Thursday, August 9, 2012

Read this Article if You Believe in Aliens

It is fascinating how egocentric the human species really is. It is interesting to watch them debate that there are no Aliens or Extra-terrestrials. The Universe is huge and it appears in this dimension that everything is made up of the same atoms and therefore similar molecules exist where the concentrations are similar. We know that water is very common in this solar system, along with methane, hydrogen, carbon, iron, nickel; well you get the point. We also know that bacteria, microbes and the building blocks of life are also all around our solar system. We have solar energy, thermal energy, lightning storms, electro-magnetic energy. So we have everything we need to support life just about everywhere we look in our own solar system, which is one of a billion trillion that are visible to us.

Thus there will be complex life forms on other planets, moons and in other solar systems, Galaxies and Universes, how could there not be? Ah, but there in lies the problem reall y. You see the humans can be lead to believe just about anything that seems plausible. They will hear an idea, accept it and hold on to it without listening to evidence of any kind. They will believe in a myth, Gods, a single God, whatever and refuse to entertain any other plausible thought.

Indeed it appears to be easier to have an invisible friend ruling your life than to believe that there are other complex life forms out there which are equally adapted, intelligent and have fulfilled their niches on their given eco-system demands. One has to ask another question in all this. If Aliens are living here on Earth under the oceans or under the su rface, then they are not Aliens in fact we might be the Aliens as far as they are concerned. And they would not be Extra-terrestrials, because they are here now and may have been for quite a while. So if you believe in Aliens, should we be calling them friends, which are other than Homo sapiens? Think on that, it is a fund subject.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: homo sapiens, solar system, Aliens, Extra-terrestrials, God, complex life forms
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