Thursday, October 18, 2012

Essence of Democracy and Freedom of Speech Disagreeing?

Recently a gentleman stated to me that he believed that the essence of Democracy and Freedom of Speech was disagreement, protest, debate and counter arguments to a point of contention. Well, maybe Democracy and Freedom of Speech has turned into that. But if it has then is it indeed the best method to run a Great Nation like the United States?

Is it best for all concerned for everyone to run around and complain, without a viable solution to the points of contention that they are protesting? For instance during the last election in the United States the self-proclaimed Blue Party, which really should have been reversed as Communism stands for Red and the Liberals are socialists waiting for a disaster to happen and would love to turn the greatest nation in the History of Mankind into a communist (government does everything) socialist Beehive of humanity.

As this debate and discussion continued apparently this liberal never had this pointed out to him in a meaningf ul way and thus he stated; So, first off, thank you. Very seriously, thank you for taking all the time you did to respond to me in such detail. As your goal was to open my eyes, you certainly did that. You and I disagree on some points, but isn't that the essence of democracy and freedom of speech?

So, I ask YOU, the reader of this article, is Disagreeing the essence of democracy? If so, Democracy should render itself short lived amongst the human race in the next millennium. If the entire population runs around Disagreeing and attacking, may I please ask how any of YOU humans plan to get anything done of value or propel the human species forward? Because seriously, I am having my doubts about YOUR abilities and the forward progression of mankind. Consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Essence of Democracy, Freedom of Speech, Disagreeing, agree to disagree
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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