Have you ever been accused of being cynical? Well sometimes Cynicism is much closer to reality than merely; looking at the world thru rose colored sunglasses and denying the truth, which is right before your eyes. So often Cynicism may help us from being ripped off by that super special deal which is; just too good to be true!
George Bernard Shaw once said; The power of accurate OBservation is commonly called Cynicism by those who have not got it.
Indeed, he was onto something here and certainly you have watched the blind leading the blind and simply laughed to yourself. So often this happens to those who watch too much Television and actually buy into all that Silly BS and hokum.
It is amazing that so many people get so caught up in the sound and fury of such things, denying their own rea l OBservation and personal Experience and buying into some line of crap on TV. Even more fun in the study of human nature is that even after that they have been fooled, they refuse to alter their tact, somehow wishing to carry on living the lie, rather than admitting they were wrong all along.
You have to wonder about humans some times as they seem to be able to be led to Believe just about anything sometimes. Why do you suppose human beings fall for so much of this purported dribble anyway? Think on this.
Lance Winslow
Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Cynicism, OBservation, Experience, Bs, hokum george bernard shaw, Tv, Television, Believe, Silly
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