Friday, April 8, 2011

Theory of Change

The Theory of Change

Time is the fourth dimension of this world. If you think in depth, you will find that this is a fact. The Time when humans were wild, early men were the only representatives of Human society. If you think about that dimension, all the good and bad was absolutely based on that instance only. The Law and order and everything was the instance of that Time. Now that fourth dimension is far away from our Thinking because, all what historian used to think is based on the evidences which they found and predicted. But, reality is a deep mystery. Such a deep mystery that can not be revealed by just evidences and prediction. There are many controversies and debates too. That instance of Time can not be recreated again. You can redesign toys and pots looking similar to that age. But d on't forget that one dimension is missing - 'FourthDimension'. And that dimension is really inevitable. The values, mores and cultural things can not be recreated. If you create then somehow, that will miss one thing that is - 'Time'.

If you just think about Time. It looks very much stable. It seems that everything will be as it is. My face will be same, my posture will be the same. My Thinking will be as it is. But, this is fact that it changes and changes. By ticking of each second, the new frame of your life comes and that replaces the old frame and you become one second old. But, We think that everything is at rest. What is at rest? Earth is moving, Sun is moving, Stars and constellations are moving.

Everything is moving and everything is changing. There is not a single frame of second t hat can be said similar to any previous frame. Change is certain and change is a big truth. Death is also the other name of change. Our Thinkings change, our ideas change, our mindset change, our likes change and even our dislikes change. If you watch it carefully, nothing is still. But, this is a great mistake of our mind that we do not notice these changes. Time does not wait for us, so, do not wait for Time. You wake up each day. You are the same, your bedroom is the same, pillow, bed-sheet and matress is the same. But, have you ever noticed that not a single day is same as any previous day. I want to give an experience to feel, try to recreate any previous day. But, you can't. If you can not recreate a day that means, Time has passed away and now you can not recreate it again.

It's the Time th at changes and gives impact on everything. Each dimension can be adjusted, recreated and reproduced but Time. In West, Time Machine and such other things were considered. Such machines are just matter of Science - Fictions only. Time is immortal and change is certain. We can not challenge Time by changing it, but, we can challenge Time by working according to Time. Your life is just like a project. Once you were child. You learnt from things around you. You understood your dad, mom, brother, sister and relatives. Then, at the teen age, you come to understand yourself. Think of this, you took 10-15 years to understand yourself and 2-3 years to understand others. After you get a job to do or achieve your diserable work, you become an independent individual. Then, you bind yourself, marry someone and family and some lives start with you. Think of a fact that Time is changing and so out Thinking. The teen-age is not meant to marry and there is no meaning of independence in childhood. A child is always dependent. So, our behavior should also have a meaning of Time. You are the same from childhood. Do me a favour. Watch your palm and think about the childhood. Your hand was once in the mud while playing, your hand was playing with toys, your hand was catching fishes and butterflies. Your hand was breaking some old radio or anything. Then the same hand was there in school, library and with friends. Then, your hand was in office. Then, the same hand was in shop while shopping. You, your body, your hand is same. But, one thing was not always the same. Do you want to challenge the Time ? Try to play in mud, play with toys, catch butterflies, break an old radio, go to school. You will find these things a gone case.

You are right now reading this document and you are following w hat I have written. By this, you are changing your ideas about me, you are changing the way how you think and this document is changing whole of your mindset, a sense of brainwash is here. You must be Thinking that Mr. Writer is quite a fool! This document is neither written by any saint nor this is so impressive. But, be sure that small changes of Time frames have larger impact on future. Human brain always get washed and new thoughts and ideas influence it too much. Our mind is not the read-only, neither write-protected. It's like a diary that can updated easily.

Due to this reason, Always keep your mind cool and calm, have good Th inking, good ideas about yourself and others. As you know - Time is changing, Life is changing. Just enjoy your life as much as you can. Everything is changing and good or bad Time has to come forth. But, you should keep your spirit to fight and achieve what you want to be. Changes does not mean that they are sweet or bitter, you should accept them.

You should think of your soul, the Time when you took birth and till you death and life after death. After death you will be recognized with your deeds and that is immortality of a person that may be he is not still live physically, But, lives in hearts of thousands. Do you think that George Washington, JF Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln are dead? They are still in this world. They are still alive our hearts. Can they ever die? No, they are immortal. Their deeds are still alive my friend! They are the real Gods. They are imitable. Any Time you have problems, search out what they did in their lives and you will find all sol utions. Once you grown up and basics are told to you, they are the next teachers.

Make yourself so worthy that you can get immortality. Your deeds are the only way to achieve the immortality. Time can not touch you if you are worthy. Each person has some qualities and they are god-gifted. Just you need to recognize them. In the end, I can say that - 'Time is the fourth dimension but, can not affect everyone'.


- Som Dutt Tripathi

Author:: Som Dutt Tripathi
Keywords:: Philosophy, Time, Time-Machine, Thinking
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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