Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Our Minds are Within Time

Very recently a think tanker intellectual in a major online think tank forum suggested that our minds are trapped in time (within time). And that the Cosmos are infinite and that there was no way for the human mind to grasp such a concept being stuck in linear time. Interesting comments indeed and the heated debate and major controversy going on now on the online think tank has mushroomed into a borderline argument amongst intellectuals from all over the spectrum.

It all started when the protagonist of the argument stated; Our mind is within time. To know infinity, you must go beyond the human mind and time! And that is the problem with our scientists. They are functioning within time. They have never gone beyond their mind and time.

Indeed this is an interesting way to look at things however one should not have a problem with this line of reasoning. He further stated in later arguments that all the top scientists were stupid and unenlightened and had shallow f inite minds as well. Never the less I wonder if any of them would have had a problem with this basic logic.

Do you have a problem with the human mind being trapped in time? I dont at all, however to lump all scientists in with such a notion is unwise as it to label all into a finite category, which is hypocritical of your reasoning, although I realize you do this to make a point.

Now then I would say to you that scientists compute their formulas in math in linear time to remove the unknown barriers and variables. So, you could say they are doing this to arrive at a conclusion and answer a question or make a point, similar to what you have done in your statement of hypocrisy. Without taking logic to the level of the devil, or legalez attorney or political style rhetoric you can see that point as well and I accept you conceding that point to me in advance.

Well you can certainly see how this heated debate had expanded like the Universe in the online think tan k forum, cant you? Have you ever contemplated such thought? Would you like to? We would like to hear from you if so. Think on this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Our Minds are Within Time
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

District Attorneys Must Never Be Allowed to Hold Higher Political Offices

All too often district attorneys file cases and pursue cases or dismiss other cases based on political motivations as they wish to seek higher office for instance the Duke Rape Case. This is criminal and this is an abuse of power by district attorneys.

We must give lie detector tests to district attorney's every year and we need to make sure that they are following the rules. Additionally to prevent human nature from taking a hold of these politically motivated ambitious young district attorney's we must not allow them to ever hold office once they the district attorneys office.

But they should be allowed to work in the sewer district or sanitation district of any large city or filthy area. If they truly believe in their job and they are not just doing it to get to a political higher office then they should be quite happy to work in the sewer departments and sanitation districts because they care about cleaning up our civilization from crime and debris.

District attorneys must never be allowed to hold a higher office and they should know that those are the rules before they are put into that position. That is fair for all concerned and if they are not interested in seeking a higher political office then they should be allowed to become district attorney.

If they are interested in seeking a higher political office that is great but you cannot ever be a district attorney. As long as they do this advance it is fair for all concerned and it is right thing to do to maintain truth, justice and the American way. Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: District Attorneys, Never Be Allowed, Hold Higher Political Offices
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips


This is a philosophical view that is supported by significant scientific inquiry. This analysis tracks the Evolution of biological Life here on earth in four interdependent discussions. It must be understood that the Evolution of biological Life has necessarily been a continuous unbroken process but that here I am treating this as if it can be discussed in four separate discussions - each being dependent upon the context of the others. The first discussion is on Existence (not to be confused with the false idea of beginning). The second is on atomic activity. The third discussion is on nuclear activity and finally the fourth is on biological Life. Physical evidence supporting each of these discussions is available to normal Human sensual perception and therefore does not involve nor does it require that one possess a full scientific or philosophic background.


Both philosophically and scientifically it can be said that Life exists at the fundamental l evel of physical Existence. Life is described as being a very specific naturally occurring eternally existing energy process taking place within and between the fundamental substance of the physical Universe referred to singularly as: matter (and its energy). A full scientific identification of these self-sustaining self-generated energy properties occurring at and within the fundamental physical substance of the Universe remains to be developed. However some scientific inquiry is beginning to offer various versions of string Theory in an attempt to identify what matter (and its energy) may consist of. Whatever its True nature, the various energy relationships that are naturally occurring at the fundamental level of physical Existence must adhere to the law of identity. That is: A thing can and will act onl y in those ways allowed by its physical identity. If the Evolution of biological Life here on earth is to be properly described by science the law of identity must be the guide to it.

Aristotle is credited with formulating the word relationship: Existence exists; and indeed it does. Existence identifies and explains everything that exists. Everything and all things exist because the fundamental physical substance of the Universe exists. The Existence of the fundamental physical substance is known by the result of its effect on Human sense organs. It is this fundamental substance that is referred to with the generalized phrase: physical Existence. Matter (and its energy); the philosophic version of the fundamental substance of the Universe, is responsible for the Existence of everything and all things that do physically exist. Additionally: Matter (and its energy) is responsible for all relationships occurring within, between and among everything and all things that do physically exist.

The physical Existence of the Universe is directly dependent upon (the Universe does consist of) earth and sun type physical structures. The Existence of earth and sun structures is directly dependent upon (they do consist of) various atomic elements. The Existence of all atomic elements is directly dependent upon (they do consist of) the fundamental physical substance of the Universe: matter (and its energy). This argument says that all things consist of the fundamental physical of matter the Universe (and its energy). It further says that all actions of and all relationships occurring within or between all things and everything of the physical Universe is dependent on the True identity of this fundamental substance.

Scientifically - the fundamental substance of the Universe will be whatever science determines is actually at the fundamental level of physical Existence. Philosophically - Matter (and its energy) is simply a term that represents w hatever science discovers is actually at the fundamental level of physical Existence. The philosophic term represents what is True. The scientific term identifies what is real. The fundamental physical substance of the Universe (matter and its energy) is the base of each.


Science has show that the earths crust consists of different types of elemental or atomic structures existing either singularly or in combination with other elements. The actual physical Existence of atomic structures which make up the materials of the earths crust was unknown until scientific inquiry was able to be conducted using advanced instrumentation enabling magnified observation of the internal structure of those materials.

Science has discovered that several types of atomic structures possess a low level of residual or ambient energy. As a result these atomic structures are classified as being inert. Meaning that under normal conditions they do not react with oth er atomic elements. Examples of inert atomic elements are: Helium (He), Argon (Ar) and Neon (Ne).

Science has also discovered that some atomic structures are unable to exist independently when in close proximity with other atomic elements because they possess a higher level of residual or ambient energy. Under normal conditions these atomic structures readily combine with these other elements and thereby form new compounds within which they do exist in a more stable lower energy state. Examples of these elemental compounds are: water (H20), carbon dioxide (CO2), rust (FeO2) and salt (NaCl).

These scientific observations imply that the fundamental physical substance of the Universe; from which all atomic structures evolve, exists in a very complex physical and/or electrical energy state and that this explains why the atomic elements which evolve from it exist in several different states of physical and electrical complexity. All atomic structures discovered to dat e and those being discovered are added to a cataloging system called the Periodic Table of Elements. Atoms are cataloged according to an identification system that relates the physical and electrical structure of their nucleus to the physical and electrical structure of their electrons.


The nuclear structures of atoms possess the highest (the most unstable) residual or ambient energy. These highly active structures exhibit a self-sustaining and self-generated energy property. Nuclear energy is evidenced by observing the various suns; nuclear activity is responsible for how suns continuously attract high energy atomic elements from the environment. Additionally: These nuclear reactions consume the excess energy of these atomic structures while simultaneously converting them into more stable lower energy atomic elements and compounds. Under ideal conditions these newly formed elements and compounds are released back into the environment. Note this important factor: By releasing the newly created elements and compounds back into the environment high energy suns avoid becoming rigid inert masses. Suns seem to exist in a gaseous high energy nuclear state throughout their mass.

To attract a continuous supply of base elements as natural resources for their consumption requirements these sun based nuclear reactions internally generate an electro-magnetic gravitational force. This says that suns possess; by virtue of their specific kind of internal energy activity, the ability to electronically attract or magnetically pull necessary high energy atomic structures from the environment as fuel for their nuclear reactions. As a result; these sun based nuclear processes are able to continue functioning indefinitely. These highly specialized nuclear processes grow in mass as more base elements are drawn to it - thus explaining the enormous size of our own sun.

Since the nuclear processes of a sun are derived directly from the internal energy activity of the fundamental substance of the Universe (matter and its energy) of which they consist. Then by observing how suns behave we can obtain information about how matter (and its energy) behaves at the fundamental level of physical Existence. The internal functioning of (the energy activity of) this fundamental substance is of such great importance for the continued physical Existence of Human beings that it has been assigned the word Life to enable gathering valued information about it. Life; then, describes a specific high energy activity that is occurring within the fundamental substance of physical Existence (matter and its energy). This high energy activity is commonly referred to as being the processes of Life. The word Life simply represents the factual Existence of a very specific high energy process that is taking place within the fundamental substance of the Universe (matter and its energy) which is both naturally occurring and e ternally existing by virtue of its own ongoing internal energy activity.

Life is not caused; it is cause. Life does not have purpose; it is purpose. Life does not possess value; it is value. Life does not exist in time; it is the base of time. Life is not change; it is the base of change. All things known and knowable are Life dependent. All Human knowledge is identity dependent and it is the proper identification of Life that it is dependent upon.


Life is what identifies a physical entity as a living organism. Life is the fundamental distinguishing characteristic of living organisms -or- The word organism identifies specific entities as those which possess the processes of Life within them. Suns are examples of nuclear organisms that are supported by the processes of Life. They are not bounded or self contained masses but are instead gaseous clouds of nuclear reactions being held together by an internally generated electro-magnetic or grav itational force. Nuclear organisms are used to define the processes of Life as these are exhibited as being the energy activity occurring within the fundamental substance of the Universe.

Biological organisms are bounded self contained Life possessing entities. They have a defined boundary between their Life processes and the environment. Biological organisms merely possess the processes of Life they are not it nor do they define it.

How biological organisms evolve from nuclear organisms The functioning of biological organisms identifies living beings; where the functioning of nuclear organisms identifies Life. It is apparent when observing a hot planet that the elemental activity that is occurring within it resulted from when that planet functioned at the higher energy level of a nuclear organism; a sun. However: Instead of successfully exhausting all of the elements and compounds created by its nuclear processes back into the environment as True nuclear organis ms do; these previous suns begin to retain these elements and compounds. As a natural result of this they eventually formed a thick crust over their now internalized Life processes and these nuclear organisms became rigid atomic level masses with hot cores and eventually they become a system of inert cold elements and compounds. The electro-magnetically generated gravitational force which previously attracted the necessary base elements for its Life processes remains in effect. But the base elements now being attracted are unable to penetrate the thick outer crust and as a natural result its Life processes eventually begin to die. This explains the Existence of our earths thick crust and its hot magma core. As a direct result of its thick outer crust the earths internal Life processes are being (or have been) reduced back to lower level energy atomic reactions; meaning - the earth is dieing.

In very specific cases where the naturally occurring Life processes of a sun are dieing; and under specific conditions on or within the crust of the planet that is resulting from its death, some of its remaining nuclear energy processes (Life processes) form a semi-permeable but rigid outer crust thus allowing it to maintain a viable (a living) nuclear core. Instead of dieing because of a non-permeable outer crust; these split-off nuclear organisms are able to remain active on or within the surface of the planet as liable separately existing (living) nuclear organisms.

In even more specific cases these semi-permeable but rigid nuclear organisms begin to evolve a thin elastic protective membrane or inner skin between the rigid inert materials of its outer crust and its nuclear Life processes. It is this type of Evolutionary creation that eventually results in biological Life. The resulting biological Life forms retain the previous nuclear Life characteristics responsible for maintaining its previous Existence as a sun and also evolve additional survival features necessary to support its now skin contained Life processes. That is: Biological organisms do also retain some of the elemental substances and compounds created by its internal Life processes: And these do also form a barrier to the environment but this barrier is not rigid it has evolved into a thin semi-permeable elastic barrier (or flexible membrane or skin) able to allow the necessary natural resources required for and by the continued functioning of its interior Life processes to penetrate it.

Research is suggesting that the coral reefs in our oceans and seas could be the first evidence of this Evolutionary stage between a suns nuclear processes of Life and the purposeful survival actions of highly advanced biological organisms here on earth. Scientific study is also suggesting that the cellular structure of our skin, blood, bones, eyes, male sperm and female eggs, brain and other organs may have evolved from these so structured living rigid cora l organisms. As these rigid coral Life forms became more elastic in their physical structure they began to require both a more specialized natural resource sensing system and a specialized natural resource acquisition system. The internally generated electro-magnetic gravitational force suitable for its previous Existence as a sun (from which it evolved) is now not able to properly select and acquire the more specialized natural resources required by and for its physically and functionally more sophisticate biological form.

Acquisition of selected needs of survival; as is required by True highly evolved biological beings; is achieved by a process of value determination. This demands that the electro-magnetically generated gravitational force sufficient to support the needs of a less sophisticated sun type of Existence evolve; by the natural survival forces of Evolutionary necessity, into a highly sophisticated value identifying natural resource sensing system. It is by utilizing this specialized natural resource sensing system that the more highly evolved (the physically more advanced) biological organisms are able to seek and locate value specific natural resources and thereby continue to survive. Additionally: It is to its value specific sensing system that advanced biological organisms respond in-order to acquire the specific valued natural resources identified by its value sensing system. Even though these highly sophisticated and highly specialized biological organisms do select speficif elemental natural resources the value driven functioning of their Life processes remain at the fundamental level of physical Existence.

Its very important to both remember that the concept of Life simply represents the ongoing relationship of matter with its energy as this activity occurs at the fundamental level of physical Existence and to realize that this exact same functionality now exists within the cells of all biological beings. Eviden ce of sophisticated biological beings includes such things as: viruses; bacteria; coral reefs, inter-cellular protein trains; amebas; pond scum; grasses-flowers-trees; birds-fishes-mammals, male sperm female eggs; and Human beings.

I am a retired GM manufacturing engineer who needed to discover the Truth about why Life has such a strong emotional impact in out mind.

Author:: James W. Peterson
Keywords:: Life, God, Existence, Evolution, intellegent design, Universe, True, Truth, Human, Aristotle, Theory
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Darius and the US Postal Service

DARIUS: - Coins bearing his visage are found in the Americas but we would never expect to see normal academic overviews mention this for public consideration. And I was not surprised when I read many other things about Aryans and supposed first Empires, as I read the following part of a far larger presentation. Was the US support of the Shah connected to a larger and long term plan to manage the plebs or serfs who think they are free?

Cyrus recognized that the known world he wished to conquer included Egypt, Carthage, Ethiopia, and Greek colonies on the Mediterranean coast as far as Gibraltar, but for the time being he thought he had better seize the known world to the east (except for distant, legendary China). In about a year he took lands as far away as what are now the Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. He rushed west again and fell upon Babylon by diverting the unfordable Gyndes River, a tributary of the Tigris which protected the city , into many shallow hand-dug channels. There he freed the forty thousand Jews held in the Babylonian captivity. A few years later, putting down a revolt in the east, Cyrus died in battle. His troops brought his body back to Pasargadae, and laid it to rest in the tomb with the Nordic roof. N.B.

Cyrus was not only the world's first great emperor; he was a humane man, who treated his victims benevolently, honored their gods, and set higher standards for the profession of kingship than most other monarchs down through the centuries. His son and successor, by contrast, was a brute who had earlier kicked his pregnant wife to death. He adored flattery, not blinking even when a courtier told him, I do not think you are the equal of your father, because you do not have a son like the son he left behind. Nevertheless, before he mysteriously committed suicide, he managed to capture Egypt and pack the pharaoh back to Iran. Upon his death, according to Herodotus, the seven young no bles who formed the imperial council met and agreed to accept as king him among them whose horse should neigh first at dawn the next day. One groom made sure that his master would win by providing a delectable, neigh-worthy mare for the stallion. In this way the noble named Darius became king, although his own account of his ascent, which he left engraved on stone, differs in ways that do not make nearly as good a story.

Whatever the truth, Darius turned out to be second only to Cyrus as Great King, King of Kings, and even more than Cyrus, the architect of the Persian Empire. Despite his chance choice, Darius had the royal blood of Achaemenes in his veins, for he descended from a collateral branch of the family. Darius ruled for thirty-five years, at first putting down rivals (he fought nineteen battles at the rate of nearly a battle a month, and defeated nine upstart kinglets), then giving the empire the institutions that Cyrus had been too busy to devise. He had to k eep the subject populations contented enough not to revolt (for the conquered masses greatly outnumbered the ruling Persians), but disciplined enough to pay heavy taxes to support the court and the armies. (2)

He established a secret spy network not unlike his far later relative and recent King, the Shah of Iran; but he also established a reliable postal service not unlike the Pony Express that Herodotus was inspired to write the words now used as the motto of the US Postal Service. We have all heard it and wondered perhaps, why we are not told the origin bespeaks great things in other cultures.

Sir Roger Stevens to write, in The Land of the Great Sophy: There can be no proper understanding of what underlies modern Iran unless we recognize the significance of this triumph of legend over history, or art over reality, this preference for embellishment as against unvarnished fact, for ancient folk beliefs as against new-fangled creeds. (3)

Author of Diverse D ruids
Columnist for The ES Press
Guest 'expert' at World-Mysteries.com

Author:: Robert Baird
Keywords:: Shah of Iran, US Postal Service
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

We are Super Alien Beings in Virtual Reality Dreams

What is the life experience? Why are we here? It is there a god? What is the meaning of life? These are all questions that mankind over the ages has asked and there always seems to be someone who is willing to try to answer them in order to control mankind.

Recently I talk to a science-fiction author who stated; Maybe we are all super alien beings and we are in the virtual reality dreams where we have chosen as characters to be human beings.

At first I thought the guy was nuts and then I realized he was brilliant. What a beautiful synopsis for a radically new genre in a modern-day science fiction flick. Indeed the movie would be almost like a Matrix type movie. Imagine if we were all super intelligent beings and when we died, we would simply go through a transitional phase of waking up and we would not be human at all.

The whole setting would be a reality of virtual experience so real that while we were in the virtual reality dream we actually believ ed that we were human beings, a much lesser intelligent species than we really are.

Yes, that is what I thought; what a trip indeed. After drinking our coffee we parted ways and the science-fiction author who is working on a book with exactly this concept said to me; I have another idea I want to run by you and you are going to love it! And I said; I cannot wait until we meet again Sir. Consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: We are Super Alien Beings, Virtual Reality Dreams
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Monday, May 30, 2011

Be Careful of Religious Interpretation of Meanings

So many people take the religious works of our day literally, yet it seems that much of it, is not meant to be taken literally and if it were, there are significant issues with the current definitions of the words today with the uses of those words in the previous periods in which they were written. We should all therefore be careful not to read too much into these the Religious Literature of former times and be extremely careful in the interpretation of the meanings.

Recently on an online forum Think Tank; a biblical scholar, albeit totally self-proclaimed made some harsh comments about a particular religion. He came up with some truly bizarre interpretations. These self-professed religious nuts are the best and funniest of all, as they come up with some real do zees sometimes indeed. He stated to the Think Tank that it was very important that we all ran over to his Blog right away; Please see my blog and then decide. Once on his Blog he had written Look at the hidd en Advent Site and you will see that purify (a misuse of the biblical meaning) means BURN WITH FIRE!!!!

He tricked us I thought, but then I see there is a lesson here you know. You see, of course this is the problem with literal interpretations over time, the meanings change. But isnt this true in all religions? All works of literature, which have been turned into religious doctrines? Can you think of a religion or religious work, which is not riddled with ambiguity or hypocrisy? On this online forum think tank site there is a section for Religion, perhaps he might wish to discuss this issue in greater depth and compare this to other religions or discuss the implications of potential misuse of biblical meaning or literature. When we mentioned this, he would not participate so there is not a lot a think tank can do with a religious nut case like that now is there?

Indeed it is always of interest to discuss problematic eventualities, which rear their heads when usi ng religious belief systems to guide ones life experience or direction of a group, nation, culture, civilization or World direction, dont you think? What are your thoughts on literal interpretations of religious literature? Think on this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Religious Interpretation of Meanings
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

You Are Not Lost at Any Point (2nd Part)

Mind is the cause for everything. How to keep the mind fit for the job? Mind is the major threat to the whole Universe. Mind is the cause for all good things as well as the bad things. Mind is the only thing to control. It is very difficult to give proper instructions to your mind to work according to your goal.

The mind has no boundary limit. In other ways, it is bigger than the world. When it starts to work on the correct way, there would be no words to appreciate it. But at the same time, when it goes in the other way, it would be destructive. If you start to work on the following points, then slowly you can start to have the control over your mind. The first factor is the broad thought. What does this mean? When you think of you, you start to think of you right from the beginning till the end. In other words, you never think of others. This makes your mind circle very small and narrow. It saves money only for you and nothing for others. Here, you hav e to realize one fact that when you leave this world, nothing is going to accompany you. Your arrival and departure in this world is just empty handed. So, there is nothing to worry about it. Everything in this world is just temporary and nothing is permanent. Thinking of you alone is not sufficient to live happily. For this problem, you just try to think of others also. That is enough. For example, just you try to think of other persons, who are very closely associated with you. That is, you think of your family. Of course, charity begins at home. When you start to try on this, slowly you would be in a position to think of others also. That is, your mind circle would be enlarged.

In this Universe, we do everything only for happiness. If you are doing something, it would be surely to derive happiness to your mind. When you see a beggar, you are helping him in a way. The person who gets the help from you is very much pleased.

But at the same time, yo u are happier than the person who really received the help from you. So to say, just to derive happiness to you, you are helping him. Of course, this is not bad. This could be excused. But if you continue in the same way, after certain time, the happiness would not be there. Then it becomes as one of your qualities. Then whenever you help others, you would not think of it again. This quality broad thought Is the root cause for the other qualities such as forgiveness, generosity, grace and so on.

When your mind circle is enlarged a little bigger than from its original ring, then your help to the society develops. Your mind would become generous to every one and this would be always with a fresh look. This quality paves the way for the unconditional thoughts. When you see a bird, as long as you think that it is a bird, which means that your mind is in good condition. But when you start to think that it is a particular bird, the restriction comes to your mind. When you see an opposite sex person, you would not have any thought about sex and you would move with the person quite naturally. It is not necessary for you to control yourself as long as you dont have other thoughts. When you see a beautiful girl, or a handsome man, your mind would start to enjoy the beauty. As long as the mind stops there, there is no harm. All the beautiful things in this world are meant for our pleasure. But the problem starts when the mind wants to posses it. It is always a problem when the mind wants to have anything for its own. Just because of the fear of the mind, we call or think others as brothers and sisters. It is not necessary for you to think in that way as long as you dont have other thoughts. Just to control the mind, the terms are used.

Author:: Raghu Sundaram
Keywords:: article submission, Articles, Writers, Writing, Publishing, Ezine, Email marketing, Email newsletter, Email
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

UniBomber Manifesto and Human Behavior Think Tank Topic

Did you read the uni-bomber manifesto? What did you think of that paper? Although written by a criminal it did have some interesting comments and some things that society should be considering as they advance science and address Human interaction in society, as well as the future of Human-computer interface.

Soon we may have computer chips hooked to our brains and we will be able to do more things faster with better data and knowledge. I enjoyed reading the Uni-bomber Manifesto as he attempted to address these issues in the Data Smog of the current paradigm. Apparently he decided foolishly to do something about it in a very sub-Human like way and we all know the story about that; an unfortunate tale of Criminality.

If we allow all the Human aspects and what it is to be Human then there will be fighting in the streets, if we evolve thru our technologies and pay attention to the forward progression, perhaps we can now move into the future period without being doo med to repeat. In most modern societies we have decided to over come those Human aspects thru rules of our civilizations, but those aspects are very Human. Eventually as population on the Planet becomes more dense some 30 Billion Humans by 2050, we may decide to modify the Human brain to prevent the negative aspects of what makes us Human or we may decide to stay natural. So should we allow Rioting in the streets to make us feel alive and Human and fully engaged; is that what it means to be Human? Should we celebrate 4-week Riots like we saw as France burned or should we re-design ourselves to live in a different way of live?

We need to decide and a national discussion maybe necessary to insure that we make technology work for us and not enslave us. We need to decide how Human we wish to remain and ho w much we can tolerate. Interesting topic for a think tank isnt it; think on it.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: uni-bomber manifeso, Human, Riots, Criminality, Rioting, France, population density, Humans computer
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Religious Liars and Pretenda Researchers

So often we find very religious folks operating inside the realm of science. The problem is that these folks often apply their religious teachings to every single endeavor that they study. Obviously in doing this they are going to come to the wrong conclusions more often than not and it is for this reason we need to kick them out of the sciences as they are not of right mind.

Recently in arguing the fact that humans are 99% DNA similar to Chimpanzees and therefore if we classify Chimps as animals then so too must be humans; a religious nut case scoundrel claiming to be a researcher had a tiff with another think tanker and stated;

What you are reading and feeling is not so similar to the indifferences scientists face throughout the confines of the research work.

The think tanker who stated the facts said; But I have zero feelings for this entire issue. Only the obvious denial of observation and egocentric attitude of human beings is holding them back from reality and that is rather appalling indeed. Go re-read Matt Ridley and my other recommended reading in previous threads and stop arguing with me. Stephen Baxster who has discussed this at length basically is saying Humans are nothing more than another species of Incompetent Apes. I want nothing to do with them.

Rather than arguing the points of contention the religious brain dead follower standing in the way of scientific fact stated; Evaluating percentage between two linear DNA sequences is easy. but percentage of between two developing species is meaningless. What molecular genetics provide us with is a way to compare organisms in an unsuitable framework. Pair wise body comparison is simply nonsense.

Of course the fact stating think tanker stated more of the obvious; There is more difference between dogs; Chihuahua and Mastiff or Australian Shepard than a Chimpanzee, Guerilla or Human. And we call dogs breeds but classify them in the same species. I am sorry, there is nothing less I can do for you, as Humans maybe unique in some ways, but not by much. The Genotype determines the phenotype and phenotype development is 50/50 nature vs. nurture and you go and read the Foust book you see the Chimpanzees when raised with humans, drink beer, watch TV, like to dress up in clothes. There have also been humans raised in the wild who act just like animals when taught to communicate without human language. Read little wolf boy etc. They are more in-tuned with nature and their refined attributes are so keen and in touch with nature. One chimpanzee likes to go to the mall and try on shoes? Sound familiar. I am sorry anyone who denies this overwhelming evidence is WRONG.

And continued to state; I have no feelings for this issue, only observations. You are denying all the observation and spouting Science Terminology incorrectly and without consideration for reality. You are dangerous to truth. If the DNA sequence is the same then the DNA will fold the same and the proteins will be the same. I am not buying any of what you are saying.

You can see why the religious close-minded lunatic scientists must not be allowed to write papers or cloud the scientific world with their data or BS. We cannot allow the forward progression of the species to be screwed over by believers of Santa Clause any longer. So consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Religious Liars, Pretenda Researchers
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

The Human Mind Cannot Comprehend an Infinite God

Often when one asks a question of a religious leader for which that religious leader has not a clue; they will often state that the Human mind cannot comprehend the mighty and powerful or infinite God? Hey thats a good one isnt it, it lets them out of answering your question doesnt it? If you press them everyone once in a while one might say that human beings do not use all their brain capacity. But in answering these questions in this way it merely leads to more questions for instance;

Your comment on the inability of the human mind to explain God pre-supposes that the human mind is inferior? Yet at the same time you say humans do not use all their brains. So then if humans used all their brains they could by your definition understand god. But this indeed pre-supposes there is a god, gods or energy if you will.

Now then I submit to you that the human animal has been getting wiser and smarter over the past 50,000 years and only now with abundance do some human s choose to not think and therefore a slight dummying down of the masses.

If a god was energy, then that in its self explains the whole thing. No more information is needed and it is rather self-explanatory, so therefore it is easy for a human mind to understand. Much simpler in fact than these huge religious texts of literature and hand-me-down mass hallucination religious doctrine, which change over time to continue to control the peasants. Be careful of religious rhetoric and BS and consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Human Mind, Cannot Comprehend, Infinite God
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Sunday, May 29, 2011

First An Atheist Then An Agnostic And Now A Believer

I have always been an enthusiastic reader. When I was very young I got caught up in reading books about Religion, mythology, etc.. By the time I was seven (7) I had read both the old and new testaments of the bible, dozens of books about Hinduism, Buddhism, Islamism, and numerous books about ancient mythology. Being very young I knew nothing about shades of grey and saw everything in black and white. Therefore, I decided that everything religious was myth and that there could be no God. There was no way the earth could have been formed in six (6) of our days, there was no way that Noah could have loaded two (2) of every animal, ect. onto the Ark, there was no way that any God could be so cruel and unjust as the God of the bible and the Gods of mythology were said to be. The more I read the less I believed in God and the more I believed in Atheisim.

As I grew older I started to realize that things should not necessarily be taken literally, that there were shades of gr ey and that all writings were done by humans and therefore subject to interpretation. I then decided that I did not have enough knowledge and understanding to admit there was or deny there was a God. I further decided that I did not care if there was or wasn't a God. I felt that I was a fairly good person and if there was I God I would be ok and if there wasn't a God then it didn't matter. I was about twelve (12) when I made these decisions. I then started saying that I was an Agnostic.

Now, I'm a Believer. As I grew older I started to believe more and more that there is a God, not because I had found proof but because I wanted there to be a God. I wanted there to be a God because I wanted there to be an afterlife. This life was too full of sorrow and suffering, too full of death and distruction, too full of evil. There needs to be something more. There needs to be something to hope for.

I believe in God, but not a God of vengeance, not a God who punishes us. There are too many cruel and evil people in this world that appear to live long and relatively happy lives and too many good people who die young or appear to live very unhappy lives. There are too many good people who suffer greatly. Additionally, I don't want there to be a God who would, because people don't follow the rules, punish them by turning them into pillars of salt or have innocent loved ones die or suffer as punishment. I do not want to believe in a God that would rain pestilence down on us.

Nor do I believe in a loving God who watches over us, takes care of us and answers our prayers. That God would not allow hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, starvation, the holocaust and all the other horrible things that happen on this earth. Don't tell me about the war between God and the devil. If the devil is powerful enough to cause these things to happen to God's children then God is not the all powerful being that he, she or it is supposed to be. Or God doesn't care that much about us.

I believe in a God who created us, gave us the ability to think for ourselves and then left us to find our own way without intervention or interference. I believe that those of us who lead good lives, not necessarily exemplary lives, will when we die be led to a better existance and that those of us that lead bad lives will find their existance at an end.

There are, of course, problems with my theory. Since I have never seen or spoken with God I don't really know what would constitute a good life and I can't be sure that my theory is correct. I only know that I have lost, during my lifetime, several loved ones, including my father, my sister, my youngest son and others that I sincerely care about. All of these people were what I consider to be good people and I want to, no have to, believe that they went on to a far better existance. If there is no God then there is no hope and without hope there is nothing.

David G. Hallstrom, Sr. is a retired private investigator and currently publishes several internet directories including http://www.resourcesforattorneys.com a legal and lifestyle resources directory for attorneys, lawyers, and the internet public.

Author:: David Hallstrom
Keywords:: Religion,Believer,God,Atheist,Agnostic
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Is the Federal Trade Commission the Devil I Am Serious

Is the Federal Trade Commission the Devil? I am Serious as all they do is attack companies who serve the American People. All they do is run block and stifle competition. All they do is send out press releases. All they do is attack Billionaire Philanthropists like Bill Gates and Microsoft to protect competitors.

Bill and Melinda Gates have given and are giving more money to humanity and great causes then anyone has ever given in the history of the species and what does the Federal Trade Commission do?

They attack them and limit Microsoft’s ability to produce money in the free market. Money, some of which would lead to helping education in the United States and the rest of the World. Money, which will help fight TB, Malaria and AIDS; money, which will help in so many worthy causes.

What has the FTC; Federal Trade Commission given us? Nothing but BS in press releases and publicity, as they have failed to get rid of SPAM, have not even made a dent in it from what I can see. The FTC was suppose to prevent Identity Theft too, but the other day had laptops stolen with employees personal information; they cannot even protect themselves so how on Earth can they protect the American Consumer or the American People?

Personally I think the blob or turd of bureaucracy that we call the Federal Trade Commission is indeed the Devil. I truly believe this. Think about it they have done more to prevent the helping of humanity than any other organization in the history of mankind. Consider this opinion in 2006.

Lance Winslow - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs/

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Federal Trade Commission, Devil, Serious
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Criminals Corruption and Labels

Have you ever considered that the criminal mind is something or some part of something very innate in the human species? Have you ever wondered that when our Army is at war that Crime goes down and when the return it goes back up again?

Have you ever watched how Crime goes down when employment goes up? Have you ever considered that lawmakers, Athletes, hoodlum, Politicians, lawyers, Policeman, business people and Military people all have similar traits and yet one is labeled a criminal and another a Hero? One is respected by society and another chastised, outcast and even hated?

I truly believe this to be the case and have so man y examples now, that I do not think I could be convinced otherwise EVER from any academic report, because actual observation trumps Academic Theory. Does this mean that we still need Criminals in humans to run our civilization? I think right now YES, (we could however have a transition period where we could say NO someday) and I say unfortunately, but fight or flight responses are both needed for change, evolution, innovation and etc.

Another issue is as a society we are too quick to label someone who does not follow all the rules, rather than those who make the rules or change them for their own personal benefits over what is best for all concerned. In this case who is the real Criminals? The rule breaker or the rule maker or the game keeper. Referees in sports are often bias, they are humans.

All these people are actually one and the same and often switch roles. A player today or a referee tomorrow; A Government Lawyer today, a Corporate Defender Lawyer tomorro w; A District Attorney today a lawmaker or politician tomorrow or even a criminal lawyer? All those who follow all the rules tend to be cheated and thus one could actually say allowing this means they are either ignorant, weak or Criminals for allow such? Remember in a Democracy we are the Government.

Those who follow all the rules have an Obligation to make sure the rules are fair, government is fair and the level playing field is observed, if not the citizen, voter who follows the rules neglects this civic duty and that is truly criminal indeed.

It becomes more skewed and hard to relate with when those who challenge what is right and wrong with a corrupt system, even if it is a stable one are not the most noble, because those running the system are Criminals. Take a Guerilla War against the Iranian regime for instance? Who are the Criminals?

The guerillas who will be hung or shot on site if caught or a radical fundamentalist who leads an army of 1 million to their deaths and 1 million innocent victims as citizens? If the guerillas lose, 2-million die, but they are Criminals. And if they win one person dies and temporary chaos ensues? Who is right, who is wrong? See the dilemma?

Talk about a chaotic system, which was once a functional government? And in Iran's case; How is that for thermo nuclear decay? Ouch? If it decays properly you get Gold, if not it is destroyed? Consider this philosophical thought in 2006. Heck maybe we can warm your brain up so you can see that Crime does not pay?

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Criminals, Corruption, Labels, Athletes, Criminals, Soldiers, Military, Police, Politicians, Crime
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Average Intelligence Levels Dropping

It is a known fact that the average intelligence level in the United States of America is dropping. Of course is also an interesting fact that we are changing the intelligence tests and the scale. By definition intelligence or IQ tests are generally grated on a curve and the mean average would be 100. Why are intelligence levels dropping in the United States of America of the greatest nation ever created in the history of mankind?

Well, some say it is because we have so many laws that people do not need to think anymore or plan ahead. Instead they entrust their government to do everything for them. They believe just because they take tests or get a license to do a certain job that they are considered an expert or somehow more qualified than someone else to do it? The fact is that only 5% of the people in any industry are really experts and the rest are just doing the job because the job needs to be done and they need people to fulfill it.

Whenever we see d ownturns in economies and sector rotations in various industries we note that 5% of the people are still working and doing quite well and all the rest of the people who were merely taking up space end up needing to find a new job and complaining that they lost their job and it is not fair. Well, life isn't fair obviously and had they concentrated on their work and done the very best they could have they could have they would have possibly made it to the top 5%, but instead they tried to cruise through life and therefore they were no longer needed when the economy changed and there were fewer jobs needed in that sector.

Those people who become self-sufficient, have high self-esteem and work very hard to be the best at everything they can do seem to be able to do just about anything with very little training. That is to say they learned very fast and seldom need massive amounts of ongoing education to perform the tasks needed of them in their jobs. But there are fewer and fewer these people around today. And some say is because the average intelligence level is dropping. It may be, but I also believe there's a problem with work ethic among human beings and middle class societies and I believe that is the real problem. Please consider this a 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Average Intelligence Levels Dropping
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Common Psisense

Up until the start of the 20th Century there was a strong cadre of scientists like Michael Faraday and Sir William Crookes who knew integrating the humanities with hard sciences provided the greater insight or wisdom.

The quantum physicists have taken it further in many ways but they were ridiculed by the 'know-nothing scientists' (Kaku) who had only a targeted or single disciplinary approach to knowledge. They were called 'atom-mysticists'.

We can demonstrate the paradigm has been academically controlled through the efforts of people who want to keep the Soulful knowledge to themselves in many ways. The Palmer Raids brought tyramnts like J. Edgar Hoover into the mix. Anything that questions the foundation of nations and its extension of Divine Right of Kings (now corporations with immortal status - see Chomsky) will not only not get funding it will be aggressively countered and lied about.

Professor Morowitz of Yale (see Rediscovering the Mind) began a call for appreciation of the ancients and John Wheeler backs Lynds but by and large I find I am attacked and persecuted for proposing alchemical wisdon and integration. The outright disingenuous nature of attacking new thought rather than questioning the presenter is not borne of mere ego. The hypnotic schooling along with paradigm peer pressure or Political Correctness has torn a whole in the collective Soul.

Author of Diverse Druids

Columnist for The ES Press Magazine

Guest 'expert' at World-Mysteries.com

Author:: Robert Baird
Keywords:: Quantum physics, integrated science, Soul
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Saturday, May 28, 2011

A Brief History of Creation

What is the loop of Creation? How is there something from nothing?

In spite of the fact that it is impossible to prove that anything exists beyond ones Perception since any such proof would involve ones Perception (I observed it, I heard it, I thought about it, I calculated it, and etc.), science deals with a so-called objective Reality out there, beyond ones Perception professing to describe Nature objectively (as if there was a Nature or Reality external to ones Perception). The shocking impact of Matrix was precisely the valid possibility that what we believed to be Reality was but our Perception; however, this was presented through showing a real Reality wherein the perceived Reality was a computer simulation.

Many who toy with the idea that perhaps, indeed, we are computer simulations, deviate towards questions, such as, who could create such software and what kind of hardware would be needed for such a feat. Although such questions assume that Reality is our Perception, they also axiomatically presuppose the Existence of an objective deterministic world out there that nevertheless must be responsible for how we perceive our Reality. This is a major mistake emphasizing technology and algorithms instead of trying to discover the Nature of Reality and the structure of Creation. As will be shown in the following, the required paradigm shift from Perception is our Reality fixed within an objective world, to Perception is Reality without the need of an objective world out there, is provided by a dynamic Logical structure. The Holophanic loop Logic is responsible for a consistent and complete worldview that not only describes, but also creates whatever can be perceived or experienced.

Stating that it is impossible to prove the Existence of anything beyond ones Perception is not saying there is nothing beyond Perception, only that if there is anything, then whatever that is, is Indefinite. It could be argued that the Existence of physical laws, the universal Perception that the apple falls to the ground is proof of an objective Reality. However, this universal agreement is also our Perception. It could be argued that if we cannot decide what to perceive, and everybody perceives the same physical Reality, then there must be some lawfulness that dictates how we perceive and therefore, this lawfulness could be external to our Perception. However, this lawfulness, as we shall see later on, is the precise lawfulness that creates Perception, the process of definition, which is not external to Perception (this process creates the perceived and the perceiver, which then gives meaning to this process a loop but about that, later). It could be argued, that hitting our knee on the table whether we believe in the table or not will hurt. The table is external to our body, but not to our Perception. What then is Perception? It is relating, a process of definition, defining and thereby rendering meaningful what has been perceived.

What then is this process of definition? It is creating borders within which ones Perception gains meaning. The word definition comes from the Latin de finire, meaning, making finite or limited. In Hebrew, definition is HAGDARA (הגדרה), meaning, to border. Any definition necessarily implies what the definition is not, or stated differently, to have meaning, whatever is defined explicitly includes the meaning by implicitly excluding everything else. Consequently, to define means to place the defined object within borders that by default create something beyond the borders of the definition. What is this something beyond the defined? The implicitly excluded everything else, or in other words, the Indefinite. The paramount importance of incorporating the Indefinite within a consistent Logical structure cannot be overempha sized. The Indefinite itself is a paradox, and incorporating it within the Holophanic Logical structure engenders the loop of Creation where the dynamic structure of paradoxes is both the creative force of Existence, and also the proof of the necessity of Existence.

To better grasp the impetus of Creation, lets look at the Indefinite and paradoxes. What does Indefinite mean? Anything as long as it is not specified (not defined); anything that appears both within and beyond the borders of the definition and thereby rendering the border superfluous, which means, no border, no definition. If nevertheless we would attempt to define the notion Indefinite, then thats a paradox because if we succeed, then it is defined, which contradicts its meaning its Indefiniteness and the word Indefinite means that it cannot be defined. This is an example of a paradox, that in essence means, if it is what it is, then it is not what it is, yet if it is not what it is, then it is what it is. A paradox is a creature that consists of a structure (how it is defined, the dynamic process on its way to stabilization) that contradicts its significance (what it is, the stabilized entity). What characterizes a paradox is the motion between its structure and significance, where the structure implies that its significance contradicts its structure, and vice versa.

Another example of a paradox would be wholeness. Wholeness (totality, infinite, boundless) can only be wholeness if we can find a way to define it so that it includes everything and there is nothing beyond it. However, if we define wholeness, then to have meaning, it must be bordered within the walls of the definition, which implies that there is something beyond this border, in which case it is not wholeness. Or in more formal language, wholeness is only wholeness if it is not wholeness, which is an inconsistency. If we are satisfied with that, then we have completed the definition of wholeness. Howeve r, if we try to include the beyond created by our earlier definition within the borders of our next attempt at defining wholeness, then we gain a new definition of wholeness, which by the sheer structure of the process of defining creates a new beyond. In this case, the process of defining wholeness will be consistent but incomplete, and wholeness will remain Indefinite.

Contemplating the paradox of Creation, the ancient Egyptian myth of Creation springs to mind, the myth of the self-creating God, Amun (or Amon). Amun masturbated and swallowed his semen, after which he spit it out in the form of a ball, thereby impregnating his mother, the sky. And only then, was he born. Thus Amun was his own father. Those pious who discovered the illustrated version of this myth in Karnak covered up the erect phallus of Amun, and with it, this story of Creation was laid into obscurity. The Holophanic model of Creation could regard this Egyptian myth as Amun retromorphously creating h imself. I have coined the word retromorphous to mean, defining in retrospect, turning non-being into the potential of whatever the observation is made from, or in other words, creating the past from the present, creating the source from its outcome, which is the basis of complexity in the context of the loop Logic. That is, only after Amun was born can he give meaning to his mother, the potential from which he emanated and to the process that created him (as represented by masturbation and incest) whereby he was born. Of course, neither the sky nor the masturbating Amun have meaning until Creation takes place de facto and Amun emerges. I find this an enticing illustration of the basic paradox of Existence.

So how can there be something from nothing? What is nothing? Nothing is what didnt turn into the potential of something. If there was something from nothing, then that nothing would have turned into the potential of something, because when we ask, how is there someth ing from nothing, we ask this question from something, when something already exists. If we take a deeper look at nothing, well discover that nothing is a paradox. Any definition is something, so if we defined nothing, then it would become something, which contradicts its essence of being nothing. Another way of looking at nothing would be by means of it being something that is meaningless. That is, nothing could be something that does not relate and that no thing or no one relates to. That is, if there was something totally alone in the universe, then that would be nothing, but it would be meaningless. If such existed, its Existence would be external to our Perception, and as such, this nothing would be Indefinite.

We said that the Indefinite could be anything, as long as it is not specified (not defined). However, if we nevertheless tried to define nothing (the Indefinite), what would we get then? Since nothing is non-definable, it is transparent as the object of our inquiry. So when we attempt to define it, all we have is what we put into it, which is the process of definition. Nothing stayed nothing, we didnt define it, only made the process of definition explicit. Nothing gains meaning when we fail to define it; but having tried, we are left with a bonus, a something, which is our process of defining nothing. Creation of something from nothing is not a function of defining something, but a function of attempting to define nothing. And then, if that process of definition which already is an Existence looks back at its origins, if this process of defining investigates into its own genesis, then what does it see? It sees itself. It sees the process of definition self-reference.

If there is nothing external to Perception, then this process of definition is the overall wholeness, the creator of meaning when it can relate to itself. However, to have meaning, the process of definition has to be defined; this definition would be a s elf-referential quasi-infinite and continuous process of establishing borders that create the Indefinite beyond that establishes borders creating the Indefinite beyond that establishes borders which means, wholeness would continuously and forever fail to define itself while succeeding to define something anything but itself.

Of course, both the totally defined and the totally Indefinite are idealized notions that would be inconsistent with the Holophanic loop Logic, nor can they be found in Nature. The totally Indefinite would be the total meaningless nothing, the kind of non-being that cannot be fathomed because if we would think about it, it would already be something. On the other hand, there can be no total definition either. I have used the term Uncertainty of sameness to describe the Logical impossibility of total definition. A defined entity can be said to have reached sameness it is the same as itself which means that it is, it exists as something definite, no matter which parameters defined it. However, no sooner does our object achieve sameness than the Uncertainty of sameness raises its ugly head. Could it have been defined differently? Yes, of course. Could it have additional parameters? Yes, of course. Could it have been defined more precisely? Yes, of course. This Uncertainty of sameness is the Indefinite included in the definition, which is the result of including the tools of definition in the definition. Since a can only be defined as a with meaning if it implies not-a (the Indefinite beyond the borders of the definition), and since a can only have meaning as a because it is different from everything else (the everything else is the Indefinite beyond the borders, which actually gives meaning to a), the meaning of a depends on not-a.

When the meaning of something depends on the Indefinite, on what our defined object is not, then this Indefinite is necessarily included in the process of definition. This Logical imp lication that Perception of meaning is only possible if and only if the Indefinite is included within the Perception is the reason why the 19th century dream of a consistent and complete axiomatic system with only well defined (explicit) empty signs had to fail (see more about that in my article, The Loop Logic). In spite of the fact that Logic is the fundament of algorithms and computer science, it had neither the aspiration nor the ability to be connected to the real world precisely because its propositions were so anemic regarding meaning. In the effort to exclude any hint of the Indefinite, Logical inference was confined to a binary type of world of true and false and lacking any correlation with life and experiencing.

However, including the Indefinite in the process of definition not only makes the loop Logic the fundament of Existence, but determines the necessity of Existence. With the birth of Holophany, Heideggers question, Why is there anything at all, rather than nothing? becomes irrelevant. When Existence is relations, and relating is the act of perceiving, and perceiving is the process of definition, then Existence is the overall lawfulness, the isomorphous lawfulness of the process of definition the loop of Creation. What is being perceived, what is being stabilized, which significance is brought to the foreground from the amorphous background of the Indefinite, depends on the non-linear rules of complex interactions. Thus the loop Logic emphasizes the Creation of essents rather than their interactions.

Is there a lawfulness responsible for any and every Existence? An electron and a dog are very different creatures; so what invisible lawfulness is responsible for the Existence of both? What kind of lawfulness would fulfill such demands? The answer is, isomorphism the same Logical inner structure in entirely different representations. Whether an electron, a dog or the weather, each could be a different realization of the same inner Logical structure. Creation of anything is the Creation of meaning, which is an act of definition. The act of definition attempting to define itself is Consciousness. So Consciousness, or the soul if you wish, is not some invisible copy of our body carrying our identity, but the lawfulness of Creation expressed as our individual qualitative essence. Of course, it has been endlessly stated that we are God, that we are parts of God, and similar phrases. This is true, but true in the sense that God is the lawfulness that unfolds Creation, and this lawfulness is inherent in all Creation including the creatures therein. It could be argued, that a soul, a person is more than mere definitions and intellect. If this Logic is the Logic of anything and everything, then it should be able to delineate the Logical structure of experience as well. Indeed.

Anything that has meaning has to be defined, which places it somewhere on the scale between the continuous and the discrete, between the Indefinite and the definite. The Indefinite, continuous, infinite tends in the direction of the meaningless, whereas the meaningful is at best imprecise. Experience is the process of attempting to define the Indefinite. When we try to capture an experience in a description, we are actually defining our attempt at defining the Indefinite. The experience is continuous whereas its description, the definition is discrete. Just as we can never define wholeness, we can never define experience.

Any description, any definition, is by Nature discrete, whereas the net experience is continuous. So when we have an experience or Perception and we become aware of having that experience, then we give it meaning by defining what it is. By doing this we create a discrete replica of the experience, yet the experience remains continuous and non-definable, non-discretizable. Experience is connected to learning. The person encounters something new. How do we know tha t something is new? Because it is inconsistent with our system. So when we interact with it, we have to integrate it, to assimilate it into our system. If we met something that was not new to the system, then our system would recognize it as part of itself. When that recognition does not occur, the system is interacting with something new. That is the impact. The system adjusts to include the new that is the change. Ones selfhood is the path of changes following ones experiences.

Our knowledge of the experience whatever it might be that we experience makes it exist for us. We could say, one only experiences when one is aware of experiencing. How do we know that we are aware of experiencing something? By experiencing it, we experience the awareness of experiencing. In this sense, experience and awareness of the experience, experiencing the awareness of the experience, being aware of experiencing the awareness of the experience, etc. is an infinitely continuous chain, which is what defines what experience is (not the interpretation of a specific experience, but experience in its general sense). And thats the definition of experience: an infinite loop of the process of becoming aware.

When nothing is the limit of both the totally Indefinite and the totally defined, then thats like a circle of going from something to nothing to something to nothing, etc. The going here means Perception. Nothing is only a notion that has meaning if it has been perceived, in fact, a paradox. If it really is nothing, then it cannot be defined, and hence, it has no meaning. Yet if I relate to it, then it is something. So whenever I relate to nothing, whenever I say, Creation of something from nothing, that nothing has meaning for me, and hence, it is significance it is something just like any other something. That is, the structure of nothing is the same structure as that of something. Essentially, something from nothing is formation, not Creation, sinc e nothing is also something. Then what is Creation? Creation is rather the Creation of nothing from something, because Creation is the process of definition, and when we define, we create the Indefinite beyond the definition, which at its limit is nothing, and only then can we have something from nothing Oh yes, the loop. A true loop is only such if it contains its own source. If nothing can be proven to exist external to Perception, then Logic must be a loop, and Existence is a Logical necessity inferred by the loop.

Including the Indefinite in the process of definition has far reaching consequences. It means that the tools of the definition are necessarily included in the definition. It means that meaning can only occur when there is both definition and also experience. It means that Consciousness (whether it succeeds to define or not) must be part of science or any so-called objective endeavor. It means that any and all Perception includes experience. The interactio n with the Indefinite, the experience, is what gives meaning to the defined. Perception, meaningful definition, can only occur in a highly flexible complex system that can learn and change. Thats the difference between us and an electron, which only has fixed relations, and consequently, limited interactions. An electron always succeeds in defining, or it would be more correct to say, it can only interact with what it succeeds in defining. If it encounters the Indefinite, it assumes a state of superposition.

Where is God in the loop of Creation? If we wanted to define God, the totality, we could not define God, because by the act of definition we would create the beyond, what is beyond God, which contradicts Gods totality. Therefore, no definition of God would do justice to God, and every such definition would truncate Gods wholeness. If God is indefinable, then God is Indefinite. If God is Indefinite, then I create God by the implication of the act of definition any definition, because every definition creates the beyond, the Indefinite beyond the borders of the definition. In that sense, this is consistent with the statement that I create God by my Perception (definition). This does not say that I perceive God, but that my Perception implies the Existence of the Indefinite (God). This means that if I perceive a dog, this Perception implies the Existence of God.

If I perceive that I perceive, then that implies the Existence of God. If I perceive dust, a table, an idea, whatever, then that implies the Existence of God. If I experience, then that implies the Existence of God. Thats because any Existence implies the Existence of God. And thats because any Existence is such if it relates or is related to, if it has meaning, if even partially it has been defined, which means, its mere definition implies the Indefinite beyond the borders of the definition, it implies God, the indefinable. So one cannot directly perceive God (perhaps tha t is why it was stated in the Bible that no one could see Gods face and live = exist no man shall see me and live Exodus 33: 20), but only know about God by implication, which means, the implication of the Indefinite God is what attributes meaning to any Existence.

However, God does not equal Indefinite, but the process that implies the Existence of the Indefinite is what could be said to be God, since thats the process of Creation. This is the process of Creation that both creates something, Existence, and also nothing, the Indefinite. This is why this Logic is a loop. Clara Szalai

Clara Szalai is a philosopher, author, speaker and consultant. Ms. Szalai provides creative solutions in various fields using the tools of Holophany. Holophany is Clara Szalais revolutionary philosophy, a consistent and complete worldview that is awakening growing interest among scientists and laymen. Clara Szalai is also the author of the book, Holophany, the Loop of Creation. C omplete information on Ms. Szalais work is available from her web site, http://www.holophany.com

Author:: Clara Szalai
Keywords:: Creation,Logic,Consciousness,Perception,Existence,Uncertainty,Indefinite,Matrix,Nature,God,Reality
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Academic Cadence

Is the pace of academic research and discovery really speeding up? Well most researchers believe it is thanks in part to collaboration efforts, the Internet and massive research funding for some of our top areas of scientific momentum. Yet I also see something else and let me call it Conflicts in Academic Cadence and the premise or thought goes something like this.

As scientific discovery reaches the pace of a break-away rider at the Tour de France in the early miles of a 180 mile day filled with hills, one has to ask is that gentleman for real, can he sustain or will he get himself so far behind the fatigue curve that he is quickly reeled back in and finds himself at the back of the back the rest of the day?

What I am speaking of is the rush to move faster and faster, to receive the funding to keep going and thus more and more research is put out as scientific fact before it is duplicated and it hits the scientific journal online newsletter, both the popular p ublic ones and the semi serious ones and goes around the world in less than 18-hours and for this they stay in the news and hope to continue funding on into the next period.

Unfortunately this causes conflict and takes funding away from more staunch academic researchers who will not dare risk life or limb; academic publish or perish credibility, in the rush to outpace the public relations and media press release war? Do you see what I am getting at now? I sincerely hope you do and well, consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Academic Cadence
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Ants as Brains: Emergence


Questions concerning the nature of thought characterise the history of our development as human beings. In his Meditations on First Philosophy (1641), Rene Descartes divided body and Mind. Following 300 years of intellectual development during the Age of Enlightenment the notion of a thinking machine was posited by Turings simple question: Can machines think? Modern cognitive theory has examined many models of Mind, predominantly based around the idea of computing machines.

In this essay I shall argue that an ant nest contains all of the necessary and sufficient criteria to be considered a model of Mind. I shall begin by summarising modern approaches to the idea of thought and intentionality, looking at some of the earlier psychological developments and showing how these grew into the predominantly Symbol-processing hegemony of the mid to late 20th Century. I shall then touch briefly on the reassessment of the Standard Social Science Model (Toobey & Cosmides, 1992) and show how Evolutionary Psychology proposed an alternative approach.

Having laid a base for understanding ideas related to thought and intentionality, I shall look at the predominant and diametrically opposed theories concerning models of the Mind and examine them in the light of two constraints, the first being that any model of the Mind should be compatible with the Evolutionary evidence concerning adaptability, and the second that such a model should take into account the flexibility and universal nature of behaviour. Following Wells (1996) I will propose a simple Adaptationist model that fulfils both criteria.

The third section of the essay will argue that the Adaptationist model has much in common not only with standard machine or computer architecture but also with the humble ants nest, and draw comparisons between neurons and ants. I will draw briefly on the notions of Emergence Theory and Ant Algorithms to illustrate my points, and argue that the ant nest is an adequate model of Mind, fulfilling all constraints as noted previously. Finally, I will summarise the discussion.

Understanding Thought

In order for us to understand thought, I have chosen to look at it from the perspective of problem solving and learning. For a long time it was thought that learning was one of the things that differentiated humans from the rest of the animal kingdom. In 1911, Edward Thorndike published work showing that there was more to it than that. Experiments on cats and other animals showed that given a simple task to perform in order to receive food, animals tested over a number of trials began reducing the time necessary to perform the task. This reduction came about through what he called trial and error, and accidental success a phase most o ften reduced to trial and error.

Thorndike noted that through satisfying certain requirements, animals were able to learn particularly when they practiced the action many times, a finding characterised as the learning curve. Work by Pavlov and the Behaviourists Watson & Skinner developed these ideas and led to an understanding that learning occurs not when the stimulus and reward appear together, but when there is some discrepancy between an expected coincidence and what actually happens. If the Mind makes a prediction error expecting a reward after a stimulus and not getting it, or vice versa then the Mind must change its expectations : it must learn. Subsequent work has found that this pattern of learning related to conditioning and surprise is ubiquitous in nature.

It was once a very commonly held belief that the Mind was nothing more than an empty slate written on by repeated patterns of reward and punishment. As Thomas Aquinas commented, there is nothing in the intellect which was not previously in the senses. A model of Mind would thus be nothing more than a set of learned rules in situation x, do action y. However, in examining this idea, Harlow (1958) showed that baby monkeys did in fact have fairly well developed instincts. Given a choice between a wire-frame surrogate mother which provided food and a cloth mother which did not, Behaviourist theory predicts that the monkey would go directly for that which provided food. Instead, as the images show, the monkeys clearly preferred the cloth mother and used the wire mother only to feed.

Later work by Mineka et al (1986: cited in Ridley, 2003) at the University of Wisconsin investigated the instinctual fear of snakes in lab-reared and wild-reared Rhesus monkeys. Reared in the lab, the animals had no prior exposure to snakes. The psychologists showed the monkeys a videotape of wild-reared monkeys reacting with horror to snakes. Within 24 minutes, the lab monkeys acqui red a fear of snakes. The psychologists then edited fake flowers, a toy snake, a toy rabbit, and a toy crocodile into the video. Tests later showed that after 40 to 60 seconds of exposure to each object, the monkeys feared only the toy snakes and crocodiles.

Through these and many other studies it seems that we can see the Mind as a combination of learned and instinctual behaviours : how, though, does the Mind work? In 1949, Donald Hebb suggested that :

When an axon of cell A is near enough to excite cell B and repeatedly or persistently takes part in firing it, some growth process or metabolic change place in one or both cells such that As efficiency as one of the cells firing B, is increased.

Together with the notion of back propagation, proposed in the late 1950s by Frank Rosenblatt and comprising the notion that simple weightings and error procedures can induce learning, a view to the Mind as a connected architecture of perceptrons intended to mirror n eurons in a simple way was introduced and came to be known as Connectionism. By manipulating Symbols according to simple rules, these networks mimicked real-world states and could provide convincing evidence that a computer could behave like a Brain.

The problem with connectionism is that, as the contemporary thinker Steven Pinker commented, it is rather like a stone soup the more vegetables one adds, the better it tastes. While true that the Brain is open to learning, the more one adds some level of semantic content, the more the syntax seems to make sense. This problem that of meaning, or understanding, has dogged all attempts to build models of the Mind. Alan Turings famous Turing Test (1950) suggested that a solution to the problem of whether a machine can think could be answered by whether sa id machine were able to convince an interrogator that it were human solely through its answers to questions. This test has stood the test of time.

As we ended the 20th Century, then, models of Mind had been built on a range of foundations and theories, of which some were touched on above. Models were built on the idea of the general purpose computer, or von Neumann machine a set of tasks and a set of data related to these tasks. Predominantly, models used Symbols to represent meaning or semantics. In their 1992 paper, The Psychological Foundations of Culture, John Tooby and Leda Cosmides argued that the idea of Mind as a number of content independent or domain general mechanisms which had no connection with Evolutionary or psychological foundation was radically defective. They called this set of the ories the Standard Social Science Model, and established the basic principals of what would thenceforward be known as Evolutionary Psychology.

Models of the Mind

The notion of programmability is fundamental to modern computing. A program is a series of instructions that is stored in memory and executed by the processor it specifies the functional relationship between the input a machine received and the output it produces. The ability to program the machine is equivalent to an ability to change this relationship a point worth noting, since it highlights the huge range of useless purposes to which a general purpose machine can be put. A second general point is that complex computing operations can be performed by constructing complex internal models of the environment the program rarely interacts directly with the environment but rather through some interpretive layer.

In looking at and understanding the role of computers with respect to models of the Min d, there is one other aspect that is critical to our understanding the architecture of processors and the relationship between processors and programs. A processor is a special-purpose device designed to carry out a specific set of instructions these can be simple procedures such as addition and subtraction but can also contain the logical engines that make computers the powerful machines they are. These processors interact indirectly with the external environment through coded input and output. On the other hand, programs are most often sets of operations that are composed as sequences of basic instructions. They encode representations of the external world, and are executed by a central processor.

If we are to build a functioning model of the Mind, we have two clear constraints. Firstly, the Mind is a product of biological Evolution. This constraint stands in direct opposition to any dualism between body and Mind without introducing the problems of solipsism. The s econd constraint is that the Mind is capable of immense behavioural flexibility, including apparently indefinitely complex information processing. Wells (1996) refers to these two constraints as the Evolutionary constraint and the universality constraint, and notes that the difficulty of combining them both in a theory of cognitive architecture is difficult because they appear to be mutually incompatible :

The Evolutionary constraint leads in the direction of special-purpose mechanisms, and thus, in the direction of task-specific behaviour rather than universality; whereas the universality constraint leads in the direction of general-purpose mechanisms, and thus, in the direction of maximal behavioural flexibility but away from the space of designs that seem plausible given the Evolutionary constraint.

If human cognitive architecture is the result of Evolution, then as Tooby & Cosmides (1992) note, any given theory must be capable of explaining how we have solved the myriad problems that presented themselves over the Evolutionary timeframe. In their paper, cited above, the pair provide a substantial list of problems that evolving man solved including such things as capturing animals, mating, and cooperating. Typically, the argument given for how Evolution has solved these problems is through the selection of increasingly specialized mechanisms for example, the human eye.

The key issue here is that while such specialized mechanisms are extremely effective at solving specialized problems, they do so only by forfeiting an ability to address a more general class of problems that is, they fulfil the Evolutionary constraint, but not the universality constraint. Another problem is how Adaptations may combine for example, in an action or behaviour that combines both vision and movement.

Newell & Simon (1976) claimed that Symbols lie at the root of all intelligent action, going on to claim that A physical-Symbol system has the necessary and sufficient means for general intelligent action. This base, supported by the commonly held notion that human mental representations or Symbols are of the same kind as the representations used by computers, was extended to refer to all kinds of universal computational system and thus, by definition, Symbol systems can be said to fulfil the universality constraint.

Being universal machines, it is also the case that Symbol systems are programmable Symbol structures are programs and representations of objects and events in the external environment. This view of input and output relationship modifiers leads to the inherently attractive view of mental representations as structures in some kind of human machine language. However, herein lies a significant issue. A representation is always a representation for someone a danger which leads to an infinite regress. Searle (1980) saw this as a critical problem for Artificial Intelligence. In his famous Chinese Room argument, Searle suggested that for there to be any intentionality in a Symbol system, at some level there had to be an entity capable of understanding the Symbols otherwise, they would have no meaning.

We have seen that the Symbol systems approach satisfies the universality constraint. It remains unclear whether there is any level of compatibility with the Evolutionary constraint. The concern here is driven by the efficienc y of a generalized mechanism vs. a specific mechanism in solving a specific problem, combined with what we know of the pressures driving Evolution. Put bluntly, an organism equipped with a mechanism that avoids snakes will, over time, be more likely to survive than one whose generalized mechanism will require proof of the snakes danger before running away.

Additionally, Wells (1996) cites Conrads 1985 work into biological computation, which formalised study into computational systems along lines of programmability, efficiency and adaptability. The key message is as follows : unlike the human Brain, small changes in the structure of a program can lead to massive changes in behaviour or even lack of function. Whereas the Brain is gradually transformable, that is to say it only changes behaviour a small amount given small structural change up to an including the destruction of large parts of it this tends not to be the case in program-based systems. What is more, there is a concern in the relationship between the system and its inputs, in that a system operating without a program has no intermediary between it and the outside world a programmable system needs such inputs to be coded into a form that the processor can deal with.

It is clear that neither a Symbol-processing nor a strictly Evolutionary approach satisfies the constraints proposed. This is not to say, however, that there are not aspects of both that seem essentially correct : the idea of an aggregate of Adaptations working in parallel is not inherently flawed, but is hard to make universal. If, instead of a programmable Symbolic memor y and a processor rather like a computer, we assume the Brain to be like a processor, we may be able to take a step forward :

one should think of the set of Adaptations that Evolutionary psychologists consider to be the basis of cognitive architecture as the instruction set of a processor designed by Evolution The evolved processor is, among other things, a Symbol processor par excellence, but the Symbol structures it possesses are external (Wells, op. cit.)

By combining the evolved part of the Brain, a collection of specific mechanisms, with a processor possessing the power to carry out Symbolic instructions such as reading a map or cooking from a recipe, we have a view to a cognitive architecture that encompasses external Symbolic artefacts with which the thinker interacts. Memory, then, consists of a combination of external Symbol storage such as books, computer records and so on, and internal states which may have been adapted for in serving a specific mechanism and subsequently have a generalised function (Sherry & Schachter, 1987: cited in Wells, 1996).

Ant Nest as Brain

In examining models of the Mind, we considered two key constraints that any model should consider the Evolutionary evidence concerning adaptability, and that it should take into account the flexibility and universal nature of behaviour. The Adaptationist model proposed suggested a model of Mind comprising a number of specialized mechanisms making up the instruction set of a Symbol processor, combined with an external world incorporating Symbolic representations. It is my view that an ants nest provides a model of Mind along these lines that is only quantitatively and not qualitatively different from a human Brain.

In this model, I pro pose that the ants themselves function as a combination of neurons, synapses, and also work to bring sensory information into the overall nest. Thus the information gathered by a single ant and communicated to another may over time influence the behaviour of the nest, in much the same way that the presence of a heat source may influence a humans behaviour depending on its proximity and power. In order to make this model convincing, we need to consider each of the aspects of our Adaptationist model of Mind in turn and assess whether an ants nest model of Mind could be compelling.

We begin by looking directly at the Evolutionary constraint and understanding the idea of specific mechanisms suited to specific tasks. In all ants, development takes the ant through a number of changes in behaviour, which define what are called temporal castes. Thus, behaviour changes from caring for the queen, to digging & nest work, and finally to foraging and defense. In some ants, these ch anges can correspond to physical changes, with the soldier or major ants being significantly larger in size than the minor ants.

These different behaviour types are evolved mechanisms for coping with different requirements. If we see the nest as the model for the Mind, different means of interacting with the world dependent on requirement represent evolved mechanisms for dealing with incoming information where we see danger in the movement of a snake, so the ant nest reacts to unexpected shaking by furious activity which in some species may also herald the arrival of soldier castes to protect the nest. The different behaviour of different ant species dependent on Evolutionary environment is further evidence in this case.

In addition to this, there are many documented cases of symbiotic relationships with ants most common perhaps being that of aphids, which secrete a sweet liquid called honeydew. Normally this is allowed to fall to the ground, but around ants it is kept for them to collect. The ants in turn keep predators away and will move the aphids around to better feeding locations. It is my view that this behaviour can again be seen as evidence of the advanced nature of the ant nest and its suitability as a model of the Mind.

Our second area of concern when considering the ant nest and Adaptationist model together is that of the general purpose nature of the processor. We have already seen how the application of ants to the Travelling Salesman Problem resulted in solutions equivalent to those of other general purpose heuristic mechanisms, and it is my position that this evidences the ability of such a model to satisfy the universality constraint.

The third and most difficult area to consider is that of the ability of the processor to handle Symbol s to deal with semantic content. In order to avoid the problems faced by the Symbol-systems approach, the Adaptationist model proposed that the Symbols processed were those in the outside world. This view presupposes that for the human Mind to process said Symbols in a way consistent with meaning, the Symbols themselves must possess some form of significance that is, they are assumed to be the product of some Mind or Minds. All information presented to the Mind which is not of such a form would not be processed by the Symbol-processing aspect but rather by the appropriate mechanism.

Interpreting the idea of semantic content in this way leads us to the view that semantic content is nothing more than an aspect of the environment that has been changed in such a way as to impart a message. As any simple definition of ant communication would detail, ant communication is primarily through chemicals called pheromones. For instance, when a forager finds food on its way home, it will leave a trail along the ground, which in a short time other ants will follow. When they return home they will reinforce the t rail, bringing other ants, until the food is exhausted, after which the trail is not reinforced and so slowly dissipates. We recall that this was the method of interacting with the environment which was used in Ant Algorithms, and with good reason. I suggest that this level of semantic content, together with other aspects of the model considered is strong evidence for the conclusion that an ant nest is an adequate model of Mind.

Summary & Conclusion

I began this essay with a proposal to discuss the question that an ant nest is an adequate model of Mind. In order to examine this question, I first reviewed at a high level the notion of thought and some of the psychological history that relates to it, looking at specific examples related to the understanding of instinct vs. learned behaviour. I talked about the development of Connectionism and commented on the reassessment of the SSSM (Tooby & Cosmides, 1992) which gave rise to the field of Evolutionary Psychology.< /p>

I developed these ideas further in the second section of the essay, in which I looked at the twin constraints for any model of Mind these being the universality constraint and the Evolutionary constraint. I showed how predominant models cannot in truth satisfy both, and following Wells (1996) proposed a model of Mind in which the evolved Adaptations served as the instruction set for a highly efficient Symbol processor, these Symbols residing in the external world. This model satisfied both criteria.

Building on this model of Mind, I demonstrated how many of the characteristics of an ant nest have clear parallels in the theoret ical model, and used this similarity to suggest the ant nest as a model of Mind. Based on the evidence presented and the research done I therefore maintain that an ant nest has all of the necessary and sufficient criteria to model human thought & intentionality, and as such can be said to differ from the human Brain only in quantitative terms.

Author: Stephen Levy writes for Dispatx Art Collective.

Dispatx Art Collective was created in 2004 by Oliver Luker, Vanessa Oniboni and David Stent. We work with collaborating artists to develop ideas and display works related to specific themes.

The website functions as a rigorous concept-space for the exploration of these ideas and is used both for the exhibition of completed works and as a focus for the exploration and advancement of collective projects.

Press : [english [castellano

Author:: Stephen Levy
Keywords:: Emergence,Adaptation,Psychology,Evolution,Mind,Brain,Symbol
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