Monday, September 10, 2012

Making Your Entertainment More Rational and Less Selfish

Since we are human animal, I believe, entertainment is indispensable to make us even more human, more integrated into the human society. But again, human being is bounded with rationalism, creativity, problems to be settled, focus and most of all humanity. From the aforesaid principles; rationalism, creativities, problems to be settled, focus and humanity, human shall not be ignorant to even their entertainment, which is one of the fundamental rights or I would say, the natural rights of human being. But everything should be in the human context.

The purpose of this essay is to depict an entertainment that I think are too selfish and too inhuman. This entertainment that I depict as too selfish and too inhuman is FISHING. I will take very simple approaches for our considerations over this issue, but philosophical, legal grounds will be taken into accounted.

I claim that I do eat fish and I do like fish to any other animal, but what I do is necessary, I eat fish so that I can live (filling my physiological needs, which is the most fundamental), but I dont entertain my self by killing or wounding fish, because I dont thing this is a must, I can escape from it, and enjoy myself with another kind of entertainment.

I. Ones Life is not just for anothers Flashlight Entertainment

Regarding to the concept of humanity, we will definitely cant seek any rational to defense that fishing is human-like. I once heard a phrase animals are people too. This phrase in a very simplistic denotation, means that animal do have hurting-sense and the sense to survive in their own worlds. Many times, after questioning many people; what do you like dong?, the answers are mostly fishing.

The idea of debating (through this article) that fishing is an inhuman form of entertainment comes after I went fishing with my immediate relatives. I do not contradict to fishing as governments business, daily earning of the ordinary people and fish for the daily protein for human kind, but I strongly contradict to the idea of fishing as an entertainment. Entertainment should not be war-like entertainment. I seem to too irrational and even stupid that just a form of entertainment of a person kills other lives (just for funs). I see with my own eyes that people insert the fishing into the fish barbs, those people feel that the fish do not hurt. Fishing is all about killing. In order to kill a fish, another animals life has to be killed, which is the worm or any other living creature.

People have choices to make funs, but please and please make your funs more rational, more beneficial to the good of many, make your funs be not the grounds for anothers misery.

II. Fishing Leads to Easier Violence Commitment

I may trying to debate though this article that fishing is another kind of violence, the world has experienced too much trauma, and the most brutal trauma is annihilation. Not body want this trauma to happen a gain, but fishing as the form of entertainment is, I thing, another form of killing living being. The concept to fell disgust with killing, blood, conflict should start very young, to make the most fundamental principle (peace) of the worlds biggest family, United Nations be more likely to achieve.

III. Conclusion

The very basic and jargon that I want to raise again and again is living being has the right to existence, and from this we can draw the analogy that every living being is free from being slave of another. You are playing with fishs life means that you are making fish your slave, which is contradict to the Cambodian, regional, global and international law, but Cambodia, particularly the schools never teach students about such an illegal conduct.

I need another debate to prove that fishing is rational, so it would proceed my endeavor against fishing further.

Contact: 221H Street 93, Tuol Sangke quarter, Russey Keo district, Phnom Penh, Cambod ia, Tel: 855 11 268 445,

Author:: Vicheka Lay
Keywords:: Philosophy and entertainment
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