Thursday, November 8, 2012

Should We Try To Change The World

The World in the present period has both good and bad. There is abundance and starvation. There are freedoms and human rights abuses. There is wealth beyond belief and there is poverty of unimaginable proportions. Should we try to change the world and bring it together as one? Should we try to right the wrongs and unite the world in love and songs?

Recently this issue came up in an every increasingly popular online think tank forum and a member stated; I agree that we MAKE the future. So hope springs eternal and we've nothing to lose by trying and everything to lose by not

Indeed and I am not a calvanistic follower either, but in making the future that takes action. Hope is a cool thing, so are dreams. But quarterly objectives and a realistic plan, well that is what I am talking about; I am talking about winning. Set the objective for instance this discussion; fix the justice system then make a plan of action and do it. But as it stands as great as this nation is; above all others in nearly every regard, there is no true justice in America, actually it is all a lie. Not a big lie and no condemnation on my part as I compare other nations, but a lie nevertheless and without comment on the nature of good and bad, it just is.

Too we must realize that others who have come before the annals of history millenniums the prior have philosophized how best to run a Republic and as they set forth their ideas and concepts of the perfect Republic much was weighted on the need to keep the system strong. Degrading the system does more harm than good, but it is also important to re-align those missteps back towards the common good and the aspect of the humanity of it all, otherwise inherent corruption will overwhelm and thus a 200-year experiment rounds the top of the mountain for the slow down hill run signaling the decline and eventual demise of said civilization, which took more than a day to build. Not to mention the blood, sweat, tears a nd sacrifice of our ancestors.

Now then as you stated above we have nothing to lose by trying. Well yes we do, it is called time and energy, which could be better spent in a more important endeavor [not much more important that our justice system but rather something that is truly achievable. If we try and fail we have wasted our time; failing is not an option and failing is unacceptable. We need to better our own nation and then take what we have learned and help the world to a better place in the here and now in this present period. So, should we change the world? You betcha, so lets start today shall we? Consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Should We Try To Change The World
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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