Sunday, November 18, 2012

What Makes a Person Creative or Brilliant VS Intelligent or Smart?

Often we consider an Individual or person a Creative mind or Creative person. Yet in common use language that can mean quite a lot. A Creative person who solves problems, which are important to us, can be considered a possessor of a Brilliant mind. Often some one in our civilization who does solves problems in a multi-disciplinarian way repeatedly in industry, government, science or military we will label as a Genius. Many of us can pass as Intelligent, bright, cunning, Smart or problem solves, but yet the additional labels of Brilliant, Genius and Creative, is something else. And whether we can define it or not in standard terms, we certainly know it when we see. In my life I have been fortunate to have been involved with many a Brilliant Creative Genius and you can feel it from even the briefest of conversations.

Simply being Smart, knowing data or memorizing facts is not enough to make the grade of the next level of the Genius, Creative and Brilliant souls. Only using your knowledge is worthy, simply possessing it is common of many an Individual; the key is to use that knowledge in over coming, problem solving, innovating, entreprenuering, designing and WINING. So often we say people are Smart, without having ever done anything with it?

Hard to say why we do this, as to many of the observers that is a waste time and should be consider ignorant and not even making the Smart level. Most do not understand the Creative thing, it makes no sense to them for instance I myself have been perceived as Creative. Yet often those using the label do not understand the other uses of the labe l. Often people will have misread one they call Creative or have a screwed up sense of what Creative is? Being Creative in the true sense of the word should not be difficult as it is a natural thing, every one should have it.

On a scale of the over all population, there are those who are more Creative than most and perhaps do deserve the title or perhaps the next level of title; the Brilliant or Genius level. An Intelligent or Smart person with a strong presence of attributes for instance human intent, will, energy, cross pollination in problem solving, athletic ability, stead fastness, perseverance, etc. coupled with creativity, will usually more resemble what we consider to be Brilliant or Genius status.

When you call someone Creative what do you think of? What is most fascinating about these terms is so often Creative people have a sense of lacking when they cannot solve a problem, or do not know an answer. Many a Genius has toiled for years trying to solve a problem and cannot accept giving up or quitting on that problem, in fact they get quite angry at themselves if they do not muster the creativity to solve the problem.

Somehow these Brilliant minds cannot except not knowing the answer and yet so seek it or feel inferior in their own self-evaluation. Many a Creative Genius goes to the grave unfulfilled in this regard, thus it is true that with brilliance comes baggage. Some spend a lifetime convincing them selves that they are not good enough in the creativity arena yet. Sure their colleagues will tell them they are Creative and Brilliant and they may even get an award or two, saying how much of a Genius they are, but often they simply wonder why is everyone telling me I am Creative, Brilliant or a Genius? If you search out the most Brilliant minds of past periods you will find this to be the case. How fascinating it is to see that the words we use to describe others have no affect on these minds?

It is also quite amazing that the Creative Genius in all their brilliance do not see such things as a compliment, they consider the complimentor wrong. If people tell them these things they assume that those who speak such words must live in a box with so many limits that they see the Genius as Creative? To the Brilliant Genius it would appear that they are not Creative necessarily, only the others are not applying themselves and others just live in a box and buy the line of BS purported to help them believe it is okay to live within such stringent limits? In the Creative Geniuss mind with all their brilliance and baggage believes that living outside the cave is not being Creative, it is simply living and thinking? It is natural and it is suppose to be that way. These Brilliant and often unreasonable Individuals kno w of no limits and cannot comprehend why we live in mediocrity and label them as Geniuses. Do you think they are laughing at us? Think on that.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Creative, Brilliant, Intelligent, Genius, Smart, problem solver, Individual
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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