Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Man is No Match for Mother Nature

Winds blowing at over a hundred miles per hour carrying storm surges of 25 feet, drowning innocent victims in flooded waters. Earth shaking tremblers of over 7.0 magnitude bringing down buildings and crushing those who sleep. Mutating viruses using stealthy attack spreading like the flu. Lava flows at 2000 degrees engulfing villages. Yes we have seen all this since in the last two-months. And you thought the Old Testament or the Greek Mythology was bad? Lets face it we live on the surface of the planet where nothing is guaranteed. Our evolved soft shells are we no match for the powerful Mother Nature. The International Terrorists are wimps compared to her; Man is no match for Mother Nature.

In Peru and Pakistan they get pummeled by 7.5 plus magnitude quakes within the last two-months. In Pakistan the death toll started at 2000 and quickly rose to 5000. Guatemala had Volcanoes, which viciously victimized villages and sent the homeless running for their lives. The next week they had Earthquakes, most likely related which killed more. Then the remnAnts of Hurricane Stan drown another 1400 people after 200 just over the border in the Mountains of Mexico making matrons make peace with their maker. Man is no Match for Mother Nature

In the United States we had back-to-back Super Hurricanes, Cat 5; Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita, which we will never forget. Taking out a major US City while we lost 2500 soles, 550 jobs, 300 million dollars, 105 oil rigs and our psyche of safety, but that was the least of it, as we were only half way thru the 2005 Hurricane Season. Man is no match for Mother Nature.

Each time we rebuild, we build stronger, like an ant hill kicked over by a child, only to be rebuilt again and again. The Ants like huMans, start right away rebuilding as the child looks and wonders why, as he will simply swoosh it over with his foot as soon as they are done. But they do not care and are undeterred, they keep rebuilding. They maybe no match for the child, but the Ants persevere, it is there way. Perhaps Mankind is a match for Mother Nature after all.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Pakistan Earthquake, Floods, Hurricanes, Volcanoes, mother nature, Man, Ants, hurricane katrina
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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