Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Maryland = Merry Land Just Like San Francisco = Girlie Men

Maryland is the land of liberals and Democrats, who really believe that socialism is better than capitalism and they really believe that our republic would be better off if we redistributed the wealth like a bunch of Communists. In fact most people in Maryland are so full of themselves and their political correctness that they will not even hear are common sense of reality.

After all these are the folks that gave school credit to students who marched in the Illegal Immigration rallies. Why is Maryland so Democrat and such a blue state? You would think that smart people would understand how capitalism works and understand common sense? But they don't be and they don't seem to understand how similar they are to the girlie men who run the politics of San Francisco CA.

Maryland equals Merry Land, LA LA Land if you will. When talking with a Maryland liberal you must put up with their bush bashing and all their comments about the war in Iraq. And you must listen t hrough their liberal one-liners, which they have memorized and you really can't talk to them about much of anything.

If you try to argue with these people using real facts they revert back to political correctness and start talking about perception based reality as if their reality is the correct reality and your reality is perception based. Folks there is only one reality and you should be able to see that no matter which perspective you're looking from by simply taking a look around and looking through the other perspectives and that takes about two minutes of human brain power to do that.

Don't bother talking with a Maryland liberal they are out to launch and just don't get it. Having been to every single city in the United States of America over 10,000 in population over the last four years I know close-minded perception based thinking when I see it, we all do.

I know what people are like with blind folders on when all the talk about is their religion . But these folks in Maryland are seriously dangerous to our country and the future of our nation. Don't trust a Maryland liberal and don't listen to their gibberish or their academic reasoning, as it is a false reality. Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Maryland = Merry Land;, San Francisco = Girlie Men
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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