Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Emerson and Plato

You might be surprised by the breadth and reach of the influence of Plato. Even Ralph Waldo Emerson is one of his progeny. Emerson also had a lot of Swedenborgian Rosicrucian leanings and was heavily influenced by Thomas Carlyle whose biographers have still not figured out what his secret was that made him tell them they would never get him or his life right. That secret ties Carlyle and Goethe to Swift and other literary and scientific members of the Hibernians who oversee the Priory of Sion and Royal Society. Here is what Columbia Encyclopedia on the web has to offer.

We must not forget that a large part of the effort to inte grate philosophy and spirituality has been done, and sometimes people called Nazis (Carlyle) had a lot to do with fostering the humanitarian movement and what is called transcendentalism. Emerson is one of the greats along with Thoreau and Whitman - at least in their influence on my life as I grew up.

The writer's father, William Emerson, a descendant of New England clergymen, was minister of the First Unitarian Church in Boston. Emerson's early years were filled with books and a daily routine of studious and frugal homelife. After his father's death in 1811, his eccentric but brilliant aunt, Mary Moody Emerson, became his confidante and stimulated his independent thinking. At Harvard (1817-21) he began recording his thoughts in the famous Journal. Poor health hindered his studies at the Harvard div inity school in 1825, and in 1826, after being licensed to preach, he was forced to go south because of incipient tuberculosis. In 1829 he became pastor of the Old North Church in Boston (Second Unitarian). In the same year he married Ellen Tucker, whose death from tuberculosis in 1831 caused him great sorrow.

Emerson's personal religious scruples and, in particular, his conviction that the Lord's Supper was not intended by Christ to be a permanent sacrament led him into conflict with his congregation. In 1832 he retired from his only pastorate. On a trip to Europe at this time he met Carlyle (who became a close friend), Coleridge, and Wordsworth. Through these notable English writers, Emerson's interest in transcendental thought began to blossom. Other strong influences on his philosophy, besides h is own Unitarian background, were Plato and the Neoplatonists, the sacred books of the East, the mystical writings of Swedenborg, and the philosophy of Kant. He returned home in 1834, settled in Concord, Mass. and married (1835) his second wife, Lydia Jackson.

I feel it is imperative to place some real history in this book. There are so many people who know something is wrong with our history and they believe in fictions like Atlantis which was based on Plato in large part. I feel quite passionate about these matters as you will see. This excerpt is taken from my book The Rising Roman Empire.


I must admit I was both pleased and surprised to read various Stuart historians during my research, saying that the Berbers are part of the Stuart lineage. Niven Sinclair and William Hamilton Stewart may not be the best sources but they give the more unvarnished picture of the situation even if it does appear a bit racist. After all is said and do ne my Hamilton/Lynn/Burke (mother) and Baird/King/Keough (father) genetic background have a lot of elitist people who gave up trying to make the world a better place for everyone.

I cannot say exactly when the pendulum turned fully towards the present malaise and I cannot be sure when it was that they became free and safe through the use of their advanced technology and use of islands as defendable homelands. The defendable mountains and islands seem to have been sought out rather soon after the Caucasians became more than just a curiosity. One of the key places of development is in the Tarim Basin surrounded by mountains and a desert. It may even have been the original Mediterranean (between two mountain ranges).

My guess is the elitist campaign happened around the time Sinclair says he can trace his family to the Berbers about 20,000 years ago. I think they made a deal with an Asian group at that juncture. The legends of MU and Atlantis take a lot of interpret ing and analysis in comparison with the known artifacts. The Royal Bloodlines are just as complex and important to examine. You will not find it in Cahills book on the Jews. (1)

As I often say Plato was a front man who made the story of Atlantis to suit his elite family and the needs of the ruling classes who were Hellenizing all knowledge. Now, you can see I dont believe in aliens as our forbears, or Atlantis. But you might be surprised how many times people tell me that is what my history sounds like. Funny thing that is what their history is founded upon. That, and a growing hierarchy that put some men above others and all men over women in their class. It is not a his-story I enjoy or promote the continuance of, but I do have to face the facts that it is what most people believe.

Plato was the descendant of the wise Solon and I suspect his Danaus forbears are related to the Semitic Sargon the Great. In his era Ptolemy certainly drew his family tree back to the Danaus or Danaan great by the name of Herakles or Hercules. We will see that the Antonine Roman Emperors are of this same lineage. In the case of Ptolemy, who was put in charge of Egypt by the Kelt/Thracian/Macedonian hermeticist Alexander, he encouraged Manetho to write a Kings List which drew his lineage to Hercules. This is evidence of the founders of Egypt being Danaan or de Danaan in the line of Isis and Osiris. That Kings List forms the basis of the Bible Narrative and Egyptology today. It has some errors to say the least.

However, it is of interest to note that Manetho has Isis coming to found Egypt around the time that we see the genetics shows the white man came to exist. Also we have recent archaeological proof of deep mining engineering here at that time. Isis Pelasgi is one of the continuing titles of the Ptolemaic lineage including Cleopatra. And we saw the Pelasgi in the quote from ESOP earlier. The Berber sea people or pirates include those people who lived in Genoa around 2000 BC. The Cisalpine Gauls including the great historian Livy and his family will play a major role along with their Veneti brothers of Brittany as our history continues. For now it is important to say that the name of Brittany and Britain come from one of these Keltic families named Bruttii or Brutus who are Sons of Aeneas and Trojan War heroes; just like the family of Julius Caesar who they later assassinated. These extended families kept a verbal (sometimes written) history that forms the basis of the kind of things that Royals and Knights Malta still place great value upon. Here is a response to a person (Essene Templar that he is) which I made in a Grail project I am involved in researching.

When I use the term extended family I am hearkening back to a time and place such as you suggested had little or no real ecclesiastical structure. Elder Council ran places that never really wanted any of the genocide practiced upon them by those try ing to help them PROGRESS by nice sounding phrases like Manifest Destiny.

This kind of structure was part of what almost died off in most of the world at the end of the Punic Wars, but the land use laws of Ireland and indeed most of the ethics were still there until the 17th Century. It is a time when hereditary kings did not exist and FREEDOM was the most valuable resource of adventurous and creative or daring people. Brotherhood was real and women were equal. There was enough of it left in Carthage when Aristotle visited for him to be impressed with the Democratic reality of the society. In reference to Jesus, I would tend to agree with what you said.

But there is a lot more to it. THE DAVID are also (in an earlier time) THE BRUCE or Bruttii. His family were very wise and had been back to Melchizedek if not before that. His brother was the leader of the Essenes and he was from the wealthy stock of Solomon. I believe he went to India and other places. I am almos t certain he spent time with Comarius who tutored Cleopatra in Egypt. There is a reason the Gnostics saved the Dag Hammadi Scrolls that give the best insight to Jesus and his brothers. They were willing to die for it.

As you know the families and even community of Jews still help each other get a head start in whatever business they are into. I hear you get to fail a couple of times if necessary too. But the corruption of values and the denominational in-fighting has even affected Samoa in the last decade. So I can not point to any large scale current models of what kind of society was looked over and advised by the pan-tribal Druids who treated the whole of their society with respect. The Cathars might have been their last large-scale attempt. They were scientists and administrators and not religious as we think of churches. In fact churches were outdoors and they had nothing to hide.

Author of Diverse Druids. Columnist for The ES Press Magazzine, Guest writer at

Author:: Robert Baird
Keywords:: Emerson, Swedenborg, Carlyle
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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