Saturday, November 10, 2012

A Journey Into the Abyss of Pain and Misrey In Search Of Peace and Tranquility

For many years I longed fore true Wisdom. I Searched every street and wandered through every field where life seemed breathing, but aside from the collection of numbers and alphabetical letters I could not find anything. This quest for truth lasted many decades and even being in the light of scorching sun; my eyes could not untie the secrets of absolute Wisdom.

While passing by a forbidden village, I met a passenger with no luggage or stock of food; where as the most nearby town was at least at two days Journey. I said to him; Strange you are brother and strange is your disposition; for you walk onto foot and posses nothing to eat while you know that next destination is miles away.

Stranger replied with a smiling face; My dear brother, Strangeness is a familiar to me and you speak all this for you know not. Destination for you is miles away at the doorsteps of the next town but for me it is the road in between which gives me Wisdom, warmth and food. Human race glorify their evolution but for me not they but the missing link connecting the chain of apes to human being, are worth cherishing. For todays human have halted their progress and evolution while that missing link struggled and evolved throughout their Journey in the dark.

His words gave warmth to my heart and serenity to my soul. As he was talking he seemed lost in himself, his eyes though focused at me but perhaps had another vision. His speech swayed me like a powerful conqueror. After a long silence, I raised my head and humbly said; oh my master, I believe every word of you was not but absolute truth and this was the only Wisdom that has pushed me for years in a Misery of unattainable quest. So master! Please lit my house for I am still entrapped in the dark.

He smiled at it and then said; I know this; for I could see your heart throbbing with thirst. So close your eyes for the truth lies in the caves of dark.

Then I felt that light in him increased t he awareness of darkness in me. But then I realized that it was only when it was pitch dark, I could converge my being to myself and felt my existence. I could hear the beats of my heart and influx of breath seeping into my lungs. I marveled for how my body works so perfectly without any rest. My eyes put curtain over her profession whenever I got tired enough, but still she herself rests not but still wanders to buy me the dreams, revealed to me as reality, thus amusing me and giving me refuge in my utopia. It was a highly mystic awareness and feeling of your body parts, for we know not the beauty of our creation.

While swayed by ecstasy I heard my master saying; You are cloud my brother, and you are the sky.

It then seemed to me as if I was floating like a cloud in the sky of my being where secrets were like birds in it and I found that it was only me, the sky, who assisted their flight. It seemed as the world rather lied in me as the earth lies in the blanket of sky. My objective of life grew clearer to me for I filtered the penetrating light of sun and presented it to those who dwell in me; on earth. For the absolute light like truth is hard to digest.

So it was me the mediator, who received the scorching light and distributed it to other souls to the proportion that they can bear.

For the humans in this world are but of three types; on who are like sun, pregnant of absolute light and other like clouds who filter it and convey it to the third kind, who receive light and the warmth of it to help and fuel their worldly passions.

My head grew heavier and my sight seemed tired() of seeing the absolute light in the dark and my existence was burning by the heat of this light. So I opened my eyes and found that my master had gone.

I kept standing and wondering but I knew what I was supposed to do. My master was like sun and I like a cloud had received the bounty from him, granted by a divine approval. So I threw my luggage and stock of food and marched towards the third kind; who needed warmth of their souls.

NAVEED AHMED CHANDIO, A person with bundles of knots to untie. The thinking fuel for him has been love, beauty and the inner rebelion. Most of the times, he would prefere to let the things be interwoven for the beauty of life remains in having some reason to fulfil. He is a fairly good student of Nature and feels proud of it. The unthoughtfulness, cruelity, trachery and hatred are few things that he never liked or perhaps he never got aware of. Naveed chandio lives in karachi, Pakistan.

Author:: Naveed Chandio
Keywords:: Journey, Pain, Misery, Search, Wisdom, Peace
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