Monday, June 4, 2012

Feng Shui How to Create a Healthier Living and Working Envoiroment

The importance of Wind and Water applies not only to the location of large centers of human habitation. Your home and your office are habitations also and you find yourself naturally concerned about the envoiroments in which you spend so much of your lifetime. When you choose a house or a apartment you worry about the price you will pay, the cost of living in the area, and the convenience of the location. But you also want to know about the neighbourhood. You are also concerned about the atmosphere of the locality: you want to know how quiet it is, whether it is safe, whether the air is oppressive. You want to know what effect living there will have on you.

In order to answer this question, the Feng Shui practitioner takes many aspects into account. It is not just a question of whether you like the house or apartment. The various Feng Shui principles are used. What is the balance of Yin and Yang? How does the alignment of the home fit with the sequence of trigrams in the I Ching? Is it an appropriate location in view of the magnetic and other forces and the relevant cycles of time? Does the overall configuration of the home and the neighbouring buildings correspond to the map of The Five Animals?

To know all the answer and how really can improve your living, visit our site now for more information:

Author:: Alex Ng
Keywords:: feng shui, Fengshui, feng shui twins, tai chi
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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