Sunday, September 9, 2012

Man Can Only Travel Faster than the Speed of Light as Energy

Many are under the belief that man cannot travel faster than the speed of light because a man or a woman for that matter has Mass. This would be in following Einsteins Theory. However some disagree with this concept and believe that no only can you travel faster than the speed of light, but travel in time as well.

The other day in a think tank a very hostile gentleman said Einstein was stupid and un-enlightened, which really angered some of the other online think tankers. But then the hostile one then said to further define his comments; But what I am pointing out is that to achieve such speeds greater than that of light, m an will no longer be a man, for he will become a being greater than a human. And the Application of this Power will make man be like a god.

This is interest in that in one instance the claimer of knowledge and hostile gentleman proclaims Einstein stupid and then reasons using part of Einsteins Theory. Indeed if under Einsteins Theory again man would have to be Energy or something with no Mass to travel faster than the speed of light and thus would be in a different form, thus he could be said to be better or like a god.

However until mankind does travel faster than the speed of light using other tricks such as stepping out of time or folding space none of this is provable and therefore somewhat irrelevant to the subject as we are discussing man traveling at the speed of light not a god, or god like being or anything else for that matter. The trick here is no matter where you are, be weary of those who claim knowledge and then throw rhetoric. Think on this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Man Travel Faster than Speed of Light, Energy, Power, Mass, Application, Theory, Einstein
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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