Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Naïve Masses

Philosophers have always talked about the nave masses and those that blindly follow and do whatever they are told. They never question the status quo and they never wonder about things around them. Perhaps they lack curiosity or perhaps they have been brainwashed to blindly follow authority.

Einstein warns us to question authority and I suppose if you were to ask him he might even say you should question everything you see and constantly ask questions. Leonardo da Vinci stated that curiosity was the key to intelligence and it is interesting to have large populations, which do not seem to understand the reality of what they see, hear and touch.

It is interesting that humans believe they're smarter than the average household cat and yet it is obvious that cats have much curiosity, as they are always exploring new things in any environment you set them into. Humans on the other hand will simply ask a question and be leave anything that they are told and accept it as truth.

We know this from watching people who are religious followers or caught up in a sense of nationalism with a dictator or completely enthralled with their academic professors. In fact rarely do we see students challenging the University establishment on issues of liberalism and yet everywhere around us we see that humans are not equal in every endeavor.

It is obvious that people are not equal genetically and or through nurturing whether it be at the family level or educational level. It is amazing that the nave masses blindly follow and it is clearly and equally unbelievable that humans can be led to believe just about anything whereas a household cat is much less trusting. Please consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: The Nave Masses
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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