Monday, November 5, 2012

Forced Democracy

Why can't humans get along the world? It seems almost laughable that we worked so hard to help bring democracy, human rights in peace to the world; only to see it all torn back apart by the negative and hostile intent of man. It seems innately that the human species has characteristics that only the devil would be proud of.

Should we forced democracy all the world; surely it would be better than many other current forms or lack of government structure that some of these nations have. When all else has failed, and nothing has worked in wind humans in their civilizations break down to utter chaos, infighting and the Civil War; do we step in to assist them through the process or do we sit back and allow them to be doomed to repeat that which we have already learned?

Forced democracy is indeed interes ting concept; we have seen in human history forced Communism, Dictators and imperialism. We have seen Socialism run amok and we have watched democracies fail. A pure democracy without a strong government structure will break down into a Mob mentality if left unchecked. The republic, which operates as the democracy is by far the best bet. Should we then impose such a government structure bought a group of people who have lost their way?

If we don't, many people will die in Civil War, civil unrest and there will be human rights abuses. If we do, one could say we are no better than those other forms of government in civilizations, which have been unduly imposed on the will of people; depriving them all the life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The reason I asked this question; is not because all I wi sh to impose my will over another or over a whole group of people, but rather because I know in many cases would chaos ensues that if something is not done the consequences are far worse.

From a philosophical standpoint one could say that it is none of our concern, however leading people needlessly die, when all the indeed is a helping hand and the little education on how to set up their own government; for the people and by the people; then should we be there to provide that hand? Yes, there are no easy answers to this question, are merely pose it because I see a further degradation of societies and civilizations which have a spark in the glimmer of hope and are worthy of our assistance. So, I say to you my fellow man; what is a human life worth. What is the value of freedom and when will we as the people come together in a common cause of liberty for all; across all barriers and wrapped around this pale blue dot. Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Aut hor:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Forced Democracy, Communism, Dictator, Mob, Socialism, War, civil unrest
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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