Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Einstein Never Traveled Near the Speed of Light

Einstein would have readily admitted that he himself never traveled near the speed of light in context that most people believe on would travel. Yet in way he did for his whole life, we all do. You see the Earth is spinning and rotating around the sun. The sun is rotating around the galaxy and the galaxy is spinning around something else. So even as we assume that we are standing still on terra firma, we are not, we are indeed traveling at very high rates of speed indeed.

Never the less recently in an online think tank, a gentleman made a statement which caused a little controversy when he stated that: Einstein was not enlightened and never traveled even near the speed of light not to mention at a speed greater than that of light.

Of course besides the comment above; this gentleman was met by another commenter who asked; Are you to say that until you have traveled faster than the speed of light then you are not enlightened? So if we shoot you throw a cannon thr u a very cold and dense amount of Argon Gas at a speed that light cannot travel then you will be what? Instantly enlightened. Or are you trying to persuade the reader to believe until you have traveled in your mind a figure eight around or too the sun and back earth in less than 26 minutes round trip then you are not enlightened, but that once you do in some meditative state then you are? Come on? Youll have to do better than that.

Boy you should have heard all the controversy over this one. Wow, they really let each other have it. Indeed it is an interesting subject, one worthy of mention and perhaps debate. What do you think? Have your recently thought about time, speed of light, space, astrophysics or any of this? If so, perhaps there is a place you can expound upon your thoughts. Think on this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Einstein Never Traveled Near the Speed of Light
Post by Hi story of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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