Thursday, June 28, 2012

Innate Intelligence

From Mystical Physicists

Chaos is the operating fact of the universe that does actually adapt and create or mutate through qualitative and quantitative leaps according to the Russian (Check out the New Frontier people who have a site on the web as well as the work of Stanford biologist Bruce Lipton) and mystical scientific paradigm-thinking. Thus many of the normal behavioral observations can only explain part of the day to day 'reality'. A few decades ago science generated proteins from apparent nothingness and declared they had created life from inanimate. This concept and experiment was partially replicable and became touted and taught throughout all schools, but it was less than what it was represented to be in the final analysis. NASA now pronounces there is life everywhere including interstellar vacuums. Microbes are not the only reason for this truth.

Just as there are Archetypes in our minds the equivalent templates of knowledge exist in the 'ether' or 'cosmic soup'. Together and inclusive of all knowledge we get the Universal Mind or Harmonic Convergence. These things are shallow images of what really can be done with joined effort of mind and soul through the attunement of adept practitioners and observers of nature. The Jewish 'Golem' is supposedly able to invest the soul of a dead person into the fashioned earth and matter that the Rabbis or other magicians work with. The alchemist's 'homonunclus, and gargoyles being brought to life by Kafka: legends abound in many cultural settings. The possibility of such an act of creation is more mind-blowing to any rational person than even the focusing of dimensional forces. How could one actually tap their genetic knowledge to cause any form of life to exist. Yet it would appear mere science can create some rudimentary building blocks and that energy can be directed through super conscious latticeworks that retain information much as the silicon computer chip or digitized quantum bits of cognized information. The one dimensional harmonic forces of String Theory that combine to form membranes and other 11-dimensional realities are quite reminiscent of the concepts of animating and transmuting the form of matter (which is just lower level or dross energy).

The amount of time that man has been aware and creatively focused on attunement is far longer than the time he has been fixed on power and material greed. It didn't require writing it down. In fact it isn't very easy to explain how chaos or creation works by any scientist who can demonstrate the mathematical formula. Yes, we see there are eloquent images and fancy terminologies. What the formula can do is still largely unproven in terms of what the apparent potential might yield. Man is on the verge of being able to create and have robots to create as self-replicants and restructuring of wood or other energy into food or gold. This is the expected near future outcome with nanotechnology and 'replicators' much like the Star Trek images have brought us for many years.

Bucky Fuller called it 'creative realization' and said that anything we can imagine is achievable through our acceptance and focused intention. He was saying it in dry and often scientific or even incomprehensible language but he is right. So we can say that 'survival of the fittest' is a rude natural fact that 'creation' can alter and surpass. The ancient ideals of Godheads and akashic or other direct cognition are worth exploration because the world of seems to be is really what ever we can create. Hopefully my nave perception about RIGHT THOUGHT=RIGHT ACTION from the laws of the Magi is an operating principle.

Author of many books available at Lulu and

Author:: Robert Baird
Keyw ords:: Genetic information transfer, Archetypes, Teilhard's Templates, Creative Realization
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