Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Academia Brilliance Awash in Liberalism Myth

Recently at a coffee shop the topic of conversation some turned to the mighty Evil Corporation and I had to chuckle because I was conversing with an intelligent person, well educated, smart and even held a few patents that were indeed taking care of him in his retirement.

He suggested we get together again for coffee in the near future. Yes, let's do that, you have some good ideas I said and he does.

In fact from what I had read about his scientific endeavors was impressive indeed. I thought it quite interesting his evil corporations Theories and having run a large franchise company before my retirement at age 40, I thought, well he really did not have the proper insight to understand the full implications or how free markets really worked.

So, needless to say I was not too awfully u pset at his perception of the world and Corporations, but I had to point out to him and get him to ask himself a question:

Who do you think built everything you see, everywhere you go?

The businesses, many of them grew into or were Corporations when they did, you see my point and the reason I needed to share this with all of you today. So next time you wish to Malign the Evil Business Person or the Evil Corporation please stop and think about that, would you do that for me?

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: evil corporations, evil business men, Liberalism, Malign, Theories, Academia Brilliance
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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