Sunday, June 3, 2012

Humans And Animals Are Much Closer Than We Think

What sets Humans and Animals apart? Not much really? Although many a religious scholar will claim the opposite and cite all sorts of BS and hokum to prove their point; none of which will make a lick of sense from a reality based observational standpoint. And really to tell you the truth; I truly believe Humans are Animals, just better evolved ones for their particular habitat.

In fact I have seen and heard no viable evidence to contradict my observations and findings. I have considered all the arguments of science such as;

(1) Animals do not have empathy. This is incorrect by observation.

(2) I have heard of the concept that Humans can choose not to procreate. We cannot prove that Animals cannot do this and I think it is false, as when there is not enough food, Animals will skip procreation that year often, overcoming their instinctual needs. Not all Animals but many can and do.

(3) Animals cannot lie very well. Fair enough comment, but we know they can deceive and do and Chimpanzees under potential threat of torture have been known to tell lies and also in order to get free ice cream and bananas too. Humans can concoct complex lies or even live entire lives, which are a lie. We do not know if Animals can do this, although we do not know. Animals do understand when we deceive them often for instance pretending to throw a stick, when we dont the dog will look at us like; You jerk, I am not falling for your BS, now throw that stick, come on!

(4) Animals cannot throw things very well. Indeed dexterity in throwing things sets Humans apart a little, but since they can throw some of things, although not very well I hesitate to call this a deciding factor.

(5) Animals have no soul. I disagree, life energy of living species is universal, you can call that a soul if you wish, but still I cannot go for that religious based comment or answer.

(6) Animals do not have spiritual type beliefs. This has also been proven wrong. Studies with Guerillas and Chimpanzees have been known to go to waterfall areas where the light shines at a certain time in a certain way, which gives off a totally unique ambience. They have a concept of Wow, like a shrine, but they only go during a certain time.

Basically Humans can lie, cheat, steal and throw things better than Animals, but in the end Animals can do all those things, but perhaps have decided not to, as it may not be in their best interests or the interests of their social group; herd, troop, school, pac k or flock. You know maybe Animals are a lot smarter than we think. How does it feel to be a lying, cheating, temper tantrum throwing, ignorant human? Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Humans, Animals, much closer we Think
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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