Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Dialectic Disclaimer

Section 0 The Preliminary

Chapter 0 Dialectic Disclaimer

I am alone, dim, week. There is nothing significant I could ever say to you. I am not a writer in the contemporary sense, the accepted sense. But alas I write. I feel it necessary to warn all readers that this book is inept in it's nature; I am trying to do the impossible. Alas it is not inept to me. It is impossible to explain a complex system and that is the goal of this book, to explain the complex system that is our reality, our existence, our being. It comes in threes. Everything has a birth, a life, and a death. This is the birth of my philosophy. It is infantile, struggling to breathe, and hoping to be nurtured by the world around it. Yet the world is a cruel place. I warn you that the things I say will contradict themselves. I am aware of this. This happens because the language I am using to convey my thoughts to you are flawed, it is impossible for me to communicate e verything I want to say with the exact intonation and meaning that I intend and hold dear in my heart.

You see I have never really had much to say, but gradual changes upon gradual changes in my life have compounded for 19 years. Then, ideas multiplied -- and a turning point has been reached in my life. Now I am Different than I was. I have this unexplainable urge to define everything I see around me. Only because of the beauty I have found, something I now have an everlasting love for. I would like to try and share this beauty with you. I am not a scientist, or chemist, or mathematician, or physicist, yet I will try to explain science, chemistry, math, physics; I will explain it in the only way I know how. I feel as if I am living on a flat Earth where everyone believes it is round. My mania has given me an entirely New outlook on life. I want to let you indulge your senses into accepting that everything you do, you do for a reason. There is no such thing as Good Karma, there is no such thing as bad Karma all that is, is Karma.

Author:: Glen Dewitt
Keywords:: Dialectics, Intro, Disclaimer, Karma, Good, Evil, Different, Bipolar, New
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