Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Government is Good at Only One Thing Well Actually Two!

Many people in the United States of America are trying to rely on the government for more and more every year and they vote for all the podium pushers and politicians who promised them things that the government can neither afford or that the taxpayer is willing to pay for.

Nevertheless, people rely on the government for all kinds of things such as health care, when what they should be doing is eating right and exercising more and they would not need pharmaceutical drugs or free health care at all. I am over 40 years old and have not been to a doctor in 28 years and I am in perfect shape and health and always will be.

I do not take drugs of any type pharmaceutical or otherwise and I eat healthy; you cannot rely on the government for such things as many of the things that people are relying on the government for our something that they should be responsible for themselves.

Most everything the government does it does inefficient and they do nothing very we ll. Well actually the government is good at only one thing; well actually two. The government is extremely good at lying to the American people.

And the government is very good at spending our money on wasteful endeavors in a very inefficient manner. In fact they are so good at both of these things that they probably deserve some sort of an award. Please consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Government is Good at Only One Thing
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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