Wednesday, October 26, 2011

America and Her Priorities in Innovation at Issue

Recently I was discussing with a friend the problems with our placement of Americas greatest Innovators and what industries these brilliant minds end up in. What was interesting in exploring this Thought with a friend was that it seems that America and her priorities in Innovation at issue and often Scientists and Engineers use their minds in somewhat irrelevant and trivial pursuits. My friend made an interesting observation when he said to me;

In a time when we can put a thousand songs on a chip for our teenagers yet we still live in the stone age on important issues like Autos, Fossil Fuel, Weather, Power and so on, I find it terribly perplexing and irritating.

Indeed, who could disagree, Well here is a quick Thought on the comment of the new digital video slim-line iPod; yes that is one cool little contraption and indeed it is a way better mouse trap and yes, they will sell a gazillion of those little widgets to teenagers the world over, maybe even some older folks too, as not everyone fancies themselves and old over the hill has been. But for a second imagine if we can make a device like that why cant we build a better revolutionary car; one that flies and gets 1000 miles to the gallon, of lets say water? Indeed why not? One reason is perhaps all the barriers and laws, rules and regulations in our way. And the of course the ever present issues of disruptive technology and political favoritism to the status quo as well. He then indicated to me that;

We should either apply our technology equally or none at all.

I agree with that in one regard and that is we must be careful to e qually apply the ground rules of technology, not limit Thought and allow Innovators to innovate, Scientists to study and Engineers to build whatever they want to, without worrying about stepping on someones toes, because if that someone where truly brilliant then indeed they could buy that Innovation, prototype or concept and pay the scientist, innovator or engineer and then they would be off to build their next great thing for the whole of humanity. To philosophical for you; Well, maybe it was just that new Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Frappachino with the extra shot I had while discussing and thinking on this and the potentially best scenario for all concerned and the forward progression of the species. Got something to say? I am listening, think on it and Ill get back to you.

Lance Winslow

Aut hor:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Innovation, Scientists, Engineers, Innovators, Invention, Mankind, Ipod, Thought, digital video
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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