Sunday, May 1, 2011

What If There Were More Than One God?

What if there were more than one God? In the major present religions most of them have one God? Some have one God and some friends, such as Holy Ghosts, spouses of God, Sons of Gods and you know Profits and such. But generally most of the religions have one God instead of many Gods like the Greeks.

It kind of makes sense for humans to have one God, because they are so easily confused. Some say out little minds often cannot keep track of more than one. It is just to o much to remember you see? And they know they need a God because someone told them, so they choose the God of the most convenience and usually that comes with their childhood indoctrination. But, what if there were more than One God? What then? Perhaps this might mess up our needed productivity, as we would be spending too much time studying al these friggin Gods and thus we would not have as much time to work and procreate the next generation of organic Robot children to follow in our working shoe steps.

So maybe civilization or the BeeHive of Humanity is best with only one God, as it s implifies things for us. And having a God or the fear of God also helps us, as it kind of keeps us all inline, before we figure out we have been had and served our lives as slaves to the plan, which is not our own, but that of another. Through this fear we can keep everyone working hard economic enslavement and productive, make sure they procreate and then let them die before they become a problem, start thinking and asking too many questions. Too many Gods might make us less focused you see? Think on this. Too heavy, bothers you belief system, okay dont. But I did give you the choice to believe and have faith in the reality of the human life experience.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: what if there were more than one god, Gods, Greek, Beehive, Humanity, Profits, holy ghost, Robot
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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