Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Oh the Weather

As we watch the North East Flood, we are reminded of El Nino in the Western United States, well that is to say after the Santa Ana Winds and Wildfires subside. Well we are done with El Nino and ready for La Nina for a few years right? Not so fast say meteorologists. But El Nino was not within the proper 9-year cycle right? Right but why; Solar Activity, Solar Flares, Ionosphere thinning, Global Warming? Hmmm?

Very interesting my friends; we know that certain things can occur in any system and that well; events occur that is to say situations or also called by non-scholarly gentlemen like me ShT Happens type events can be figured into a program, which takes into consideration multiple trends converging and gives each trend or event a value number or probability rating and thus many, many points of your data set can be figured to give you the answer you seek? Ah like Murphyism; complexity and Chaos and all that? Yes, like that.

Well if so, is such a system valid, can it still predict weather? Yes, it can however the people who value such items are not always Correct about weather and to be adequately Calculated must take into considerations such things a micro events or trends which can change weather patterns so slightly that they can eventually change the whole to such a large degree that the big event predicted will not occur at all. This is true and though we have had weather people and TV Media blow out of proportion storms for the simple fact they wanted higher ratings, it is possible that the best possible super computer may render irrelevant data based on faulty assumptions on valuations of micro trends on the macro dominant trend. Luckily we are learning lots about weather and collecting so much data that the predictions are becoming better. But si mple long term predictions of will there be another El Nino type year, where the Pacific ocean rises and heats up a few degrees above normal or will we see the trade winds and the Pineapple Express render itself back to the normality of what we have come to expect over years of farmer's almanac studies and data collection? Here are some predictions on the question of El Nino - LA Nina cycle;

http://www.dynapred.com/Predictions/El-Nino/el-nino.html .

The Internet as much as we love information contains a high degree of conjecture, opinion, junk science, un proven theories and garbage. If you study textbooks, it is the same, with little value of reality or any relevant perception of truth. Even books like What your History Teacher Never told you is half questionable. Oh the weather, will we ever get it right? Yes, some day soon all the hard being done by NASA will have it all figured out and well, Now you know. Think on it.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lanc e Winslow
Keywords:: the weather, Correct, Chaos, Nasa, Calculated, valid system, micro evenets, el nino, la nina
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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