Sunday, November 13, 2011

3D Information vs 2D Images and Text

3D information is all around us; it is what we perceive our world to be. We then learn to decimate this 3D information into 2D images and text; this is what we learn to do at school, college, and university. However, this will not be necessary when the majority of the information is converted into a 3D database. Environment and realistic 3D models will teach, entertain, and replace the workplace and shopping, etc.

This change will be the major challenge for mankind in the next few years. Those who resist will be the 'architects of decay' as some learned person once said. Like all revolutions change should be managed as culturally we can't overnight change.

The changes will be momentous affecting all areas; engineering, shopping, architecture, education, communication, etc. Thinking in 3D will emerge and maybe a new language will eventually be required to create these 3D Virtual Real Worlds.

The present generation doesn't understand why this 3D world has not happened; as they have been brought up with this concept for the past ten years. Virtual humans and intelligence will help and enable inform us; making life much easier and able to take on more skills than ever before.

See web page Virtual Real Worlds' for a more detailed observation

Ken has spent most of his life in the 2D world and since the invention of the www with all its search engines for retreiving 2D information realised that the a new way must be found to understand all this information. This and other 3D challenges are to be found at Ken has spent most of is time working on standardizing engineering processes; trouble was passing the information to others which proved to be impossible as nobody has time to read and understand information provided in text.

Author:: Ken Rigby
Keywords:: 3D information, Virtual Real World, Culture, Environment, Upheaval, Mellanium, 2D images, Virtual
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

StarFire Ceremony

The Templar flag Columbus and da Gama traveled under was the dominant economic (and therefore if for no other reason) force in the three centuries before they set sail. Not just in Europe as we have shown, but in the entire world, these progeny of the Phoenician Brotherhood ended feudal socio-political strangleholds and opened the way for new possibilities. For these reasons and the eventual weakening of the church influence and Inquisitions (though that is what the church started against THEM!) we can truly be thankful.

This superficial evaluation is only one aspect of what we analyzed with input from all available quarters and presented a real and true threat from the continued macho or competitive nature of those in pursuit of power. Their progeny has lost much of the righteous underpinnings of the Templar zeal. Needless to say their influence has not been exposed in the cultural history of our various media including schools. Therefore constant harping on the sub ject is somewhat warranted. I only seek to set the stage for their specific history and influence on the time of Marco Polo and another 'fiction' that was used to create the impression that there was a need for 'discovery' of the 'New World'. The idea that the land of the Dragons in China was not part of a world order continues to the present. There are many perspectives on the origin of the Templars and why they were given Papal carte-blanche' but let me quote Gardner again to see something far more ancient than most scholars purporting to know when Templars or Masons became a part of our cultural fabric. He is talking about a re-structuring of much more ancient mystery schools at this juncture.

It has long been a customary Jewish practice to hang meat for blood-letting before cooking and consumption, but in contrast the Christian faith is especially concerned with the figurative ingestion of blood. In the Christian tradition it is customary to take the Communion sacr ament (the Eucharist), wherein wine is drunk from the sacred chalice, symbolically representing the blood of Jesus, the life-blood of the Messianic line. Could it be, therefore, that the modern Christian custom is an unwitting throwback to some distant pre-Noah rite of actually ingesting blood? If so, then since we also know that the chalice is a wholly female symbol which has always been emblematic of the womb, might this even have been an extract from divine menstrual blood which, as we have seen (Chapter 10), was revered as life-giving 'Star-Fire'? The answer to these questions is yes, that was precisely the custom - but it was not so unsavoury as it might seem. (3) Few of us think to enquire about the ultimate sources of many of today's bodily supplements, and those in the know are generally reluctant to tell us. The premarin hormone, for example, is made from the urine of pregnant mares, while some forms of growth hormone and insulin are manufactured from 'E.coli', a hu man faecal bacterium.

Before considering this ancient practice in detail, it is worth reminding ourselves that the edict to abstain from blood came not from Enki the Wise but from Enlil-Jehovah, the god of wrath and vengeance who had instigated the Flood, wrought havoc in Ur and Babylon and endeavoured to deceive Adam with regard to the Tree of Knowledge. This was not a god who liked people and the Sumerian records are very clear in this regard. If he forbade the intake of blood, this was not likely to have been an edict for the benefit of Noah and his descendants - it was most probably to their detriment.

The menstrual Star Fire ('Elixir Rubeus') of the goddess, being essentially regarded as fluid intelligence, was symbolically represented as the all-seeing eye The circle with a dot again., or as the fiery cross (the 'rosi-crucis') The Circle with the cross., precisely as depicted in the Mark of Cain. The emblems were later used by the mystery school of ancient Egypt, particularly that of the priest-prince Ankhfn-khonsu (c.2170 BC Check out Crowleys Book of the Law and the name at the end of it., which was formally established as the Dragon Court by the twelfth-dynasty Queen Sobeknefru.

Another of the most prominent mystery schools was the Great White Brotherhood of Rameses III (c. 1450 BC) - so called, it is often said, because of their white raiment, but actually named because of their preoccupation with a mysterious white powder Through 'high-spin' atomic attunement able to levitate the pyramid blocks, he says.. According to the Supreme Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, there were thirty-nine men and women on the High Council of the Brotherhood, who sat at the Temple of Karnak in Luxor. (4) A branch off this Order became more generally known as the Egyptian Therapeutae, who in Heliopolis and Judaea, were identified as the Essenes. (5) It was into this White Brotherhood of wise therapeutics and hea lers (the original Rosicrucians) that Jesus was later initiated to progress through the degrees, and it was his high standing in this regard which gained him the often used designation of 'Master'... 'essaios': that is, something secret or mystic. (In the Norse tradition, the gods are called the 'Asen', the guardians of purity, and the word has a similar root.)...

In the hermetic lore of the ancient Egyptian mystery school, this process of achieving enlightened consciousness was of express importance, with spiritual regeneration taking place by degrees through the thirty-three vertebrae of the spinal column Including the tail bones or sacrum and coccyx. until reaching the pituitary gland which invokes the pineal body. The science of this regeneration is one of the 'Lost Keys' of Freemasonry, and it is the reason why ancient Freemasonry was founded upon thirty-three degrees. (6)

Though they have impressive pedigrees and lots of nice myths I am sure their knowledge is limited by the lack of ethics entailed in the elitist attitudes and acts of their members. Levitation and use of cosmic thought field potentials including one dimensional harmonic force and the probable 'Lost Chord' pre-dates these people, in my mind or point of view. MacDari is a Masonic linguist who suggests this time was even before the building of the Sphinx, and he says Phre-Masonry of the Lord Sun God Iesa was an early Brotherhood of Man that Jesus was named after. Gardner admits to 'pre-Noah' knowledge and probably has an open-mind about earlier roots, but his story focuses on the Bible and the Pendragon Grail legends.

Author and activist for LOVE as the guiding force in society. You can see my over 60 books in places like, and the on-line retailers who sell Diverse Druids: The Origin of All Religions.

Author:: Robert Baird
Keywords:: Templars, Rosicrucians, Vampires
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The Enneagram

When I left the 'Don', (This is part of a far larger story about how I learned a great deal in jail at the age of twenty when I went to serve off parking ticket fines rather than pay for what I considered illegal taxation for a corrupt bureaucracy) I saw a cat near the sidewalk ahead of me. It was an orange and white tabby that didn't move out of my way nor did it come for rubs from my outstretched hand. It winked at me with one eye and I received a flash of enlightenment. The knowledge of what exists in the lowest form of life is ruled by the same principles and rules that impact the more complex creatures. Knowledge is not comprised of words or logical constructs and when fully integrated it appears quite simple. That is the nature of principles. Seeing or feeling the white light in Yoga has an element of this, as does the Near Death Experience. This was more than that!

In a mere fifteen seconds my head was filled. I may only have been able to incorporate a small p ortion of what it offered yet it seemed almost to be the kind of divine illumination that many ecstatic religions report. It was something I pondered upon for many years. My current attitude about it is that it was not the level of knowledge that I would have gotten at the most complex level of life, but rather one or more steps beneath that. About ten years ago James Redfield's book the Celestine Prophecy told a nice story that incorporates the knowledge of the Enneagrams. Around the early 1920's Jesuit priests brought this knowledge out of Persia and probably it is related to the Magi of Zoroaster and the three wise men of the Bible. These Magi are on the path of the alchemist and other shamanistic attunements. Gurdjieffs Sarmoung Brotherhood are directly associated with the Enneagrams. Redfield doe s not include mention of the Enneagrams in this book and I have not read his follow up books to know if he gives them credit there. If he does that is nice; but it might also threaten a lot of people if he did. (The gate was opened to me ... in one quarter of an hour I saw and knew more than if I had been many years together at a University ... I saw it as in a great deep in the internal; for I had a thorough view of the Universe, as a complex moving fullness wherein all things are couched and wrapped up. - Jacob Boehme, Mystic)

In his book he takes a person through the plant and animal knowledge of the laws of nature and dimensional reality of energy and the soul in a beautiful story ending in de-materialization. This book was at the top of the New York Times best-seller list longer than any other book. I believe it was 28 months. De-materialization and ascendancy or what the Bible refers to in part as Resurrection are human adept potentials and we shall delve into th is much deeper later in this book. The Enneagrams are also able to be expressed in the purest form of language - mathematics. I have had occasion to look at the work of one scholar who had done this. He agreed with me on almost every point related thereto.

However, when it happened to me I did not know about the Enneagrams and I thought it was a Cosmic Consciousness or direct cognition of even greater proportions. I had read R. M. Bucke's book by that title and it had led to some calling me the 'Cosmic Kid' a few years earlier. His work also details a man who disappeared before scientists and police 29 times at McGill University in Montreal where Bucke was a psychiatrist. Bucke is the man who worked with Walt Whitman to end straight-jacket uses and treat people with respect. The Movie Beautiful Dreamers is well worth watching and tells their story in a London, Ont. asylum. Eventually the man who could dematerialize didn't return as he had said would happen.

Beaut iful Dreamer:

The Civil War was a cauldron horrific

One medical helper in it became terrific

Richard Maurice Bucke says he was Jesus-like

Cosmically conscious even riding a bike

The Collective Unconscious not yet spoken about

Bucke was the top psychiatrist there can be no doubt

Why did later journals eradicate his contributions grand

This is no laughing matter and I an accounting do demand

This medic made great poetry much more than I can do

You could even say in comparison mine is mere do-do

I recommend the movie Beautiful Dreamers

Though focused on London Asylum screamers

There Walt Whitman through and with his friend

Brought strait-jackets and worse to an end

Cavorting physically and swimming nude

Some people found this man quite crude

Bi-sexual or a simple gay

I truly cannot really say.

His influence, though and humaneness

Has uplifted many from a great mess

His prose is greater than what we call a muse

You sometimes even become amuse

Society should hold him above most heroes

Warriors and Kings are mostly zeroes

I do truly bless his heart

He put the horse before the cart

Whitman died before my birth

I would have loved to share his mirth.

Author of many books available at Lulu and

Author:: Robert Baird
Keywords:: Gurdjieff, Celestine Prophecy, Walt Whitman, Cosmic Consciousness
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Everyone Demands Respect Get Use to It!

Do you ever find yourself troubled at the number of groups or categories of people who demand respect, without doing even one thing to earn it? No mind you we should be tolerant of others, but respect you know, well mostly that has to be earned.

Recently a gay activist told me that gays should be allowed to get married and have respect. But then as the conversation went on he was only asking for tolerance? Which is it? Was the homosexual from Laramie, WY really wanting tolerance, NO. He was demanding respect and trying to reason with my senses for fairness and tolerance. But I told him;

This is not a tolerance issue in my opinion. Tolerance should be automatic in society, apparently it wasn't in Laramie, as I read about the kid beat to death for merely being gay. That sucks. In WY, there is somewhat of a Cowboy mentality like ID, MT and much of the Midwestern States. I cannot condone such things. But indeed you must admit they are different there as over all so cieties go.

Todd [gay individual, I honestly have come to the conclusion that Gay people should not be allowed to marry during this decade as the fringe of the gay and lesbian community has abused the rights of others by threatening, intimidating, slandering and even using extortion tactics against anyone who disagrees. That is not tolerance or respect? Interesting to demand rights, tolerance and respect and then deny others the same.

Someday I believe the gays will be allowed to get married in this nation. But as it stands right now after discussing this with all the gay activists, well I must say that I am completely turned off to the cause and would write my congressman, fund politicians campaigns who come out strongly against it and write Articles for publications myself now. The amount of demands for respect of the gay community as they disrespect everyone else, frolic in the streets and make a mockery of marriage and those who are married and then try to bully their way into the system they mock. No way, I can't now support it. Very turned off now. And I vote, influence others and have the right to speak against it. So I will.

For someone to tell me that my observations in life are irrelevant, I must be seeing things, paranoid, afraid, homophobic is just insane behavior from the gay crowd. They do this to everyone. What is most interesting is I came to discuss these issues with the gay activists and came to them with an observation that is not being addressed and denied I now see by the G & L Community. They are not interested in talking or discussing, they are interested in belittling and intimidating. Consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Everyone Demands Respect
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Each Drop of Rain Counts to Drench My Heart

Multiplication of heavy drops of rain water is only to multiply my happiness. The joy I feel when it rains is indescribable. Not only my outer body but my little heart inside of it is also drenched when it rains. Rain is like the showers of the Lord gracing equally all the beings below.

O Rain! What thanks can I render for the cool gift you shower on us when the Sun competes to its peaks with its heat and timorously fades away behind the mountains with your coolness? Do you see the happiness in the eyes and throats of the little children screaming with joy when they see you traveling from above? The warm breeze itself becomes cool with your touch. The beautiful gardens await your arrival in order for them to bloom to the fullest and they love to see your mercy drooping upon them. With your touch, the flowers feel the same way the soul feels when it is touched by the divine hand. The trees when quench their eternal thirst by your down pour become so energetic and show their gratitude by their swift healthy growth by trying to reach the rafters of the sky.

Do you ever realize the fun and happiness your advent brings to our hearts? Even a person of sorrow or even the greatest enemy of nature becomes fervent to look at you gracefully skidding from your abode on to the earth. What to describe about people like me who always await you and hate to miss even a glance of yours?

You are so impatient and romantic when you reach your partner the Earth so hastily. How can I ever forget the way you sojourn from your birth place the sky and from your home the clouds to land and soothe the children of the earth and the earth itself? Arent you ever thirsty? You always drench our thirst and the only moment you drench yours is when you become one with the earth. Upon that romantic earth I am living my life and it is only because of every drop of yours that my heart is filled with never ending Love.

O Rain, rain your love perennially on o ur hearts but never in our eyes with sorrow. -Sharmila Sanka

Author:: Sharmila Sanka
Keywords:: article submission, Articles, Writers, Writing, Publishing, Ezine, Email marketing, Email newsletter, Email
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Fantasy Fills an Inner Need

The more civilized our culture becomes on the surface - and the more sophisticated and complex our Technology grows - the greater the extent to which Fantasy's imagery and themes permeate our literature, films, music and visual arts. Is there a relationship between these two developments? I believe there is.

Fantasy has always arisen in response to a deep need within our collective psyches, to connect with the strange and unfathomable worlds that lie just below our waking consciousness. The greatest works of Fantasy are built upon archetypal images that exist within all of us, at the very roots of our being. Modern men and women can ignore these life-enriching motifs only at the great detriment to their souls' nourishment.

Consider classical Mythology. People are oftentimes disenchante d when they're first exposed to it, because it seems like a childish explanation of reality - the manner in which our universe was formed, and the purpose of life. The mistake lies in assuming, in the first place, that Myths exist to explain how the world works.

Rather, these tales from antiquity have always served to remind us that LIFE IS AN UNFATHOMABLE MYSTERY. This is a crucial point to grasp. When we consider the world as a known thing - something defined and fully grasped by our wonderful intellects - then we lose our sense of wonder.

And without wonderment we join the general malaise of modern humanity. Frustrated and bored, quietly desperate, we come to believe that nothing in life has deep meaning or significance - and we seek escape; we try to fill the resulting emptiness with countless addictions.

Our Artists, our fantasists, seek to rouse us out of this limiting and life-deadening stupor.

Seth Mullins is the author of Song of an Untamed L and. Visit his complete blog at

Author:: Seth Mullins
Keywords:: Fantasy,Myth,Artists,modern world,Technology,inner need
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Teilhard de Chardin


He is one of my heroes and an inspiration for all who seek for Peace and Harmony through a conspiracy of LOVE. His Templates suggest that one thought perfectly conceived by one man can influence the totality of consciousness or World Mind. I hope he is right, and I try to develop this critical mass of consciousness. I have covered the continuing battle the Catholic Church has with his thought and numerous other things related to him and Jean Houston, in other books.

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin was a visionary French Jesuit, paleontologist, biologist, and philosopher, who spent the bulk of his life trying to integrate religious experience with natural science, most specifically Christian theology with theories of evolution. In this endeavor he became abso lutely enthralled with the possibilities for humankind, which he saw as heading for an exciting convergence of systems, an Omega point where the coalescence of consciousness will lead us to a new state of peace and planetary unity. Long before ecology was fashionable, he saw this unity he saw as being based intrinsically upon the spirit of the Earth:

The Age of Nations is past. The task before us now, if we would not perish, is to build the Earth.

Teilhard de Chardin passed away a full ten years before James Lovelock ever proposed the Gaia Hypothesis which suggests that the Earth is actually a living being, a colossal biological super-system. Yet Chardin's writings clearly reflect the sense of the Earth as having its own autonomous personality, and being the prime center and director of our future -- a strange attractor, if you will -- that will be the guiding force for the synthesis of humankind. (1)

Gerald Massey has written about the Seven Souls of Man a nd many interpretations of various religions in his theosophical quest. I think he expresses what we all must do in terms of piercing the veils of both religious and scientific paradigm thinking which seems all too managed and deceitful. I find too many people need black and white answers when the Mysteries are quite chaotic just because they do not understand the fundamental laws or ways that energy works. It is better to trust in the awesome nature of nature and reality than to manufacture pat or self-serving answers or directed inferential theories to make it seem all is known. Chardin and Bellarmine or many others like Roger Bacon who toiled within the bowels of the behemoth of Catholicism were not averse to saying there is more than they knew.

The modern manufacture of ancient mysteries is just as great an imposition, and equally sure to be found out. Do not suppose I am saying this, or waging war, on behalf of the mysteries called Christian, for I look upon them as the greatest imposition of all. Rome was the manufactory of old masters 1800 years ago. I am opposed to all man-made mystery, and all kinds of false belief. The battle of truth and error is not to be darkly fought now-a-days behind the mask of secrecy. Darkness gives all its advantage to error; day light alone is in favour of truth! Nature is full of mystery; and we are here to make out the mysteries of Nature and draw them into day-light, not to cultivate and keep veiled the mysteries made by man in the day of his need or the night of his past. We want to have done with the mask of mystery and all the devious devilries of its double-facedness, so that we may look fully and squarely into the face of Nature for ourselves, whether in the past, present, or future. Mystery has been called the mother of abominations, but the abominations themselves are the superstitions, the rites and ceremonies, the dogmas, doctrines, delusive idealisms, and unjust laws that have been falsely founded on the ancient mysteries by ignorant literalisation and esoteric misinterpretation! (2)

Author of Diverse Druids

Columnist for The ES Press Magazine

Guest 'expert' at

Author:: Robert Baird
Keywords:: Gaia, Templates, Conspiracy of Love,
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Visual Stimulation and Mind Strengthening

Well here a coffee shop conversation about visual input strengthening of the human Mind. After this conversation of our think tank friends, I decided to share the basic over view of some of the Thoughts with all of you. Here is the basics of the Thoughts that day;

There are ways to strengthen the ability of your Mind through visual stimulation. The best way to do this is to do activities, which challenge you visual senses and Mind. In fact some say those who play video games all the time can in fact achieve sharper Mind skills in doing so.

I believe pilots and motorcycle racers think faster and can handle massive visual input. Probably the research on video game players is in fact accurate, as well as those who go thru trade shows at a brisk walk and try to Memorize ever booth they just saw in a video memory scenario. Perhaps those who cruise the LV Strip a lot trying to Memorize the running video in their Mind can do the same?

Many believe that such hig h levels of visual input is addictive. In fact I use to not feel as fulfilled unless I had lots of action around me all the time, but my Brain changed to thinking all the time and that is addictive too, it seems those who think a lot seem to use their visual random access memory more efficiently than others do. Some believe that being in the zone in sports happens due to the Mind ramping up and the high rate of cardiovascular activity providing more Oxygen at the same time. Whatever the case maybe the Brain appears to be much like a muscle and the more you use it the better and stronger it gets.

Many super athletes have told me that they believe that their athletic cardiovascular Oxygen training of the body helps with making the body supply all those needs even if they stop working out. In other words once your body is use to supplying it, the body will use it meaning the Brain uses it if your body does not need it. Perhaps some of these things are legitimate factors that often many different kinds of sciences have not yet put them together due to the complicated nature and lack of understanding of each and every single aspect of the biosciences. Time will tell as the scientists map the Brain and figure out what makes humans tick. Think on this.

Lance Winslow

Au thor:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: visual input, video memory, Athletics, Oxygen, visual stimulation, Memorize, Thought, Mind, Brain
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

The Eternal Path

Its a very widespread belief and a widely accepted one that success comes by being competitive and playing the game according to the rules of the market. But as I have maintained this is a conditioned thought the reason why this model is largely followed is because of majoritinism that is as majority follows it and have succeeded in this way so it must be true. Thus selling once soul for a dime, so to speak, has become a norm. Well the truth is far from it. No one model is absolute. If u think that success can be had only by playing the game according to the rules of the market then I am afraid u will attain success in that manner only. But if you think success can be achieved by playing the game according to the rules of eternity then rest assured you can achieve great success that way too. Because your beliefs fashion the world around you.

Its similar to a person believing that a house can be constructed by using mud only well he will succeed in erecting a mud hou se but we all know we can use concrete and other materials to construct houses too.Therefore what limits man or keeps him imprisoned to his conditioned beliefs is ignorance. When you use the resources of your ego namely,self-centredness, greed, competitiveness, a scheming brain and so may get what you want at the expense of your soul and in return incur the curse of those whom you may have harmed knowingly or unknowingly which always happens when you act in a selfcentred manner and also the curse of the gods, so to speak, for breaking immutable principles of goodness.

Therefore the success comes with a very heavy price-tag. On the other hand when you use the resources of your higher self with eternity as the focus you are bestowed with all the material riches along with eternity itself. Thereby vindicating the promise of the lord,HE WHO TRULY LOVES ME AND BECOMES MY DEVOTEE, I REMOVE HIS DEFICIENCIES AND MAKE PERMANENT HIS GAINS. Quoted from the Bhagvad Gita. N ow the question is how to progress along the eternal path? Thats what we will look at in the next part.

Jairaj Menon Age:51 Profession:Educator Nationality:Indian

Author:: Jairaj Menon
Keywords:: article submission, Articles, Writers, Writing, Publishing, Ezine, Email marketing, Email newsletter, Email
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Prisons Societies Anger and Innate Characteristics of Mob Mentality Vengence

Some have asked why do we wish to take away the Color TV sets and Weight Rooms at the Prisons? Is it societies need for Vengeance? Vengeance is a human trait indeed and even if people deny it, it still shows in the way they vote some say. Recently this issue came up in an online think tank with a think tanker stated regarding the vengeance issue;

That doesn't sound good to me. So is it ok for us on the outside to give into those base instincts? I don't think so.

Indeed and thus why allow prisoners who do a cake walk? And why build a system, which denies the basic inherent characteristics of mankind. If you leave it to the people the Mob will move to stoning people to death who are different; too pretty, too successful, too mean, too nasty, too different or potentially criminals too. How can you change a system, which relies on voters to decide what to do when one-third of all humans would lie to save a dollar, steal for $100 and kill for a $100,000? And what about the second third? $10, $1,000 or $1,000,000.00

The entire system is based on people and well, since most people cannot be trusted, why should we be surprised that it is not fair, or does not work or is merely a complete sugar coating of reality?

It is impossible to follow all the laws all the time, as there are so many of them

Indeed I very much agree with your summation about our complex set of laws; The uneven enforcement and the issues with case law, intent of law and wording of law. It seems for the right price those laws can say whatever you want them too. Thus why have them at all. A simplistic set of laws is best, ones we as a civilization can embrace and understand.

Another think tanker admits; In any case it appears we agree on these things philosophically on many poin ts. And rather than continue with all the problems, what do you propose is a solution? Because the system is way out of wack. We have uneven justice and a system, which does not work. The rehabilitation does not work and the stories about someone being killed by someone who has a long rap sheet are so common. You mentioned you studies of other nations and their prison systems. Which ones do you like best and why?

Perhaps you, yes you, have some ideas on how to make our prison system better, perhaps you have some concepts you might like to express. We need a better plan and one, which works, because this current plan is not working and we are wasting human productivity, taxpayers monies and time. Consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Prisons, Soc ieties Anger, Innate Characteristics, Mob Mentality Vengence
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Friday, November 11, 2011

Dwellers of the Cave?

The great philosopher, Plato, once wrote an essay entitled The Allegory of The Cave. In this essay, Plato tells the story of a number of individuals, whom happened to be the inhabitants of a cave. The cave, and the darkness therein, is symbolic of a number of things. However, the two most pronounced and understood symbols are the representations of underexposure and ignorance. As it stands, these persons have lived out their entire lives in this cave, and have never known or been exposed to anything else. On the other hand, there is one who seems to mistakenly stumble outside the cave and into the daylight. The daylight could mean a number of things, as I am sure that it does to each reader. Consequently, the light juxtaposes the darkness, and can be seen an knowledge and exposure.

Now, as any decent person would do, this enlightened man tries to return to his fellow bretheren and explain to them what he has just witnessed. His ultimate goal is to get others to v enture outside of their present darkness. However, he gets quite the unwarranted response. More of his peers than not are greatly angered at him, either because they are in disbelief or because they are fearful and resent the fact that they have wasted so much time in darkness. Only a few believe. Yet, it could be that most believed him, but they were extremely afraid. Assumably, the darkness that they knew was better than that which they didnt know. Or, it could have been that because they could not fathom that there was any other existence beside the one that they and always known, no matter how horrible it maybe.

Ive contemplated this tale time and time again, and can not help but notice the dualities between the cave dwellers and my people (i.e.Black folk). For centuries, in this country, African-Americans, and other diasporic Africans were kept in darkness when it came to education and their history. This darkness haunted our ancestors in their strivings to gain education and to know themselves; In many cases, it cost them their lives. However, their were a lucky few who were able to overcome the pervasive darkness of discrimination and racism and achieve their dreams. Yet, this was not true of the masses. What is even more problematic is how pervasive this darkness continues to be when it comes to Black history, which is subsequently world history. There are no longer the same visible monsters that try to beat us off our path. Yet there are those mental demons, which tell us that to love self and try and learn about self is being racist. There are also those demons that tell us that it is unnecessary because we now live in a multicultural society, where racism no longer exist, thus making it unnecessary to take the issue of cultural history seriously. And, last but least, there are those demons that tell us that those annals of Black history are not true, because Black folk could not possibly have done such things. Out of all the se demons, I do not presume to know which is worse. But, i will say that I believe the latter demon shows more power, because it is he who causes many of us to suffer from inferiority complexes that prevent us from reliving the greatness that we once knew.

On the other hand, there are now many of us who have been lucky enough to encounter the light in its many forms, be it formal education or self taught knowledge. However, what seems to be most problematic here is the various interpretations of the light that we seem to want to take back to our bretheren. Many of us either want to force feed people or tell them nothing at all, and take the attitude that I did it myself, why cant they? There are also some of us who have taken the attitude that our exposure to the light has in some way made us better the masses who remain in darkness. Consequently, we never seem to realize that in many ways than not we are very similar to the initial cave dweller that stumbled into the light. Negating the fact that our exposure to the light brought with it a duality of things- an opportunity and a responsibility. The opportunity is whatever you make of it-that is the individual part. The responsibility is to take the light/knowledge back to our community-to whom much is given, much is required. The enlightened can not afford to let the darkness continue to overpower our people. What does all this mean? This means that the enlightened must teach them, tell them, embrace them, love them into the light.

Carolyn Hall is a doctoral candidate at Clark Atlanta University. She recieved her BA and MA in English from Tennessee State University. She is a native of Memphis, Tn and currently resides in Atlanta, GA, where she teaches at Clark Atlanta University

Author:: Carolyn Hall
Keywords:: article submission, Articles, Writers, Writing, Publishing, Ezine, Email marketing, Email newsletter, Email
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God is Pure Energy Said the Wise Man

Often you will hear wise men speak of God as energy and not an actual being. Recently one stated to me that God was pure energy and that is why it is so hard for the human mind to understand. In fact a human brain is small and humans do not even use it all and therefore could not expect to understand these ideas.

The wise man stated; Again when I speak of god I do not place any religious qualifications on a ultimate elder energy, only that it is ultimate, immaculate and indefinable by present human thought. Humans are made in the image of god with intelligence

Actually you did, as your comments are contradictory; you see on one hand you say humans are weak minded, do not use all their brains and cannot understand god. Then you give them this backhanded compliment, which they surely do not deserve. Well most of what we call humans do not deserve such a comment; although a small percentage walking around as homo sapiens (carbon based bipeds) do.

If one wish es to worship something such as energy, the sun, or other forces that just are, they are free to do so and indeed it would not be new to recent human history or even ancient writings to worship such as a god, with you caveat; Provided such a being does indeed exist And of course provided if it did that you adopt this entity as you god. Consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: God is Pure Energy, Wise Man
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You're Wrong

Isnt it amazing how often youre wrong? I mean that you, as a person, have no idea how to live and havent got the foggiest clue how to make your own decisions. I know, its kind of hard to swallow when put right in your face like that, but the fact is that you swallow exactly that every single day of your life.

The sheer perfection of the system weve designed is amazing. Do not misunderstand me, this perfection isnt a good thing. The system we have designed was essentially based on one thing, taking responsibility away from us, and passing the buck onto that very system. We invented religion so we could pass the buck to god and our inability to understand his will. We invented government so someone could represent us, as a group. And at first, both of these systems started with something very small. It started with one person thinking someone else could make a better decision about their life than they could.

Schooling, financial status, and even the priesthood a re all examples of someone else trying to be better than someone else. That quest, in itself, makes others feel like lesser individuals. They feel as though, because they did not follow schooling, become a businessman, or find religious bliss, they are insignificant and have no effect on their own reality.

How many people do you know that consult a therapist? Why? Because for some very strange reason, they think that this schooled intellectual will know more about their life than they do. They feel as though they are wrong, and wrong in the very subject they can never go wrongthemselves. Meanwhile, the patient therapist gets paid a hundred bucks per hour just to be unbiased. For a hundred bucks, how unbiased do you think I would be? A friend is different, a therapist is just there to make more money and the bank is you.

Its so hard to tell someone youre hurting yourself, especially when they dont think they are. So many people think that this mad race for accepta nce by our peers is an ideal way to live. They think that without approval they are nothing. They live their entire lives struggling to maintain an image that Society wants, and they never stop and think that Society has no right to ask anything of them. How many people do you know who feel stressed out? How many of them feel stressed all the time? They whole point is that you and I both have one right. We have the right to exist. We have the right to exist comfortably and free. We have the right to walk away from the constant expectations, to abandon the pointless rules, and strip power from the very people designed to take our responsibility away from us. We have the right to be ourselves.

So, are you always going to be wrong?

Raymond Rheault is a mid-twenties philosopher from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. He is currently involved with several groups focussed on personal Freedom and has designed as a prototype web community for those of u s who choose to live.

Author:: Raymond Rheault
Keywords:: Freedom, Society, Confidance, Spiritual, Awakening
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Time To Cull The H1N1 Religious Viruses of the World

Religion is like a virus to the World; and as the World waits for bird flu to arrive to kill millions of people instead we allow the religious viruses of the World to kill even more and this has been going on for millenniums. It seems like religious fundamentalism is the cause of more human deaths through war in the present period than we will expect to find when bird flu adapts too a human strain, which is easily transferable from person to person.

We must stop the N1 H1 religious virus from spreading to save humanity and guarantee the forward progression of the species into a new era of peace and prosperity for all. If we fail to cull the religious virus and allow fundamentalists who run international terrorist organizations that are sponsored by Nations State to have nuclear weapons, then the death tolls will be greater than any bird flu could produce.

We must do away with all religion in the present period in order to move the human species forward and enjoy the next evolutionary step of human progression, if we fail to cull religious fanaticism and fundamentalism we are merely doomed to repeat and the mass mobs will drive down the human race and have a severe chilling affect on the gene pool. Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Time To Cull, The H1N1, Religious Viruses, World
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What I Know About String Theory

You all saw Jodie, Jodi, Jody Foster in Contact.

Oh, you missed it?

Lucky you?

Oh, you liked it!

Anyway, Jodie, Jodi, Jody doesnt always take good roles.

Either that or she doesnt always get good directors. (What, he directed Forest Gump!)

Either that or when I watch a technical movie the inaccuracies make me want to barf.

When Jodie, Jodi, Jody gets a good role and director, wow!

I like Jodie, Jodi, Jody when she lets her hair down like in Maverick. She was Mrs. Annabelle Bransford.

I loved that gal!

But this is not a gossip column. We are into serious science here.

Now, you did see Jurassic Park at least forty times, right?

Remember the dark haired guy that spoke of String Theory?

That was Dr. Ian Malcolm whom was played by Jeffrey Lynn Goldblum.

Jeff was born in Pittsburgh in 1952. He probably saw Roberto Clemente play for the Pirates. Clemente died tragically in 1972 when Jodie, Jodi, Jody Foster was about 10 years old. (Jodie, Jodi, Jody was born in Los Angeles in late 1962.) When we lived in Pittsburgh we loved to watch those Pirates. Roberto could throw a man out at home from the right field fence!

Well, Jodie, Jodi, Jody didnt just talk String Theory, in her movie. She got zapped off to another planet!

If that is not true, lets make it our hypothesis. It wont change the direction of this article much.

As soon as I know what the direction of this article is, Ill let you know.

When I was a kid, we all knew the value of string. We collected it and hid it from our siblings. It was required for kite flying and for making play telephones from tin cans. What we knew about string theory was that if you ran out of string, you would lose your kite, have to run a mile to find it, and then have to throw rocks at the thing to get it to come down from the tree. If you broke a window, you had to run.

Also, for tin can telephones, the string must be held very tightly or no communications were possible. We had the basics figured out back then. Now string theorist use different shape strings but still require that they be tight.

Im sure Albert Einstein would be against string theory. He always kept his violin strings very straight and tight as do my grandchildren. If violin strings were normally curving about and tight, he would have invented the theory.

I think it is about time to get to the meat of this article, so please stop distracting me.

To learn about string theory we must go to their official web site:

I quote:

Think of a guitar string that has been tuned by stretching the string under tension across the guitar. Depending on how the string is plucked and ho w much tension is in the string, different musical notes will be created by the string. These musical notes could be said to be excitation modes of that guitar string under tension.

In a similar manner, in string theory, the elementary particles we observe in particle accelerators could be thought of as the musical notes or excitation modes of elementary strings.

In string theory, as in guitar playing, the string must be stretched under tension in order to become excited. However, the strings in string theory are floating in spacetime, they aren't tied down to a guitar. Nonetheless, they have tension.

There are two kinds of strings described on the site. The first are those in closed loops that can break open and those that are closed and cant brake open.

Well, I guess that about covers string theory.

John T. Jones, Ph.D. ( a retired R&D engineer and VP of a Fortune 500 company. He is author of detective & western novels, n onfiction (business, scientific, engineering), poetry, etc. Former editor of international trade magazine.

More info:

Business web site: (wealth-success books / flagpoles)

Author:: John T Jones, Ph.D.
Keywords:: string theory, roberto clemente, Pittsburgh, jodie foster, Jeffrey Goldblum, Contact, Jurassic park
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Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Superultramodern Doubt

The Superultramodern Doubt is the first and the most basic principle of my 'Superultramodern Science / Philosophy'.

Theorem: Anything may be possible.

1. That which could otherwise be believed to be absolutely (or 100%) certainly impossible at present could be possible as the intellectual capacities of the believer may be limited. That is, the proposition/s, for example, that are otherwise thought to be absolutely certainly true could be false.


1. Cartesian Doubt vs. Superultramodern Doubt

The Cartesian Doubt is the Doubt raised by Rene Descartes on everything except his own existence as he is a thinking, specifically Doubting, substance. Thus, the Cartesian Doubt is the principle that anything may be possible, except the impossibility of ones own existence as one is a thinking, specifically Doubting, substance. The Cartesian Doubt thus contradicts the Superultramodern Doubt.

Lets for a moment agree with the Cartesian infer ence that I think (specifically Doubt) therefore I am. But still it could be that it is a wrong way of thinking. I naturally think that as there is a Doubt there has to be someone who Doubts. But it could be a wrong inference. My language, for example, always refers to I because I cannot think otherwise. But I can very well think that I could be wrong. The basic thought involved in the justification of the theorem of the Superultramodern Doubt appears to be more fundamental than the thought mainly involved in the Cartesian Doubt.

The Cartesian Doubt is also referred to as Universal Doubt. However, Cartesian Doubt is not really universal as it is not applicable to itself or ones own existence. The Superultramodern Doubt is universal as it is even applicable to itself or ones own existence.

2. Certain universal Doubt vs. Uncertain universal Doubt

Certain universal Doubt would be the principle that anything is possible. In contrast to it, the principle of Supe rultramodern Doubt that anything may be possible would be uncertain universal Doubt. Now, quite apparently, as a universal Doubt is all-inclusive, it applies to itself (or is self-referential), and thus should be uncertain.

Philosophical Implications of the Superultramodern Doubt:

1. All axioms as 99.99% certainly true

All of the propositions which otherwise appear to be 100% (or absolutely) certainly true should now be supposed to be 99.99% certainly true. In other words, it should be believed that it is 0.001% likely that those axiomatic propositions are false. An example of such propositions would be if p implies q, and q implies r, then p implies r. This 0.001% slightest margin in the belief system should be reserved/retained for the sake of the Superultramodern Doubt.

2. No belief in a proof

Implication 1 implies that there should be no belief in a (mathematical) proof. Something may actually have been proved, but it would be irrational fo r one to believe that it has been proved. (Here the term proof means definite, absolute, or certain resolution of a problem.)

3. All Mathematics as Philosophy

Implication 2 implies that all Mathematics is hypothetical and thus philosophical.

Author:: Kedar Joshi
Keywords:: Superultramodern, Science, Mathematics, Philosophy, Descartes, Meditations, Doubt, Epistemology
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Self Peace for World Peace

Self Peace

The first thing required For World Peace, is Self Peace. Self Peace is the calmness of the inside mind. Meaning, the Peace residing in your mind, body and subconscious mind. With such a Peace, you are emotionally rested, and strong to face the World and its realities. Only by facing reality, will there be understanding, and by understanding, Peace.

Take an example. A smile by a small kid, or a short laugh at a joke will give your mind a soothing feeling. A feeling of goodwill. A feeling which incites you to do something. But above all, a feeling which gives your mind Peace, as the mind understands that you are cared For.

Thus, emotional, mind Peace is obtained. But remember, as the Oracle told Neo in The Matrix, know thySelf. With Self understanding, comes Self confidence. Speak to yourSelf often. Evaluate your good and bad. And boost your morale yourSelf. It's a technique I often use on the eve of an exam!

Another method is Yoga, and med itation. Or indulge yourSelf in some activity that you find to your liking. Forget about the rest of the World. Bring in att-i-tude. And let your mind soar (dont Forget to come back to the ground).

With all these virtues, Self Peace comes automatically. And once you have obtained Self Peace, go For World Peace, and help this cause! Yeeeehaaaa!

I'm Mohan K. the webmaster of I'm interested in World Peace, and I intend to bring about my interest in a grand sort of way. I hope that each of you will help me in my initiative...

Author:: Mohan K
Keywords:: Self, Peace, World, Peace, Blog, For, Peace, How, to Attain, Attain, Uses
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The Most Valuable Treasure

Once upon a time, all beings were summoned to a very special place of the universe, with the purpose of finding the most valuable treasure.

People came from different places, with various and great pretensions. They all wanted to be the winner and to show off their power and wealth.

There were some who brought gold, others brought arms, science and technology. While others brought titles and properties. This event lasted for many months, and was so great, that it practically took all the attention of the universe. Everyone was commenting about the event and all the spectators were asking themselves: What will be the most valuable treasure? What will be the greatest power?

Then, like coming from nowhere, an unknown man appeared. He was rather humble and dressed in a very simple tunic. His face was serene and his step was quiet. But this man brought nothing in his hands, he was not carrying any apparent treasure.

Those, who were in charge of the event and the general public were watching him, with arrogance and scorn. Then, when seeing him so fragile and helpless, they decided to make fun of him. And they said: The last man from earth, has come, let's see what important thing, he brings. While, mockingly they were commenting between themselves: We can see that he has no class or foundation. And they put the man in front of everyone, they call the judges, mainly the wisest ones, even the most old in age, and they said: Maybe, you have not realized that there are kingdoms, valuable jewels, gold objects, great instruments of science and of great value, shown in front of you. What can you bring? Are you crazy, perhaps? Or maybe, your ignorance, does not allow you to see? Speak, once and for all, so we can laugh and then, we can choose the most valuable treasure

And the man spoke in front of the multitude. There was total silence. And his words sounded like pearls falling, like angelical harps. And he said: My brothers, judge by yourselves, because I have not come to show off or for personal glory, but to share something with you, that is really valuable.

And then, he opened his tunic and he showed his naked chest. While saying simultaneously:

You can find here, a heart that loves you. And by this love, I wish you all Peace. You can have great wealth , wonderful powers, but if there is no Peace, then, there is nothing. Peace be with you. Because is the glory of Love and is the presence of God in your hearts

And then, he stopped. And if there was total silence before, now it was even deeper. And then, the oldest and wisest of all the judges rose and said: It is very certain, what you just said. How ignorant, we all have been! True wealth is not found in power, or in control, but just as you said: It is Love, which is eternal, true, and which is the promised Peace. You, certainly are the most powerful and the richest man on earth.

And soon, the man ans wered: Be it. But the power is not mine, since everything comes from God. And my science occurs because I only trust in Him.

And the rich, powerful and all the persons, inclined in front of him. Then, arrogance left and Truth was revealed. There is no wealth, if there is no Peace.

Excerpt of the book, True Wealth by Mr. Oscar Basurto

Mystic artist and author, Oscar Basurto was born in Lima, Peru and has been living in Miami, Florida for the last years. His art is very well known at the international level . He is also a well known international lecturer, Spiritual Teacher and Healer. Poet and author of innumerable writings related to Self Knowledge, Healing, Art for Good Health, Meditation and Spiritual Science, are some of his subjects. He has been painting since his early years. And has a great knowledge on the ancient science of techniques and designs of the Sacred Geometry, on the Ancient Symbols and on Healing Energy. His art is essence and subst ance of life. Has received special recognition for his humanitarian work helping charitable and ecological institutions. The exquisite artworks and inspirational writings of Mr. Oscar Basurto are named Mystic Healing Art and may be appreciated in his website.

Author:: Oscar Basurto
Keywords:: spiritual writings, Ebooks, mystic author,inspirational writings
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Forced Democracy

Why can't humans get along the world? It seems almost laughable that we worked so hard to help bring democracy, human rights in peace to the world; only to see it all torn back apart by the negative and hostile intent of man. It seems innately that the human species has characteristics that only the devil would be proud of.

Should we forced democracy all the world; surely it would be better than many other current forms or lack of government structure that some of these nations have. When all else has failed, and nothing has worked in wind humans in their civilizations break down to utter chaos, infighting and the Civil War; do we step in to assist them through the process or do we sit back and allow them to be doomed to repeat that which we have already learned?

Forced democracy is indeed interes ting concept; we have seen in human history forced Communism, Dictators and imperialism. We have seen Socialism run amok and we have watched democracies fail. A pure democracy without a strong government structure will break down into a Mob mentality if left unchecked. The republic, which operates as the democracy is by far the best bet. Should we then impose such a government structure bought a group of people who have lost their way?

If we don't, many people will die in Civil War, civil unrest and there will be human rights abuses. If we do, one could say we are no better than those other forms of government in civilizations, which have been unduly imposed on the will of people; depriving them all the life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The reason I asked this question; is not because all I wi sh to impose my will over another or over a whole group of people, but rather because I know in many cases would chaos ensues that if something is not done the consequences are far worse.

From a philosophical standpoint one could say that it is none of our concern, however leading people needlessly die, when all the indeed is a helping hand and the little education on how to set up their own government; for the people and by the people; then should we be there to provide that hand? Yes, there are no easy answers to this question, are merely pose it because I see a further degradation of societies and civilizations which have a spark in the glimmer of hope and are worthy of our assistance. So, I say to you my fellow man; what is a human life worth. What is the value of freedom and when will we as the people come together in a common cause of liberty for all; across all barriers and wrapped around this pale blue dot. Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Aut hor:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Forced Democracy, Communism, Dictator, Mob, Socialism, War, civil unrest
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He Who Controls the Information Controls the World

Many believe that there is significant money to be made in the control, restriction and regulation of information. Some have said; He Who Controls the Information Controls the World. Indeed they may both be correct. We have all heard the saying; He Who Controls the Media Controls the Minds of the People. That is true enough for sure.

Can someone get rich by controlling the flow of information? Perhaps they can and many already have. There are many techniques for this, however, limiting flow of information, also limits ones growth, even being first to market in a specific sub-sector. Thus those who have set up information portals and websites, which restrict information of some type stand a lot to gain from it.

Of course the information must be superior in perceived quality other wise the information source will be passed by others with a quantity balanced approach to quality. I say perceived because I do not believe wearing a tie and suit in a photo, sporting a PhD or even writing a book makes someone an expert.

In the future there will be fakers and true information brokers making a lot of money in the virtual space. If these information entrepreneurs restrict the flow; like an afterburner they can see their profits blast into the future. But if they restrict the flow too tight then the pressure will find another outlet, the pipeline will burst and the information will find another way. This is how flows work in nature and this is how information works too. So, consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Control Information, Controls the World
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Putting Natural Processes in Context

As a thought experiment, let us ask: What did God have to do to make the universe? In the broadest possible sense, the question of Emergence is how the radically nonclassical world of quantum mechanics or quantum gravity gave rise to the world of classical physics, which in turn gave rise to complex biological systems, which in turn gave rise to conscious beings like us.

Strong Emergence is the view that rejects both reductionism and dualism and claims to occupy a middle ground. It says that under the right physical conditions, new properties, entities or laws with novel causal powers come into existence.

Many o n both the reductionism and dualism side doubt the very idea of such a middle ground, and they are even more suspicious of the idea that strong Emergence could be of any real scientific value. Opponents of strong Emergence claim that either it is supposed to be a brute fact that these new features come into existence or such Emergence can be explained by Science. These critics say that if the former is true, then strong Emergence is just mystery-mongering and scientific defeatism.

But on the other hand, says the critic, if so-called strong Emergence can be explained by Science then it whatever it is is not anathema to reductionism. To explain is to reduce what else could scientific explanation be if not reduction? On the contrary, the kind of strong Emergence that I have defended claims that strongly emergent phenomena can be explained by Science, but the explanation in question is not a reduct ive one.

Thus, strong Emergence has to provide nonreductive scientific explanations for emergent phenomema and not merely assert explanatory gaps as explanation. Defending such a view requires rejecting the Platonic idea of transcendent fundamental physical laws that govern all phenomena in favor of an explanation of natural processes that is more contextual and relational.

Current scientific attempts to work out this contextual and relational understanding of natural processes include some embodied and embedded accounts of mind in cognitive Science and accounts of biological complexity specifically dynamics systems theory that argue for the equal importance of genes, environment and organism in biological development. Strong Emergence will ultimately stand or fall on such scientific grounds.

But does strong Emergence, if it can be proven, have any theological significance? If one defines strong Emergence as being about brute features of reality forever beyond natural scientific explanation, then a theist can try and use such an explanatory gap to argue for the existence of God. For example, if consciousness is a feature of reality beyond scientific explanation, then perhaps the existence of God is the best explanation for its exi stence.

Notice that if defined in this way, intelligent design proponents are paradigmatic purveyors of strong Emergence about living processes. However, if we define strong Emergence as I have advocated for above, then there are no in-principle explanatory gaps that need to be filled in by supernatural causes. Strong Emergence so defined is no friend to the God of the gaps strategy.

Strong Emergence does not preclude theism. Furthermore, some process-oriented theologians, or theologians who view the universe as a divinely inspired creative process manifested in evolutionary terms, might find strong Emergence lends comfort to their conception of the Godhead.

Michael Silberstein is an associate professor of philosophy at Elizabethtown College and an adjunct at the University of Maryland. This article was written for Science & Theology News.

Author:: Michael Silberstein
Keywords:: Science, Religion, Emergence
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Humans Who Are Disrespected Seek Revenge

The easiest way to gain enemies is to disrespect people. Inherently for some reason; Humans who are disrespected more often than not seek Revenge. This should be a warning of what happens in business deals, corporate brainstorming (with regards to hard earned and developed Organizational Capital) or even an outcast member of Society. What is the most unfortunate situation in all of these instances is that the whole of the group loses from the possible ideas and Innovations of these Individuals. A corporate executive who starts to attack their peers at work starts and unending spiral of negativity, thus killing productivity, Innovation and higher thought which is what a company most needs to succeed. In the case of an individual in Society we end up with those who withdraw their talents to the wh ole or plot the demise of the fiber holding the civilization together. We see this with vindictive writers, uni-bomber, small fringe groups promoting their agendas.

Civilizations also attack those who withdraw from the whole and concentrate on their endeavors. As we learn if we imprison, kill, ridicule, out cast, character assassinate or refuse to be open to the flow of thought to those who wish to be heard or have their freedoms to speak out. We are doomed to repeat the past, if we squash free speech and free thought. If we study people like Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Galileo, Copernicus, Plato who in their days met much resistance from many fronts, we see how easy it is to stifle those with great ideas and we may in fact destroy the next Innovation visionary before he or she delivers their greatest contribution to mankind. This is why the flow of thought is so important. We are witnessing a time when we can actually change these situations in our Society and if w e do we will be living in the greatest period of discovery ever known in the history of our species. Can we rise to the occasion; will we dump the pettiness in order to reach for the stars? We must first remove all barriers to the flow of thought. This is the very first event in all instances, first a thought occurs before anything else. We must protect this process, otherwise we will never get to the next step.

As an observer of culture and Society, philosophy and psychology, Innovation and invention, science and religion, industry and philanthropy; I can safely say that although we have done better than any other previous civilization or country, we can do better and we must work on the elements which are needed to improve the flow of thought. Having participated in almost all categories of the human endeavor in our civilization, both from on the inside and outside, it often amazes me how we as a Society over look some of the most obvious quick fixes to the unnecessa ry over indulged sound and fury which slows the forward progression of mankind at every turn. Think about this. The best time to start with this thought would be now.I think? Do you? Can you? Will you; think about it?

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Revenge, Humans, Society, organizational capital, Innovation, Corporations, Individuals
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Mankind and His Unnatural Environment in Modern Civilizations

Mankind has lived as a social animal for hundreds of thousands of years and our Chimpanzee Cousins do too. It might seem that Mankind has been thrust into a high-tech world, which is so foreign to its genetic displacement yet, here we are. Some say;

Mankind is nothing more than hunter gatherers running around in SUVs and sporting cell phones and they are just having a grand old time acting out in every possible way!

Indeed and your comments about moder n society and civilization are correct I believe, it takes time to evolve and when you through Mankind into a completely modern context, well they are still humans underneath all that is new. But it also causes the brain to get a work out to adapt and that means nurture is running redline trying to make up for evolution, which is trying to speed up. And it appears that evolution might be speeding up too, as if Mankind is commanding it too.

There is more fog of information flow and more to conquer than ever before as well. I see many people unable or unwilling to keep up and fall back on being comfortable and well you know what th at option makes sense too really. There is a sense of calmness in simplicity. Personally having experienced both, I am okay with either; that is to say the fast paced world at the Speed of Thought or the slow mellow pace of an inner peace so to speak. Although like many I gravitate often towards the most challenging, fastest and exciting because well, because it is fun.

One would suppose there is a big difference between living near or in the Great Redwood Forest or in Tokyo, NY, Beijing, Los Angeles, DC or Boston. Human Beings seem to be adaptable to either, very interesting species really. Perhaps we might consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Mankind, His Unnatural Environment, Modern Civilizations
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Human Life Who Would Want To Do It?

Obviously life is not easy or fair. It is not even close. And as folks reach their later years more and more seem to wonder if it is all worth it. Sure there are the great times and the not so great events which we endure, however all in all it isnt so bad. Now then the question of the day, if you had to choose to do it all again; would you? Would you choose to come back and live again, as a different person and go thru the trials and tribulations of a different life story or saga? Well would you? Ah, human life; who would want to do it?

You know some cultures and religious belief systems believe that you get to choose who your parents are and who you will go thru life with. That is an interesting notion indeed. Other religious beliefs say that you are re-incarnated, fairly interesting concept too? What if you could choose, would you choose to go for it? Do it all again? Or would you simply say, I have had enough and choose not to partake in such activities such as t he life experience?

There are some who actually believe that life is nothing more than the worlds greatest virtual reality game or similar to the Matrix, if so, it is a very interesting game. But is it one you would wish to play? Well, would you go again? Would you choose to re-wind a little? Would you consider yourself privileged to play or to have been chosen to be a given character? Would you? Consider this philosophical thought for moment. Ill get back to you with another one later.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Human Life, who would want to do it
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Whence Comes Our Penchant For Violence and Dominance?

Whence comes this seemingly Human penchant for Brutality, Violence, dominance, to maim and to hurt others?

Well! Were all born little infantile Sociopaths! But that's normal for the stages of infancy and early childhood, until we go through the process of Socialization by other Humans whove been through the process of Socialization!

When were Infants anything that touches our hands we immediately grasp! At 1-2 years old any toy that caught our eye, some kid had that we wanted, we immediately tried to take it from them! If our efforts were resisted we may have hit the kid or even bopped him over the head with the very toy we were trying to take from him!

We had to be taught to respect others as well as their property! It took a long process of learning and development to get to that point and some of us still havent gotten there!

As Infants were more animal than Human until we start to learn and speak a language and go through the process of Sociali zation! Up until that point were on the same Social level as a chimp! Speaking provides us with a way of expressing, articulating and objectifying our feelings and a way of controlling them! It provides us with a method of objectively reasoning about and comprehending concepts, like Law and individual Rights, which before we had no conceptual way of understanding!

So when you read or hear about some Sociopathic adult committing horrendous acts, remember the roots of it started in their infantile emotional states!

Imagine someone motivated by infantile emotional states thats a dictator or leader of a group with access to weapons of individual and mass destruction! Humanity has suffered at the hands of individuals of this type throughout its history! Adults or groups who display infantile emotiona l states are always a potential danger to us all! Because with them, as with animals, might is Right! Be damn the Law!

Those of us whove been the victims of Brutality can exhibit Sociopathic tendencies also! We can become so fixated on our own suffering and feelings of justifiable anger that we feel minimal or no sympathy for the suffering of others! And may even take out our anger on those who have nothing to do with our suffering(Going postal). This narrowing of attention is to be expected under the circumstances. Its characteristic Behavior for adults experiencing infantile emotional states!

Infantile emotional states are impulsive, unstable, changeable, hostile (especially when frustrated) and demand instant gratification! As long as there are adults who are dominated by their infantile emotional states, is as long as there will be adults and societies of adults carrying out acts of Brutality against each other!

So where does our seemingly Human need t o brutalize to hurt and maim each other appear to originate?

You've heard my 2 cents worth now lets hear yours!

My the Light never cease to find your Mind!

CopyRight 2006 El-Veasey Publishing Inc.

Email: vclveasey at


Author:: Vc Veasey
Keywords:: Human, Brutality, Sociopath, Violence, Behavior, Infants, Law, Speaking, Social, Right, Rights,
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Before we talk about blackboards, we need to talk about Existence and application, and on another level, we need to discuss coExistence. This essay requires for it to be philosophical, and Philosophy is not about how we elaborate a point, it is about how we reach it (objectivity through subjectivity). No matter what we discuss, well never be far off from the process of justification of a blackboard.

A thing that does not carry a function is against everything that does. This implies that Existence has no identity except a very basic identity that comes from the acknowledgement that it is not non-Existence. Application is strictly not non-Existence. Thus, application solely determines Existence. Actually, the application of a thing determines its substance and the substance conveys its Existence.

The substance of a thing is the extent of its purpose. The purpose of a thing is the lowest level of its function; substance is the highest. The variation held between both these ends is application. Existence hence becomes a very fundamental generalization of application. Or in more precise terms, as believed earlier, application determines Existence. A thing devoid of application is non-existent, i.e., for a thing to be real, it must be, even in the least sense of possibility, usable.

A blackboard solely serves no application. Without a chalk, there is no variation or extent of its purpose. It constantly portrays a need to gain substance. A chalk and a blackboard must combine in identity to render application. They do not commit the same application; they commit the one application only. This calls for an accurate understanding of coExistence. The basis of coExistence is a demand on dependability. When we depend on something, we are subverted by it. The subversion comes from the things vantage point to control our need. It gets more complex when this dependability is absolutely mutual. Two things that are reliant on each other can neither exceed nor escape a common state of subversion. They become a means to one common application. A thing that finds itself in a coExistence is nothing except a partial end-product. CoExistence is a minimal sort of Existence. When something coexists, it resorts from actually existing to subsisting as a situation. A chalk and a blackboard subsist in a situation as such that without inter-dependability or coExistence, their individual Existence does not make sense. A blackboard is a blackboard is a blackboard. A chalk is a chalk is a chalk.

To the human intellect, a thing shall only make the basest sense when it is productive. A blackboard hence, theoretically speaking, does not exist. However, a blackboard and a chalk, do exist, almost as wholly as the human torso.

All queries to be shot at -

Author:: Tushar Jain
Keywords:: Philosophy, Existence, Life
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Socialist Blame Capitalism and Corporations for All the World's Ills

Often those who have never run a business, provided for customers or had to make a payroll will chastise businesses and Capitalism. It is very common for this to happen with extremely liberal citizens or even citizens from other nations who lean to a socialist skew or actually live in a socialist nation. Recently a foreigner in an online think tank stated:

Looking at corporate impact, foods and produce, diet, pollution, advertising, class creation, fanaticism, elitism, segregation etc, depression, economics, there are so many other contributing factors that I feel are of equal influence.

Of course this view of the United States, Capitalism and Corporations did not sit well with one free-market politically Independent thinker who stated:

You are attacking Corporations who bring civilization every single thing we desire? Why. You go to the store you choose what you buy those products are produced by Corporations, without those products your life would be of less quality. You cannot have all you desire and then kick them in the teeth for delivering it to you and you family?

Another think tanker joined in the commenters section and further stated:

What you think seems to becoming of less and less value as you attack the spirit of America; The Greatest Nation in the History of this species. No business deserves any help from government. Government should move out of the way and n ot put up barriers to business. Capitalism works best when it is allowed to provide what willing customers desire to purchase.

Personally I found this free market discussion and condemnation of capitalism interesting. Indeed Big Business has more of the ear of government and gets more juice for its investment to be heard, yet the government should remain neutral and responsive to the communication from all businesses and favor none. Personally as a small business I have given back:

And as a larger business I have given back to the common good.

And I must say government got in the way at each and every step of the way; mostly due to the complaining masses who have indeed spoken out as squeaky wheels in the same way you are doing here today. It is these comments like yours that incite politicians to make laws which do nothing more than hurt all businesses from delivering what you and your family desire and along with all your friends wish to buy. So there is a lot more to capitalism that meats the eye; Capitalism done right is a very good thing for the world. Socialism gone wrong is a travesty for those victims who live under such a government structure. Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Socialist Blame Capitalism, Corporations, all the worlds ills
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Levels of the Mind

A Look at the Depth of Consciousness and how it can be Used in Every Day Life

Most people experience at least three Levels of Consciousness within their Minds, Waking, Dreaming and Sleeping.

But this is a very flat, linear way of Looking at the Mind. The Mind also has Depth, as is experienced when transcending in meditation. The Mind is a three- or even multi-dimensional experience, which is not limited by either time or space.

Each state of Consciousness has its own reality and experiences. If we were dreaming and fell out of an aeroplane only a parachute in the dream state could save us.

In the same way all Levels of existence have their corresponding level of Consciousness and only by experiencing Consciousness on the same level can we hope to have an influence.

Science tells us that Consciousness and the movement of thought is an electrical activity that can be measured on an EEG machine. This machine measures the electrical activity in th e different parts of the brain. But science also tells us that electrical activity exists at many Levels within matter.

The Body is a whole being and the Mind has the Consciousness of the whole. Though the Body is also made up of organs and these have their own Consciousness. The heart functions on an automatic level of Consciousness, giving out waves of energy, which cause the muscles to contract at regular intervals. But within the organ there are cells and within the cells there are molecules and within the molecules there are atoms. At each level the electrical activity operates in its own unique way.

But what is the common theme in this? It is that on all Levels of existence there is order, there is progress and evolution and there is intelligence. Science also tells us that, at the finest level of physical existence, there is a vacuum state, a field of pure energy. In this state Everything exists in virtual form. This field of pure energy and pure intellige nce is the coming together of Mind and Body: the physical and the mental.

This vacuum state, which is omnipresent, all-pervading, eternal, has been suggested to be a scientific way of Looking at the reality of God itself.

So how is this order in nature maintained? It is kept in balance by the existence of opposites. The atom has a nucleus, which is positively charged and electrons, which are negatively charged. The two types attract each other and the speed of movement keeps them apart: forming a balance and equilibrium.

The cells of the Body are controlled by the environment in which they find themselves. These have a more sophisticated method of communication, by the use of various hormones and interaction with the DNA. The DNA is like the brain of the cell giving out information and creating the order that forms the structures of the various components of the Body.

A group of cells in turn form the components of the organs. These again have their o wn method of ordering the individual parts.

The main point being the strength of this order: if the cells go off doing their own thing, the system starts to break down. This is the main cause of cancer in our bodies, when cells start to multiply were they shouldnt.

So how do we strengthen this order, to bring more coherence to our bodies and Minds? The easiest way is through meditation and becoming aware of ourselves. This means, in simple terms, taking our conscious Mind deep into our subconscious Mind, experiencing the subtler Levels of thought and of our own physical existence. By reaching the source of thought and becoming in tune with our deepest self, we become in tune with the universe and all that exists in our environment. We become charged with subtle energy and bring this to Everything that we do.

Our Minds are full of intelligence, but it is only when we become aware of the intelligence, that intelligence becomes intelligent. Therefore self-awar eness is the basis of learning, becoming more aware of our bodies and Mind and the intelligence that permeates both. We become intelligent, we gain the ability to use our intellect and make decisions at all the different Levels of the Mind, Body and Consciousness.

Also, other people can experience this same self-awareness, which we can experience. This experience is the experience of reaching that field of unity. If all the people become in tune with their selves and work from the same cosmic plan, then problems dont come up. We experience harmony and balance.

We experience all knowledge in its virtual form. This is also the meeting point of all the individual Minds of the world in a common universal Mind. By putting our Mind in tune with the universal Mind we eliminate the main cause of stress in the world. When you are in tune with the universal will, you are doing what is right in that place at that time. You experience a frictionless flow of Life, which is su pported by the environment and all those around you.

As you experience these subtle Levels of the Mind you begin to realise that it is also intelligent. You can start asking it questions and seeking knowledge. This is another way of gaining knowledge; some people refer to it as intuition, some as general knowledge.

It is also possible to talk to other people at these subtle Levels and develop ones powers of telepathy. As with Everything in Life, you are limited only by your power to comprehend and desire what it is that you want to achieve.

Message channelled by George Lockett (C) Copyright 2006, All Rights Reserved.

* New book * A Journey into the Self -- the multi-dimensional nature of being human: HealerGeorge Web Site and New Book

Description: What is this book going to do for YOU? For those who are seeking a complete energetic makeover, as you read it you will feel a stirring and awakening in the Depths of your heart. For those who have que stions about Shifts in Consciousness, Energy Balancing and Healing within the Body, you will find clear answers.

Read HealerGeorges Blog: Curezone Blog or ask at question at: Ask HealerGeorge

Author:: George Lockett
Keywords:: Levels, Mind, Look, Depth, Consciousness, Used, Every, Day, Life, Layers, Body, Spirit, Health
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