Thursday, March 17, 2011

Socialist Beehive Making Everyone Equal?

There is much flawed Thought in a society where everyone is considered Equal when in observation people are not always Equal in every endeavor. If you are trying to make everyone Equal in every regard then you will have no Lance Armstrong's, no competition and Humans will be bored and no longer wish to live, work or be productive. Think on the history of communism or the socialist countries, which fall far behind the innovation that a win/win Western Civilization has produced?

Some Humans are better than others in some things and perhaps lack abilities in other things, that is a fact, we know this through simple observations dont we? Obviously you are better than others in some things, if you are reading this article you are probably above normal intelligence; few people indulge in the thinking level that has brought on this topic. If we believe all people are Equal then we will crush people like you. Is that okay with you? As we will all be Equal right? Do you wish to be crushed? I have found individual Humans to not be Equal and if your utopia denies this observation, wouldn't we all be living a lie in a perfect world? If one is living a lie, why live?

If we modify our current reality to take into consideration such a socialistic beehive scenario plan, which is intellectually reasonable as a possible solution to the lie we are currently living then, will we be trading one lie for another; a change of scenery? If so, we must understand that before we move on or we simply change everything, disrupt everything only for it all to repeat, and we know our human history has already done that. Think on this, too heavy for you; well think ab out something else, as you will then be thinking on Equal footing with everyone else in the socialist brainwashed mass media mind of the beehive. Still think that is a worthy idea? Gotcha.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: socialist beehive, flawed thinking, Humans, Topics, Thought, all the same, Equal
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