and states that if people had a very penetrative mind they could see everything that took place in the universe, everything that will take place and the whole history of the Universe.

The most highly developed and complex monads were called spirits by Leibniz. The ability to cognize the concepts of the universe make these kinds of monads spirits. In difference to other living beings only a human has a potentially reasonable soul and ability to cognize world by reason, not just by feelings as its spread among other living beings in nature. But in order to realize this highest opportunity for him to become reasonable, a person has to achieve the definite clearance of his concepts, and basically understand their reasons. The spiritual life is based only in the process of cognition of eternal truths, m aking it more clear, in the laws that in the basis of the Universe created by God, thats the main difference of spiritual life from simple mental activity of animals.

According to Leibniz, the spirit is the source of all human in human body, because only spirit is able to self cognition, or to the understanding of the variety of things and truths that dont have material nature. It makes people able to sciences and logical knowledge. Thanks to reason, a man is not just an alive and personalized mirror of the universum, but also the image of God himself. Reasonable person even though is a Gods creation, but has a creative ability to make great masterpieces of art and discover truths, that reflect the system of our world.

One of the main points in Leibniz doctrine was the explanation of nature of relations between monads and united with them proof of Gods existence. Because monads are simple substances, none of them can not be considered to be the reason of changes of another one. The acceptation of any kind of reason of connection between simple lives, souls and spirits would destroy their substantiality. The only way is left to save these relations its harmony or total coordination of changes taking place in monads. Even though that all monads are very different they anyway reflect the only object-the Universe. In this way Leibniz explains the unity of their matter, that provides coordination for all the changes in the Universe.

Explaining the meaning of time conception, Leibniz uses the term phenomenon. He explains that space and time are not realities that exist by their own, but that they are phenomena that come out form the existence of other realities. By Leibniz, space is considered to be an order of body locations, and space is that by the means of what those objects existing get their own location; in the same way time is also an order, relating to the same order of objects. Leibniz also adds that if there were living b eings, space and time would exist only in the ideas of God.

To the Locks argument and statement in favor of empiricism: there is nothing in the intellect that doesnt refer to feeling, Leibniz added but intellect only. In the questions of cognition he tried to overcome the deficiencies of both empiricism and rationalism. But adopting the Locks thesis about sensualism he agreed with the existence of innate abilities to reasoning, rejecting Decartess statement about existence of innate ideas. By his idea this innate ideas were consisted in reasoning, as pieces of alien stone in a block of marble, which can be used by a sculptor to create a monument. Leibniz rejected Locks concept of tabula rasa as well, stating that sensual experience and experiment can not be the universal source of knowledge, but he stated that this source is only reason, that the soul contains the initial concepts and statutes that can be stimulated and developed by external objects only. Sensual cog nition, by Leibniz, is the primitive and the lowest kind of cognition, as a kind of rational cognition premise, because feelings are not able to explain the importance and universal need of truth cognition. Only rational cognition has the abilities to give the explanation of need and importance of seeking for truth. The example that Leibniz gives with a block of marble, is a comparison to his description of cognition process. According to Locke our experiences and feelings give us idea about the nature of reality, but its also often impossible to check our knowledge got from the experience with what reality definitely is. By Leibniz its impossible to check this experience.

He explained his views on empiricism by these words: For if some events can be foreseen before we have made any trial of them, it is manifest that we contribute to them something of our own. The senses, although they are necessary for all our actual acquiring of knowledge, are by no means sufficient to give us the whole of our knowledge, since the senses never give anything but instances, that is to say particular or individual truths. Now all the instances which confirm a general truth, however numerous they may be, are not sufficient to establish the universal necessity of this same truth; for it does not at all follow that what has happened will happen in the same way.

Leibniz developed the teaching about two types of truth: true facts, and important truth. Truths of facts are such truths that are resulted in the process of sensual and empicitic cognition. They deal only with counted and definite things, based on the experiment and that are not able to be proved by the means of logical conclusions, and that why they dont exclude the possibility of inverse truth existence. In this case only the connection of reasons takes place that unites one phenomenon with another. For such kind of trues exist the law of sufficient reason, by the means of what we make a concl usion about the existence of one fact from the existence of another one. Metaphysical or (eternal) truths are discovered just but the power of our mind and reasoning, their acceptation doesnt require the experiments confirmation. Their truth is stated by the existence of concept, that doesnt contradict them. Leibniz includes all the basic laws of mathematics and logic to the trues of reason. Looking on this problem as Leibniz did, from rational point of view we can see that experience is always just a set of different kinds of instances. So the knowledge we get from experience and experiment can be seen in the most cases as knowledge of particular instances. But as its well known the universal truths dont follow from their instances, but exist by their own. Making a logical conclusion its obvious that experiment and experience can not be able to justify universal truths. His passion and success in mathematics and logic by his words prove that the surrounding world can be ex amined and explained through logic and reasoning objectively, as he stated:

Whence it seems that necessary truths, such as we find in pure mathematics and especially in arithmetic and geometry, must have principles whose proof does not depend upon instances nor, consequently, upon the witnesses of the senses, although without the senses it would never have come into our heads to think of them. . . . Logic also, along with metaphysics and ethics, of which the one forms natural theology and the other natural jurisprudence, are full of such truths; and consequently their demonstration can come only from the inner principles which are called innate.

Leibniz had done al lot for the development of logic, which he considered to be the science about all existing worlds. He also gave an important role to the concept of probability. His influence on the development of math logic, combinatorics, and math analysis is great. His ideal was the creation of universal language (c alculation) that would have the ability to formalize all reasoning. Also Leibniz played an important role in the development of the concept of necessity. He defined necessity, as something that is obligatory. The first necessity was metaphysical, absolute as well as logical and geometrical necessity. It was based on the laws of identity and contradictions, and thats why allows the unique possibility of event. Leibniz opposed contingent matters of facts to necessity, considering the last one an objective connection between all the events that been taking place in the Universe. But as he argued the necessary truths are not the results or outcomes of the f contingent truths, so its not possible to justify and explain necessary trues by the experiment and feelings.

Leibniz ideas of predestination belief are expressed in his work Discourse on metaphysics: we maintain that everything that is to happen to some person is already contained virtually in his nature or notion, as properties of a circle are contained in its definition, show that by his words God playing the essential role in managing the destinies of the people. From this position Leibniz is supporting the ideas of metaphysics and predestination. If everything that has to happen is already planned then the discoveries that a human makes in the result of his mental and psychological activities are the results of his realization of what has to happen to himself that lie in the bottom of his consciousness. Because the will of every person is foreseen, Leibniz shows that there is no way to a person to get objective understanding of the reality because human freedom will no longer hold, and that an absolute fatality would rule over all our actions as well as over all the rest of what happens in the world. By Leibniz, human nature is full of qualities that are given as initial and they ca not be taught or learnt from the experience. These are feelings, basic instincts and abilities that a re given with birth and basically are not expressed by a child, but once stimulated they appear to take place. A person can not be taught happiness, or sorrow, what is virtue or evil. These concepts contain in persons mind, as well as fear to be punished for something wrong and belief in supper powers. A person doesnt have a lot of abilities to correctly and definitely answer the question about right and wrong things using his only five senses. Because of this contradictions in the way of experiencing basic concepts, Leibniz also questions empiricists ethical theory. There is not that much sense in explanation of empiricist that moral and virtues can be cognized by emotions.

Leibniz also argues the control concept that is common among empiricists. By their concept humans are easily controlled and manipulated by someone more influential. But this concept is not that claer in this way: if people develop mentally only from their experiences, then they would be able to per form everything they were told or taught. But we know its not always true, moreover it happens to the most part in rare cases. Leibniz and other rationalists characterized it by core, innate qualities given with the birth of a person, like a freedom of will, self cognition and ability to decide what is more appropriate and suitable for him in the particular case.

The conception of God or a supper power can not be experienced, or checked, so Gods existence can not be proved empirically. These qualities give a lot of choices for a human to act in future, to make decisions and choose the ways of his own life. But basically we can see that the behavior of a person is already planned by giving him such qualities from the birth, and his future life depends just on his choices to develop those qualities given innate to him. According to Leibniz the faith into God that a lot of people have, can no be expressed by senses, its the feeling of supreme authority over ones heart.

In general the rational philosophy was developed by those thinkers, who thought form inside the object, and basically all of them were natural scientists. Empiricism is basically supported by those, who thinking about science, cognition; think about it being out of the object of natural science. Thats why lumen naturale rationes, is obvious for rationalists, its probably even can not be proved, and it can not be doubt: cogito, ergo sum, - a rationalist lives in this world and sensualists are not able to understand what their opponents are talking about. By the opinion of rationalists, empiricism has a basic weak point: it hardly thinks about the object, but is not able to start thinking by object, from inner side, not from the surface. Because of this empiricism is more likely to turn in to materialism through its sensualism.

Aaron is a professional freelance writer at custom essays writing service: Research papers & custom essays Now he is a technical writer, adve rtising copywriter, & website copywriter for Custom Essay Network.

Author:: Aaron Schwartz
Keywords:: Why does Leibniz reject empiricism?
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PhonyBaloney Detection Lesson #2

Appeals to Authority

Listen to this quote by a guy I am sure some of you have heard of:

Our society is dominated by experts, few more influential than psychiatrists. This influence does not derive, however, from our superior ethics or goodness or from any widespread consensus that we are especially admirable[1

Don't you just love that?

He goes on to say, that Americans have become a people too dependent on so-called experts who for better or for worse, exert an influence that far exceeds the actual wisdom (I might add here humility and grace) we demonstrate.[2

Now, listen to this person's credentials:

Dr. Satinover is a former National Merit Scholar (W. H. Taft HS, 1965, Woodland Hills, CA) and holds degrees from M.I.T. (S.B.), Harvard (Ed.M.) the University of Texas (M.D.) and Yale (M.S.) He completed psychoanalytic training at the C. G. Jung Institute of Zrich. He is a former fellow (resident) in psychiatry and child psychiatry at Yale where he was twice awarded the department of psychiatrys Seymour Lustman Residency Research Prize (2nd place). He was the 1975 William James Lecturer at Harvard. He was until recently a graduate student and teaching fellow in the department of physics at Yale University as part of the Condensed Matter Theory Group where he received a master's degree in physics in 2003.[3

The last I heard he decided to pick up a Ph.D. in Physics.

Phony-Baloney Detection Rule #2 is this:

Nothing is true because some guy or gal with more degrees behind his or her name than the weather says it is.

Let's say that you have a cause. There is an issue that hundreds if not thousands have embraced. Within that cause, which has now become a movement, those who have embraced this cause or issue have gathered their experts who come to the conventions they hold where these experts tell these crusaders all they want to hear.

These experts line up at the stage entrance with tr uckloads of evidence. They have manuals, books, graphs, charts, movies, and slideshows, of statistics that will be presented as indisputable evidence the position or ideology of the new movement is correct. The result?

Our cause is right and just, cries the members of the new movement, just look at all the new facts I can now throw in the face of the world.

Nothing is true not even if a million so-called experts say it is true!

This is a huge problem in American society today. We are a people who blindly trust so-called experts (who may not even be experts at all) who self-proclaim themselves as authorities and who gladly accept their self-proclamation and the following it has earned them.

What is even scarier is that some of these so-called experts come to believe, in a kind of self-delusion, they are the authorities their followers regard them to be. These experts begin to believe they must be right just because they said something was so.

Wha t if, when you wake tomorrow, there are suddenly a gazillion experts with academic credentials too long to possibly list, who are now saying the sun not only does not rise in the East and sets in the Westit never has!

Would that make it so? Would the fact that these experts, some of whom would believe themselves to be world-renowned authorities, deluge you with so many facts that your head explodes, make their position on this issue any more right?

It would not!

In the emotions and blustering of any cause or issue, humans have the almost innate desire to be dogmatic, and in their dogmatism, forget how to cut through the bull to learn what is right and what is not.

It is the test of experiment which cuts through the cock and bull of anyone, self-deluded or not, who makes a claim that something is trueNO MATTER HOW MUCH INDISPUTABLE EVIDENCE that is thrown into your lap.

Anyone, no matter how beloved, no matter how many books he has written, no ma tter how many conventions he has been the keynote speaker at presenting his truckloads of proof, must have someone, somewhere hold his feet to the fire of the test of experimentation in the form of the following process:

1) Observation, 2) hypothesis, 3) prediction, 4) testing, and the attempt to 5) reproduce steps 3 and 4 used to form a theory (the last step of the scientific method).

Without the test of experimentation, without an objective third party (peer review) being able to reproduce the so-called expert's proof then all the expert is presenting to you in his truckloads of statistical proof is SPECULATION!

It is not proof. It is nothing more, nothing less, than SPECULATION!

No matter the credentials, no matter the reputation, no matter how much the much-loved guru of your movement quotes as proof, without the test of experimentation, you have no tool to discern whether what he is telling you is the truth or not.

Those who spew facts, fig ures, and stats, would not too often go wrong if CONCLUSIVE scientific testing was always possible. Unfortunately, it is not. In situations where limited testing can be done and even when the test results conflict, it is the ethical responsibility of the presenter of the facts in any issue to say so!

It is then, when the so-called experts who at least attempted to employ the test of experimentation, have to say,

This is inconclusive but it would appear from what we presently know that .

Even the experts have biases. Some of those will spew as facts what is instead speculative biases (and they know the difference) and not tell you so. From the dishonest to the sincerely deluded experts, some spew what is mere speculation under the disguise of indisputable evidence. That is the difference between politics and truth.

As a columnist who is supposed to be trained to keep a story at 650-words, I am committing a sacrilegethis one is over a 1000. May my edito r' forgive me!

If an expert is spewing a string of facts and stats, and is not citing the tests of experimentation from which these stats were derived, then that is how you know you are being fed SPECULATION (cock and bull?)!

What cuts through it allTHE TEST OF EXPERIMENTATION!

The next Phony-Baloney Detection lesson #3 is Straw Man Argument.

[1 Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth; Jeffrey Satinover, M.D.; Baker Books; page 31
[2 Ibid

Doug Bower is a freelance writer, Syndicated Columnist, and book author. His most recent writing credits include The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The Houston Chronicle, The Philadelphia Inquirer, and Transitions Abroad. He is a columnist with and the Magic City Morning Star, and more than 21 additional online magazines. He lives with his wife in Guanajuato, Mexico. His newest books, Mexican Living: Blogging it from a Third World Country and The Plain Truth about Living in Mexico can be seen at:

Author:: Douglas Bower
Keywords:: minuteman project, Vigilante,Mexico,Immigrants,migrant workers,Wetbacks,mexican immigratio
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