Saturday, December 1, 2012

Rule Makers and the Weak Minded Followers Who Cheer Them On

Have you ever joined a club or group only to watch the entire group start making more and more rules until it stagnates and becomes in effective? Boy I sure have and you need not look any further than the Free Enterprise System in the United States of America, as each rule puts more people out of work.

Now then what about the groups you belong too? Are you an online article writer? Ever thought of becoming one? Well, in online article writing there are online article submission sites, which attempt to keep the quality up. One recently announced that it had a policy of not allowing miss spelled words in the titles of Articles submitted. Sound good right; well, not so fast, as what if there are words like; Illegals, Franchisors or Behaviour [English Spelling and the spell check shows them to be mi ss spelled? Whoops, now you see the problem? Nevertheless on online article website is going ahead with this new rule and everyone seems to be agreeing with this without thinking this rule through; personally; I think you people are all insane and your BS about quality is an excuse for the beehive world you wish to create.

This is the same problem in Washington DC with regulators making rules based on how they think the world should do business rather than realizing how the world really works. Your miss spellings and stupid rules are pathetic, linear thinking and very ignorant really. I think you are all jumping on the bandwagon wanting to agree with owner of the website and think these authors better be careful that they do not get what you wish for. Be smart stop making rules in the middle of the chess game. What are all you folks suddenly a bunch of lawyers now? Consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Rule Makers, Weak Minded Followers, Who Cheer Them On
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Philosophical Arguments Against Illegal Immigration

In the United States of America we live in a society, which is caring and loving of all people. Most Americans do not want to exploit illegal aliens in some sort of slave labor. At the same time we realize that we cannot afford to take all the poor people of the world into our civilization and feed them.

There are hundreds of millions of poor people in Africa, South America, India, China and the rest of Asia in the United States has big and as economically strong as we are, we just can't take everyone. Over 3.5 Billion People live on less than a dollar a day. Currently there are 24 million illegal aliens United States and 60 percent of those came from Mexico and we need to be very careful not to take too many more or we jeopardize all that we have built in this great country of ours.

Below is excerpt all that article that I wrote back in 1999 discussing this very issue and the information in this paragraph is still warranted and must be considered. We must d o what's right for the American people and also consider the illegal aliens in their plight as they flee from Mexico's corrupt government for a better life;

Right now it may appear good to employers because wages are kept low, yet if the middle class disappears then there will be no one to sell too. Then what? Remember we do not make anything, we do not use our own resources, and we are giving away our technology to Nations who have yet to go where we have been. Can we afford to do that? I do not want to have a civil conflict with my neighbor who came here for a better life to feed his family. I do not want talk two different languages to people on the streets. I do not want to catch a disease that was suppose to be gone 40 years ago. I do not want to lose the middle class who buys my services and who will own our franchises in order to move to the next class.

All Americans must wise up and consider the reality of a situation. It is okay to be of a libera l mindset, but the same time we must face reality if we are to move the United States of America forward to the utopia that we all seek and for the forward progression of our nation and the future of our children and their children. Please consider this in 2006 on a more realistic basis.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Philosophical Arguments, Against Illegal Immigration
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Buddhism is not Socialism

The information has reached its control age, but religions crucial roles in the field of humanity are still prevailing. And to a more surprising fact, to me, the world is on a fringe of ideological conflicts or differences.

Reading a lot of philosophy and history materials, I have found that Buddhism has been accused of being socialism initiative. The purpose of this article is to argue against this opinion and to reveal the world the true value of Buddhism and this value is never socialism.

Buddhism teaches the truth to the worlds people. Those truths are the eight-fold path, the four noble truths, the nothingness of materialism and the everything-ness of thought, the benefits of hard works, aptitudes of the unique and true persons, the eternal flow of changes in human society and other philosophies that one hundred percent of todays people cannot accomplish.

Buddha has been accused of socialism initiator, because of the truth he revealed to the world. S o does it mean saying the truth is socialism-initiative? If so, would there be university level education? International Court of Justice, United Nations whose philosophies are to reveal the truth to the world?

A lot of people have said that what Buddhas thought is beyond human capacity. That is right! If just anyone can accomplish what he did, would he be called the Buddha, the most influential humanity philosopher in East Asia? What he did must be beyond human capacity, before he is called the worlds philosopher model.

Socialism, Because Buddhism takes away the material needs? Buddha says that materialism is nothing; just the root of conflict. I accept this is true, but I cannot do it, because I am selfish and evil human. Well, human is evil, because of material aspiration, and if anyone can do as what Buddha states, should he/she be called human?

What the Buddha says is too much and absolutely unacceptable to all of us, but one man can accomplish this, a nd this man was the Buddha. So since all of us are evil and materialistically ambitious, we accuse the Buddha of socialism-initiator, Buddha is now the victim of circumstance. One man who could do the impossibility is the victim of the entire world in the 21st century.

Does democracy just mean, what the majority says or dies is right and the only one person who walks on a very different path is wrong. I leave this question to you.

Lay Vicheka is a translator for the most celebrated translation agency in the Kingdom of Cambodia, Pyramid. He is working as freelance writer for Search Newspaper, focusing on social issues and students' issues. Lay Vicheka has great experience in law and politics, as he used to be legal and English-language assistant to a member of parliament, migration experience (home-based business) and experience in writing. You are stronly advised to contact him for any doubts or wonder about Cambodian politics and even the world's phenomenon. Pos ting address: 221H Street 93, Tuol Sangke quarter, Russey Keo district, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: 855 11 268 445,

Author:: Vicheka Lay
Keywords:: Buddhism philosophy
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Slavers Claim To be Slaves Taxation

The United States of America was planned by elite members of secret societies. One of those elites was Francis Bacon whose utopian book actually used what was being done in Peru as a model. Indeed you will have to read a lot more books to know that these elites were involved in the Americas since before the time of Moses but suffice it to say we have forensic analysis or Peruvian cocaine in Egyptian mummies and genetics to go along with data galore from all disciplines of science. The US Founding document has a pre-cursor Constitution from over a century earlier in the Iroquois Confederation. There were Masons with traders in America who had been here before Columbus and there was an elite group of Indians who belonged to one of their offshoots called The Mediwiwin Society. Haplogroup X genetics shows us that the Sioux are white and the Sioux are related to the Iroquois and at one time they both were the Megwi and before that they were Hopewell, Adena and Poverty Point Pho enician traders back to the time of Stonehenge if not before.

John Dickinson of Pennsylvania claimed in the wake of the Stamp Act of the 1760s, that Those who are taxed without their own consent, expressed by themselves or their representatives, are slaves. Because England had taxed the American colonies without their consent, Dickinson continued, We are therefore-SLAVES. The argument that Britain sought to make Americans slaves in the mid-eighteenth century was a gross exaggeration, but Americans used the term metaphorically to impress Britain with the seriousness of their opposition to the loss of liberty. Dickinsons words carried a great irony when he wrote them in 1768, because he was the largest slaveholder in Philadelphia at the time, and his slaves were bound by chains much stronger than metaphors. (1)

Britain had legislated an end to Slavery or effectively had started the ball rolling to this end through Lord Mansfields court decision. The nobles of America who were often Royals from their native country where their families still held power, are obviously not to be trusted when they say they are slaves for any reason whatsoever. The Louisiana Purchase and the setting of the 49th Parallel as the northern border of the US are important pieces in the establishment of the country that now heads the New World Order but which is a mere continuation of the Romano-Bruttii plot to increase their control or Empire.

So many people who you may regard as heroes are not very heroic at all. I have had to face this issue in regards to many of my family or ancestry. It is not all that different today than it was when Andrew Jackson promised blacks their freedom and they fought alongside his men in the Battle of New Orleans. He then called James Roberts (a black ma n who fought valiantly) presumptuous for reminding him of his promise. People need a real lesson in ethics if there is to be any actual change or Peace and Harmony on earth.

Author of Diverse Druids
Columnist for The ES Press Magazine
Guest 'expert' at

Author:: Robert Baird
Keywords:: Lord Mansfield, Synarchy, Slavery
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Is There Intelligent Life on Earth Other Than Humans?

Many believe that humans are divine as the religious teachings have purported for thousands of years and claim to this day. Yet, are we any different than our fellow animal species in the categories of higher order mammals? Well many believe we are, as we have language, emotions, thought and we can problem solve and reason. Yes, but many animals can do that too? When pressed researchers and scientists cannot seem to figure out a single thing that makes humans unique or give reason to classify them in a separate category than the animal kingdom. Are you still unconvinced you egocentric human?

Humans are not the only species with personality, reasoned thought, ability to feel and express emotions such as Joy, despair, empathy. It is a blurred line between what we consider animal and human says Jane Goodall.

In fact studies have shown Dolphins to create phrases and even re-arrange sentences and we are almost certain based on the sounds that identify objects and ac tions. Such as fish red ball Orange ball and Swim fast no go back and phrases like human with fish trainer with toy. They re-arrange sentences with verbs and nouns in certain order and certain sounds coming first, they have their own language, we humans are just to stupid to figure it out.

And in our egocentric ways few of us will admit that they are intelligent beings just like us. Maybe even smarter and certainly more adapted for their environment and more evolved than we are. The US Navy knows this and DARPA is learning that sharks are not only well evolved with some minimum of 450 million years of evolution, but very smart too; squids also and probably Penguins and of course all the sea lions, seals, whales, etc. too

You want to talk about birds like the African Grays, Parrots, vultures, Falcons, pigeons, black birds, hawks, etc., as there are entire books on the subject. And let us not forget the wolves, foxes and such either. How about ground dwellers, we c all them varmints, critters and such, but they have culture, language, and intelligence and are very well adapted too. It is not just our closest DNA animals like Chimpanzees. You should consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Intelligent Life, Earth, Other Than Humans
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips