Thursday, May 5, 2011

Greed and Chaos or Nobleness and Predictable Design

Mankind is a funny animal, existing in Chaos, yet seeking orderly-ness rather than embracing what is. It is the age-old argument of Good, Evil, heaven and hell, interesting man made ideas; how about randomness vs. simplicity; randomness vs. orderly-ness; now then which would be best? Which could be considered Evil and which one Good? Can we exist with out both; probably not. We need both to move forWard you see.

If everything is perfect there is nothing to do, you would get bored and sleep you life away like a happy fluffy house cat. When mankind has a problem, innately he is called to action to find a solution. Indeed any concept or idea is worthless without action. But the concepts are of value to those who dare to push the envelope, innovate and take risks. For those not willing and content, they most likely will not be the ones who invent. It is said that necessity is the mother of Invention and indeed, Mother Natures harsh planet surface forces have caused us to create and modify our environment, grow our own food, build complex shelters and transportation. And yes weapons to protect what we have built from those who have reasoned it is easier to simply take than to create your own. You follow?

Speaking of which if their underlining reason for such call to action is Greed. Then that blows out any comments about Greed being negative? Because the Greedy invent devices too, to better help them in their exploits, whether better machinery to make more money or better weapons to serve their political will or take from their fellow man, who is forced to reciprocate in building weapons of defense to protect what he has created you see?

Without building the weapons of War against our own species, which no one can deny is a very destructive endeavor, we co uld have never had all the great things and transfer technologies we do today, that in turn make our life so very easy. So in the end Greed could be said to have been Good, as it propels ideas to fruition and those ideas lead to additional ways of doing things and better more efficient solutions, thus further simplifying our life styles, but in the end remember that in fact Greed of course being only one of many human motivators.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Greed, War, Deisgn, Chaos, Good, Evil, Predicable, mother nature, Humans, mother nature, Invention
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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