Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Meaning of Life

I don't know when I started looking for the meaning of life; probably a few years back after my grandmother died. I thought I found it many times, but I was wrong. It changed with new wisdom, new thoughts and beliefs. It's what everyone wants to know, but maybe none are able to handle.

I will never know everything there is to know in life; I will never know what no mortal can know. I will live for a purpose I can't explain, that no one can, but I will still live. I will love life for no matter what it is. Life is me, in my soul, in my mind, and in my heart. I wasn't created to live it, I was created to be it. Life is what we were given, our gift from existence. I will never forget this, no matter how buried I become in wisdom and knowledge. I may fade when I die, but life will never fade from my soul.

I want peace for the world. A simple thought indeed, but it is my dream. It is the gift that I owe the world for giving me life. It seems weird to say this is my only dream. It isn't a dream that I share alone, but it is a dream that I have great passion for. It pains me to see others hurt and suffering. It makes me empty inside. I want people to have peace. I want them to know life and its beauty.

I want peace for the world, but I know it won't happen. I know this because it is not living without pain. You need pain and suffering to live as much as you need peace and happiness. That is life, a combination of all feelings, emotions, thoughts, and beings. That is existence. What creates life is everything, from the shade to the light and back again: a continuous cycle.

My thoughts won't end. They will live on forever in my soul, in my mind, in my heart. My views will change with age, with experience, with feelings and life. I accept that I won't know an end in life. An end would mean that I have every answer I need, every want fulfilled and every dream lived. No mortal can have any of those, let alone them all. There isn't an answer for everything. Sometimes the answers aren't worth finding. These are just things you know, things you will understand in life. I may not admit it at times, but deep inside I understand why. Thats just how life is.

My life is strange and odd. I'm special in ways, normal in others, and pathetic in the remaining. I'm human, nothing more, nothing less. I can't pass judgment, I can't give pain, and I can't watch suffering. I can feel and think, but I can't control myself. I am a wanderer of life, aimlessly and hopelessly. I go where I am called. I have dreams and wants, but I am confined to mortal rules, to nature's rules, and to life's rules. I am not predestined, but I am not free-lived. There are paths, endless and winding, that I follow, but I can stray.

The meaning is thus: Life is for savoring, for living as it is. It is beauty. Nothing in the world can compare to it. Not even death or afterlife can match it. It spreads its arms and holds every creat ure closely, and it never lets go.

Many will search for something greater, some deeper meaning, but they will not find it. We are not given life to serve others. We are not given life to worship anything. We are not given life to ponder our existence. We are given life to live. We are to enjoy the world, enjoy creation, and enjoy ourselves. We will learn much in our time, we will travel far and see many things, but in the end it is the same. We lived our journeys, and we pay the price.

Those who read this are probably disappointed. People seek some truth that seems hard and deep, when really the answers are simple. They are what we want them to be. If afterlife exists, we will know. If it doesn't, we will never know. Either way we will be in peace. The meaning of life is like that. It isn't one meaning for all of us to follow, but rather thousands bound together by truth. I wasn't given life to question it; I was given life to accept it. I will never know the tru th, but I know it exists, and that is the meaning of life.

Jake Rose is an artist and an author on http://www.Writing.Com/ which is a site for Creative Writing.

Author:: Jake Rose
Keywords:: article submission, Articles, Writers, Writing, Publishing, Ezine, Email marketing, Email newsletter, Email
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