Monday, August 20, 2012

Pascal's Wager

My oldest brother professes to be a Catholic under the New Catechism which he thinks is able to reach out to people with many non-traditional insights. He suggested that I would possibly convert; if I read the book by Edith Romanes called The Story Port Royal because he saw Pascal and I have a lot in common. We do have a lot in common. Pascal was the voice for the Port Royalists but she admits he was not an adherent of their beliefs. I think she does not know Pascals science or what Christ studied.

I am sure if Pascal were alive today he and I would agree on most things once he was up to speed on the quantum reality and other researches that demonstrate a lot of things once called miracles. There is another element to my brothers comment which is derived from ego and the need people have to state their uninformed opinion as if they are privy to facts they know little or nothing about. I have had many discussions about Pascals Wager and I address it in greater detail under the heading The Doctrine of Probabilism later in this book (Taken from my book The Huguenots and the Cathar Continuum.). Many Christians do the same kind of thing when they claim Newton is a Christian because he wrote volumes on Biblical issues including Daniel. They even deny Newton was an alchemist and say their sources are right even after they are presented with obvious evidence about his alchemical researches and the need to keep these things secret in an era when peoples lives could literally be at stake. Einstein found people putting words in his mouth even as he lived and he had to set them straight in these matters eventually.

Let us take some words of Pascal and ask ourselves if he is a Christian or more of an alchemist like Jesus. Yes, Jesus was trained in the adept arts of Gnostic Hermeticism like most intellectuals of his time and in the millenia before him. The noted historian Michael Grant says this intellectual system was called Imhotep/Asklepios or Thoth/Hermes. There are other things studied by Gnostics and Cathars as you can easily see as you read this book.

This is what I see, and it is this which disquiets me. I look around on every side and see nothing but twilight. Nature offers me nothing that is not a cause of doubt, of uneasiness. If I saw nothing in Nature which in any way implies a Creator, I could make up my mind not to believe in one. If I saw on every side the traces of a Creator, I would rest in peace in the Faith; but as I see too much to make it possible to deny, too little to make me certain (of a Creator), I am in a pitiable state. A hundred times I have wished that if there is a God who upholds Nature, she would unmistakably indicate Him; but if the traces she points out of Him are but deceits, she would destroy themthat she would say all or nothing. (1)

Author of many books available at Lulu and

Author:: Robert Baird
Keywords:: Pascal, Alchemy, Port Royal, Baird
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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