Wednesday, November 7, 2012


This is a philosophical view that is supported by significant scientific inquiry. This analysis tracks the Evolution of biological Life here on earth in four interdependent discussions. It must be understood that the Evolution of biological Life has necessarily been a continuous unbroken process but that here I am treating this as if it can be discussed in four separate discussions - each being dependent upon the context of the others. The first discussion is on Existence (not to be confused with the false idea of beginning). The second is on atomic activity. The third discussion is on nuclear activity and finally the fourth is on biological Life. Physical evidence supporting each of these discussions is available to normal Human sensual perception and therefore does not involve nor does it require that one possess a full scientific or philosophic background.


Both philosophically and scientifically it can be said that Life exists at the fundamental l evel of physical Existence. Life is described as being a very specific naturally occurring eternally existing energy process taking place within and between the fundamental substance of the physical Universe referred to singularly as: matter (and its energy). A full scientific identification of these self-sustaining self-generated energy properties occurring at and within the fundamental physical substance of the Universe remains to be developed. However some scientific inquiry is beginning to offer various versions of string Theory in an attempt to identify what matter (and its energy) may consist of. Whatever its True nature, the various energy relationships that are naturally occurring at the fundamental level of physical Existence must adhere to the law of identity. That is: A thing can and will act onl y in those ways allowed by its physical identity. If the Evolution of biological Life here on earth is to be properly described by science the law of identity must be the guide to it.

Aristotle is credited with formulating the word relationship: Existence exists; and indeed it does. Existence identifies and explains everything that exists. Everything and all things exist because the fundamental physical substance of the Universe exists. The Existence of the fundamental physical substance is known by the result of its effect on Human sense organs. It is this fundamental substance that is referred to with the generalized phrase: physical Existence. Matter (and its energy); the philosophic version of the fundamental substance of the Universe, is responsible for the Existence of everything and all things that do physically exist. Additionally: Matter (and its energy) is responsible for all relationships occurring within, between and among everything and all things that do physically exist.

The physical Existence of the Universe is directly dependent upon (the Universe does consist of) earth and sun type physical structures. The Existence of earth and sun structures is directly dependent upon (they do consist of) various atomic elements. The Existence of all atomic elements is directly dependent upon (they do consist of) the fundamental physical substance of the Universe: matter (and its energy). This argument says that all things consist of the fundamental physical of matter the Universe (and its energy). It further says that all actions of and all relationships occurring within or between all things and everything of the physical Universe is dependent on the True identity of this fundamental substance.

Scientifically - the fundamental substance of the Universe will be whatever science determines is actually at the fundamental level of physical Existence. Philosophically - Matter (and its energy) is simply a term that represents w hatever science discovers is actually at the fundamental level of physical Existence. The philosophic term represents what is True. The scientific term identifies what is real. The fundamental physical substance of the Universe (matter and its energy) is the base of each.


Science has show that the earths crust consists of different types of elemental or atomic structures existing either singularly or in combination with other elements. The actual physical Existence of atomic structures which make up the materials of the earths crust was unknown until scientific inquiry was able to be conducted using advanced instrumentation enabling magnified observation of the internal structure of those materials.

Science has discovered that several types of atomic structures possess a low level of residual or ambient energy. As a result these atomic structures are classified as being inert. Meaning that under normal conditions they do not react with oth er atomic elements. Examples of inert atomic elements are: Helium (He), Argon (Ar) and Neon (Ne).

Science has also discovered that some atomic structures are unable to exist independently when in close proximity with other atomic elements because they possess a higher level of residual or ambient energy. Under normal conditions these atomic structures readily combine with these other elements and thereby form new compounds within which they do exist in a more stable lower energy state. Examples of these elemental compounds are: water (H20), carbon dioxide (CO2), rust (FeO2) and salt (NaCl).

These scientific observations imply that the fundamental physical substance of the Universe; from which all atomic structures evolve, exists in a very complex physical and/or electrical energy state and that this explains why the atomic elements which evolve from it exist in several different states of physical and electrical complexity. All atomic structures discovered to dat e and those being discovered are added to a cataloging system called the Periodic Table of Elements. Atoms are cataloged according to an identification system that relates the physical and electrical structure of their nucleus to the physical and electrical structure of their electrons.


The nuclear structures of atoms possess the highest (the most unstable) residual or ambient energy. These highly active structures exhibit a self-sustaining and self-generated energy property. Nuclear energy is evidenced by observing the various suns; nuclear activity is responsible for how suns continuously attract high energy atomic elements from the environment. Additionally: These nuclear reactions consume the excess energy of these atomic structures while simultaneously converting them into more stable lower energy atomic elements and compounds. Under ideal conditions these newly formed elements and compounds are released back into the environment. Note this important factor: By releasing the newly created elements and compounds back into the environment high energy suns avoid becoming rigid inert masses. Suns seem to exist in a gaseous high energy nuclear state throughout their mass.

To attract a continuous supply of base elements as natural resources for their consumption requirements these sun based nuclear reactions internally generate an electro-magnetic gravitational force. This says that suns possess; by virtue of their specific kind of internal energy activity, the ability to electronically attract or magnetically pull necessary high energy atomic structures from the environment as fuel for their nuclear reactions. As a result; these sun based nuclear processes are able to continue functioning indefinitely. These highly specialized nuclear processes grow in mass as more base elements are drawn to it - thus explaining the enormous size of our own sun.

Since the nuclear processes of a sun are derived directly from the internal energy activity of the fundamental substance of the Universe (matter and its energy) of which they consist. Then by observing how suns behave we can obtain information about how matter (and its energy) behaves at the fundamental level of physical Existence. The internal functioning of (the energy activity of) this fundamental substance is of such great importance for the continued physical Existence of Human beings that it has been assigned the word Life to enable gathering valued information about it. Life; then, describes a specific high energy activity that is occurring within the fundamental substance of physical Existence (matter and its energy). This high energy activity is commonly referred to as being the processes of Life. The word Life simply represents the factual Existence of a very specific high energy process that is taking place within the fundamental substance of the Universe (matter and its energy) which is both naturally occurring and e ternally existing by virtue of its own ongoing internal energy activity.

Life is not caused; it is cause. Life does not have purpose; it is purpose. Life does not possess value; it is value. Life does not exist in time; it is the base of time. Life is not change; it is the base of change. All things known and knowable are Life dependent. All Human knowledge is identity dependent and it is the proper identification of Life that it is dependent upon.


Life is what identifies a physical entity as a living organism. Life is the fundamental distinguishing characteristic of living organisms -or- The word organism identifies specific entities as those which possess the processes of Life within them. Suns are examples of nuclear organisms that are supported by the processes of Life. They are not bounded or self contained masses but are instead gaseous clouds of nuclear reactions being held together by an internally generated electro-magnetic or grav itational force. Nuclear organisms are used to define the processes of Life as these are exhibited as being the energy activity occurring within the fundamental substance of the Universe.

Biological organisms are bounded self contained Life possessing entities. They have a defined boundary between their Life processes and the environment. Biological organisms merely possess the processes of Life they are not it nor do they define it.

How biological organisms evolve from nuclear organisms The functioning of biological organisms identifies living beings; where the functioning of nuclear organisms identifies Life. It is apparent when observing a hot planet that the elemental activity that is occurring within it resulted from when that planet functioned at the higher energy level of a nuclear organism; a sun. However: Instead of successfully exhausting all of the elements and compounds created by its nuclear processes back into the environment as True nuclear organis ms do; these previous suns begin to retain these elements and compounds. As a natural result of this they eventually formed a thick crust over their now internalized Life processes and these nuclear organisms became rigid atomic level masses with hot cores and eventually they become a system of inert cold elements and compounds. The electro-magnetically generated gravitational force which previously attracted the necessary base elements for its Life processes remains in effect. But the base elements now being attracted are unable to penetrate the thick outer crust and as a natural result its Life processes eventually begin to die. This explains the Existence of our earths thick crust and its hot magma core. As a direct result of its thick outer crust the earths internal Life processes are being (or have been) reduced back to lower level energy atomic reactions; meaning - the earth is dieing.

In very specific cases where the naturally occurring Life processes of a sun are dieing; and under specific conditions on or within the crust of the planet that is resulting from its death, some of its remaining nuclear energy processes (Life processes) form a semi-permeable but rigid outer crust thus allowing it to maintain a viable (a living) nuclear core. Instead of dieing because of a non-permeable outer crust; these split-off nuclear organisms are able to remain active on or within the surface of the planet as liable separately existing (living) nuclear organisms.

In even more specific cases these semi-permeable but rigid nuclear organisms begin to evolve a thin elastic protective membrane or inner skin between the rigid inert materials of its outer crust and its nuclear Life processes. It is this type of Evolutionary creation that eventually results in biological Life. The resulting biological Life forms retain the previous nuclear Life characteristics responsible for maintaining its previous Existence as a sun and also evolve additional survival features necessary to support its now skin contained Life processes. That is: Biological organisms do also retain some of the elemental substances and compounds created by its internal Life processes: And these do also form a barrier to the environment but this barrier is not rigid it has evolved into a thin semi-permeable elastic barrier (or flexible membrane or skin) able to allow the necessary natural resources required for and by the continued functioning of its interior Life processes to penetrate it.

Research is suggesting that the coral reefs in our oceans and seas could be the first evidence of this Evolutionary stage between a suns nuclear processes of Life and the purposeful survival actions of highly advanced biological organisms here on earth. Scientific study is also suggesting that the cellular structure of our skin, blood, bones, eyes, male sperm and female eggs, brain and other organs may have evolved from these so structured living rigid cora l organisms. As these rigid coral Life forms became more elastic in their physical structure they began to require both a more specialized natural resource sensing system and a specialized natural resource acquisition system. The internally generated electro-magnetic gravitational force suitable for its previous Existence as a sun (from which it evolved) is now not able to properly select and acquire the more specialized natural resources required by and for its physically and functionally more sophisticate biological form.

Acquisition of selected needs of survival; as is required by True highly evolved biological beings; is achieved by a process of value determination. This demands that the electro-magnetically generated gravitational force sufficient to support the needs of a less sophisticated sun type of Existence evolve; by the natural survival forces of Evolutionary necessity, into a highly sophisticated value identifying natural resource sensing system. It is by utilizing this specialized natural resource sensing system that the more highly evolved (the physically more advanced) biological organisms are able to seek and locate value specific natural resources and thereby continue to survive. Additionally: It is to its value specific sensing system that advanced biological organisms respond in-order to acquire the specific valued natural resources identified by its value sensing system. Even though these highly sophisticated and highly specialized biological organisms do select speficif elemental natural resources the value driven functioning of their Life processes remain at the fundamental level of physical Existence.

Its very important to both remember that the concept of Life simply represents the ongoing relationship of matter with its energy as this activity occurs at the fundamental level of physical Existence and to realize that this exact same functionality now exists within the cells of all biological beings. Eviden ce of sophisticated biological beings includes such things as: viruses; bacteria; coral reefs, inter-cellular protein trains; amebas; pond scum; grasses-flowers-trees; birds-fishes-mammals, male sperm female eggs; and Human beings.

I am a retired GM manufacturing engineer who needed to discover the Truth about why Life has such a strong emotional impact in out mind.

Author:: James W. Peterson
Keywords:: Life, God, Existence, Evolution, intellegent design, Universe, True, Truth, Human, Aristotle, Theory
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