Thursday, March 31, 2011

Numbers Nature and Philosophy (Part 2)

In part one of this article we discussed Numbers in nature and their possible philosophical significance. In this part we consider some other unusual aspects of Numbers.

Zero and Infinity

Unlike other real Numbers Zero and Infinity do not have any quantitative attribute. Strictly speaking they are not Numbers although mathematicians do consider Zero as a finite number. The statement that I have five dollars makes perfect sense but I have Zero dollars does not. If asked to I can show the five dollars but cannot show the Zero. So Zero is just a concept like Infinity. The concept of a thing is not the thing itself but only an attempt to describe what it is.

Zero and Infinity figure prominently in philosophy, especially in Eastern philosophies. They are considered two sides of the same coin, as are all pairs of opposites. They are interlinked like the two ends of an infinite spiral and also contained in each other. We cannot go into the details of these philosophical arguments here and simply mention that the Ultimate Reality is described as smaller than the smallest and larger than the largest (Vedanta) and nothing is everything (Tao).

Irrational and Transcendental Numbers

Numbers that cannot be expressed as a ratio of two intege rs are called irrational. I suppose they are called irrational because of the belief that the only rational way of expressing a number is in terms of two other whole Numbers. Their decimal expansions do not terminate nor become periodic. The most well known irrational number is the square root of two. These Numbers are, by definition, indeterminate, although geometrically one can get the value of square root of two by measuring the hypotenuse of a right-angle triangle with height and base equal to one. However, as we shall see later, it brings in another problem the error of measurement.

As one can guess from the name itself, the definition of transcendental Numbers is a little complicated. (These are Numbers that are not roots of integer polynomials so they are not algebraic Numbers of any degree.) All transcendental Numbers are irrational. Frankly I do not know what they transcend other than an easy definition! Anyway, two are most common. One is associated with ci rcle and is denoted by the Greek letter Pi; the other is denoted by e for exponential and is associated with logarithm. Another such number is the so-called golden ratio denoted by the Greek letter Phi, which is apparently favored by nature and can be traced even in human anatomy. Architectures using this ratio are aesthetically more pleasing. It also related to Fibonacci sequence discussed in part 1 of this article.

Approximations and Errors

Since the values of irrational and transcendental Numbers cannot be determined precisely, one has to resort to approximation. Any approximation has some inherent error. This means that the use of these Numbers will not yield a unique result. The circumference or the area of a circle cannot be determined precisely because it involves multiplication by Pi. The exponential growth of any variable quantity cannot be calculated exactly because of the use of e. The same is true for using the golden ratio. If we use geometrical meth ods of determining the values of the square root of two or the circumference of a circle, the approximation error translates into measurement error which can never be completely eliminated.

This takes us back to what was mentioned about Zero. No matter what we do we can never get to Zero. The same holds for Infinity. This bears an analogy to the spiritual goal of reaching the Ultimate Reality. If this goal is nirvana, it cannot be attained while living. One can only strive to get as close as possible and the closest possible approach is called enlightenment.

Dharmbir Rai Sharma is a retired professor with electrical engineering and physics background. He obtained his M.S. degree in physics in India and Ph.D. in electrical engineering at Cornell University. He has taught in universities here and also in Brazil, where he spent sometime. He maintains a website devoted mainly to philosophy and science.

Author:: Dharmbir Sharma
Keywords:: Numbers, Zero, Infinity, Irrational number, Transcendent Numbers, Golden ratio
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Animus Mundi and Intelligent Design

Animus Mundi:

The World Mind or Critical Mass of intellectual and spiritual energy was called Animus Mundi by the spiritually aware revivalists of the turn of the century. The spirit or anima (Aristotle) in all that is includes things not alive as we think of it. The Mayans put it this way Do not put yourself in front of your Self. There is a qualitative aspect to our genetic mutations and other changes in the world around us. Koestler saw some of it and Bucky Fuller (A charmed person to be sure.) put it forward as creative realization. I also have enjoyed many other Fullerisms and principles. His Observer of the Observed is a tool I have found useful in keeping balance even as I seem to be hysterical in the joy of what goes on around me. Bucky said that the world around us is the way it is because we think or made it that way because of our mindset or what might be termed our paradigm. All we need to do to actualize great and wondrous change is to think differently .

Dr. Janice Boddy says we have a Reifying thrust of Materialism and we need to develop a Reifying thrust of Spiritualism I think.


Just as Gertrude observed in her airplane flights over America, there are designs that open and aware artists or people can tune into. The ancients who worshipped Ra or other sun-gods were more aware of our intricate and intimate involvement with the sun than you might imagine. It is not just the desire for melatonin such as the Star Fire Ceremony of the Rosicrucians like Gardner that allow me to say this. He details the psychic and spiritual effects on us through the Third Eye. It is not just the accuracy of the prophetic Mayan calendar which tracks the transit of Venus in its short count. That transit has a means of understanding the effect of the sun when combined with the Long Count or Polar Wander Path. I have tried to describe these things in other books and I confess it is not a simple discussion; or at least I am not able to make it so. Suffice it to say, there are ways we are impacted by the forces of nature that make us a very habit formed creature far beyond mere psychological conditioning. The billions of years that life has been evolving in concert with or alongside the effects of the stars and cosmic or earth energies are in all of us whether we are attuned to it or not.

When man does not know all the awesome potential he (she) has to develop God does God develop as well as God would like? When man does not fulfill a positive harmonizing function and all manner of other life forms suffer because of it, does that mean it was God who was the problem? I say God (he/she/it) or Divine Providence must grow or harmonize and man making God the culprit for mans own deceits and destructive acts is mere anthropomorphing ego. We must stop the divisive and racist designs that old religions and other insane constructs cause. There is more MUCH more wealth and health availab le for all life on earth if only we ethically planned to act in creative cooperation with All that IS. This is the real Charm of Making. Intelligent Design:

WILLIAM DEMBSKI: - Rather than deal with Intelligent Design thoughts and the math of this highly accredited academic who was given a Research Center at Baylor University, that has been in the news a lot over the last few years; I will place some thoughts that may be confusing but touch upon some of the issues of the Origin of Life as debated in the larger theme of our beginnings and consciousness studies. It is a response with other people in a long thread of posts on the matter of Creationism and Intelligent Design.

I see Evolutionary Theory as a study of the Origin of Life not the genesis of the human species. There are few researchers (including Jacobson of ASU who discovered Lucy) who will not do any human evolutionary tree today. Darwin did not go to the Galapagos to study humans. He tried also to maint ain he was not inspired by Lamarck (whose work includes an attunement or qualitative aspect that Russian science still employs rather than the more quantitative approach of most Western scholars) but it was subsequently shown that Darwin was well versed in Lamarckian principles and employed much of his insight though from a different premise or POV. Darwin also had a Theory of Love. You do not read about it and that is sad, because that really integrates what I am about to demonstrate if this discussion goes to the nature of lattice intersectional consciousness.

That is where one encounters another theory - different from Interventionism or the alien seed from microbial RNA lattices. Darwin was greatly hampered by his materialistic science that understood nothing of the cellular level of life biologic. They had no microbiology or electron microscopes. It is upon the cellular substrate that each lifeform has been created and the Human Genome Project assures us we are no t so different genetically from the worm. I offer certain 'Faith'-based evidence as proof of that contention.

This theory suggests that the crystalline structure of rocks and minerals had a part to play in focusing energy to the biological soup ingredients at the beginning of life on earth. It is cutting edge stuff and I have only seen one article on it. I like this theory because I am a great fan of String Theory and Solid State Physicists like Robins and Tiller of Stanford (He has a recent book on Creation of life which I quote and have referred to many times in these debates.). String Theory tells us that all matter and energy is derived from 'one dimensional harmonic forces'. Now I can also draw the Logos into this and ask about the two muons separated in the deep Sudbury research center. How can sub-atomic pArticles communicate as was shown in this study? If they can communicate do they have some rudimentary consciousness? Indeed consciousness may not be only existent in biologic life.

Going down that path will eventually take us to our most feared Creator or the collective unconscious, and the ONE of many non-theistic disciplines like Buddhism. I did not come to the point I am at (OPEN), by desire to believe in a Creator. I assure you I am raised in the most Atheistical up-bringing and approach. But now I see some merit in something these religions may have intuited somehow.

In the open state any asymmetry causes an energy imbalance to build up, caused by rectification of random fluctuations occurring in the surrounding region. When some shock causes closure, an energy discharge will occur and the resulting flow can provide the shock needed to cause a change in state of other nearby junctions. So waves of switching action will arise spontaneously: t hese could be the quantum waves: the core feature of quantum theory. Furthermore, all the ingredients are present from which a working neural network could evolve and could ultimately yield a primary consciousness.

The network or grid, now defining the nuether and represented symbolically by a rectangular mesh in Figures 3, 5, and 6, would interconnect everything in the universe. As yet, however, no universe of matter could exist. Spontaneous creation of the nuether had to occur first, followed by evolution of its consciousness, since on this model matter would require deliberate design. This came from the site of the Center for Philosophical Freedom and an extensive article by Ronald Pearson which includes this description of his work as well Articles by and about Ronald Pearson, the Derbyshire s cientist who has discovered a structure of the ether that has potential to evolve intelligence. This has provided the mathematics to back up the experiments of Sir William Crookes and Charles Richet. In these experiments, deceased people returned, proving they had survived death. (12)

I see so much in current science that supports life after death theories; and yet it may not be our personality which continues to exist in the ways most religions or concepts like Karma think of it. Beyond limbo or purgatory and these local event horizon states or attached energy bandwidths I think little could be likened to what we would call our own persona. In closing let me say simply we must learn to think and question in the Socratian manner or else we are headed for a lot more war and other ghastly results.

When she came out of the anaesthetic, she turned to the always faithful Alice B. Toklas and said, What is the answer? The heartbroken Alice was unable to reply and, afte r a pause, Gertrude went on: In that case, what is the question? These, it is said were her last words.(13) And in my mind no bard or mere poet ever asked a more important question of life each and every day.

Author of Diverse Druids Columnist for The ES Press Magazine Guest 'expert' at

Author:: Robert Baird
Keywords:: Intelligent Design, Animus Mundi, Charmed Circle
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

From Experience: Is It the Circle of Life?

All of it in one way or another a part of my Lifetime and not an analytical study of the way that business has changed but a comparison that is not at all hard to follow or see. What happened to our country now seems to be subtle changes that occurred as the years passed by.

Always a reason behind a wage difference always because of the area of the country or because of the actual company I was Working for.

Basically it has all boiled down to the ultimate understanding that it was just the standard of living country wide had taken a turn for the worse and no one, definitely not mewanted to admit it or look at it.

Yes, beyond my capability to actually crunch numbers and really see what was happening somehow the American way of Life has changed and it is harder than ever to do what needs to be done financially.

Beyond my want to know at all of what has really happened, and understand it. Because the country that I grew up in, the country that was so fair to all was slowly changing. So much that it wasnt really noticeable immediately and if you were too busy trying to make ends meet possibly you didnt even think about it or find it unusual or sad. It really is sad, but real.

Unions cant make it anymore. Why? Because we as Americans will not pay the price of labor unions and dont have to because unions no longer make a difference. Our government says that we can unionize and yet it will allow the companies that have had unions for many years to bail out on pensions that were part of union agreements and contracts. What good is unionizing when it means nothing?

What once was not the norm is now. Women have Worked for decades at destroying the American family as it once was and now just as men did before us we compete with one another and with them too.

We for the most part took the original American Dream and turned it into a self serving egotistical attitude and had no real idea of when we had it all.

We as women went past the wife and mother aspect of being female and ran to the far side of the businesses and corporate offices out of some depraved kind of jealousy and why I have no idea.

I know that at this point we are far beyond being able to turn around and go back. I know that many would without a second thought throw me to the dogs for even mentioning it.

Still there was a better time and place for all of us and it isnt going to be easy to find a place like that in the future. Families that always relied on each other for emotional support now rely on each other to make ends meet.

Families that had a bond o f love that nurtured our young people to great achievements and discoveries have turned into families that have a bond that is produced by basic needs.

The college graduate of today is now in a situation many times of having to look back at a generation that seriously lived beyond its means. At the same time there are those who for one reason or another found a place in society that allowed them to enter a comfort zone that is now turning into a place of uncertainty and the worry of yesterday coming back to haunt the future is real.

Generations that lived through the Great Depression knew how to live without. Our government for how many years now has told us that there is no Recession, no depression and that our country is on a firm footing.

In my Lifetime I remember someonesaying that we would retire in our fifties, that we would have more time to spend at homea four day Work week. Is it my imagination or part of a novel I read in my school days?

It did not happen and no one seems to know why.

A time when there was a bread winner in a family and one person could financially support a family.

Did we use it all up? Did we somehow over do it? What went wrong with the country and where did all of the dreams of retirement, educational superiority of our country and the research and discovery so important to our country and our tomorrows die?

The comfort zone is fading away and now the political arena challenges anyone who listens to find a side and take the walk to the extremes that are a regular part of the country that I grew up in.

If not for the belief that something bigger than all of us is out there I would say that there is no hope that it will get better.

Doom and gloom is a terrible thing especially for the privileged who have no idea of what it is to do without.

Has our generation primed our children to believe that there will never be a time when we will live through another time in this country where more will be living in poverty than during the Great Depression?

I remember someoneway back saying that the United States was on the top.

Have we thought seriously of how it would be if history were to repeat itself and another depression fell upon us?

Life has been good for many. Life has been hard at times and rewarding at other times. Many of my generation grew to be far wealthier than their parents could have imagined and yet is that wealth a temporary haven that will dissolve and turn into nothing more than a memory of what was?

Is it our government, our society, our morals or the cycle of Life that will return us to where we came from?

Julie Pierce has Worked in the retail sector for more than thirty years. She has been a union member of the UCFW Union and the afl-cio more than once and has Worked for more than one large retailer during the course of her career.

She attended Gulf Coast Community College, Panama City Beach, Florida, in the nineties in the pursuit of a degree in Journalism and Mass Communications.

Some of her Work has been published during the eighties and nineties in various editorial pages of newspapers in the state of New Jersey and Florida. She also did some Work as a community reporter for a weekly newspaper in Panama City Florida.

Author:: Julie Pierce
Keywords:: Economy, Wages, Great Depression, Recession, Life, United States, Work,
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

The Myth of the Suffering Artist

There is no be-all-end-all work of Art. No definitive statement will be made for all time by any of us, so lets take things a little easier and give our muses a little space to breathe.

This is one reason why, as I writer, I favor Stream-of-consciousness writing practice as a means of priming the pump. It allows me to simply tune in to whatever is wanting to come out of me at any given time. If I completely plan my work out ahead of time, Im much more likely to be restrained by my own beliefs about what constitutes real Art and what doesnt. Any moments that we reflect upon - not just the deep and serious existential speculations - contain something universal in human experience anyway.

So then what about this sticky notion that the Artist must suffer? Its long been a clich, this supposed truism. Addictions, suicidal temperaments, promiscuity, unbalanced behavior, misanthropyall these things have been expected of the great creators of the human race almost as a matter of course.

Its impossible to argue against the evidence that so many renowned Artists were or are going off the rails. But what does Pain really mean? It prompts us to seek ways to soothe or heal it. If we burn our hand on a hot stove, the Pain is there to tell us to yank our hand away. It is not a negative feeling; its a protective measure.

Suffering, then, in the life of an Artist is merely the impetus to embark upon the quest. Suffering means that the status quo has become too Painful, stifling or debilitating for Artists and so they must find their own way. The fruits of this search are what inspire the rest of us, their audience. Does this mean that our Artists are supposed to endure physical and spiritual penury all of their lives? No! The purpos e of Suffering, again, is to prompt us to learn how to heal or otherwise alleviate it. Artists who die in despair never learned how to redeem themselves with their own Art; in the end, they failed to be physicians for themselves in the way that they were for so many of us.

So, in answer to the eternal question Is it necessary to suffer in order to be an Artist? I would say: Yes but only at the onset. From there, the real creative path for each of us lies in finding our own personal answer, the means to fulfill ourselves without relying upon societys prescription for reality.

Seth Mullins is the author of Song of an Untamed Land. Visit his complete blog at

Author:: Seth Mullins
Keywords:: Artist,Suffering,Art,Addiction,Healing,Pain,Stream-of-consciousness
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

The Average Human Being is Brain Dead and Cares Not

The average human being is brain dead and is not care to think nor do they care that their intellectual capacity is diminished because they will not exercise their brain or their body. Wow, that sure was a blasphemous statement on the human race and where exactly do you get off making such a mean-spirited comment about humanity anyway?

Oh spare me the political correctness, professional courtesy chit-chat will you? You cannot tell me that you have not had the same thought or comment yourself in observing humanity? What is wrong with simply telling it like it is? Why do you wish to sugar coat such an important topic? Deny the truth? Hmm, why and what is wrong with starting a discussion on this subject or stating matter of factly that; The Average Human Being is Brain Dead and Cares Not?

You know it seems as all American and people all over the planet for that matter are indeed getting fat, dumb and happy. Although I cannot imagine what they are happy about, as they look around the world at other societies and civilization, other than perhaps ignorance is bliss. Yes the average human is becoming brain dead and does not care. This is obvious.

Just look around at some of the elections around the world. If people are getting this out of wack, then why do we allow them to vote in elections for politicians who are lying to them, abusing them or using them or hijacking a religion to do it? Look at Hamas in the Palestinian Territory or the President of Iran, look at Central America, South America, Africa and the future shoe-in in Mexico? What more proof do all y’all need anyhow? Dah? Think if you can.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Average Human Being, Brain Dead, Cares Not
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

UniBomber Manifesto and Human Behavior Think Tank Topic

Did you read the uni-bomber manifesto? What did you think of that paper? Although written by a criminal it did have some interesting comments and some things that society should be considering as they advance science and address Human interaction in society, as well as the future of Human-computer interface.

Soon we may have computer chips hooked to our brains and we will be able to do more things faster with better data and knowledge. I enjoyed reading the Uni-bomber Manifesto as he attempted to address these issues in the Data Smog of the current paradigm. Apparently he decided foolishly to do something about it in a very sub-Human like way and we all know the story about that; an unfortunate tale of Criminality.

If we allow all the Human aspects and what it is to be Human then there will be fighting in the streets, if we evolve thru our technologies and pay attention to the forward progression, perhaps we can now move into the future period without being doo med to repeat. In most modern societies we have decided to over come those Human aspects thru rules of our civilizations, but those aspects are very Human. Eventually as population on the Planet becomes more dense some 30 Billion Humans by 2050, we may decide to modify the Human brain to prevent the negative aspects of what makes us Human or we may decide to stay natural. So should we allow Rioting in the streets to make us feel alive and Human and fully engaged; is that what it means to be Human? Should we celebrate 4-week Riots like we saw as France burned or should we re-design ourselves to live in a different way of live?

We need to decide and a national discussion maybe necessary to insure that we make technology work for us and not enslave us. We need to decide how Human we wish to remain and ho w much we can tolerate. Interesting topic for a think tank isnt it; think on it.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: uni-bomber manifeso, Human, Riots, Criminality, Rioting, France, population density, Humans computer
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Infinite Hierarchy of Beings Theory

Some believe that there is an infinite hierarchy of beings that are Greater than human beings, additionally they believe that you cannot know all these levels of life until your Travel up the hierarchy. Indeed this is an interesting spin on religion and a fascinating attempt at religion. Surely there are those who might buy into this concept having been burned by other religions in the past. It makes for a very interesting story and Sci Fi writers might chomp at the bit to take the ball and run with it.

Recently in an online think tank a gentleman threw his religion into a discussion on the speed of light and talked of infinite energy beings and then stated; To be aware of them, you have to go up in the levels of life and hierarchy of beings, Greater than human beings. And there are infinite hierarc hy of beings!

Well, you can imagine how the chicken crap and Bird Flu hit the fan on this one in a scientific think tank? This gentlemans ascertain was challenged immediately by another think tanker who stated;

You cannot prove this therefore it cannot be accepted as truth. This line of reasoning is fascinating indeed and worthy of a cup of coffee and a sit down chat, but beyond that will not work for most due to the un-provable nature of the comment. Isaac Asimov and others had discussed this as well. Although had not taken it to the infinite. This is indeed somewhat irrelevant to the subject of Traveling faster than the speed of light and you have used the technique of Baffling with Bullsht here and strayed from a very serious and really important point for human scientists.

It sure is i nteresting how such religions can filter into a discussion on Traveling faster than the speed of light. Perhaps Gene Roddenberry might be proud of him for following the Star Trek Series so closely, who knows? My question to you is do you have theories or ideas on hierarchy of beings? Can you help this lost gentleman better his case, as he is getting pummeled in his belief system? Perhaps you might like to join in on these thoughts? Think on this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Infinite Hierarchy Beings, Theory, Greater, Travel
Post by History of the Compute r | Computer safety tips

Slavers Claim To be Slaves Taxation

The United States of America was planned by elite members of secret societies. One of those elites was Francis Bacon whose utopian book actually used what was being done in Peru as a model. Indeed you will have to read a lot more books to know that these elites were involved in the Americas since before the time of Moses but suffice it to say we have forensic analysis or Peruvian cocaine in Egyptian mummies and genetics to go along with data galore from all disciplines of science. The US Founding document has a pre-cursor Constitution from over a century earlier in the Iroquois Confederation. There were Masons with traders in America who had been here before Columbus and there was an elite group of Indians who belonged to one of their offshoots called The Mediwiwin Society. Haplogroup X genetics shows us that the Sioux are white and the Sioux are related to the Iroquois and at one time they both were the Megwi and before that they were Hopewell, Adena and Poverty Point Pho enician traders back to the time of Stonehenge if not before.

John Dickinson of Pennsylvania claimed in the wake of the Stamp Act of the 1760s, that Those who are taxed without their own consent, expressed by themselves or their representatives, are slaves. Because England had taxed the American colonies without their consent, Dickinson continued, We are therefore-SLAVES. The argument that Britain sought to make Americans slaves in the mid-eighteenth century was a gross exaggeration, but Americans used the term metaphorically to impress Britain with the seriousness of their opposition to the loss of liberty. Dickinsons words carried a great irony when he wrote them in 1768, because he was the largest slaveholder in Philadelphia at the time, and his slaves were bound by chains much stronger than metaphors. (1)

Britain had legislated an end to Slavery or effectively had started the ball rolling to this end through Lord Mansfields court decision. The nobles of America who were often Royals from their native country where their families still held power, are obviously not to be trusted when they say they are slaves for any reason whatsoever. The Louisiana Purchase and the setting of the 49th Parallel as the northern border of the US are important pieces in the establishment of the country that now heads the New World Order but which is a mere continuation of the Romano-Bruttii plot to increase their control or Empire.

So many people who you may regard as heroes are not very heroic at all. I have had to face this issue in regards to many of my family or ancestry. It is not all that different today than it was when Andrew Jackson promised blacks their freedom and they fought alongside his men in the Battle of New Orleans. He then called James Roberts (a black ma n who fought valiantly) presumptuous for reminding him of his promise. People need a real lesson in ethics if there is to be any actual change or Peace and Harmony on earth.

Author of Diverse Druids
Columnist for The ES Press Magazine
Guest 'expert' at

Author:: Robert Baird
Keywords:: Lord Mansfield, Synarchy, Slavery
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Impact of One in the Apology

One of the greatest pieces of ancient philosophical writing is without question the Apology written by Plato sometime during 4th century B.C.E in Greece. It tells of the trial of Socrates, Platos teacher, who was accused of corrupting the youth and spreading false beliefs of the gods and higher thoughts. It is a powerful tale of one man standing up for what he believes in and facing foe and friend alike in a moral dispute of what is life truly worth. With such views and beliefs so firmly upheld and fought for and against, it is clearly a powerful philosophical piece that challenges the limits of mans desires and wants with the needs of mans search for self value and upheld views. For all the criticism that Socrates endures for his actions, both at the time and the repercussions of analysis year after year, he still stands for one of the most determined, honest and thoughtful of all philosophers. For this, Socrates is indeed successful in his defense during his trial from t he Apology.

To fully understand the impact Socrates will have by his own death, there must be some insight and study of the historical period of the time. He lived during a time where the Mediterranean, Greece and particularly Athens were under a great moment of change, evolution and resolution of many situations. Years of battle and war had taken a long toll on society in Athens and Greece, stripping away some of the stronger more vocal characters and giving passage to a more conservative, necessity-minded government. Yet Socrates did not follow in such a path. Instead he lead his own way, and in doing so broke the dull and tiring thinking of many. It is important to remember his inquisitive and creative nature in looking at how effective his words and stance in the Apology truly are.

Socrates was charged with corrupting the youth by thought and philosophy, but to him he was only teaching them an insight to life. This was his mission. He aimed to make a change, to lift those that wanted to be lifted up over the mortal boundaries of politics, science, religion, and such things, and to gain a kind of thought that went deeper than any. It was philosophy, and he wanted to teach others how to come to realize their purpose in life, how the world works and fails to work, and to analyze what it means to be human and therefore mortal. It was not an easy task, and he did not have a large group goal in mind, so he taught simply by word and questioning, walking around and intriguing others with thought and interest. Those who did not agree with such teachings or questioning, whether they thought it was wrong to question the gods or lead the youth away from the more cultural and social debate and beliefs, accused Socrates of impiety and vice.

The actual trial is a very unique moment in time. Though what history has is by Platos words, it gives an account of an almost arrogant man standing up against a whole city or so of accusers. This is so even when he says that a mans true wisdom is determined by his realization of lack of wisdom. It is his condescending aura of realizing he does not know that upsets and insults many of his peers and accusers.

In his examination of Meletus, Socrates is able to turn the tides so to say. He, by using the very words of Meletus and not misleading the jury and audience, pulls out the truth that Meletus, like Socrates and any man, seek a greater knowledge and understanding of themselves and those surrounding. By such examples and critics, Socrates shows that he is really not a different man in his ways. He has the same concerns and views towards mankind, the same dreams and hopes, but he does not hide behind what society has created for him. He examines everything for himself, a desire many man have and that Meletus too shows, and defines himself as not being better than the rest of the world, but just more determined and focused. It is his thirst for knowledge along with his viewpoint that he can not truly understand or realize his own wisdom that feed him the very wisdom he has, and in sense his modesty and humbleness allow him to view his own life from an almost outside-of-body experience. On the other hand, Meletus and the others, though striving still and aiming for goodness and virtue in deeds, can not fully reach this until they realize their mortal state of ignorance in many matters of life.

The counter penalty that he proposes, for the state to support his actions and beliefs, seems quite absurd at first glance. Why would a man even propose the state to first, not only admit that they were wrong in their accusations and he was right, but also second, to reward him for breaking what they consider their rules and for being defiant. But it is this almost comical irony or foolishness that really helps to show Socrates true intentions. Though not all will agree, it appears to be his final punch at the state. In his words, he sums u p how he feels: that he is angered that he is being so criticized and condemned for being who he is and doing his best to help others. Not everyone sees this, but it is clear that Socrates is being true to himself, helping others realize who they are and what they want from life, and for this he is punished.

Socrates took the final and only logical path at the end of his life. He accepts that he must, by societys judgment, die for his philosophical and questionable lifestyle that supposedly lead the youth astray from the true forms of civilization and culture. He does not falter in his character or ethical views on what he has done. He stays true to himself and his beliefs. He does run away or beg for mercy like some fool who would inevitably be admitting to his own downfalls and mistakes in life. He saw his death as a honorable end to a life of philosophical pursuit. Though he may very well have feared it like any mortal, he saw the value and worth of it more than man y men can ever say. It was not an end to him, but rather a beginning. A moment to start the beginning of his legacy of thought and teachings, to bring a new light to the world of man and give hope for those who strive more than what society tells them they can do. It was a way to smile at the accusers and the deliverers of his death and let them know that they had not one. All his teaches would be immortalized by this one act, that even in death he would not change his lifestyle or thought, and in doing so understood his place in the world.

In the end, Socrates chooses death to be better than any other punishment for his alleged crimes. He truly realizes his mortal status and accepts his own character of behavior and thought. His death only affects him physically, in that he will not be alive to see its true repercussions, but for those still alive and those that will follow after him for centuries, this act of the state shows a great betrayal to man itself. It is a mo ment that stands as one where society as a whole denies society as an individual, where what is seen best for people to truly grow and change the world is spit on by the need for mindless unity, political greed and succor, and the unquenchable power of religious forces. In both light and shadow of the trial, accusations and philosophical defense, Socrates still stands as the foundation to Western philosophy.

Jake Rose is an artist and an author on http://www.Writing.Com/ which is a site for Writers.

Author:: Jake Rose
Keywords:: Plato,Socrate,Philospher,Philosphy,western philosophy
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Minds of the Masses Turned over to the Massive Media Monster

Have you lost your mind? If so I bet I can help you find it, you see you have turned it off and lost it in your TV. You can get it back for free, the remote is in front of you can you still see? It appears to me that the Minds of the Masses have in fact turned them over to the Massive Media Monster or M3. May I ask why you have done this? What you plan on doing about it and when you are going to start to solve this problem of yours?

You see I want to turn people like you back on. I want to get you and them to use their Minds again. How can we do this? Well we need each and everyone of us to start Thinking again, but first we need to start by making sure that people believe in self, have confidence in their own abilities and are willing to Think for themselves. By doing this we can break through the confines of Religion, prejudice, economic enslavement, war, education, physical limitations, and Government bureaucracy.

The forward progression of humankind must press on and go beyond the barriers that are slowing us down; it is time now to move forward, are you coming with us? The Reason I ask is we havent seen you lately. Your topics of conversations have dwindled to that which you see on TV. Your Voting habits have also changed and you are accepting all this electronic background noise as your own, rather than exercising your right to chose through your own observations, knowledge and Reasoning. Think on this.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Minds, Masses, Turned over, Tv, Massive Media Monster, Think, Reason, Voting, Religion, Government
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Debating With Imbeciles is No Fun You Always Win and They Just Do Not Get It

Debate and discussion with intellectuals is fun and often you find at least one minor point of contention worthy from the other side. When I talk about intellectuals, I do not mean academics, as I do believe there are enough educated derelicts to fill the Salton Sea.

Recently I had a debate with a Liberal French Canadian who attempted to correct my speech with a more appropriate politically correct terminology. The terminology I used had nothing to do with him personally, it was over the use of the word; Ehy. And how so many Canadians use it, almost to the point of giving away their citizenship by the mere use of it ehy? This led to a debate about political correctness in general.

In the end we agreed to disagree, which made sense. He agreed that I had opened his eyes on the political correctness issues and problems with them and I agreed he was mistaken in every regard, as I was correct entirely and he was completely in error.

Of course since the convers ation was intellectually based it was all good from my perspective? After all how often do you get to talk with or even debate with someone who is actually fully engaged in their life experience or turned on mentally enough to understand what you are even talking about these days?

You see, Debating With Imbeciles is No Fun; You Always Win and They Just Do Not Get It. Debating with smart people is fun, as you will learn from the experience and challenge yourself. Consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Debating With Imbeciles is No Fun, Always Win, They Just Do Not Get It
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Political Correctness and Stereotypes are Either Really Fair?

Many people decry the use of Stereotypes, yet I find them useful, especially when you can back them up by reality; that is to say actual observations. Although this is probably the more prudent way to deal with ones observations we all must understand that due to political correctness and the living of a lie making any comments concerning Stereotypes in public can lead to negative social problems.

Some less that politically correct folks laugh at all the political correctness out there. I am one of them; it is just some silly human social conditioning, which prevents integrity and truth in societies and human civilizations, as Stereotypes generally do have some relation to reality.

For instance many people have observed that most Asians have issues with their driving of automobiles. A friend and I were hit by a Chinese Driver last night in Atlantic City, NJ, he was with 4 friends in a Honda Car and smashed into us. He said he was; Oh so sorry! I did not see you ? Well, I did have to consider the Stereotypes of Asian Drivers? Only for a second, but nevertheless it does have some bit of truth to it ehy? (the ehy was for the Canadian readers). We were driving a Red Magna and how on Earth could you miss that right in front of you?

In any case Political Correctness is not something I have the patience for really. As an entrepreneur, also I am not beholden to you see? If this bothers you, well. I guess we both know I will never change personally. What about you? Are you blinded by political correctness as much as that driver who hit us? Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Political Correctness, Stereotypes, Fair
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Be Careful of Religious Interpretation of Meanings

So many people take the religious works of our day literally, yet it seems that much of it, is not meant to be taken literally and if it were, there are significant issues with the current definitions of the words today with the uses of those words in the previous periods in which they were written. We should all therefore be careful not to read too much into these the Religious Literature of former times and be extremely careful in the interpretation of the meanings.

Recently on an online forum Think Tank; a biblical scholar, albeit totally self-proclaimed made some harsh comments about a particular religion. He came up with some truly bizarre interpretations. These self-professed religious nuts are the best and funniest of all, as they come up with some real do zees sometimes indeed. He stated to the Think Tank that it was very important that we all ran over to his Blog right away; Please see my blog and then decide. Once on his Blog he had written Look at the hidd en Advent Site and you will see that purify (a misuse of the biblical meaning) means BURN WITH FIRE!!!!

He tricked us I thought, but then I see there is a lesson here you know. You see, of course this is the problem with literal interpretations over time, the meanings change. But isnt this true in all religions? All works of literature, which have been turned into religious doctrines? Can you think of a religion or religious work, which is not riddled with ambiguity or hypocrisy? On this online forum think tank site there is a section for Religion, perhaps he might wish to discuss this issue in greater depth and compare this to other religions or discuss the implications of potential misuse of biblical meaning or literature. When we mentioned this, he would not participate so there is not a lot a think tank can do with a religious nut case like that now is there?

Indeed it is always of interest to discuss problematic eventualities, which rear their heads when usi ng religious belief systems to guide ones life experience or direction of a group, nation, culture, civilization or World direction, dont you think? What are your thoughts on literal interpretations of religious literature? Think on this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Religious Interpretation of Meanings
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A Fact Behind Ph.D Degree

High education, a jargon that may distinguish us; spiritually and materially, from a huge numbers of people, whom are thought to be living in the very spiritually primitive parts of the world.

Everyday, we see that the ideas from those with Ph.D degrees seem to carry profound influence on the worlds phenomenon. So why are their words carry more power? No one states that what thoughts from those with Ph.D degree are right, but it is us, the people with no distinguished level on the social stages, who think that. Philosophers have thought that the idea from an innocent boy would somehow thought as genuinely good than those with Ph.D dgrees.

However, unconditionally, I do appreciate those with such the qualifications, since it is the landmark of their protracted endeavors. So do you really want to earn a Ph.D degree? If yes, so that is Ph.D? The sole and honest scope of this article is to reveal one truth behind Ph.D degree to the world in general.

Our diver se world is constituted of too many tissues that make us hard to walk from which from which. Those from Ph.D degrees are trained to see, as I assume, more evil existences in this world.

The world is full of opportunity and more apparently, the evils. If a person is categorized into doctoral species, he or she was trained to see huge negative aspects of the world that need to be demolished or rectified: the way to make our world a better place. What I am talking about here is already spoken too many times already from different people from different social aspects, but it is here just to reiterate the truth.

Ph.D degree just means to make the world a better place. Think about this phrase to make it truly melt into your heart, before you decide to enroll into the degree. Ph.D, from its natural sense, is not mean to make huge profit like many have thought. Aggregating the genuine information, regardless of how good or bad, discriminate or neutral, silly or intellect ual, and revel it to the world.

However, most Ph.D graduates have turned the natural meanings up-side-down. The next spiritual module for you the readers, is to think about those with Ph.D that turn the down its natural meaning.

Lay Vicheka is a translator for the most celebrated translation agency in the Kingdom of Cambodia, Pyramid. He is working as freelance writer for Search Newspaper, focusing on social issues and students' issues. Lay Vicheka has great experience in law and politics, as he used to be legal and English-language assistant to a member of parliament, migration experience (home-based business) and experience in writing. You are stronly advised to contact him for any doubts or wonder about Cambodian politics and even the world's phenomenon.

Posting address: 221H Street 93, Tuol Sangke quarter, Russey Keo district, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: 855 11 268 445,

Author:: Vicheka Lay
Keywords:: Ph.D reason
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Making Your Entertainment More Rational and Less Selfish

Since we are human animal, I believe, entertainment is indispensable to make us even more human, more integrated into the human society. But again, human being is bounded with rationalism, creativity, problems to be settled, focus and most of all humanity. From the aforesaid principles; rationalism, creativities, problems to be settled, focus and humanity, human shall not be ignorant to even their entertainment, which is one of the fundamental rights or I would say, the natural rights of human being. But everything should be in the human context.

The purpose of this essay is to depict an entertainment that I think are too selfish and too inhuman. This entertainment that I depict as too selfish and too inhuman is FISHING. I will take very simple approaches for our considerations over this issue, but philosophical, legal grounds will be taken into accounted.

I claim that I do eat fish and I do like fish to any other animal, but what I do is necessary, I eat fish so that I can live (filling my physiological needs, which is the most fundamental), but I dont entertain my self by killing or wounding fish, because I dont thing this is a must, I can escape from it, and enjoy myself with another kind of entertainment.

I. Ones Life is not just for anothers Flashlight Entertainment

Regarding to the concept of humanity, we will definitely cant seek any rational to defense that fishing is human-like. I once heard a phrase animals are people too. This phrase in a very simplistic denotation, means that animal do have hurting-sense and the sense to survive in their own worlds. Many times, after questioning many people; what do you like dong?, the answers are mostly fishing.

The idea of debating (through this article) that fishing is an inhuman form of entertainment comes after I went fishing with my immediate relatives. I do not contradict to fishing as governments business, daily earning of the ordinary people and fish for the daily protein for human kind, but I strongly contradict to the idea of fishing as an entertainment. Entertainment should not be war-like entertainment. I seem to too irrational and even stupid that just a form of entertainment of a person kills other lives (just for funs). I see with my own eyes that people insert the fishing into the fish barbs, those people feel that the fish do not hurt. Fishing is all about killing. In order to kill a fish, another animals life has to be killed, which is the worm or any other living creature.

People have choices to make funs, but please and please make your funs more rational, more beneficial to the good of many, make your funs be not the grounds for anothers misery.

II. Fishing Leads to Easier Violence Commitment

I may trying to debate though this article that fishing is another kind of violence, the world has experienced too much trauma, and the most brutal trauma is annihilation. Not body want this trauma to happen a gain, but fishing as the form of entertainment is, I thing, another form of killing living being. The concept to fell disgust with killing, blood, conflict should start very young, to make the most fundamental principle (peace) of the worlds biggest family, United Nations be more likely to achieve.

III. Conclusion

The very basic and jargon that I want to raise again and again is living being has the right to existence, and from this we can draw the analogy that every living being is free from being slave of another. You are playing with fishs life means that you are making fish your slave, which is contradict to the Cambodian, regional, global and international law, but Cambodia, particularly the schools never teach students about such an illegal conduct.

I need another debate to prove that fishing is rational, so it would proceed my endeavor against fishing further.

Contact: 221H Street 93, Tuol Sangke quarter, Russey Keo district, Phnom Penh, Cambod ia, Tel: 855 11 268 445,

Author:: Vicheka Lay
Keywords:: Philosophy and entertainment
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Monday, March 28, 2011

Philosophical Economic Comment from 1999 and Its Value Now

It is said that the only constant is change, but when you look back a decade or two or even five or six, what do you see? Well, let me tell you what I have seen and realize I am only forty years old. I am now retired after having founded the franchising company that did business in 23 states in four countries. During this time I had given me speeches that community colleges and at business colleges and universities.

Below is an excerpt from one of my speeches where I warned of some other things that are happening today. And some things did change for the better, while some things did not. Although this is just one minute of the thirty-minute speech, I believe that it makes my points, please read on;

We do not use our own Natural Resources anymore, too costly to dig up due to environmental reasons, it is easier to ship them over from places abroad from which there are no controls on labor safety or environmental restrictions. We do not make very much in this country anymore and less and less each day as the US Currency becomes more valuable against other currencies of the World. All we have left is knowledge. Yet we are training all the other people of the World to learn nuclear physics, computer programming and high tech manufacturing in our country. Then we get mad a Pakistan or Iran for making bombs? What did we expect them to make? We taught them. Did we think these young American trained Scientists were to return to their countries and make paper dolls?

Well, do you see my point some things did change in human civilizations, in world politics, in world Economics and it world relations, but not much. Often my friends tell the I am psychic, well, I just laugh in fact anyone who stopped long enough to think about it would come to the same conclusion I have. Personally I think all you humans are ridiculous and your ongoing rhetoric is just bogus chaos in controversy smothered in flowery BS. Actually, it is quite a nnoying, why do you do it? Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Philosophical, Economic, Comment, 1999, Its Value Now
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Conversation with Plato in 3D Holographic Virtual Reality

There have certainly been many worthy philosophers and learned men in World History perhaps none more celebrated that the Greek Philosopher Plato. Unfortunately we are unable to talk with Plato as he is from a past period, while we are in the present period moving into the future period. Much of the basis for our Republic comes from Platos comments on civilization and his philosophy. What if we could watch Plato and Aristotle having a philosophical conversation?

I propose that we use Holographic Technologies, which are getting closer to becoming reality to produce educational works to teach humans and help them learn. You see, soon we will visualize data on our computers in 3D, 4D and 5D. We will enjoy Virtual Reality on our 360 X-Box in our living rooms. Military strategists and war fighters can play out the battle in the virtual battlespace in advance and then watch it un-fold in real time. Great, great grandchildren will be about to meet their past ancestors and w atch a holographic Video. We will communicate in Video conferencing with the image of the other people sitting next us, but not actually there. All this is on its way and even more, as the applications are endless indeed.

It makes sense that we would use such technologies to re-enlighten the masses, teach them to think and learn from the masters of past periods. The sooner we deliver these technologies to the masses and make them available the sooner entrepreneurs will find such killer applications for them. Plato would be proud of our ingenuity and we should be proud to do him such an honor. Think on this.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Aristotle, Conversation Plato, 3D Holographic Virtual Reality, Video, x-boxm Video conferencing, God
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

DNA Fiction and Society How it Affects Thought

A book called the Seven Daughters of Eve by Richard Sykes is worthy of a read and talks about what we have learned about the flow of human beings populations through DNA research. Thus it is safe to say that certain members of our species have developed differently and in different ways, meaning the brain also learns differently. As Scientists look at different human brains while doing various tasks and watch which areas light up with energy as it works through these different Thoughts and tasks we are finding just how unique and different each mind really is.

Yet as we learn more about the brain we indeed add more questions to our studies. Why does man need to think. Why does mankind feel the need to share these Thoughts and concepts in their writings? It appears that the flow of Thought may be the single most important part of Life. The process of Thought is probably the single most important part of human Life. I think therefore, I am Are you, is that it? So what is it with this large complex body? Is it to serve the brain? Or is the brain to serve the body? With these questions and the philosophers of prior periods and the writers and thinkers of today we can all agree that Thought is one of the most important parts of self and of human Life, if not the only true important part of Life.

Then why do we allow Thought to be controlled by religion, governments, other men? If we study the dialogues of Plato, Galelio, Copernicus, etc. we see that man has often muffled Thought and that often Fiction is the only way to allow for truth or Thought. So we therefore live in a world with a history of imprisoning dissenting or disagreeing views. But for mankind to move forward we need to stop this and allow free Thought. As we see modern day people of deep Thought attempt to bring forth their discoveries and enlightenment, we see them doing so by way of Fictional works. We see great Thoughts in our movies, novels, stories; why should we hav e to hide truths in fairy tales. Why cant we know graduate to the next level without such forced barriers? Think about it?

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Fiction, Thought, Life, Thinking, Innovation
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Theory of Change

The Theory of Change

Time is the fourth dimension of this world. If you think in depth, you will find that this is a fact. The Time when humans were wild, early men were the only representatives of Human society. If you think about that dimension, all the good and bad was absolutely based on that instance only. The Law and order and everything was the instance of that Time. Now that fourth dimension is far away from our Thinking because, all what historian used to think is based on the evidences which they found and predicted. But, reality is a deep mystery. Such a deep mystery that can not be revealed by just evidences and prediction. There are many controversies and debates too. That instance of Time can not be recreated again. You can redesign toys and pots looking similar to that age. But d on't forget that one dimension is missing - 'FourthDimension'. And that dimension is really inevitable. The values, mores and cultural things can not be recreated. If you create then somehow, that will miss one thing that is - 'Time'.

If you just think about Time. It looks very much stable. It seems that everything will be as it is. My face will be same, my posture will be the same. My Thinking will be as it is. But, this is fact that it changes and changes. By ticking of each second, the new frame of your life comes and that replaces the old frame and you become one second old. But, We think that everything is at rest. What is at rest? Earth is moving, Sun is moving, Stars and constellations are moving.

Everything is moving and everything is changing. There is not a single frame of second t hat can be said similar to any previous frame. Change is certain and change is a big truth. Death is also the other name of change. Our Thinkings change, our ideas change, our mindset change, our likes change and even our dislikes change. If you watch it carefully, nothing is still. But, this is a great mistake of our mind that we do not notice these changes. Time does not wait for us, so, do not wait for Time. You wake up each day. You are the same, your bedroom is the same, pillow, bed-sheet and matress is the same. But, have you ever noticed that not a single day is same as any previous day. I want to give an experience to feel, try to recreate any previous day. But, you can't. If you can not recreate a day that means, Time has passed away and now you can not recreate it again.

It's the Time th at changes and gives impact on everything. Each dimension can be adjusted, recreated and reproduced but Time. In West, Time Machine and such other things were considered. Such machines are just matter of Science - Fictions only. Time is immortal and change is certain. We can not challenge Time by changing it, but, we can challenge Time by working according to Time. Your life is just like a project. Once you were child. You learnt from things around you. You understood your dad, mom, brother, sister and relatives. Then, at the teen age, you come to understand yourself. Think of this, you took 10-15 years to understand yourself and 2-3 years to understand others. After you get a job to do or achieve your diserable work, you become an independent individual. Then, you bind yourself, marry someone and family and some lives start with you. Think of a fact that Time is changing and so out Thinking. The teen-age is not meant to marry and there is no meaning of independence in childhood. A child is always dependent. So, our behavior should also have a meaning of Time. You are the same from childhood. Do me a favour. Watch your palm and think about the childhood. Your hand was once in the mud while playing, your hand was playing with toys, your hand was catching fishes and butterflies. Your hand was breaking some old radio or anything. Then the same hand was there in school, library and with friends. Then, your hand was in office. Then, the same hand was in shop while shopping. You, your body, your hand is same. But, one thing was not always the same. Do you want to challenge the Time ? Try to play in mud, play with toys, catch butterflies, break an old radio, go to school. You will find these things a gone case.

You are right now reading this document and you are following w hat I have written. By this, you are changing your ideas about me, you are changing the way how you think and this document is changing whole of your mindset, a sense of brainwash is here. You must be Thinking that Mr. Writer is quite a fool! This document is neither written by any saint nor this is so impressive. But, be sure that small changes of Time frames have larger impact on future. Human brain always get washed and new thoughts and ideas influence it too much. Our mind is not the read-only, neither write-protected. It's like a diary that can updated easily.

Due to this reason, Always keep your mind cool and calm, have good Th inking, good ideas about yourself and others. As you know - Time is changing, Life is changing. Just enjoy your life as much as you can. Everything is changing and good or bad Time has to come forth. But, you should keep your spirit to fight and achieve what you want to be. Changes does not mean that they are sweet or bitter, you should accept them.

You should think of your soul, the Time when you took birth and till you death and life after death. After death you will be recognized with your deeds and that is immortality of a person that may be he is not still live physically, But, lives in hearts of thousands. Do you think that George Washington, JF Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln are dead? They are still in this world. They are still alive our hearts. Can they ever die? No, they are immortal. Their deeds are still alive my friend! They are the real Gods. They are imitable. Any Time you have problems, search out what they did in their lives and you will find all sol utions. Once you grown up and basics are told to you, they are the next teachers.

Make yourself so worthy that you can get immortality. Your deeds are the only way to achieve the immortality. Time can not touch you if you are worthy. Each person has some qualities and they are god-gifted. Just you need to recognize them. In the end, I can say that - 'Time is the fourth dimension but, can not affect everyone'.


- Som Dutt Tripathi

Author:: Som Dutt Tripathi
Keywords:: Philosophy, Time, Time-Machine, Thinking
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

The Best Way is Never the Easy Way

We have all heard the statements that; There is no easy way or the best way is never the easy way. Such comments such as The easy way is never the best way should be modified I think. Never is an absolute and while it makes for good Vodka, it is too clear to be black or white. Now if you have a White Russian it is cloudy you see, which is more like life than the pure absolute you speak.

Sometimes something appears to be difficult and then once you master the art, technique or strategy it becomes quite easy, thus to you and from your perspective it is easy. And in practice, you make it look easy, because for you it is easy and thus you have proven the statements that there is no easy way; utterly and completely incorrect. You follow?

Nothing Good in life is easy? Oh, really, well what about winni ng? Lets say you are Lance Armstrong or Tiger Woods and to you it is easy to win. If this is true, would you believe for one second that to them losing was good and winning was bad? You see the problems with this logic. I submit to you, do not use the word; Never unless you use it with the words; Never will there be something in life that is completely absolute or Never give up. Think on this never thing next time you recite a trite statement.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: the best way is never the easy way, nothing good in life is easy, there is no easy way, Vodka
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Truth About Governments

Whereas the United States of Americas Government is about the most transparent around, it is not completely honest. How can it be you ask? Well because it is made up of members of our society; humans. Humans are deceptive creatures and dishonest too and since they make up the government you cannot expect it to be totally honest, it simply is not possible.

Now then, on the flip side as rotten as it is sometimes, it is the one of the best governments going in the World. After all; WE; are the government and the government is made up of those from our society and therefore if it lacks moral character or integrity then this also a statement of our society as a whole you see?

Other governments, which are not run by the people (the common people or masses), but generally a separate class of people, an elite class if you will. Why are they elite; because at some time long ago they declared themselves such. Maybe they were in some way; maybe just the most brutal or for ceful. Does that mean their offspring are more elite now than the rest, who all share a portion of their genes? Hard to say, but most likely not.

Nevertheless these people believing they are above the people or other lower class folks do not care that they are corrupt, as they force down the masses; because those people do not count as real people to them. Yes these other government are extremely corrupt, but that is also transparent and everyone knows it; except some in those civilization, which choose not to believe it in order not to rock the boat and in hopes of joining them.

Either way let it be known that ALL governments are inherently corrupt because, they are run by humans, well that is really the problem you see? As far as governments go the United States of America has one of the best governments in human civilizations, which is not saying much considering the primate political nature of the species, but it is at the top of the pyramid you see. For thos e that live in the US, you should be thankful it is not worse and move mountains to maintain it and make it more honest. Consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Truth About Governments
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Origins of Civilization and Life


Our civilization owes nothing to Israel and very little to Christianity; it owes nearly everything to pre-Christian antiquity (Germans, Druids, Rome, Greece, Aegeo-Cretans, Phoenicians, Egyptians, Babylonians.) Simone Weil.

One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we've been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We're no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It is simply too painful to acknowledge -- even to ourselves -- that we've been so credulous. Carl Sagan

The Canadian Encyclopedia says: The ancestors of the Iroquois can be traced backwards in New York State by archaeological evidence to at least 500 BC. And possibly as far back as 4,000 BC. The distinctive Iroquois culture of the historic period seems to have developed by about 1000 AD. In order to take the Iroquois back to 4000 BC one has to find the Megwi and Adena before them were once people who lived in Poverty Point where Eurasiatic technology existed and tall people thrived in the Keltic mound building tradition.

Elizabeth Wayland Barbers The Mummies of Ǘrmchi says: Linguistically these twins show features lumping them most closely with the westernmost Indo-European languages: Celtic and Italic. But they are not particularly similar to their nearest geographical neighbors -Also, she states: What Professor Mair University of Pennsylvania recognized there stunned him. The mummies appeared to be neither Chinese nor Mongoloid in facial type; they looked, in fact, distinctively Caucasian

... our mode of teaching the principles of our profession [Masonry is derived from the Druids ... and our chief emblems originally came from Egypt ... [William Hutchinson, Mason, The Spirit of Masonry, revised by George Oliver, New York, Bell Publishing, originally published in 1775, p. 195

Art is a dialogue we have always carried out with the unknown. We have come to distinguish the contours of the unknown through the unconscious, through religion and magic and we may soon begin to understand such totally modern emotions as the feeling that we belong to the future, that our civilization is the sum of others. Andre Malraux who was Minister of Propaganda for the Merovingian puppet Charles de Gaulle.

Consciousness is a singular of which the plural is unknown. There is only one thing, and that which seems to be a plurality is merely a series of different aspects of this one thing, produced by a deception, the Indian maya, as in a gallery of mirrors. Schrdinger

Howard Zinn says (In his Peoples History of the United States). But too many of the slaves died in captivity. And so Columbus, desperate to pay back dividends to those who had invested, had to make good his promise to fill the ships with gold. In the province of Cicao on Haiti, where he and his men imagined huge gold fields to exist, they ordered all persons fourteen years or older to collect a certain quantity of gold every three months. When they brought it, they were given copper tokens to hang around their necks. Indians found without a copper token had their hands cut off and bled to death.

Everybody was glad that I was living; but as I lay there thinking about the wonderful place where I had been and all that I had seen, I was very sad; for it seemed to me that everybody ought to know about it, but I was afraid to tell, because I knew that nobody would believe me. - John G. Neihardt, Black Elk Speaks.

The clergy converted the simple teachings of Jesus into an engine for enslaving mankind and adulterated by artificial constructions into a contrivance to filch wealth and power to themselves...these clergy, in fact, constitute the real Anti-Christ. Thomas Jefferson

Carl Jung said: Anyone who wants to know the human psyche will learn next to nothing from experimental psychology. He would be better advised to abandon exact science, put away his scholars gown, bid farewell to his study, and wander with human heart throughout the world. There in the horrors of prisons, lunatic asylums and hospitals, in drab suburban pubs, in brothels and gambling-halls, in the salons of the elegant, the Stock Exchanges, socialist meetings, churches, revivalist gatherings and ecstatic sects, through love and hate, through the experience of passion in every form in his own body, he would reap richer stores of knowledge than text-books a foot thick could give him, and he will know how to doctor the sick with a real knowledge of the human soul.


Intelligent Design offers an olive branch to bridge the chasm humanity feels when it seeks the soulful truth. Many Myths and creation stories including those that some merely wish were true are in fact ways of grasping for meaning when growth and uncertainty are all we should hope to achieve through collective or Divine Will.


CHAPTER ONE: The Godhead:

Lamarck and Koestler:
Max Tegmark and Physicists:
Joseph Campbell and Faces of God:

CHAPTER TWO: Many Myths Little Truth:

Rolling Thunder Speaks:
Some people ask me about where the Cherokee tribe came from. Some originated on this land, others from Atlantis, and before that we came from the Pleiades seven stars system. The seven-pointed star I wear represents the star we came from, and is the emblem of the Cherokee nation. Machines without wings brought our ancestors to Atlantis over ten thousand years ago. Even now some of our medicine men and psychics have very close contact with space beings from other worlds. Ancient people could out-think modern man by ten to one. They had greater technology than anything we have today in this society.

Author of many books available at Lulu and WOrld-Myste

Author:: Robert Baird
Keywords:: Intelligent Design, Myth, QMWI
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Symbols and Reality


Symbols have always been an integral part of mans life. We have Symbols in every walk of life; some are obvious, others not even though in every day use. In this modern world every organization public or private attempts to have a unique and distinctive identity by creating a symbol in the form of a logo or emblem. By very definition a symbol represents something that may be physical or even nonphysical such as an idea or a concept. It is not the thing in itself, the substance or Reality behind it. As long as the distinction between the symbol and the substance is clearly understood the use of symbol serves its purpose. The problem comes when it is confused with the substance. This occurs most frequently when a symbol represents something nonphysical; we find it happening in almost every human activity.

For example, when we are reading a book or a newspaper we are hardly aware of the fact that the letters and words are only Symbols that convey ide as through the medium of a particular language. In fact each letter forming the words on the pages is a symbol for a particular sound. The letter in itself means nothing. The same is true for numbers; there is nothing seven-like in number seven. It is just a symbol written in a certain way in a given language. Languages are man made and, in general, everything that is man made is a symbol for some idea.

When the symbol takes the identity of the real thing it results in a degeneration of the original idea and its very purpose is lost. The form becomes the substance and the principle becomes a dogma. The individual loses the ability of rational thinking which in turn stunts personal growth.

It is also important to remember that the symbol itself may not be physical. Statues are physical but institutions as Symbols are not. For example schools, colleges, and universities are Symbols for education as a concept. A government is a symbol for the concept of running the affairs of the country according to some well-defined principles. A religion is a symbol for the spiritual development of groups of people. Each one of the institutions may have its own distinctive Symbols to depict things within it. Symbols can also be in the form of actions such as rituals prescribed within a religion. Everything symbolic has a concept behind it and it is for the individual looking at the symbol to keep that in focus.

Every symbol starts as an image in the mind of the creator while thinking about the concept he wants to illustrate. An inherent characteristic of the human (perhaps any) mind is that a thought is always accompanied by an image. The image is then given a physical form and becomes a specific object. In some cases it is taken to be real as in the case of a photograph. Looking at the photograph of a person one often identifies it as the real person knowing fully well that it is only a piece of paper depicting the persons image at a given time and place. A similar situation occurs in the case of image worship in religions. An image is simply a symbol for the god or goddess it represents; it is not the god or goddess. Unless the worshipper is aware of this the worship becomes a mechanical function devoid of any significance.

Symbols and Self-development

Now what significance does this relationship between symbol and Reality have in the context of Self-development? We shall consider a few examples here to answer this question. First we consider personal relationships of which Marriage is the most intimate. Even the word Marriage is a symbol representing a special relationship between two people of opposite sex, a union of two souls. It is the beginning of a lifelong relationship that has to be developed with mutual faith and respect. Looking at the number of Marriages that end in divorce it would seem that very few couples understand the real concept of Marriage. They may profess to be in love without realizing the true meaning of love. Love is the most noble of human emotions and true love is not based on mere physical attraction.

In the old days of matchmaking and arranged Marriages there was no mention of love as such; love was supposed to start and grow from the union. Instead there was devotion and moral strength gained from a complete understanding of mutual responsibility. There were no undue expectations, just a determination to dedicate ones life to another for the betterment of both. In particular the brides virtues had endurance far greater than that of physical attraction. With time the lust and passion would dwindle but they would have something more substantial to keep the bond in place. We cannot go back to those old practices now but it would help if people remember and try to inculcate those values.

Next we consider the modern system of education. It is commonly believed (and wrongly so I think) that education is meant to impart to a person sufficient knowledge in a given field. But knowledge is only a part of the process. The real purpose of educati on is to give the person the capability of independent thinking and generating new ideas. Knowledge is an accumulation of facts which can only serve as the basis for developing ideas. Without the capacity for thinking independently there cannot be advancement. The present system of education has become so rigid and stereotyped that it is not conducive to intellectual growth. The result is that students go to schools not to get education but to get a degree. The degree, which is just a symbol, has become the real thing instead of education. The society is partly responsible for this state of affairs by putting more emphasis on the degree for evaluating candidates for jobs. The motivation for higher education has also changed. The prospects of better and higher paying jobs increase for the holder of a higher degree. Students go for higher education not for the sake of learning more but for earning more. There are, of course, exceptions but they are very few.

The problem, which starts from elementary schools, is that the education has become fact-based instead of being idea-based. Right from the beginning the emphasis is what and how with little attention to why. Children are taught how to do something without providing the reasoning behind the process of doing. At high school and college levels it becomes more serious. Students are taught about a phenomenon and they know facts pertaining to it, but they usually lack the insight into the fundamental processes that go to make up that phenomenon. A superficial knowledge symbolically replaces the real understanding.

Religion and Science

We now move to a more abstract discussion of the relationship between symbol and Reality and consider religion and Science. In recent years there has been much discussion on the convergence (or a tendency towards) of Science and religion, especially in view of new developments in quantum physics. The goal of Science is to understand nature in all it s manifestations. The goal of religion is to understand and (if possible) get in contact with the Ultimate Reality underlying nature and the universe. Physics deals with phenomena occurring in the universe which are always in space-time. Quantum physics pertains to the subatomic world lying at the lower end of the space-time scale, while the relativistic physics deals with the upper end of that scale. So the domain of physics is limited to space-time and the universe. Physics cannot go beyond. On the other hand the Reality that religion tries to reach is beyond space-time and, hence, outside the domain of Science. Therefore, strictly speaking, there cannot be a convergence of Science and religion. At the same time it is important to keep in mind that lack of convergence does not imply disagreement or conflict.

It also does not mean that there are no similarities between the findings of Science and religion. The quantum void, the absence of cause-effect relationship, no nlocality and phase entanglement, the behavior of electrons in selecting orbits etc., all these quantum phenomena resonate with religious/spiritual experiences. But the reason for these similarities may lie in the fact that the underlying Reality of both the manifest and unmanifest existence is the same.

Now what has all this to do with Symbols? All phenomena in physics are described by mathematical equations. At the quantum level in particular direct visualization of the results is not possible and everything is described in terms of probability and wave functions. Mathematical equations and wave functions are just Symbols. All events in the universe result from the collapse of wave functions. Thus in effect here we are dealing not with the real universe or nature but only with its symbolic representation. In spiritual experiences the person is in contact with the Reality itself and at this stage there is no symbol involved.

D. R. Sharma is a retired professor w ith electrical engineering and physics background. He maintains a website dealing mainly with philosophy and Science.

Author:: Dharmbir Sharma
Keywords:: Symbols, Reality, Self-development, Relgion, Science, Marriage, Education system.
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Versus Culture

Culture is essentially a misnomer; it is a subverted expression or an undermined one by the standards of what it implies. Culture is synonymous with being civilized, when actually Culture, in the aim of its virtue, is a term for a long association with civilization and not civilization exactly. Culture, like sex, is a symptomatic word. You think sex, you think orgies, oils, handcuffs, fantasies; likewise, you think Culture, you think dance, the generic literati, page 3, Prem Chand and more ethnic jabber.

When you say or brood a thing as Cultured, advertently or inadvertently, you render some other elemental thing as unCultured. Theres no third concept in a dichotomy. A wall is a wall and a door a door; they cannot subsist in an exchange of application, and they become so correlative that they correspond as extremities. Culture and non-Culture, shall we call it, are natural extremities; were dependant on privileging one over the other. It is seldom a matter of choice , and rarely a matter of subjectivity. Culture is an explicit term; a wrong term, but a term nonetheless. Mind you, a term for collectivism and not individualism. Not me, but us. Let us consider a political facet: the British bested us by the means to an end of a very elusively simple theory Divide and rule. Weigh those words divide and rule, they comprise the whole potential of man. It is inherent even in our most complex natures to be divided and to be ruled, and men, as a species, encompass such a tendency to be divided and to be ruled because their sense of individuality is compromised. This tendency arises from a collective idea of self; it is not psychological, it is not philosophical it is merely demented. We do not have a wholesome and manifest definition of an identity. For us, it immediately becomes the baffled something that we secure from the rest of the world. The objective of Culture, but, is not to divide and rule but something comparatively more insidious to unite and disintegrate.

Man might be a constant social animal but he is foremost a cultural beast. Culture is discrete from society owes to the fact that it is the only unit symbolic of it. Chiefly, it is symbolic of its evils. You see, the text of uniting and disintegrating is contingent on rational boundaries. You compound man, disillusion him as a collective force and then, you begin defining him. We are men enslaved in catalogues, in brochures, plastered stiff on walls, we can be opened, skimmed through and put back on a rack. Culture is the ornate design on our fronts and the price tag on our backs. As declared earlier, Culture is a term, a term that insinuates collectivism. However, a term, by manner, is always a representative of something. If so, what does Culture stand for, what does it represent? If we were to seclude two men in a room one culturally advanced and another, culturally backward, they will inevitably be in a conflict of notions, of ideas, of something both, we and they have yet to determine. Culture is a backward and forward motion and no man contains it wholly, we, all of us, are trapped at some point of our desires.

The fault lies not in the capacity of man but in the obvious presence of his common variation Culture. Now, the erstwhile question what does Culture stand for? What does it represent? Verily, it stands for nothing; it is altogether indifferent to the safe concept of representing something. It just adds to the basic human values, and by values alone, a man can neither be more human or less human, or more qualified or less qualified to be so. We bear a sense of something when were competent enough to ignore it. Hence we have neither a sense of individuality nor a sense of identity, but we do have a fundamental talent for each of them. And that is what we stand for, what we represent, and that is also what we hold against Culture.

Assuming Culture is NOT a divisive force, then, a man standing on top of a building about to affect a fall is a moral equivalent of a man standing right below it. But assuming Culture IS a divisive force, then the two men are factually and thankfully morally displaced, and are in their positions of advantage and disadvantage not for the result of Culture but for the resolute state of its divisiveness.

Culture, semantically, evolves from the word cult, again, an offbeat divisive term. Culture, finally and irrefutably, is about a procession of boundaries not of manufacturing a surplus, but manipulating the existential ones. The fantastic quality of its divisiveness is something it picks up from its handling of a similar contagious human attribute. Culture, by all means, is and shall remain indicative of civilization and civilization, by no means, shall make ostensible a lucid, united concept of man.

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Author:: Tushar Jain
Keywords:: Philosophy, Culture, Style
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips