Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Socialist Blame Capitalism and Corporations for All the World's Ills

Often those who have never run a business, provided for customers or had to make a payroll will chastise businesses and Capitalism. It is very common for this to happen with extremely liberal citizens or even citizens from other nations who lean to a socialist skew or actually live in a socialist nation. Recently a foreigner in an online think tank stated:

Looking at corporate impact, foods and produce, diet, pollution, advertising, class creation, fanaticism, elitism, segregation etc, depression, economics, there are so many other contributing factors that I feel are of equal influence.

Of course this view of the United States, Capitalism and Corporations did not sit well with one free-market politically Independent thinker who stated:

You are attacking Corporations who bring civilization every single thing we desire? Why. You go to the store you choose what you buy those products are produced by Corporations, without those products your life would be of less quality. You cannot have all you desire and then kick them in the teeth for delivering it to you and you family?

Another think tanker joined in the commenters section and further stated:

What you think seems to becoming of less and less value as you attack the spirit of America; The Greatest Nation in the History of this species. No business deserves any help from government. Government should move out of the way and n ot put up barriers to business. Capitalism works best when it is allowed to provide what willing customers desire to purchase.

Personally I found this free market discussion and condemnation of capitalism interesting. Indeed Big Business has more of the ear of government and gets more juice for its investment to be heard, yet the government should remain neutral and responsive to the communication from all businesses and favor none. Personally as a small business I have given back:


And as a larger business I have given back to the common good.


And I must say government got in the way at each and every step of the way; mostly due to the complaining masses who have indeed spoken out as squeaky wheels in the same way you are doing here today. It is these comments like yours that incite politicians to make laws which do nothing more than hurt all businesses from delivering what you and your family desire and along with all your friends wish to buy. So there is a lot more to capitalism that meats the eye; Capitalism done right is a very good thing for the world. Socialism gone wrong is a travesty for those victims who live under such a government structure. Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Socialist Blame Capitalism, Corporations, all the worlds ills
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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