We have the power to do anything we have designated to be our destinies.
Everything resides upon the palms of your hands, for when the Creator set you upon the earth He drew out a map for you to carry with you. These timeless highways delicately hewn into your skin whisper of mysteries you may never fully understand on this earth, and you need not to. But you can then be calmed from the restless anxiety stirred up around the world by this intimate reminder fixed to your person, knowing that truly there is a higher force guiding you, and these markings crafted upon your flesh give instructions to every element you lay them across, and that these patterns are the physical symbols of an ancient alphabet, invoking the forces of nature to act out their roles in a script; your life, written by a divine hand.
It will be with you to the end of your Journey, and perhaps beyond. For death is only a doorway into another Existence, and we catch glimpses of these other realities in our moments of Spiritual euphoria, when the scent, impressed in some previous time upon our Consciousnesses, is overwhelming, and the limbs and nerves of an inner man within us twitch spasmodically, recalling a tonic that flowed through his vessels in that distant age at the utmost brink of his Existence when he had been summoned into being to be the issue of an ultimate power, even as he now lies recoiled and dormant, waiting for his re-awakening!
This man may lie twitching all our lives, for we may never revive our true potential in our lifetimes, and this sleeping giant will carry on through the doorway when o ur earthly lives are through and our physical bodies shrivel away. The sleeping giant may carry on, like he has all this while, perhaps to finally leave his domain in your unconscious mind and to step into the wakeful active role of the lifetime he would be passed into. But for now I am almost certain that even in his realm, separated from you by the boundary of silence, he can read the verses painted upon your palms, and that they are written in his heart and his mind wherever it is that he dwells within you. And even he is yet acting upon them.
Dwell on this as you ponder the signs of the times and wonder how to navigate your way through the tangle of elements, and forces, and beings. The prints on your palms and fingers are your lodestone, pointing the path through this chaotic environment; they are who you are, and perhaps who you were and who you will be. And this lifetime is somewhat trivial and inconsequential one way or the other, for you are only a traveler pa ssing through, and all that is necessary is that you never lose your way, and you never lose yourself. Take heart.
Natasha Ashwe is a writer, a poet, and an artist. She believes in beauty, creation and perfection, and she believes that as an artist it is inevitable that her beliefs are expressed in her work, as they are. These are the ultimate messages she seeks to make an impact on the world with through her work; the beauty of life, the power of creation, the possibility of perfection. Her messages call for global enlightenment; for every being on earth to realize their entitlement to Journey into the marvelous potential within their own minds and create better lives for themselves and for others. Her writing is vibrant with these desires.
Author:: Natasha Ashwe
Keywords:: Blueprints, Consciousness, Journey, Spiritual, Existence
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