Monday, September 10, 2012

You Are Not Lost at Any Point

Nothing is lost in this universe as long as the confidence stays with you. If you have desire alone, it may take a very long time to fulfill the desire. But when you have confidence to achieve that, the confidence itself provides the requirements to achieve that. What are the requirements? The first factor to do any job is involvement. When you are involved in a job, that means that you are at the job. That is all. That never means that you have the involvement towards the job. It is something different. The job requires your body and mind to finish that job. When you are able to register in your mind whatever you do in that particular job, you can say that you have the involvement. What is the advantage of involvement? In fact, the involvement paves the way for perfection in the job. For example, if you happen to do a job regularly, you can find improvement day by day as long as you are at the job. The perfection gives satisfaction to the mind. If you are satisfied with your performance of your job you undertake, then it would be surely appreciated by everyone.

This is the stage, when dedication comes. That is, when you are satisfied with your job, the involvement would be more. When you are involved more, the resultant would be better always. At this stage, the mind would go deep into the job. That is, the thought would be about the job alone, even when you are not at the job. The mind would always be working on that job and when you start to do that job, that thoughts would go further deep and you are completely at the job. This is the time when your mind and your body are engaged at the job. This way of approach brings the betterment in the job. You are the most difficult person to be satisfied.

If you are satisfied, that means every one is satisfied. When you are satisfied completely, then slowly it starts boring. That means the mind thinks of the other ways on the same job. This is the first stag e for creativity. What is the meaning for creativity? The term itself says that it is not the usual way of approach. That is, the mind thinks of the new things that would be useful to that job. When your mind thinks in the other way, your body implements the thoughts of your mind. But the result would be entirely different. This is the way to create new things. When new things are created, it becomes very useful in that job and it saves time and energy to everyone and the creator is celebrated. But in total, it is the same traditional way that gave you strength to make new ideas and ways on the same subject. For everything what we need is the base, which is the pillar. With the help of this pillar, you are constructing the ideas.

So far, we have been talking about the involvement, satisfaction, dedication, and creativity. For all these, your mind is the key. When your mind is in pink condition, then everything is possible. Nothing is impossible in this U niverse. The fact is that the impossible things take a longer duration to reach and achieve it. But surely, you can do it without any doubts.

Author:: Raghu Sundaram
Keywords:: article submission, Articles, Writers, Writing, Publishing, Ezine, Email marketing, Email newsletter, Email
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