Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Alexander and The Alchemists


The Christians of the Greek mainland also numbered him among the saints. Alexander is honored as the pious knight, the defender of Christendom, as yet another Byzantine hero,

Alexanders popularity surpassed that of any of the other heroes of the ancient world. His achievements, whether real or imaginary, in all their endless variety, adorned both secular and religious monuments. Countless are the paintings and works of plastic or miniature art that flooded the medieval world. Further, many of the numerous illuminated manuscripts dating from the eleventh to the seventeenth centuries depict Alexanders achievements; some of them are of exquisite craftsmanship, while others have a charming simplicity in their execution

He ventured as far as the earthly paradise near the Pillars of Hercules, where a number of wise descendants of Herakles a De Danaan had taken refuge to escape the debauchery and lawlessness of mankind and where they had lived sinc e on vegetables and scholarly wisdom. This is the site of Tartessus. Thence he came to the Island of the Blessed, beyond the Ocean Could be Lyoness was still above water or it could be Ogygia[ancient ones as identified by Plutarch in the spot we call Iceland. It could be what we call the British Isles where his Bruttii cousins and supporters would have welcomed him. (1)

Of all the Great names in history there are few who are as complex and misunderstood as this red-headed Kelt born to King Philip II of Macedon. Some historians say he was the first to proclaim himself Divine while still alive. There is little difference between saying one is Divine and what the Pharaohs and Popes do as they claim to speak for the Heavenly Father or other representative of the Sun (Son). There were other similar mythic heroes including Lugh that myth-makers borrowed from. They went so far as to give Alexander credit for the travels of Odysseus and more. The myth-makers art in the family of the noble De Danaan is still a powerful social engineering tool. You will see a lot of the myths including those that became Jesus and you should question all perspectives about all these people. It is possible that Alexander did go to places like the Americas and Jesus too. Jesus (Yeshua) would have done so with his father-in-law who was the Roman Minister of Mines as well as a member of the Sanhedrin.

In a life about the same length as Jesus he left a similar indelible mark on history. He tried to educate and build a truly good domain after he had the pact with his Keltic brothers who did not fear him. We speak of him as Greek or Macedonian but these are just ways of differentiating people, as if these people really felt sovereign states had much right to rule; as they have come to do in our current corrupt society. Alexander was no saint and it would be better if we knew more about the things he believed and loved rather than the great battles where he out-maneu vered or bought off those who were supposed to fight for his enemies.

His tutor Aristotle was the son of Nichomachus the Royal doctor to King Amyntas. That tutor was even greater than Alexander and they shared things such as are written in the Secretum Secretorum which deals with alchemy. Alexander is rumored to have found the grave of Hermes and thus became the owner of the Tabula Smaragdina or Emerald Tablet. Under his direction Ptolemy (another alchemist) was put in charge of Egypt and the building of a great city with a Library that could elucidate our past and truly put an end to all the stupid things we think about our forefathers; but they intended to use it to Hellenize the world. Without knowing our true cultural heritage we have become sniveling head-bobbers catering to the present Empire. That Empire seeks to convince us they are the best kind of government mankind has ever had but some people always seem to be doing a lot better for themselves than they sho uld. Education is a tool that can be abused for the purposes of propaganda and it is hard for the brainwashed to see what is happening. For example, at first the Egyptians did not mind Greek being taught to their citizens. I am all for one language everyone can understand, one set of laws, one police force and one world order; but I am not for Synarchy or oligarchy.

I deplore the Hellenization or claiming of great ascendancy and Divinity that his ego took to make himself big enough to help others, but I admire many things about what he did. Can you imagine what the 500,000 books in the Library of Alexandria could provide for us today? The Senchus Mor and Psaltairs galore would have been there along with the Dogon and Timbuktu story of ancient things. The knowledge Pythagoras learned from the Great Pyramid in terms of the Therapeutae Singing of the Spheres would have left some clues to harmonics and what we know as String Theory today.

The impacts of Alexanders li fe on modern society are not nearly as great as they should have been. If the Great Library he caused to be built had survived, the Empires of religious intolerance the world has witnessed would be far further ahead. We might even have grown enough to ethically meet the technological and other challenges we now face. But his Hellenizing propaganda and the expansion of Empire was a large part of what lead others to do what they did. Napoleon is part of this hierarchial through-line. Julius Caesar and other Sons of Aeneas were as well. Lord Mountbatten was a student of heraldry, genealogy and sphragistics above all else. He arranged the union of Princess Di and Charles for the purpose of uniting ancient Royal bloodlines. He also changed the name of his family to Windsor so the people of the British Isles would not have to be constantly reminded that they were already the subject of the German Royal family. Their enemy the Kaiser as well as the Russian Czars whose title comes f rom Caesar are the same family. All of these people can take heart in knowing they are related to Alexander the Great, and there are many Romanovs with the name Alexander or Alexandra.

I am sure there are many things about Mystery Schools and the elites who benefit through secret knowledge or pacts and agreements in the life of Aristotle. There is absolutely no doubt about the importance of alchemy in his life. The question remains to what extent Alexander understood the ancient Brotherhood of Iesa and the Great Pyramid they left to convey the concepts and science that many Mystery Schools including Napoleons Masons say they know. There are many people like Napoleon who modeled themselves after Alexander. All of European history is a record of the transformative impact of his life. Could this all have been planned? In 1938 FDR said If it happened, it was planned.

Napoleon was far more important to societal changes and organizing the present laws than any other m an. He had help (or was directed) from many good people who you hear very little about. One of those people started the Royal Institution which later brought us Michael Faraday and his great scientific researches into the Fields of Energy that Newton (an alchemist) had called the Aether. This man is the alchemist/spy Count Rumford. Like Lafitte who tried to free Napoleon from the designs of murderous Royals and later funded Marx; Count Rumford was a man above any one nation; as are all Physiocrats or Merovingians. Napoleon hooked him up with a lot of other people as we see in this brief quote. Many people think Alchemists pursued making gold from lead. It was people who employed fakirs (The Nobility) that were largely into that. The lies against alchemy are evil and when Alchemists back the One World Order they are right to do so no matter what evil must be done to achieve it, I can argue. But you will have to read my book on Rumford to see the full reasons for my saying that in relation to what Napoleon was most likely doing and being directed to do.

In 1802 Rumford returned to Munich: his friend the Elector had died and he wanted to be assured of his continuing patronage and pension from the new Elector Maximilian. Finding that all was well he visited Paris. Napoleon was very impressed with him and put R in the special care of famous scientists and mathematicians, among who were Laplace, Lagrange, Delambre and Bertholet. This is when he met and fell in love with the widow of the great chemist Lavoisier. (2)

There is more to this than meets the eye. When Napoleon went to Italy he procured (took or stole) the works of the great alchemist Leonardo da Vinci. Da Vinci was a bastard and Napoleon may have had an affinity with him just as he did with Alexander the Great, who was his lifelong hero. To what extent Napoleon studied alchemy is a matter of debate but he surely would have known many of the things we will address about Alexanders involvement in the Great Work. Napoleon would have been a part of alchemical humanistic or other designs as long as he was in power or at least since he joined the Masons and Merovingians. Like Alexander, Napoleon took scientists, historians and other scholars along with him on his Egyptian campaign.

Many of the founders of the Illuminati of Napoleons era were great students of Frater Albertus Magnus and his young protg named Aquinas. Aristotles greatest influence on the present comes to us through Jesuit influences and educational prerogatives that are the foundation of Western culture. Aquinas put Aristotelian tho ught into the Church dogma. Alumbrados means Illuminati and the De Medicis and Borgias who created the Jesuits through initiates to Heliopolitanism like Loyola are part of a clan who did this planning. Aristotle had to leave Greece shortly after Alexander died and he was dead a short time after that. To what extent Aristotle sold out to the forces that influenced Plato or caused Socrates to drink hemlock is not fully known. Are these forces still in control of people to this day? I think I have shown they are, in many other books. It is the top-down and trickle down Voodoo Economic structure. Truth is stranger than fiction!

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Author:: Robert Baird
Keywords:: Alexander the Great, Alchemists
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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