Saturday, April 23, 2011

Taking Wars Off the Political Negotiation Table?

Is it possible to make politicians and leaders of all nations stay at the negotiation table and not break off communication, which could lead to War? Really make them hammer out solutions rather than puffing up their chests for War. Can we eliminate Wars by taking War as a possible strategy for political will off the table of negotiation?

Well Wars are an unfortunate calamity of the genetics of the species, perhaps they are why we ended up at the top of the mammalian food chain. Never the less the problem of War stems from political impasse and causes breakdowns in civilization, which affect the masses. War is indeed an extension of political control over another. Perhaps the answer is to take the humans in politics the world over and help them see past culture and differences to work out arrangements in a common cause and to trade fairly and honestly.

If those at the top will work harder in negotiation and understand their differences and work past them then W ars will no longer be considered a viable option for the political chessboard. Thats my take on it Allen and here are few additional thoughts and philosophies of War;

Some feel that this may indeed be the last century of human Wars and that we will indeed move forWard in a common cause, which will unite mankind without War. Spending our resources on more positive endeavors such as space exploration or disease. Anything is possible so consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Taking Wars off the political negotiation table,War,Iraq,political War debate,War negotiations
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The Wisdom of a Road

A small road can give us Wisdom. These words may seem strange to many. But after reading this article many will change their views and agree with me. Every week I go to Rampur from Moradabad (both districts in Utter Pradesh, India) and come back. For the last two years I am repeating this to and fro journey. I have seen the all good and bad shapes of road. I have seen it in all seasons. I have enjoyed its grace and beauty. I have enjoyed its cuts and jumps too. This road is the Part of Delhi- Lucknow highway. It is 27 km in length. It takes nearly one hour to cross this busy road. Thousands of people travel every day on this road.

This road is very familiar to me; I know each uniqueness and weakness of this road. My people before me must have traveled on this road. Even there may be people who know it much better than me. They may be traveling everyday. There memories associated with road may be more than me. There are many people who have died on this road. For there familys road may be associated with bad memories. Every body travels on this road a poor man to a VIP. This road has treated every body in same way.

For the last two years this road is sharing with me some Wisdom, which I am going to share with you. The first this road tells us is never involve deeply with anybody. This road takes lots of people to their destinations. It travels with them up to their destination and leave them there alone for further travel. It doesnt accompany them. But take some other for accompanying to its destination. We also have to accompany people up to their destinations and help them to reach there. Once they get it, our job ends. There should not be any expectation in our mind in return of helping the others. This is the real purpose of our life.

The second point is road remain same in all conditions and seasons. It never changes its direction. It may be in what ever shape, it always take us to our destination. Similarly like road, we should be ready for all difficulties and face them. We should never deviate from our chosen goals. But accomplish them under all circumstances. Many kind of situations may come, but we should be firm like road towards our destination. Our aim should be clear to reach our destination.

Third point is to be open to everybody. Road doesnt distinguish between individuals. Every body is same for him. It never disallows the poor from traveling on it or favors the rich in traveling on it. It is open to a cycle in the same way as to a expensive car. We should also be open to everybody and not to restrict to some. If someone has the need, w e should be ready to fulfill it without any prejudice towards any body in our mind.

Fourth point is satisfaction, road never riches any where or achieves any thing significant. Still road is satisfied. It never welcomes the person coming on it with frustration. It has nothing to achieve, but it is helpful in others fulfilling their dreams. We are in life become so obsessed with our goals, that their non achievement makes us dissatisfied. So we become a frustrated individual. Due to this frustration either our family members or the innocents suffer. We see only our goals and never care about the others. We require changing our outlook.

Road in his silence tells us many things. We require listening to it. For this we require a calmness of our mind. This is filled with worldly needs. We need to reprogram it and learn from the road.

Author:: Arvind Katoch
Keyw ords:: Wisdom
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Being and Becoming

There is great debate between Heraclitus theory of Becoming and Parmenides theory of Being. Both do have some logic and evidence at least that would allow for any man to understand where these two Philosophers are coming from. But there are a lot of weaknesses in the Being theory that lower its validity to a different level than Becoming. It is because of this that Heraclitus view has a stronger impact on both human and natural logic for existence. So out of the two theories, Heraclitus Becoming is more reasonable and logically explainable, making it the more definite one.

Heraclitus view of Becoming is a very common sense of logic for mans interpretation of the world. There isnt much interpretation or analysis of his theory for one to deal with. It is very simple and straight forward. Thing s are not constantly the same. Change is inevitable and a vital part of the world. He is saying that matter undergoes processes that bring it from one form into another. In sense the origin and creation of the matter and object does not change, but it does become something different within itself. For example, this is to say that water can not become a block of wood, but it can become vapor or ice. It also is not just a simple statement with a wide response. It is a clearly stated thesis that leaves little room for trivial interpretation. There is a clear mentality that is common to human nature that derives this idea of Becoming and allows for others to grasp it quickly even if they choose not to agree with it.

On the other hand, Parmenides idea of Being doesnt quite have that logical grasp on others. He is merely stating that all the world exists in a kind of stasis mode where there is no change. Everything just is, which is Being, and can not be anything other than being. This general grouping of everything as Being provides for a very questionable definition of this word. If everything is Being, then what exactly do they all possess that makes them Being? There is much room for interpretation. If Parmenides means only that everything exists, then one can also say that things change. For one thing, by this definition, to possess being it does not require any other set of rules to exist. It merely needs to be. However, if the definition of Being is more complex, something outside of just existing, then it is a very vague understanding of how everything can be grouped together in this one category of Being. This would give a lack of development to the thought and leave the word Being as an empty grouping of letters. It would not have a true meaning and therefore not a true purpose which would render this theory pointless and insignificant.

It should be somewhat clear by now why one side is stronger than the other. There is a sense of both logical and evidential validity to Heraclitus theory. While in a way it can have a broad interpretation or radical versions, it is much harder to pull a part what he is saying than it is in the other theory. In just every day life the common man sees evidence of Becoming. It can be in the form of watching flowers and plants grow, baking bread or meat, and leaving a glass of water out on a hot day. These little hints at Becoming provide scientific explanations to match the definition. There is no question to what Becoming is. This makes it easy to follow and comprehend.

Being has a much harder time trying to p rove itself to the average man. If all matter exists, then it is Being, for it is recognizable as evidently existing. But if it is Being, then it is locked in a stasis existence meaning that Being and Becoming can overlap. But, as stated before, there is no question that change is viewed everyday, so it can not be that only one exists by itself. And Becoming makes no claims to exist outside of Being. Rather, Becoming could be a part of Being. And if Being means something more than just existing, there is a questionable logic behind what this Being is. For the definition would provide too narrow of meaning to include everything. Becoming is more of a verb than an adjective by its definition, so it is easy to say that a cat can Become as much as a tree or a baseball. And while it is Becoming, it is existing, and being. But if it is Being, then it can not differ and can not be Becoming. So therefore, Being is the weaker of the two theories for it provides man with a more narrow logic and questionable interpretation of existence.

While Being does have its strong points, and Becoming its weak, the two can not fully compete with each other. Being lacks some vital backbones to the argument, suggesting that even Parmenides didnt quite understand how to explain himself and therefore wasnt a hundred percent sure of what it means to be. Heraclitus on the other hand provides a definition, that though apparently more broad at first glance, is only seen this way because it is more evidently provable and therefore more accurate its in definition. In the end, it is Becoming that really shines as the stronger of the two theories. It provides for a more understandable and less interpretable argument. There is clarity in what is being said and presented. This is why the argument fo r Becoming is the better.

Jake Rose is an artist and an author on http://www.Writing.Com/ which is a site for Writers.

Author:: Jake Rose
Keywords:: Philosophy,Philosophers,Heraclitus,Parmenides,Parmenides theory of being
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The Strive4impact Philosophy

I have been raised to believe that I can be whatever I want to be.

Growing up, I was always told that I could do whatever I wanted to do, and become whatever I wanted to become in life. This is because I was given the tools from a very young age to try to view the world around me with open eyes and an open heart. When I was in 7th grade, I saw a movie called The Power of One. For many reasons, the movie really acted as a fuel to a fire that I had; A strong desire to make the world a better place, and a belief that I could do it.

I have been disappointed in many ways over the past many years by people's Apathy, including my own. However, that has been equally matched, and very often surpassed, by the overwhelming feeling of knowing that I know hundreds, perhaps thousands, of people who are really doing things to make the world better.

I believe I can change the world, now that I'm getting older and better! What I have learned is that I'm not going to be able to change things alone. We're all, globally, going to need to come to an understanding that the human heart is the same around the world, and when we learn to stop focusing so much on this idea that it's somehow 'them versus us', as individuals, as groups, as religions, as races, and as countries, we will learn how truly similar we are. This will allow us to celebrate our differences, and work towards a more common, peaceful, and practical future.

Do I think this will be easy? No. Do I think it's possible? Absolutely! We're already seeing it. Unfortunately, it's often coming at the expense of other cultures giving up their ideas to American pop culture, but you can read more about that elsewhere on this

Call me an idealist, call me a hopeful, call me a dreamer. I thank you for all these compliments. Idealists, dreamers, and hopefuls are those who have made the innovations which have changed the world. Imagine if someone had never idealized that the world could be round; imagine if Thomas Edison had never dreamed of such a thing as a light bulb; imagine if Orville and Wilbur Wright never hoped that they could learn to build a machine that would fly. We would not be anywhere without hopefuls, idealists, and dreamers. There are those who would argue that warriors and economists change the world, but a warrior has no weapons, if someone hasn't first thought of them, and people have nothing to buy, sell or trade without dreamers who create. Therefore, economies do not exist without the innovations of dreamers.

Tell me it's impossible to change the world, and you provide me more motivation. Tell me it will never happen, and I'll tell you a story about a man working in the U.S. Office of Patents who in 1897 said, everything w orthwhile that can be invented has already been invented. (No cars, no phone system, no Internet, no email, no microwave, no television, little understanding of electricity, no radio.) Basically, everything we consider to be important to our mainstream lives in America, he apparently considered to be not worthwhile a little over only 100 years ago.

I get discouraged along the way, and that's part of why the Strive4impact philosophy is something that I carry with me. I'm tired of getting discouraged by people telling me that change isn't possible, so I hope to hear from you who are doing good things, who are making positive change in this world a reality.

The other main reason for the strive4impact philosophy is an attempt to combat peoples' Apathy, and to inspire and inform those who are look ing for some way to make a positive difference, but don't know where to start.

Jonathan Kraft is a global traveler, identity theft expert, author, and became financially independent at the ripe old age of 25! You can find out more about his journey at

Author:: Jonathan Kraft
Keywords:: Apathy,self awareness,self improvement,personal growth,life purpose,law of attraction tip
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Role of a Friend in Life.....

Our life is considered as a Modulating signal(base band) which doesnt have any meaning if we dont lead the better way and reach our destination, and to achieve that and to reach the destination the strength in ourselves is not enough, so you need to a have a friend who acts as carrier to your life helping you to reach the destination safely, which would have been highly impossible without that to reach the destination.

At the same time the carrier(friend)should be in such a way that, they helps us to reach the destination in a proper direction and with good strength(INTERACTION),even if it over crosses or under crosses the boundaries of FCC(Friendship) then ultimately results in INTERFERENCE(Misunderstanding).

The amplitude(level of understanding) should be high enough to ensure the proper t ransfer of signal.

The Noise (Misunderstanding) level should be as low as possible and see that the

Power level(Relationship) maintains at a optimum level.

Another important issue is that you should act like a DUPLEXER (flexibility and compatibility combined) so as to be ready to solve the problems no matter in which and whose way it comes.

Finally I (modulating) + U Friends (carrier) = V(Modulated signal)

Let me give the final conclusion,

that you Friends are my inspiration

This is my sole hearted declaration.

Author:: Venkat KIshore Phani
Keywords:: Friends
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The Blueprints

We have the power to do anything we have designated to be our destinies.

Everything resides upon the palms of your hands, for when the Creator set you upon the earth He drew out a map for you to carry with you. These timeless highways delicately hewn into your skin whisper of mysteries you may never fully understand on this earth, and you need not to. But you can then be calmed from the restless anxiety stirred up around the world by this intimate reminder fixed to your person, knowing that truly there is a higher force guiding you, and these markings crafted upon your flesh give instructions to every element you lay them across, and that these patterns are the physical symbols of an ancient alphabet, invoking the forces of nature to act out their roles in a script; your life, written by a divine hand.

It will be with you to the end of your Journey, and perhaps beyond. For death is only a doorway into another Existence, and we catch glimpses of these other realities in our moments of Spiritual euphoria, when the scent, impressed in some previous time upon our Consciousnesses, is overwhelming, and the limbs and nerves of an inner man within us twitch spasmodically, recalling a tonic that flowed through his vessels in that distant age at the utmost brink of his Existence when he had been summoned into being to be the issue of an ultimate power, even as he now lies recoiled and dormant, waiting for his re-awakening!

This man may lie twitching all our lives, for we may never revive our true potential in our lifetimes, and this sleeping giant will carry on through the doorway when o ur earthly lives are through and our physical bodies shrivel away. The sleeping giant may carry on, like he has all this while, perhaps to finally leave his domain in your unconscious mind and to step into the wakeful active role of the lifetime he would be passed into. But for now I am almost certain that even in his realm, separated from you by the boundary of silence, he can read the verses painted upon your palms, and that they are written in his heart and his mind wherever it is that he dwells within you. And even he is yet acting upon them.

Dwell on this as you ponder the signs of the times and wonder how to navigate your way through the tangle of elements, and forces, and beings. The prints on your palms and fingers are your lodestone, pointing the path through this chaotic environment; they are who you are, and perhaps who you were and who you will be. And this lifetime is somewhat trivial and inconsequential one way or the other, for you are only a traveler pa ssing through, and all that is necessary is that you never lose your way, and you never lose yourself. Take heart.

Natasha Ashwe is a writer, a poet, and an artist. She believes in beauty, creation and perfection, and she believes that as an artist it is inevitable that her beliefs are expressed in her work, as they are. These are the ultimate messages she seeks to make an impact on the world with through her work; the beauty of life, the power of creation, the possibility of perfection. Her messages call for global enlightenment; for every being on earth to realize their entitlement to Journey into the marvelous potential within their own minds and create better lives for themselves and for others. Her writing is vibrant with these desires.

Author:: Natasha Ashwe
Keywords:: Blueprints, Consciousness, Journey, Spiritual, Existence
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Concerning the rules of Logic and Reason; the evidence of evidence and proof of the system for Logical and Reasonable belief.

In a recent conversation with a companion of mine, we discussed ethics and morality. My opposition made the claim that anything that was done for the sole sake of pleasure was immoral, on the grounds that it -- inevitably -- would lead to unhappiness. Since I am a Free Lover, and whole-heartedly believing that consensual and promiscuous can be happy and desirable, I disagreed with his thesis. I searched for contradictions in his theory, asking if he agreed that buying a music CD, for example, solely for pleasure was immoral, or getting intoxicated. However, I decided to ignore contradictions, because someone surely can be entirely self-contained in their theory, and still be fallacious in their assertions. I asked them, instead, why they believed that pleasure (for the sole sake of pleasure) was immoral. They told me that it was their th esis, and that it was axiomatic. By this, they meant that it was unnecessary for them to prove such a thesis true. After stiffling my laughter, I told them that nothing could be accepted as true without evidence. They then asked me something I could not answer, and I was knowing that I could not answer. They asked me, How do you know, then, that your method for knowing, such as requiring evidence, is true? Their statement here was not entirely false.

After all, to take something as truth, I was using the system of understanding and knowledge called Reason, as well as Logic. If something was consistent, and if something had evidence for it, I would take it into consideration as truth. But this system, this system of gathering evidence and examining claims, how did I know that this would lead me to truth? I am sure that the commoner would exclaim that such a system yields good results. At least, this is what I have been believing and claiming for some years: I b elieve in the ways of Reason and Logic, demonstration and observation, because such ways of knowledge have always been capable of demonstrating truth. However, how do we know that this is truth? For example, if we were explorers, and it was a rumor that inside every snow covered mountain, it is colored orange, and we were to discover -- by drilling -- that it was indeed orange on every snow covered mountain, how would we know that this is true? It may certainly seem absurd to even ask this question, but how do we know that our minds -- the tools used specifically for thought -- are not dilluted? It could be caused by drug, or perhaps a chemical in the air in close proximity to mountains that penetrates even the most powerful lead suit, or it could be our passions altered our own vision as we desired to see the color orange. There are so many explanations, but those few previously mentioned are small, detectable possibilities.

What if, for example, a Solipsism was true? Solipsism is the belief that the believer of such a theory is the only conscious being in the Universe, and all of the physical matter surrounding them was simply created by their imagination. There is the possibility that we are in a dream; that this life of ours is simply a dream. What if, upon discovering this orange material in the snow-covered mountain, it was truly only our imagination in our dream that produced such an orange material? But even beyond that, how can be sure that our own physical reality is not a dream? Or perhaps a state similar to a coma? Of course, the idea of a dream or a coma is quite prevalent in our Universe. Maybe, we are all playing a futuristic game and we take control of bodies to play, and our memories were destroyed before it started, to prevent us from remembering that it is a game.

There are a great deal of possibilities of what this world could be. However, this may be going off on a tangent. By explaining what a Sol ipsism is, I can further demonstrate the claim of the system of Reason and Logic being unevidenced themselves. After all, though it could be some alteration from an outside force that makes us think we see orange on the inside of the snow-covered mountain, but it could just be purple, blue, red, or black. What if we heard another rumor that snow at the top of snow-covered mountains tastes like ice cream, and then we can verifiably demonstrate this? And after confirming rumor after rumor, we might make the conclusion that rumors are indefinitely true, and we can hold that this is true based on all of the previous rumors holding their worth. And what if one day someone were to come up to us and say, How do you know that every rumor is true? We could simply and quite satisfactorily (at least to us) say, Well, every rumor has previously been true. They have demonstrated quite clearly the truth. And then this person could tell us what exactly is being told to followers of Reason and Logic, But as you examined for proof of every rumor, for demonstrable evidence that rumors are true, you still fall victim to the same problem. How do you know that searching for evidence and proof is enough to claim that your theory is true? How do you know that evidence and proof hold something to be true? You may find the results you are looking for, but finding and judging results is also judging on Reason and Logic, judging on evidence and proof. You may find orange on the inside of snow-covered mountains, but you are basing that on your vision, an evidence of itself. And as you looked at the orange color, you saw the orange color, but what have you to say that your vision is correct? The fact that it has never failed you before? Perhaps it always has failed you before. And even if it did, how would you know otherwise? For when you see something orange, you are basing that on your vision, and if your vision is wrong, there is no way to check that. Y ou may rely on your other senses, but they also could be wrong, and there would be no way to check them.... so, by what right can you honestly say that following rumors is true, when you base that on evidence, when such evidence is judged solely on evidence, and when there is nothing to support that evidence can obtain truth?

Before proceeding with answering such arguments, I should make a few points clear. Nowhere in this essay do I wish to relieve the reader's mind that this life is possibly a dream. Such a worry, concern, or (better put) possibility may never be relieved, no matter how far sciences of any type advance. There is always the chance that we are living a fake life, still in a dream, or a simulation, or something that we could not possibly detect. This is something I will not address, though I will later reflect on. What I am going to address is the claim, or the individuals making the claim, that evidence, Reason, demonstration, Logic, and observat ion -- all methods of knowledge which have been used by every holder of the scientific ethic for all of history -- I am going to address those who have made the claim that Reason and Logic are unsupported in themselves as manners of collecting truth.

First, it is necessary that I evaluate exactly what is implied by such terms as Reason and Logic. Logic can be defined as a method of investigation based on three principles. The first principle of Logic is the principle of Non-Contradiction. This concept of Non-Contradiction states that -- for something to be Logical -- it must not contradict itself. By this, I mean that it cannot be A, and then be the opposite of A. An example of this would be someone who is married, but also unmarried. This would be a contradiction. If someone is married, then they are not unmarried, and if someone is unmarried, then they are not married. This brings us to the second principle of Logic: the principle of Excluded Middle. Somethi ng is either A, or it is not A. An example of this would be that someone is either married, or they are not married. The third principle of Logic is rather simple; it is the principle of Identity. It means that A is A and B is B. A human is a human and a home is a home. Reason differs slightly from Logic. The rules of Logic, as easily observed, are used in describing not the possibility of something being true, but in allowing the possibility. By the rules of Logic, it is impossible for a married bachelor or a square circle to exist, as such things break the laws of reality and cannot possibly exist.

Reason differs from Logic: it helps us understand the actual possibility of something being true, once such a possibility has been allowed. Reason is based on three things: (1) self-consistency, or agreement with the rules of Logic, (2) consistency with previous facts, (3) evidence. As to the first principle of Reason, self consistency, it simply means that for so mething to be Reasonable, it must first be self-consistent and abide by the rules of Logic (as previously discussed). As to the second principle of Reason, consistency with previous facts, this means that something cannot be true that contradicts other proven knowledge. An example would be if someone discovered that the world was flat, long after it was proven that the world was round. This does not mean that someone cannot disprove previously supported Ideas, but that two contradictory facts cannot exist. The last part of Reason is evidence: the proof, or things which lead us to believe that something is true. This can occur in any number of forms. For a crime scene, it may be forensic evidence, finger prints, foot prints, or an item used to commit the crime. For history, it may be records, ancient te xts, or geography. Any previously established knowledge, such as a finger print, that can be used in conjunction with other established knowledge to lead to a Logical conclusion -- these forms of established knowledge are evidence.

I understand that there are others who may disagree with my defining of the principles of Logic or Reason, but the definition of these Ideas that I have offered shall be the one used for the use of this paper. I doubt, however, that the idea of Logic or Reason -- as others perceive of it -- would differ greatly from how I defined it in the previous two paragraphs. However, now that I have defined Logic and Reason with objective standards, now I can go back to the original question of the evidence of Logic and Reason.

If someone were to ask me, What is your evidence o f evidence? By what means do you claim that Logic and Reason are accurate methods of obtaining truth? And, by identifying facts and results, these means of detecting the validity of Logic and Reason are based on Logic and Reason. An example of this would be if scientists were examining ashes they found near a lake area, and they claimed that such ashes were the result of magma. And, along with these scientists examining ash, there were geologists that examined surrounding mountains and made the conclusion that a volcano erupted at least 10,000 years ago, and that it was definitely very possible that it would erupt again. From these evidences, we might conclude that there is indeed a volcano to be erupting. By using evidence and Reason, we made this deduction. However, once the volcano erupts, and we observe this, we then discover that what evidence and Reason have told us was true. Yet, when we observe these results, and we see the volcano erupt, we are still relying on evidence. We are still relying on the fact that our eyes are not lying to us as we see the volcano erupt. We are still basely our observations on Reason and evidence -- our senses provide to us the proof that such results are the actual results. So, we are relying on proof, which is based on the validity of Reason and Logic, to prove that Reason and Logic are true -- a seemingly unReasonable and ilLogical deduction.

I do not believe right now, though, that I can honestly defend the position that Reason or Logic are, by their nature, axiomatic, or self-proven. I am not going to offer Reasons or evidences as to why Reason or Logic should be trusted when their proofs are also based on Reason or Logic. The only response I can offer, though, to those who make the argument that we cannot trust Reason or Logic is that -- by using the spoken language, by using vocal chords to produce sound and words, by communicating, expressing Ideas and receiving Ideas -- by making an actual argument against Reason and Logic, an individual is thus relying on Reason and Logic. They are expecting that, as they look at the person they are arguing with, their eyes are not lying to them. They are expecting that, as they speak with the person they are arguing with, their ears are not lying to them when they hear the arguments of their opponent. They are using their sensory perception -- a very Reason-based method of obtaining knowledge -- and thus, the individual who is arguing against Reason is making their claims against Reason by using sensory perception, which is (in itself), one of the very vital institutions of Reason . It is, in a way, a type of hypocrisy. As to claim that Reason is inaccurate is to rely on the very principles of Reason to make that statement, as one is expecting that their senses are not lying to them when they make that statement. In fact, to make any statement or any claim, is to rely on sensory perception (thus, also Reason). When you hear or see something, there is the possibility of dilluted senses, but by relying on your senses, you are relying on evidence and proof. So, if one is to make the statement that Reason (or sensory perception) is inaccurate, they are hypocritical by default, as to make any statement is to rely on the principle of sensory perception, and thus the idea of Reason.

I understand how it may seem like an annoying, almost irrelevant detail to point out the contradiction in denying Reason. However, though a detail, I do think it is vitally important to the discussion of Logic and Reason.

For Life,

Punkerslut (or Andy Carloff) has been writing essays and poetry on social issues which have caught his attention for several years. His website provides a complete list of all of these writings. His life experience includes homelessness, squating in New Orleans and LA, dropping out of high school, getting expelled from college for subversive activities, and a myriad of other revolutionary actions.

Author:: Andy Carloff
Keywords:: Philosophy, Metaphysics, Epistemology, Logic, Reason, Comprehension, Education, Learning, Ideas
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Three Theories

An event occurs, then there must be an antecedent event, prior to it, causing it and this event will serve as an antecedent to another event and will lead it, if this theory is agreed means then there must be a starting or beginning for everything. This theory is called theory of causal determinism. Now let us consider an event A, is said to occur, then two type or arguments can be posted one is called Fatalism and other is called Free will.

The former concept is that whatever happens now, happened by, and going to happen in future is predetermined. Fatalism is the view that we are powerless to do anything other that what we actually do. It may be argued for in various ways: by appeal to logical laws and metaphysical necessities; by appeal to the existence and nature of God; by appeal to causal determinism.

When argued for in the first way, it is commonly called Logical Fatalism when argued for in the second way, it is commonly called Theological Fatalism. When argued for in the third way it is not now commonly referred to as Fatalism at all, and such arguments will not be discussed here.

The later concept is of Free will, is postulates that whatever happens are merely because of freewill, whatever he/she thinks he carries out and the corresponding consequences he faces. Free will is a concept in traditional philosophy used to refer to the belief that human behavior is not absolutely determined by external causes, but is the result of choices made by an act of will by the agent. Such choices are themselves not determined by external causes, but are determined by the motives and intentions of the agent, which themselves are not absolutely determined by external causes.

Sphere of discussion:

In essence, the sphere of discussion covering the subject human freedom and causal determinism has two poles. At the one is the idea that our will is 'completely free' in essence, though it may be 'conditioned' by the various different circumstances surrounding each person. At the other pole are the extreme doctrines of total Fatalism or unalterable causal determinism. Other relevant standpoints fall somewhere between these 'polar extremes'.

Most thinkers in the social, historical and political sciences are found well away from the poles, as are those who contribute to some form of ordinary common sense, especially in modern and more Westernized cultures.


Now let us take the side of Fatalism. By fate, I mean what the Greeks call heimarmen an ordering and sequence of causes, since it is the connexion of cause to cause which out of itself produces anything. It says all actions, deeds, and their results are predetermined, prewritten. If it is so then a question may arise, why all these then? why these things should happen, what is the fruit of it?. These questions remain unanswered by these people, some theologist answer these but those were not up to the desired. This type of argument is called lazy-argument, and If we gave in to it, we would do nothing whatever in life.

There are two sorts of people in this side, theist and atheist. Let me put forth a question to the theist people Every individual during his life course does action good or bad, sometimes he stays passive, if at all, it is fate then why it is he ordered or written to do a bad thing, then why should he suffer, why supreme power did him so?. No response for this from them. Now for atheist people, they say for everything, it is like this that is all no reason for t his and no one had made this like this. The argument is posed as follows: If it is your fate to recover from this illness, you will recover, regardless of whether or not you call the doctor. Likewise, if it is your fate not to recover from this illness, you will not recover, regardless of whether or not you call the doctor. And one or the other is your fate. Therefore it is pointless to call the doctor. Is that right? By considering these things it is clear that the concept of Fatalism is ruled out


The second dogma is that Free will, it states that all actions deeds & outcomes are due to free will of every individual, nothing is pre determined, and as an individual he moves according to his own will and everything is the result of his actions. Ok let me go in their way, if it i s so then why should humans suffer, then why is his actions confined, why is he not opened to everything, why he is suffering most of the time, by nature no one wishes for sorrow or disasters, then why all bad happens to him. An answer can be quoted for this; it is because he is ignorant to good and bad, then what causes that ignorance, if everything is because of free will then why cant that ignorance be evacuated.

The second drawback of this concept is that if everything is free will, then why some things remain unalterable? Why certain things are beyond his control, if so then what the line of separation is, where things go beyond control, what causes it. No answer is found yet. We can see immediately that this option is unhelpful and probably rather silly.

Co-Fated events:

Ok, if we rule out both extremes what is going on actually, if not Fatalism or free will then what? Here comes the answer, all these can be categorized under Co-Fated events. By Co-Fated events what I mean is no action is completely due to free will or due to fate, but both these giants have a hand. Now for the example quoted initially of the doctor, we can say that, Some events are complex and co-fated. It is false that you will recover from the illness whether or not you call the doctor, because youre calling the doctor, and having some treatment, may be the reason why you recover. Calling the doctor, and recovering, is co-fated. So, to take action certainly can be effective youre calling the doctor resulting in your recovery. So we should not simply sit and watch. This is the most apt argument of life.

Though seeing this doesnt to any degree undermine the fatalists position, for just as your recovering was fated (if only you had known it), so was your calling the doctor! This might be how it happened, all right, but if the event of your calling the doctor was caused by prior circumstances (as all events are, according to the theory of causal determinism) then in what sense could you be considered to exercise your free will?

I have read a wonderful example explaining this context; this is quoted by CHRYSIPPUS (Cicero, On fate 423 = Long and Sedley 1987, 62C 89; Aulus Gellius, Attic nights 7.2.11 = Long and Sedley 1987, 62D 4).if it is added here would surely help in easy understanding, so am adapting it here.

It goes with rolling of a cylinder; he says that there are two distinct types of cause working here. One is our pushing the cylinder to make it move; this is the auxiliary and proximate cause we can call it the external cause. And the other is the cylinders being round; this is the complete and primary cause which we can call the internal cause. We may be inclined to object that the being round is not really a cause. It is a property that the cylinder has, as would be its redness and heaviness, just in case it is red and heavy. The color and weight of the cylinder have no bearing on its rolling a blue, light cylinder rolls just as well its roundness does have a bearing on its rolling: if it werent round, it wouldnt roll. We would say that the roundness was a necessary condition for the cylinders rolling, just as the pushing of the cylinder was also necessary: no push, no rolling. But together both the roundness and the pushing were sufficient for the rolling.

Chrysippus wants us to note that both the external cause and the internal cause themselves had causes properly located in the causal nexus comprising the entire history of the world. The external cause of the push was itself caused by our foot swinging to meet the cylinder, and the internal cause of the cylinders roundness was caused by the manufacturing process that made it. And we may suppose that the rolling will itself cause s omething else to happen, such as the knocking over of a sheep, or a splash in the stream, or both. In short, nothing has happened which violates the theory of causal determinism. I think the above example would have certainly cleared everything, for this same concept I would like to quote my example. (Note: this is based on theism and for atheist I have a separate thing let me not put that here).before going into the example, by this time you would be clear that god has predetermined certain things and the rest remains in our hands, to be more clear I add the example here the fate is that you have to travel in a particular road, the lane you choose in that road is your free will, you may choose a smooth lane, or a thorny one. Depending on what you chose you will be given the results and that implies your good and bad deeds. now a question may be raised if not everything is free will, or fate, but a complex of both, then where is the boundary that separates the duo. For that the above example will stand for. Thus even though deity has given us power and will, we are limited with our powers, with that power circle we can act according to our free will and that decides all. So it is clear that whatever happens now, happened by, and going to happen in future is co-fated and doesnt falls in either of the two poles.

In this area I have just given a brief introduction and description of what is what and why it is and why it is not. It is just a succinct picture depicted about different notions.

Bala Arjun

Author:: Bala Arjun
Keywords:: Fatalism,free will,co-fated events
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Friday, April 22, 2011

Plato to St. Germain and VRIL

Platos Four Manias:

The rise of Nazism through Aryan conceptions of an ancient occult Reich can be traced to a person named Edward Bulwer-Lytton whose self-proclaimed adepthood is not nearly as great as other occult people like St. Germain who set up the schools he was influenced by through Masonry. The Vril research is of most interest to understand even if it takes the reader a long time to wade through. St. Germains books are still part of Masonic course material and they are excellent insights into the science of things like Palmistry. Here is a little from the article, Atumpan Drummers and Marsyas Flute: Exploring Parallels Between African and Greek Conceptions of State (1995):

In the Phaedrus we read the following ironic words from the Western worlds first great rational philosopher: Our greatest blessings come to us by way of madness [mania which indeed is a divine gift (Phaedrus, 244a). It is here that we also learn of four kinds of mania for which the telestic variety denotes ritualistic madness (attributable to Dionysus). The remaining three kinds of mania include the poetic, the erotic and the prophetic (mantic). Later, in the Laws, we learn that the telestic rites that Plato had in mind were characterized by rites of initiation, sacrifices, dance and music (Laws, 791a). While it is difficult at times to discern Platos true opinion on specific matters, even from the most scholarly reading of his dialogues, the fact that Plato perceived of a general and useful social end through mania, poetry and music should become clear from the Phaedrus and other dialogues that support this contention. It is clear from a continued reading of the Phaedrus (244d-e) that the telestic kind of mania, which we shall take to be essentially a form of trance-possession, consists of both good and bad kinds. The crisis kind of mania is associated with human disease, attributed to a weakness of the soul, for which Plato saw the need to purge from his state by various means. By Platos account, the diseased individual can be delivered from their ordeal by those accomplished in achieving divinatory trances (here he is speaking of the mantic variety consisting essentially of a kind of prophetic diagnosis) followed by a recovery through purifications and rites (i.e., the act of telestic mania). In brief, the diviner determines the nature of the disease by divining the deity responsible so that appropriate rituals may be performed to appease the deity. The critical matter for Plato was to ascertain the manner in which one becomes correctly entranced and possessed. [emphasis added. The answer that he came to adopt was that the good aspect of trance is the kind brought on by ritual that has been passed down through the generations. (3)

To what extent Jiddu Krishnamurti understood the special trance possession gift of Hitler and Steiner is a matter of some conjecture but I feel confident that his warning against the pursuit of siddhis is due to these things. His friend Joseph Campbell addresses the Nazi scholarship very well in his writings but he does not cover the occult workings of it as well as I would like to have seen.

Author of many books available at and

Author:: Robert Baird
Keywords:: St. Germain, Plato, Bulwer-Lytton, Theosophy, Krishnamurti
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Should We Enlighten the Ignorant Hoardes?

Many say that many a population has surrendered their minds to the Television Set and for the most part it is an unfortunate truth indeed. Should the enlightened teach those who do not wish to be taught and closed their minds? Many believe those who understand should be out in force to assisting the oppressed masses, however those who have often find themselves targets of the same.

How can this be? Simple really as those hoards are dangerous and often are too easily incited to throw stones or kill those who show them what is really flickering on their wall and thus perhaps one who does so, does so to no avail, except personal sacrifice or martyrdom. Yet again for what reason, if you are to be called a liar, made and example of our even shot at? Those society labels as the oppressed masses and ignorant hoards are a problem for the ongoing forward progression of the species. Take the recent Looters in New Orleans for instance during Hurricane Katrina. Then those who stayed behind and planned to loot in Houston during the chaos of Super Hurricane Rita; are we quite certain they wish to be enlightened, trying to do so could potentially get you shot.

If you truly feel it is your calling to go out and preach enlightenment to the masses, then be forewarned of the potentially fatal consequences. Your quest is noble indeed, but your efforts maybe futile. You would be better off, writing a Rap Song, sneaking in some positive lyrics and getting yourself on the boob tube. Think about it.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: mass enlightenment, Television, ignorant hoardes, Looters
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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Musings of the Pseudo Intellectual

Every one of us has a success storyor so it is saidor rather thats how its is wed like to believe. If we take a look around ourselves, everyone seems to have that one special quality that sets them apart from the others. Their own identity in a crowd. The real good ones (relative terminology) have more than one accomplishment to their credit, of which they deserve to boast about, but often, they are modest about it. Most of the times its not because they get embarrassed talking about it, but because they do not admit to themselves they are actually capable of the best. It is funny how no one ever expects anything of sheer brilliance to exist inside of them. People like these are an enigma to me. Wonder how they carry on, conquering everything in their quiet unassuming manner.

Shall I ever be the same? is a question I find asking myself more often than not. Cant really say. Have never been in a situation where I attained the ultimate best for myself. But then again, u ltimate best is just a matter of personal perception.about the standards you set for yourself. At the same time, standards have to be set keeping in mind your own capabilities and limitations. The latter we can acknowledge only when we give things we consider worthwhile a fair shot. Wonder why so manyo heck talking about myself... are so afraid to materialize all we think about. What is the hitch that holds us back? The fear of failure? Or is it the fear that I may prove to myself Im not as good as I think I am? Hollow words are no good unless put into action and practiced. If not, you just end up a whining bell that doesnt stop tinkling long after the hour is up. According to Ayn Rand, as she puts it in atlas shrugged, there is no room for contradictions between your thinking and your actions. If a contradiction exists, you ought to check your premises and youll realize that there are no two divergent ways of looking at a situation in your mindor rather, if there are only o ne is right. It is when we learn to choose that one path, we can say weve attained the maturity and wisdom to be a wholesome wise human being.

Trouble brews when our actions and thoughts do not have a synergistic interplay. That is how ordinarily wed describe hypocrisy. It is not necessary that hypocrisy is confined to belying your principles to cause harm to another. It can just be a simple lack of co-ordination between the mind and the bodys drive to achieve a goal. But yes, coming back to the detrimental aspect of hypocrisy, the kind that I mentioned is nothing but what brings pain to ones own mind.the kind that makes us lose our sanity(not in the medical sense though!!). so, for complete peace of mind, the best thing to do would be to realize our potentialsset out on a journey of self discovery to see the beautiful world that exists inside of us (Im hoping mine is beautiful too!). Unlock your potentials, shed those inhibitions, and devote time to what you love to d releases the pressure. None of it would be time wasted, but rather time spent on knowing your inner self.who incidentally is your best friend!

Author:: Varuna Bhatia
Keywords:: article submission, Articles, Writers, Writing, Publishing, Ezine, Email marketing, Email newsletter, Email
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From Experience: Is It the Circle of Life?

All of it in one way or another a part of my Lifetime and not an analytical study of the way that business has changed but a comparison that is not at all hard to follow or see. What happened to our country now seems to be subtle changes that occurred as the years passed by.

Always a reason behind a wage difference always because of the area of the country or because of the actual company I was Working for.

Basically it has all boiled down to the ultimate understanding that it was just the standard of living country wide had taken a turn for the worse and no one, definitely not mewanted to admit it or look at it.

Yes, beyond my capability to actually crunch numbers and really see what was happening somehow the American way of Life has changed and it is harder than ever to do what needs to be done financially.

Beyond my want to know at all of what has really happened, and understand it. Because the country that I grew up in, the country that was so fair to all was slowly changing. So much that it wasnt really noticeable immediately and if you were too busy trying to make ends meet possibly you didnt even think about it or find it unusual or sad. It really is sad, but real.

Unions cant make it anymore. Why? Because we as Americans will not pay the price of labor unions and dont have to because unions no longer make a difference. Our government says that we can unionize and yet it will allow the companies that have had unions for many years to bail out on pensions that were part of union agreements and contracts. What good is unionizing when it means nothing?

What once was not the norm is now. Women have Worked for decades at destroying the American family as it once was and now just as men did before us we compete with one another and with them too.

We for the most part took the original American Dream and turned it into a self serving egotistical attitude and had no real idea of when we had it all.

We as women went past the wife and mother aspect of being female and ran to the far side of the businesses and corporate offices out of some depraved kind of jealousy and why I have no idea.

I know that at this point we are far beyond being able to turn around and go back. I know that many would without a second thought throw me to the dogs for even mentioning it.

Still there was a better time and place for all of us and it isnt going to be easy to find a place like that in the future. Families that always relied on each other for emotional support now rely on each other to make ends meet.

Families that had a bond o f love that nurtured our young people to great achievements and discoveries have turned into families that have a bond that is produced by basic needs.

The college graduate of today is now in a situation many times of having to look back at a generation that seriously lived beyond its means. At the same time there are those who for one reason or another found a place in society that allowed them to enter a comfort zone that is now turning into a place of uncertainty and the worry of yesterday coming back to haunt the future is real.

Generations that lived through the Great Depression knew how to live without. Our government for how many years now has told us that there is no Recession, no depression and that our country is on a firm footing.

In my Lifetime I remember someonesaying that we would retire in our fifties, that we would have more time to spend at homea four day Work week. Is it my imagination or part of a novel I read in my school days?

It did not happen and no one seems to know why.

A time when there was a bread winner in a family and one person could financially support a family.

Did we use it all up? Did we somehow over do it? What went wrong with the country and where did all of the dreams of retirement, educational superiority of our country and the research and discovery so important to our country and our tomorrows die?

The comfort zone is fading away and now the political arena challenges anyone who listens to find a side and take the walk to the extremes that are a regular part of the country that I grew up in.

If not for the belief that something bigger than all of us is out there I would say that there is no hope that it will get better.

Doom and gloom is a terrible thing especially for the privileged who have no idea of what it is to do without.

Has our generation primed our children to believe that there will never be a time when we will live through another time in this country where more will be living in poverty than during the Great Depression?

I remember someoneway back saying that the United States was on the top.

Have we thought seriously of how it would be if history were to repeat itself and another depression fell upon us?

Life has been good for many. Life has been hard at times and rewarding at other times. Many of my generation grew to be far wealthier than their parents could have imagined and yet is that wealth a temporary haven that will dissolve and turn into nothing more than a memory of what was?

Is it our government, our society, our morals or the cycle of Life that will return us to where we came from?

Julie Pierce has Worked in the retail sector for more than thirty years. She has been a union member of the UCFW Union and the afl-cio more than once and has Worked for more than one large retailer during the course of her career.

She attended Gulf Coast Community College, Panama City Beach, Florida, in the nineties in the pursuit of a degree in Journalism and Mass Communications.

Some of her Work has been published during the eighties and nineties in various editorial pages of newspapers in the state of New Jersey and Florida. She also did some Work as a community reporter for a weekly newspaper in Panama City Florida.

Author:: Julie Pierce
Keywords:: Economy, Wages, Great Depression, Recession, Life, United States, Work,
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Stranded Notions: Time And Philosophy Of The Individual

As I look back now, a long Time seems to span itself behind me, opening up a trench of thoughts that I carry on my back. There is yet another spanning Time, a future, actually it is a degree of Time where the past is firmer and unmoving, anticipant even. And the present is where the past is producing, recreating, giving itself the chance of a perpetual birth, the perpetual acceleration of a cosmic motion and moreover, perpetually snatching away the suspenseful, concealed children of a continuum. Were constantly living a history, or involved in its process, for if a thing must already exist, it cannot be born; without harnessing it in theoretical ideas and perception, and giving it the impersonal neutrality that every other dominant living creature deMands, we can comprehend Time as less an entity, one that is of the Present. This theory concludes that at one point of Time and the nearest possibility of the next point of Time that the primary influences, the infinitesimal d ifference that exists between them, though perfectly dissolved in existence, only and only in theory or any apparent flaw of what part we know of it, is actually a jump and not continuity. Conclusively, we can denote that there is no Present; a huMan body is unremittingly registering itself to a change between what has been and what must be its consequence. This is suggestive of a stellar rationality where the Present and all its virtues are the irrational.

Thus the Individual always lives within a tension and not an equilibrium. The Individual then becomes a component of a varying world, instead of a moving one. To c onfer that a thing is pacing is de facto different from the suggestion that a thing is changing.

Hence, there exists no actual reality, just one back and one forth, compounded by that change in motion that crops between them at a loss of centre. Were subsisting in that change, in that loss, within a sequence that flanks us. The reality is at the sides; we, the Individual, occupy everything else.

To breathe, to feel, to inhabit a living body that further inhabits a living world is not being real. To exist in a moment as a moment, to not be a stretch, to not extend from so to so on, and to not extend at all, but instead simply to be seconds and minutes and days, where these are not elaborate components of Time but where Time is an elaborate component of the self is to understand absolutel y that any and all reality is unconditionally perfect and being so, it is finite.

By the conventions, death is real and so is life. Does reality really encompass every aspect, even their differences or conflicts? Not if its finite, it doesnt. Then, how does one become real? Theory cannot answer that and neither can I. Both of us are here to criticize and rebuke and point and laugh. However, we can guess and estimate, and pray we assume correctly.

The answer lies in minimizing oneself. I do not talk of altruism or renunciation of the self, but the most of what that dangerous term suggests literally. Immortality.

To exist is an alternate to not exist at all; the other and only alternate is to exist forever. If there is no such thing as Time, then it shall matter least that a distance be covered either walking or running, if we secure a neutral objective. The goal of all Time is to unalterably extend, and the goal of the Individual is to readily exist. If we observe, it is agreeable that neither of them can exchange their natural roles Time does not readily exist, and the Individual does not unalterably extend (Man, and not the Individual, as a collective function, does extend, but precariously).

This role of Man is not a provision, it is a predicament. If we cannot expand beyond our limits, we must expand within them. A limit that cannot to be stretched, must be first adjusted to, and then, over emphasized. We cannot forge the definite; rather it is safer to forge ourselves. One also cannot amend the unalterable, one must amend instead the arrant idea of ones relation to it. A willing servitude is more convenient than a reluctant one. We cannot overcome Time, hence we must submit to it more absolutely than our physical selves.

A second is needlessly a second. We need to minimize ourselves to that needlessness; we need to inflexibly subsist in that second. Hence, were immortal to the subsequence. We exist better than the last and certain than the next. In the framework of all limitations, if we comply properly, we do preserve an unnoticeable freedom. For the framework of Time, this unnoticeable freedom is reality.

Only inhuMan is more than huMan. It is a law: we cannot be something were not partly already. Immortality is not a myth, but like so Many things, it is theoretical, not vulnerable to practice. The beauty of existing minimally is that it is not n ecessary that the Individual must only live his age. SomeTimes were so much older than what years could occupy or foretell. But that is a different tale, for a different Time I guess.

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Author:: Tushar Jain
Keywords:: Philosophy, Time, Literature, Man, Individual
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Plato to Bushco

The NeoPlatonic Hierarchy:

The twentieth century has seen a lot of mega-corporate and bureaucratic growth. The old top-down or Platonic hierarchy form of control has been exposed to the extent that Harvard Business Journal has recommended corporate paranoia and detailed the Nut Island Effect wherein Empires of inefficiency abound. There are alternative forms of organizational design which have also shown promise and keeping the decision-making near to where the results are expected seems to be necessary and often will include employee ownership (Lincoln Electric was an early example) or bottom-up participation as well as Quality Circles. I will address the international and larger picture recommendations of futurists like Alvin Toffler towards the end of this book. For now we might simply try to understand why the top-down approach was necessitated.

There were situations where elites tried to keep all their clan up to speed and involved in the governance of the ir enterprises as recently as Carthage. Aristotle was surprised to witness this in his book Politics. The Keltic Dirfines and Incan or Mayan sharing systems were also superior to the kind of thing Plato formalized as society in the Mediterranean moved away from the meritocracies that had existed in places like Egypt. I can understand why Platos ancestor Solon wisely did a lot of what he did. The average person was enamoured with power wherever they could get it. Sex with younger males or mentoring systems like Pederasty is part of what was happening. Women were seen as chattel since Hammurabi had made them the property of men in a nearby culture administered by the same elite family that Solon belonged to. I cant absolutely prove the lineage of Solon is the same as the Ptolemaic and their De Danaan roots but I can be sure that most noble Greeks were related to these gifted people who go by many names including Danaus or Homers DNN. Solon made a last stab at protecting proper ty rights for women.

In 2350 BCE the main leader of this area was Sargon the Great. Unfortunately the myth of the basket and the bulrushes that was part of his life later became enacted with another of his extended family. Yes, Moses (whoever and how many people he might be) was just telling another old myth in the same fashion that Plato was immaculately conceived before Yeshua. We have a lot of archaeological evidences to show this Hyksos period saw the development of the hierarchy that now rules us. I have covered in great detail these facts in at least ten other books and new facts in support of my theories come in every month if not more often. I cannot recall any evidence that does not fit my history and thus prove the Empire journalists were lying to us. The Shardana architecture is one of the better evidences but linguistics and the Tarim Basin red heads have helped a lot. Lice, Hobbits, Chaos Science (String Theory) and DNA as well as the Peruvian Cocaine all join the list. Nevertheless you still have people fighting to affirm lies and frauds that our nations, history, racism and treatment of our fellow lifeforms on earth are organized under.

Plato got one thing very right. He said that the advent of writing (The Phoenicians gave them a script that could be used for writing about a millennium earlier.) had diminished the ability of average people. The discipline of Brotherhood and thinking or the Joy of story-telling had kept a modicum of egalitarianism alive. Today you have a majority of people on earth who think the likes of Fox News and their teachers are capable and disciplined tellers of truth. The ethics that allowed the people of the United States to accept the assassination of JFK, Lincoln, Garfield and the other leaders I am addressing in this book is proof of Platos contentions. I still hope that the Spin surrounding such things as Watergate and Iran/Contra might get corrected. I hope it becomes attached to the pe ople who still appear to run the show just as the courts are starting to hear evidence against George Bush from survivors of slave camps like Auschwitz and the likes of IBM who tracked all Jews for Hitler. I dont hold my breath as I wait and see if people telling the truth about the Patriot Act being a furtherance of the Gestapo are actually listened to. But I am heartened to see Gore Vidal has not stopped looking and Chomskys books are selling.

Of course the whole story is seldom addressed by any one author due to the extent of the lies. I think I have pretty much done the job now. In every area of social governance and science I have made a strong case in some fifty books. Most people dont read that many books in their adult life. I dont include romance novels and the like when I say that.

Author of Diverse Druids, Columnist for The ES Press Magazine, Guest 'expert' at

Author:: Robert Baird
Keywords:: Platonic, Hierachy, Nut Island Effect
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Einstein and Eirugena

ALBERT EINSTEIN: - I am satisfied with the Mysteries of life.

A human being is part of a whole, called by us the Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest--a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.

The human mind is not capable of grasping the Universe. We are like a little child entering a huge library. The walls are covered to the ceilings with books in many different tongues. The child knows that someone must have written these books. It does not know who or how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. But the child notes a definite plan in the arrangement of the books---a mysterious order which it does not comprehend, but only dimly suspects.

The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day. Never lose a holy curiosity.

What I see in Nature is a magnificent structure that we can comprehend only very imperfectly, and that must fill a thinking person with a feeling of humility. This is a genuinely religious feeling that has nothing to do with mysticism

The finest emotion of which we are capable is the mystic emotion. Herein lies the germ of all art and all true science. Anyone to whom this feeling is alien, who is no longer capable of wonderment and lives in a state of fear is a dead man. To know that what is impenetrable for us really exists and manifests itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty, whose gross forms alone are intelligible to our poor faculties -- this knowledge, this feeling ... that is the core of the true religious sentiment. In this sense, and in this sense alone, I rank myself among profoundly religious men.

Einstein saw there were people who sought to say he was religious in sense of being what they personally thought was God and he had to set them straight. Unfortunately many people have their memories tarnished by people succeeding in this propaganda that co-opts good people. He was a great man and fought most of his life for an end to standing armies. Despite the advances since his death he still makes sense in many areas of thinking including that for which he became most famous. I think this last simple quote by him says a lot.

Two things inspire me to awe -- the starry heavens above and the moral universe within.

Einstein died in 1955. He is best known for the theory of rel ativity, which states that time, mass and length all change according to velocity. Space and time are a unified continuum, which curves in the presence of mass.

The last three decades of his life were devoted to the search for a field theory which would unify gravitation and electro-magnetism.

Einstein always said that he was a deeply religious man, and his religion informed his science. He rejected the conventional image of God as a personal being, concerned about our individual lives, judging us when we die, intervening in the laws he himself had created to cause miracles, answer prayers and so on. Einstein did not believe in a soul separate from the body, nor in an afterlife of any kind.

But he was certainly a pantheist. He did regard the ordered cosmos with the same kind of feeling that believers have for their God. To some extent this was a simple awe at the impenetrable mystery of sheer being. Einstein also had an urge to lose individuality and to exp erience the universe as a whole.

But he was also struck by the radiant beauty, the harmony, the structure of the universe as it was accessible to reason and science. In describing these factors he sometimes uses the word God, and sometimes refers to a divine reason, spirit or intelligence. He never suggests that this reason or spirit transcends the world - so in that sense he is a clear pantheist and not a panentheist. However, this reason is to some extent anthropomorphic, and to some extent involves Einstein in a contradiction.

His religious thinking was not systematic, so he never ironed out this discrepancy. But it seems likely that he believed in a God who was identical to the universe - similar to the God of Spinoza. A God whose rational nature was expressed in the universe, or a God who was identified with the universe and its laws taken together. His own scientific search for the laws of this universe was a deeply religious quest.

Einstein's attachm ent to what he once called `the grandeur of reason incarnate' led him into the longest battle and the greatest failure of his life. He was implacably opposed to Niels Bohr's interpretation of quantum physics. Bohr believed that matter was fundamentally indeterminate, and our knowledge of it limited to probabilities.

Einstein's comment, God does not play dice, became notorious. The phrase uses the present tense, not the past. This suggests that Einstein was probably not referring to the fact that a creator God would not in the beginning have created a universe in which chance reigned supreme. Rather he may have meant that as God or reason incarnate, the universe could not be governed by chance alone. (1)

EIRUGENA: - John Scotius Eirugena (means Irish born) was a great philosopher in the late first millennium AD. Bertrand Russell seems not to know much about Irish culture when he expresses surprise to have to admit he is the greatest of minds in a very Dark Age. In fact he was just rephrasing Pelagius who was maintaining some of the remnants of Druidic thought as I see it. It annoys me to spend a day looking for a biography on a great man like this and find some fools have hundreds of links whereas he had nary a one.

Author of Diverse Druids

Columnist for The ES Press Magazine

Guest 'expert' at

Author:: Robert Baird
Keywords:: Eirugena, Pelagius,
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How to Arrive at Truth

Even the greatest philosophers, modern as well as ancient, couldnt agree on a definition of their field of learning. No set of words seem to adequately present or represent this subject which, by all accounts, must be the largest, though not necessarily the greatest, of them all. But no matter. As a race of incredibly inquisitive beings, right from the very first day that we are born, there exists within all of us a profound yearning to know.

Maybe it is as the Evolutionists proclaim. Simply that the effort to know or to find out is none other than a manifestation of the basest of all desires. And this, they say, is the quest to survive. Do you suppose that I have just arrived at some Truth? Hardly. The definition of an unTruth is that even if a thousand indicators point to a singular conclusion, it only takes one instant of something to point the other way and the entire system falls over in a pathetic heap. Not my rules, but the tenets of science as its overbearin g presence guards against any individual who dares to purport some new idea or theory.

Darwin was indeed an individual of immense capacity for genius and of course as with all people of such acumen and thinking, he was at least a generation ahead of his time. He painstakingly, systematically, methodically, scientifically, empirically, observed, absorbed and explained what he saw in nature until a central theme to all his work was born. He concluded that all life was connected. Over time, a lesser species led to a more sophisticated one by a series of mutations of its genetic code, preserving the most valuable assets while discarding the rest. He observed this purely from a macroscopic viewpoint and extrapolated to he microscopic. This propagation of the Fittest was affectionately coined as the process of natural selection.

Despite some very large scientific holes in the argument for the theory of Evolution, not least of all the hitherto unexplained gaps in the genealogy of many species, this does nothing to shake the confidence of todays scientific world in the theory. But scientists are for the most part very clever people, and they too have consciences and rather like the idea of being able to sleep a little easier at night. So, they say that any doctrine based on the demonstration of scientific rigour that is observable, measurable and repeatable, stemming from things such as mathematical proofs or empirical evidence, is true. But guess what, this brilliant method for discovering Truth has actually been more useful in keeping unTruths out than facilitating the discovery of new ones.

Ask any scientist you like: Do you think we are anywhere near to collectively knowing all there is?, and you will get the same answer. No. Now ask: How much do you think we do know, 1%, 10%, 50%..? The question is silly. Of course it is. I don't think any scientist worth his salt will put a percentage on it. In other words, the admission tha t we don't know everything is made without hesitation but as to how much we know, there is no answer. But the scientist has a very cunning excuse out of this, saying that given time, all things may be known and all things may be explained using exactly the same scientific methods. A statement of Faith if I ever heard one. In any case even this brilliant method for finding Truth is flawed. Case in point is that, for more than two centuries, Newton's laws of motion stood unchallenged until Einstein came along and said that the mass of an object can no longer be assumed to be constant under all circumstances because if it is made to accelerate near to the speed of light, mathematics as well as observable evidence suggest its mass will increase.

Given the above, did science abandon its methods? No. If therefore we can be fooled into thinking that something is true using our current methods, who is to say that any of the things we know are true. This is just cold, light-of- day logic. But surely, I hear you say, you can't seriously suggest that we should abandon our scientific methods just because one or two theories have subsequently been proven to be false? Furthermore, what about the countless examples of scientific Truth prised out of nature's grasp because we stuck to these stringent methods.

Well, I led you straight to it. A rare example of leading a horse to water AND making it drink. You see, scientists hate this idea of the majority view. Consider how justice in the world is dispensed. Judges use the idea that the majority view is the correct view. That is, if all members of a jury cannot agree on whether a person is innocent or guilty of some crime, the majority verdict is then sought. But imagine if every quest for scientific Truth was put to the test using the same criterion. For example suppose someone proposes that the moon is made of cheese. We randomly choose, say, a hundred adults, ask their opinion and if at least 80% sa y it's true, based on whatever evidence is provided, we embrace the theory and place it among our annals of Truth. How silly, I hear you say again. Yes, almost as silly as accepting the scientific criteria for discovering Truth because the majority of scientists say it is the right way and firmly believe that it can be used to discover all Truths.

Now, this brings me nicely to an individualistic method of arriving at Truth. One which also depends on a majority view but only one person at a time is asked to accept or reject it. This is where the autonomy of the individual comes to the fore. If a person accepts some system of Belief not based on scientific Truth, we call it Faith. The atheistic point of view regarding this is to say the least, blunt. The person who adopts Faith as the central tenet of his or her life is surely one lacking in confidence, preferring to look for illusory means by which to improve or enrich their lives. But I must differ. I think that the o nly thing that separates a person of Faith from the person with no Faith is that the former is prepared to believe whereas the latter is prepared to disbelieve. The important thing here is not to attempt to say that either one or the other is the better way to live. Many atheists have converted and many Faithful have turned away from their Faith based on their personal convictions and experiences, born out of the autonomy afforded to every individual.

Even if we are taught one way or another during childhood years, our autonomy does not mature until we are free to accept or reject those teachings in later years. So, here now is the crunch. Those who have some sort of Faith in God, believe also that there is a much greater, infinitely superior existence beyond the one being experienced here. For whatever reason, we are earthbound for a period of time and when this ends, the sum total of our actions, reactions and inactions is used to calculate for us a place in our spir itual destiny. This is undoubtedly an extraordinary statement of hope and comfort to all those that Faithfully devote themselves to their creed. As for the atheists, they prefer to think that they cannot allow themselves to be fooled by the trappings of some Religion that for the most part seeks to restrict even the joys that are possible. When we are free to choose, there is no criterion other than that which weighs heavily on our hearts.

The right to choose and the choices an individual makes are the real ingredients of Faith and Truth.

I am the author of a supernatural/fantasy novel called Will of Dreams which I hope the article above will incite sufficient interest within you to consider clicking on the link leading you to the website dedicated to my book.

Author:: Yigit Djevdet
Keywords:: Truth, Evolution, Religion, Belief, Faith, Darwin, natural selection, Survival, Fittest, Philosophy
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Thomas Jefferson Died Broke Is Our Nation Going to End Up the Same Way?

Most all Americans know that Thomas Jefferson was a great man, a thinking man, but so many people do not know he died broke. A good book to read on the subject is; Saving Monticello, as it describes the Levy Family who moved into the Estate after Thomas Jefferson died and restored it the mansion and landscaping too.

This brings me to another topic of conversation and purely intellectual only, not trying to make a point one way or the other. If Thomas Jefferson died broke and owing money and bankrupt then one ought to ask; Was he good with money? Did he envision something grander than he could afford? And if so would we be wise to follow all of his words in regard to our Nation?

In other words is the utopian environment he built for himself unaffordable by his then standards and costs. And to t hat point is his concept of a perfect country more divine than is actually possible then or now? And if so should we be re-considering what our politicians of our current day are adding in the way of costs to this on-going perfect Utopian concept of America?

Should we have a reality check on all this? In other words can we afford Free Health Care to everyone and all the services and infrastructure with our current and near future assets or will we end up spending America into oblivion?

No need to answer or debate. Chew on that thought for a while and consider the next period and future generations as we pass the golden baton to them and depart. Think on this in 2006, philosophically of course, nothing more.

Lance Winslow - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Thomas Jefferson Died Broke, Nation, Going to End Up the Same Way
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

It's Not Your Fault!

Saying goodbye is easy for the traveler. I am a person who traveled so much that I had no roots except within and I learned to be connected to What IS.

In the movie Good Will Hunting there are many great insights about the rat race and cycle of violence. I never was beaten but I had a horror show caused by the social system due to a schizophrenic mother. But I empathized with the Psychologist played by Robin Williams because I have always been there to counsel those in need or trouble. I had studied just like Will Hunting a lot of the books on philosophy and psychology. Before I was ten I dare say I had read more than the average Doctor of Psychology.

It was good to see both the main characters get on with their life and do the right thing. The Right Thing is what I have been doing ever since I decided to fulfill my purpose. That meant I had to face the music and the rat race or bureaucracy again. You could say I am determined to be historical like Gertrude Ste in or die trying. But I dont have a salon in Paris. I live in a group home for the flotsam of society called insane. I write my books in hopes that someone some day will decide to join me in a quest beyond fighting City Hall. Just like Gertrudes unwillingness to see the politics that lead to war I am moved to see what really causes these behaviors.

Ego and fear are so hard for people to get past. I have been perceived as a threat to society or an agent of change people choose to avoid, for a couple of decades. In the last few years I have taken the message of soul and connectiveness to the World Wide Web communities. I am now retiring from such ego and flaming wars. Who can say what lies ahead? I dont really care if anyone actually learns the data I dump and my writing is only going to reach a few people while I am alive. Life on earth may not exist past that if our leaders choose to continue the current direction or leave to colonize space with the chosen ones.

The important thing about learning and all the research I have done in writing about sixty (60) books including an encyclopedia, is this. We are connected and all energy has structure an consciousness or soul. It is being proven in science but I knew it long ago. I have seen many of the CONnections and lots of CONstructs. The joy of creating, I mean really creating, come through in the kind of thing Nils Bohr said. He said every great truth has an opposite which is also true, and a trivial truth has an opposite that is simply false; or something to that effect. When you see or feel a template or integrate the data that once seemed confusing there is a rush of creative realization (Thank you Bucky!) which is almost orgasmic or better. I hope Teilhard is right about one template seen by one person will impact all that is. I trust there are people who will decide to make a real difference rather than pursue animal rights or abortion and the myriad other issues that create conf usion and lead society away from ethical constructs. I wonder if there are enough?

I yam wut I yam.

Author:: Robert Baird
Keywords:: Creative realization
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips