Friday, May 31, 2013

Can a Dream Tell Us of the Future?

Much has been written regarding Dreams and their Meanings or purpose. Mankind has been fascinated with our Dreams since the first Dreamer awoke and wondered about What their visions Meant. Since ancient times we Have looked to our Dreams to find signs of What our Future holds. The first written Dreams we know of were in 4000 BC.

Most people will spend about one third of their lives asleep. Our Dreams are a real part of us but too often they are disregarded. Dreams can give us insight and understanding of our personal lives. They will help us to understand our past, present, and sometimes our Future. All we need to do is to pay attention to our Dreams and get to know them.

Dreams can hold a message for the Future.

We Have different types of Dreams. Often our Dreams consist of imagery from our most pressing thoughts and/or personal experiences. Sometimes, however, our Dreams can be special. Our Dreams can communicate with us if we allow them too. All we nee d to is listen.

I believe that there are two main types of Prophetic Dreams.

Those that come to us from our deeper self, who is much more aware of certain things than we are on a conscious level, and those who may potentially Have come from an outside source.

Here is an example from my own Dream experiences:

I Dreamed of death. All I could remember from the Dream was seeing a hand laying in gravels. The most noticeable thing was the ring on the hand. It was my ring. I recognized it without any doubt. Even though this was the only image I could recall from the nightmare I knew that the Dream was about a death. I could feel it strongly when I woke up. I had all but forgotten the events of the Dream but the emotions were still vivid.

The ring was an Army Boot Camp ring made very similar to a class ring. After I had the Dream I never wore it again. Eventually I sold it to a friend of mine who had attended the same boot camp. A few years later I rece ived a call. My friend had been murdered. He was found laying in rocks and dirt with that ring on his hand.

Did my Dream forewarn me of this event? I think it is a possibility. What was the Dream trying to communicate to me? I had assumed that the Dream was about my death. I had also assumed that the ring was somehow a participant in my death. I stopped wearing the ring as though that would prevent the warned death. Perhaps the Dream was simply telling me that my friend would die with that ring on his hand.

Whenever we Have a Dream that we consider to be Prophetic or to Have a Meaning we are faced with the difficult task of interpreting just What the Dream Means. Dream Symbols most often Have very definite Meanings but these Meanings can vary widely from one person to the next. That is Why we cannot rely too much on definitions given in Dream Symbol Dictionaries.

In order to understand the Meaning of the symbols within our own Dreams we must come to a bette r and deeper understanding of ourselves. We Have to learn What these symbols Mean to us because that is how are Dreaming mind sees them.

Anything within your Dream can be a symbol. An example of a symbol in a Dream is a snake. A snake can Have many different Meanings to different people. As with all other Dream symbols they can also Have a different Meaning for the same person at different times in their life. You also Have to look at the symbol in the context that it appeared. What other symbols were present in the Dream?

The best way to gain a better understanding of What your Dream symbols Mean to you is to develop your own Dream symbol dictionary. Keep as detailed of a Dream journal as you can. Don't just write down a narrative of What occurred but record your feelings and emotions too. As you continue to write in your journal and re-read your previous entries you will begin to see parallels with your Dreams and your life. Gradually you will be able to recogn ize What the symbols in your Dreams are really saying to you.

About The Author: Copyright 2006 David Slone. Visit Why Do We Dream for information on Dreams such as Nightmares, Sleepwalking, Lucid Dreaming and more. Free content articles you can use on your website, ezine or newsletter. You may republish this article on your website provided author information and active link(s) are left intact.

Author:: David Slone
Keywords:: Dream,Dreaming,What,Mean,Why,Have,Prophetic,Future,Sleepwalking,Nightmares,Lucid
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A Vision for the Future

How to work with the New Energy, as it enters your body; feel the Change and Freedom it brings.

The energies are growing each day and expanding in many different directions and dimensions. During this period it is very important to bathe yourself in your source Energy. This is the subtlest Energy that exists deep within the heart, an oasis that can be tapped just by intention just by your own vision.

Now that the energies have Changed, the way we live our lives has also Changed. Be fully in the 'Now' moment, in awareness, fully alert. This is so wonderful an experience you bathe in bliss, you bathe in harmony, and you bathe in pure joy of life itself flowing through you in an eternal continuum.

All that you need is being drawn to you, all your desires are being fulfilled even before you have the chance to think of them. This is the power of the New Energy. Perfect flow of the life Energy flowing from your heart through all your layers of feeling and comin g out on the surface and radiating from you in the ever expanding universe.

Bring you passion and your creativity to bear on the Energy. Give it a direction, a vibration, a flavour: Live your heart's dream. Dream these most profound dreams that you where born with. Dream them - that is allow your Energy to flow with their vibration, with their vision, with Love and intent of purpose and then watch the world Change around you as all the Energy Changes to support your New dream.

This is a very special time, a time where all your dreams can come true. Just let the Energy flow.

Start from where you are, start in an easy and effortless way. As the thoughts come into your head, be with them support them, have confidence in yourself and your life's purpose.

Believe in yourself fully, go with it and see what you have an hour, a week, a year later. Take down all the boundaries and let the Energy flow freely. Allow evolution to flow at maximum speed. Use your i nternal guiding system of your feeling, allow the passion to show you the way. You cannot be hurt any more, this is you doing it for you, for your own benefit and success.

You are fully self-sufficient fully centred in the New Energy. This self I am talking about is the coming together of all our energies combining in a universal soul. We each tap into this Energy from our unique perspective but we combine and co-ordinate all the parts of our Oversoul. All the other people who have joined to our Energy for the greater purpose; all the parts are being co-ordinated synchronously by the Oversoul. Have faith, trust yourself and we will create a world without stress. All will exist in harmony and peace governed by themselves, by their own heart - free, in Love and harmony.

Message channelled by George Lockett (C) Copyright 2006, All Rights Reserved.

* New book * A Journey into the Self -- the multi-dimensional nature of being human: HealerGeorge Web Site and New Book

Description: What is this book going to do for YOU? For those who are seeking a complete energetic makeover, as you read it you will feel a stirring and awakening in the depths of your heart. For those who have questions about Shifts in Consciousness, Energy Balancing and Healing within the body, you will find clear answers.

Read HealerGeorges Blog: Curezone Blog or ask at question at: Ask HealerGeorge

Author:: George Lockett
Keywords:: New, Energy, Change, Freedom, Oversoul, Love, Healing, Meditation
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Epic Fantasy It's Really About The Meaning Of Life

Since the beginning of time mankind has made up epic fantasy stories in the form of Myths to reflect his role in the universe. The oldest piece of written work is the Epic of Gilgamesh. It was inscribed on stone tablets a thousand years before the Iliad was written and it is in the genre of epic fantasy. Since this piece was written many more have followed.

We are all familiar with the story of Jason and the Golden Fleece, or the story of King Arthur and the Holy Grail. We are also all familiar with the quest of Bilbo Baggins. Why have these stories and others like them survived for so long? Why are they so fully engraved in our psyche as a race? Is it because they are fun stories? It is true that they are good stories and grand adventures but they also convey a deeper meaning about what it is to be hu man. And this search for a deeper meaning has been with humans since the beginning of time.

The ancient Greeks created Myths that revolved around Heroes facing the wrath of a variety of gods. This helped them to understand their place in the world and it applied meaning to their lives relative to the world they lived in. In medieval times humanity changed. The Renaissance brought with it a new understanding of the world we live in. And that new understanding brought new questions. No longer were we subject to the whims of a variety of gods. We, as people, gained a new control of our own lives and we came to the realization that it wasnt gods that controlled us but it was us who controlled ourselves. This made us look inward. It caused us to seek out the things within ourselves that made us like the old go ds. This new outlook was reflected in the epic fantasy Myths of the times. Heroes looked inside themselves. They took great strides in making themselves better people. They believed that there was a right way to be and this belief is epitomized by the code of the knight.

There are no dragons to slay, there are no more knights, and there are no princesses to rescue. How do these stories of Heroic quests apply to you today?

Each character in these stories is given a task of a seemingly impossible nature. And each character has to find his way through a world wrought with dangers, difficulties and obstacles. The parallel here is obvious and we all travel a similar road to that of Gilgamesh and Jason but this isnt the real reason why epic fantasy is so relevant to our lives. This kind of conflict and se arching is found in just about every piece of fiction and in every medium. The secret to why epic fantasy rises above all the others is hidden within each story itself.

Joseph Campbell, in his book The Hero With a Thousand Faces, outlined the twelve steps that each Hero must take on his personal journey to realizing his quest. One critical early step that must be made is the meeting with the mentor. The mentor himself has traveled his own personal journey, learned many lessons along the way and he imparts this wisdom on our Hero. Our Hero learns some valuable lessons from someone who has been there and done that. This is exactly what epic fantasy does for you. It works as a mentor.

In a beautiful sense of folding in on itself the Hero of an epic fantasy story becomes a mentor to you. You travel along with the Hero and you learn the lessons that he learns. You learn the value of trust or the danger of greed. And most importantly you learn the value of persisting in your personal quest and following your heart because in the end you see the reward.

Read the stories of the epic fantasy Hero and listen to the lessons that he can teach you. Maybe there are no more Dragons and no more damsels in distress but you are in the middle of an epic quest called your life and you must follow this quest to the end. This quest is the search to find the meaning in your life and epic fantasy is the mentor that will help you find it.

Will Kalif is the author of two epic fantasy novels and he is currently engaged in the quest to find the meaning in his own life. You can visit his website devoted to epic fantasy at: The Only Epic Fantasy Website

Author:: Will Kalif
Keywords:: epic fantasy,Hero,meaning of life,joseph campbell,Myth
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Government is Good at Only One Thing Well Actually Two!

Many people in the United States of America are trying to rely on the government for more and more every year and they vote for all the podium pushers and politicians who promised them things that the government can neither afford or that the taxpayer is willing to pay for.

Nevertheless, people rely on the government for all kinds of things such as health care, when what they should be doing is eating right and exercising more and they would not need pharmaceutical drugs or free health care at all. I am over 40 years old and have not been to a doctor in 28 years and I am in perfect shape and health and always will be.

I do not take drugs of any type pharmaceutical or otherwise and I eat healthy; you cannot rely on the government for such things as many of the things that people are relying on the government for our something that they should be responsible for themselves.

Most everything the government does it does inefficient and they do nothing very we ll. Well actually the government is good at only one thing; well actually two. The government is extremely good at lying to the American people.

And the government is very good at spending our money on wasteful endeavors in a very inefficient manner. In fact they are so good at both of these things that they probably deserve some sort of an award. Please consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Government is Good at Only One Thing
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Academic Confusion

Have you ever noticed that one University Report conflicts or is diametrically opposed to another University Research Paper? You would think that if both groups are using scientific method that they would indeed come to the same conclusions right? Well you would think, but they never do.

Why is this happening you might ask? Well rather than considering all the data sets from all perspectives they so often choose a linear thought process, as humans usually do you see. But shouldnt scientific methods alleviate this problem? Well who created scientific methods? Humans right and anything that humans do is a little screwed up you see?

Simply slapping University of to the research does not change the innate characteristics of the humans behind the scenes carefully and selectively interpreting the data to prove themselves right. Oh and also those corporations, governments and folks who fund their research too of course. And lets not forget the professor in charge he h as a reputation to uphold and some revenge to seek on the competing theories in that field of research too. Can you see the issues?

And thus one has to ask them selves if you cannot trust the integrity of scientific method or the research from our Top Universities in the world, what can you trust? Well you can trust those laws of nature that you can fully understand and you cannot ever trust anything that involves a human being, they are most harmless but cannot be trusted. Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Academic Confusion
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Human Mind Cannot Comprehend an Infinite God

Often when one asks a question of a religious leader for which that religious leader has not a clue; they will often state that the Human mind cannot comprehend the mighty and powerful or infinite God? Hey thats a good one isnt it, it lets them out of answering your question doesnt it? If you press them everyone once in a while one might say that human beings do not use all their brain capacity. But in answering these questions in this way it merely leads to more questions for instance;

Your comment on the inability of the human mind to explain God pre-supposes that the human mind is inferior? Yet at the same time you say humans do not use all their brains. So then if humans used all their brains they could by your definition understand god. But this indeed pre-supposes there is a god, gods or energy if you will.

Now then I submit to you that the human animal has been getting wiser and smarter over the past 50,000 years and only now with abundance do some human s choose to not think and therefore a slight dummying down of the masses.

If a god was energy, then that in its self explains the whole thing. No more information is needed and it is rather self-explanatory, so therefore it is easy for a human mind to understand. Much simpler in fact than these huge religious texts of literature and hand-me-down mass hallucination religious doctrine, which change over time to continue to control the peasants. Be careful of religious rhetoric and BS and consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Human Mind, Cannot Comprehend, Infinite God
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God is Pure Energy Said the Wise Man

Often you will hear wise men speak of God as energy and not an actual being. Recently one stated to me that God was pure energy and that is why it is so hard for the human mind to understand. In fact a human brain is small and humans do not even use it all and therefore could not expect to understand these ideas.

The wise man stated; Again when I speak of god I do not place any religious qualifications on a ultimate elder energy, only that it is ultimate, immaculate and indefinable by present human thought. Humans are made in the image of god with intelligence

Actually you did, as your comments are contradictory; you see on one hand you say humans are weak minded, do not use all their brains and cannot understand god. Then you give them this backhanded compliment, which they surely do not deserve. Well most of what we call humans do not deserve such a comment; although a small percentage walking around as homo sapiens (carbon based bipeds) do.

If one wish es to worship something such as energy, the sun, or other forces that just are, they are free to do so and indeed it would not be new to recent human history or even ancient writings to worship such as a god, with you caveat; Provided such a being does indeed exist And of course provided if it did that you adopt this entity as you god. Consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: God is Pure Energy, Wise Man
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

The Early Life of Jesus


Yeshua bar Joseph or Yeshua ben Joseph has become known as Jesus Christ. He was neither Jesus nor The Chriost. (1) This book will dare to try to make some sense of all the myths and conflict surrounding him. I wont try to make it a scholarly book and there will not be a lot of references and so-called experts. The many great authors and wise men who have tried to pierce the veil of his myth are my inspirations along with the Dead Sea Scrolls and Dag Hammadi finds. I especially want to thank Hyam Maccoby, Bloom and John Dominic Crossan who has been a professor at De Paul University n Chicago. This book will be a fiction but so are most books telling us something about what he might represent or what he might have been. It will be far less of a fiction than the words put in his mouth by the pulpit-pounders who would not like what I or Yeshua will have to say, about the likes of the money-changers who he threw out of the Temple in his youth according to th e Bible. I hope my poor craft or wordsmithery will convey an excitement I feel for having Jesus as my guide or the things he did as he learned to do great things.

He was from a rich clan or group of people who have been in control of most of the world for many millennia. In 1 Kings 10:22, 2 Chronicles 9:21, and 2 Chronicles 20:36 we can reasonably conclude that Solomon had a navy whose home port was Ezion-Geber on the north shore of the Gulf of Aqabah that had three year voyages bringing back things not merely African. Solomon was his forbear. He was not a poor shepherd or son of a carpenter. He lived in exciting times and went through many changes from zealot (bandit according to Josephus) to philosopher but settled as a Cynic after learning the things we call Yoga or sorcery in far off lands. I will present some of his escapades alongside Mary who I believe he married after years of being her best friend and fellow student in Alexandria with the likes of Comarius, wh o also tutored Cleopatra to be a good alchemist. Indeed Mary will be very much his equal and this will not sit well with those who want to present him as the only begotten so that they might interpret for him as the Lords sole representative.

Antisthenes was a pupil of Socrates and he is the acknowledged founder of the school of philosophy known as the Cynics. There is an esoteric through-line that includes Yeats (The HOGD) and Blake or other Stuart Royal Society members including Newton and the heads of the Priory of Sion including Da Vinci. I address these matters more fully in other books I have done. Lesser influences of the Cynics are the Stoics but there are many esoteric schools which are more impacted by Alchemy and the ancient sciences of the Druidic peryllats or shamans.

There is a place in the Caribbean that I have spent a lot of time in. Today it is called Belize and it was a favorite hangout of the pirates all the way back to pre-Cretan times. One of its special attractions is the chili plant that produces the hottest chili in the world. The same conditions in the soil also bring us root juices that would have been used by Tantra or other sexual ritual practitioners in places like Josephines Virgin (Yes like the Virgin Mary, who was no virgin.) Islands. I can easily imagine Ambergris Caye had a production center of this juice. I know this is one of the few places (Just two.) where the Merovingians have an ashram. These are the Essenes and the local legends there tell us Jesus (Yeshua) came to the Mayan lands. I think his last words reported in the Bible make more sense translated through Mayan.

We are inundated with nonsense about Erectile Dysfunction today. Some authors negate the importance of psychology and few address the creative aspects of Tantra. Of course, you can be sure; I think the Merovingian drug or pharmaceutical complex is involved in keeping secrets. This is a link that mentions Ambergris Caye which is where San Pedro and the Essene location can be found - and ambergris brought back by whalers may be connected. They love to make stories up that keep the secret and build more mystery which makes the products sell at higher prices.


The root juice sold in Belize is concocted from Coclemeca and Gangweo in combination. The supply is limited and seems to be left over plants around Mayan ceremonial centers from long ago. Since the plants require 35 years to grow, the source is estimated sufficient only for about 500 people.

Here is a poem from one of the Stuart-backed alchemica l types talking about Jesus coming to Britain.

And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England's mountains green?
And was the holy Lamb of God
On England's pleasant pastures seen?
And did the countenance divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here
Among those dark satanic mills?
Bring me my bow of burning gold!
Bring me my arrows of desire!
Bring me my spear! O clouds, unfold!
Bring me my chariot of fire!
I will not cease from mental fight,
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand,
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England's green and pleasant land. - William Blake (1757-1827)

Author of Diverse Druids
Columnist for The ES Press Magazine
Guest 'expert' at

Author:: Robert Baird
Keywords:: Cynic, Yeshua, Alchemy, Merovingians
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Essence of Democracy and Freedom of Speech Disagreeing?

Recently a gentleman stated to me that he believed that the essence of Democracy and Freedom of Speech was disagreement, protest, debate and counter arguments to a point of contention. Well, maybe Democracy and Freedom of Speech has turned into that. But if it has then is it indeed the best method to run a Great Nation like the United States?

Is it best for all concerned for everyone to run around and complain, without a viable solution to the points of contention that they are protesting? For instance during the last election in the United States the self-proclaimed Blue Party, which really should have been reversed as Communism stands for Red and the Liberals are socialists waiting for a disaster to happen and would love to turn the greatest nation in the History of Mankind into a communist (government does everything) socialist Beehive of humanity.

As this debate and discussion continued apparently this liberal never had this pointed out to him in a meaningf ul way and thus he stated; So, first off, thank you. Very seriously, thank you for taking all the time you did to respond to me in such detail. As your goal was to open my eyes, you certainly did that. You and I disagree on some points, but isn't that the essence of democracy and freedom of speech?

So, I ask YOU, the reader of this article, is Disagreeing the essence of democracy? If so, Democracy should render itself short lived amongst the human race in the next millennium. If the entire population runs around Disagreeing and attacking, may I please ask how any of YOU humans plan to get anything done of value or propel the human species forward? Because seriously, I am having my doubts about YOUR abilities and the forward progression of mankind. Consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Essence of Democracy, Freedom of Speech, Disagreeing, agree to disagree
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Conversation with Plato in 3D Holographic Virtual Reality

There have certainly been many worthy philosophers and learned men in World History perhaps none more celebrated that the Greek Philosopher Plato. Unfortunately we are unable to talk with Plato as he is from a past period, while we are in the present period moving into the future period. Much of the basis for our Republic comes from Platos comments on civilization and his philosophy. What if we could watch Plato and Aristotle having a philosophical conversation?

I propose that we use Holographic Technologies, which are getting closer to becoming reality to produce educational works to teach humans and help them learn. You see, soon we will visualize data on our computers in 3D, 4D and 5D. We will enjoy Virtual Reality on our 360 X-Box in our living rooms. Military strategists and war fighters can play out the battle in the virtual battlespace in advance and then watch it un-fold in real time. Great, great grandchildren will be about to meet their past ancestors and w atch a holographic Video. We will communicate in Video conferencing with the image of the other people sitting next us, but not actually there. All this is on its way and even more, as the applications are endless indeed.

It makes sense that we would use such technologies to re-enlighten the masses, teach them to think and learn from the masters of past periods. The sooner we deliver these technologies to the masses and make them available the sooner entrepreneurs will find such killer applications for them. Plato would be proud of our ingenuity and we should be proud to do him such an honor. Think on this.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Aristotle, Conversation Plato, 3D Holographic Virtual Reality, Video, x-boxm Video conferencing, God
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Marxism and Literary Criticism

In Marxist Criticism Raymond Williams is described as having,

brought to his readings of literature a proletarian background highly unusual in a Marxist critic, few of whom have had any close acquaintance with hard manual labor. [That his thought about the industrial revolution is filtered through his personal sense of what alienation from the countryside might have meant to the poets of the generationWilliams found poetry exhibit homologies with elements in the nonasthetic segments of the superstructure or the relations of production in Base. (Richter, 560)

Williams ability to look at Marxist Theory from the perspective of the working class shapes much of his interpretation of the value of literature and how literary theory is interpreted in Capitalist and Communist societies. In Base and Superstructure in Marxist Cultural Theory Williams compares the value of literature in contemporary USSR and a capitalist state, the Soviet state is much very much sharper in investigating areas where different versions of practice, different meanings and values, are being attempted and expressed. In capitalist practice, if the thing is not making a profit, or if it is not being widely circulated then it can for some time overlooked (Williams 462)

Here, Williams romanticizes the Soviet Unions ability to evaluate and appreciate a work for the value it may have to society as opposed to how much money it can make which is the way he describes the value of literature in a capitalist society.

I can understand why the Soviet way of evaluating literature may seem superior to someone from a working class backgr ound: if youre poor and lack the clout and or education of your wealthier writers than you may not get the backing needed to make your book a financial success but if the monetary value of the book is taken off the table then the book can be evaluated equally with anyone else who may have written a book regardless of class or status.

The problem with this way of thinking however is Williams doesnt take into consideration the USSR or other communists societies penchant for censorship. Books that are deemed dangerous or not fitting communist ideology never have the opportunity to reach the public or be fairly evaluated for its merit or social value. So whether if it is by censorship or lack of profitability literature can find it never reaches its intended audience in either society.

Later in the essay Williams tackles the different ways literary criticism is viewed. Williams is struck at how, nearly all forms of contemporary critical theory are theories of con sumption (Williams, 463) or in other words the theories are concerned with how the reader reacts to a particular work, or what effect does this work have on me? (Williams, 464) instead of focusing on how the work was produced.

Williams suggests that how a work was produced or the components that go into the production of that work, the relationship between the components and the objects itself, is more important than the affect the object has on a reader.

The components/production view works well with Marxists theory because the production aspect of creating a work would be considered the Base and then one could look at how the production of the work plays in the larger society or the superstructure.

Williams ability to look at the work that goes into producing an object is important because i t keeps that work in context with where, how and why it was made. Many times when you take a piece of art out of the context of how it was made its value can be lost or not fully appreciated. Marxist Theory, at least Williams interpretation of that theory, allows one to look at the artistic value of a piece of literature or art in general in a way that consumption theory overlooks.

T.S. Johnson is a freelance writer and owner of Visit for all of your writing needs or to have your music, movie or book reviewed.

Author:: Tamika Johnson
Keywords:: Raymond Williams, Marxism, Superculture, Hegemony, Literary Criticism, Base
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Purpose To Life

There is no God.

Belief is a stray sentiment; it functions furiously around its determination to survive. If it is healthy, it is impenetrable, if it is not, it is unknowingly so. Sadly, it also doesnt end with man; it ends with conflict and qualms. Men know perfectly to be courageous, they do not know but what to be courageous of, for or against. A belief is a second conscience overruling the normal one, it provides for all expectations of courage. It is difficult to confront a firm belief with the firmest of qualms, it is easier instead to assault it with them. One must never impress a doubt, one must induce it. Frustration is the first offspring of a belief losing its grounds. The firmer the latter, the superior the former.

No belief is entire, hence, no belief can be ended entirely; ridden by disparate proportions of an unapparent guilt, man, of what he believes wholly, holds desires against it. Belief is a personal satisfaction that justifies mans actions; it also appropriates it. We do what we believe in - to the extent of we must do what we believe in. People aspire towards their beliefs. Like they commit to their satisfactions, they also prefer to commit to the place where they find it. That is in itself the greatest injustice a man can perpetrate to rely on something uncertain and forge in oneself the assurance that it is not; and then expect it to yield.

Man is never totally satisfied.

Going back to the notion that there is a God helps us with another notion, that we arent it. The first notion is an indefatigably powerful alibi, or rather, an apology for the limitations we abide by. Outside these limitations we gain our satisfactions. Hence, we are never totally satisfied. Only in little whiles, the elusive points of Time when were Gods.

A conclusion such as that there is no god helps us to declare another that within his limitations, a man may rise so, that that satisfaction he aims for must be more than final. They must find a medium to breathe and exist in an inert independence where they can choose to surrender without the reluctance and indifference, typical of their import. When we talk of another kind of survival other than the primary one, with a greater nature of independence, a de facto downright unconditional and total submission, and where the transient satisfaction he aims for is more than the final ability in man or is a somewhat credible challenge to it, when we appropriately stop believing in God to succumb to believing in something god-like in us we talk of Purpose.

Between man and the obtainable, lies a cheap form of development motive; between a man and the unobtainable, lies the pursuit that searches beyond the compatible in him Purpose. Motive constricts man to his self; Purpose is all and any involvement beside and outside this. Motive and Purpose are close counterparts of the range of mans ability, almost like alibi and reason. Motive is a funnel for it, and Purpose, a gauge. Both are concrete definitions: motive, of a virtue in man and Purpose, of the peak of all his virtues. Both are also stalwart contradictions to that same range of the ability of man for motive becomes the exhaustion of one or more attributes, and Purpose, their last gesture.

Purpose is never real. It is so because it is higher than the obsessive human prioritization of reality. A man with Purpose is alive only to morality when morality is not a sense of right and wrong but merely a sense of direction.

To know how much we can expand is to understand a persisting relation with ourselves, but to know how much we can expand immediately after that obvious relation is to infringe an unfounded realm, much beyond the scope in us, and find, outside ones personal capacity and in an unnatural uniqueness, a paramount artificial strength (for the source is external) and a tantamount egoistical desire.

A man who finds Purpose discov ers a satisfaction more pure than any happiness and superior to all joy; this satisfaction rears further the implementation of the Purpose, and the pursuit of its result. A satisfied result engenders a threat to the world, to alter it by the means of a single man, by a change personal in one's individuality to a change impersonal in the collectivism of an entire breed.

Queries may be reverted to -

Author:: Tushar Jain
Keywords:: Purpose, Philosophy
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Humans And Animals Are Much Closer Than We Think

What sets Humans and Animals apart? Not much really? Although many a religious scholar will claim the opposite and cite all sorts of BS and hokum to prove their point; none of which will make a lick of sense from a reality based observational standpoint. And really to tell you the truth; I truly believe Humans are Animals, just better evolved ones for their particular habitat.

In fact I have seen and heard no viable evidence to contradict my observations and findings. I have considered all the arguments of science such as;

(1) Animals do not have empathy. This is incorrect by observation.

(2) I have heard of the concept that Humans can choose not to procreate. We cannot prove that Animals cannot do this and I think it is false, as when there is not enough food, Animals will skip procreation that year often, overcoming their instinctual needs. Not all Animals but many can and do.

(3) Animals cannot lie very well. Fair enough comment, but we know they can deceive and do and Chimpanzees under potential threat of torture have been known to tell lies and also in order to get free ice cream and bananas too. Humans can concoct complex lies or even live entire lives, which are a lie. We do not know if Animals can do this, although we do not know. Animals do understand when we deceive them often for instance pretending to throw a stick, when we dont the dog will look at us like; You jerk, I am not falling for your BS, now throw that stick, come on!

(4) Animals cannot throw things very well. Indeed dexterity in throwing things sets Humans apart a little, but since they can throw some of things, although not very well I hesitate to call this a deciding factor.

(5) Animals have no soul. I disagree, life energy of living species is universal, you can call that a soul if you wish, but still I cannot go for that religious based comment or answer.

(6) Animals do not have spiritual type beliefs. This has also been proven wrong. Studies with Guerillas and Chimpanzees have been known to go to waterfall areas where the light shines at a certain time in a certain way, which gives off a totally unique ambience. They have a concept of Wow, like a shrine, but they only go during a certain time.

Basically Humans can lie, cheat, steal and throw things better than Animals, but in the end Animals can do all those things, but perhaps have decided not to, as it may not be in their best interests or the interests of their social group; herd, troop, school, pac k or flock. You know maybe Animals are a lot smarter than we think. How does it feel to be a lying, cheating, temper tantrum throwing, ignorant human? Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Humans, Animals, much closer we Think
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Positive Aspects behind ProblemCrazing

Have you ever wondered why our existing world is too sophisticated! If not, now try to develop this philosophical initiative.

From the very primitive society when and where slaughtering was considered as an entertainment to todays world when and where animal is, by law and custom, equalized to us as the human person. So what are secrets behind this development?

One of the most concrete answers to why our world turned unbelievably complicated is the always-on-the move problem. To me, problem is the highest law for mental sophistication and civilization.

The reality of natural change: natural disaster and catastrophe (the problem) has inspired human to start fighting against this livelihood barrier. Though human person during the primitive time was not mentally and materialistically sophisticated like us, but as his or her day-to-day problem eventuated, he or she started to think of the ways to hand off or at lease ease the problem. Thinking of the ways to fight the obstacle, has brought great progress in term of mentality as well as the changing the status quo.

The same case applies to us in this twenty-first century. Mental and cultural clash, unique differences between human persons and individual states, politics of power and prosperity imbalance, gender imbalance, the evils of human mentality, clashed patriotism and other individual, individual-state, regional and global problems have brought us great challenges, in other word, sophistication and civilization.

Now, you see the positive aspect of always-existing problems. Everyone has problem, but not everyone can desirably solve his or her problem. Actually those who can solve the problem are the ones who is does not scare of the problem and always of the opinion that, my problem was already existed upon another person and he or she already solved it, so why I can not solve it, because I am also human person endowed with mental strength and dignity!

The purpose of this article is to make you not scare of the existing and past problem, because it is just the way of life that everyone; rich, poor, educated, illiterate, normal and disabled, have to face. Do you know that all of the truly intellectuals are, by experience, problematic?

And one of the reasons why the United States of America is materialistically and mentally sophisticated and civilized, because it has too many problems and, that is not enough, it is looking for more problems to be solved and will solve before we seen that they are the problems.

Lay Vicheka is a translator for the most celebrated translation agency in the Kingdom of Cambodia, Pyramid. He is working as freelance writer for Search Newspaper, focusing on social issues and students' issues. Lay Vicheka has great experience in law and politics, as he used to be legal and English-language assistant to a member of parliament, migration experience (home-based business) and experience in writin g. You are stronly advised to contact him for any doubts or wonder about Cambodian politics and even the world's phenomenon. Posting address: 221H Street 93, Tuol Sangke quarter, Russey Keo district, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: 855 11 268 445,

Author:: Vicheka Lay
Keywords:: news and society,Philosophy
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Religion of Love is It Possible?

Is it possible to create a religion of love? A religion which would teach that humans are divinely endowed with love? A religion which teaches, preaches, and helps others find true love. Love of Life, love of humanity, and love of environment. Love of Earth, water, and the whole Universe for that matter; can we create a religion for the human race like that?

One man has and he has explained it to me, as he does not belong to any set organized religion, psychology or philosophy, as he says that is part of this very limited reality. A noble statement indeed, if not an absolute and universal truth; so how does such a man live without religion, as he subscribes to none?

Well neither do I really and I live very well. Is a world of love a better reality or state to enjoy ones Life experience? If one creates a new religion, the religion of love and has huge Masses following that Ideal; then surely the world would be better for it right?

Indeed, it could be a very positive thing however such a created religion and point of view is in error of Observation of the Life experience in the current paradigm and present period. But is it bad; no, one could say it is good actually. Should such a man living a Life of love, abundance, caring and infinite limitlessness of all this and mor e bring forth this concept to better the world? It could be a new religion and one, which saves humanity from itself and keeps it from being doomed and repeating the past.

Such a philosophical question, one could say it is not a true picture of the world and should not be a religion, but you could argue that it would sure make the world a better place. Should such a man with such an Ideal break out of this one-sided argument to see the rest for what it is? Or would a new created reality be a breath of fresh air?

Would one with such a positive, but skewed interpretation of the world be able to live without limits thru love or would he and his followers limit their mind and Observations? Would such a Life or philosophy thus actually put them outside what one could call limitless, because they only saw love and not the other? Fore one has placed themselves into a Love Box which is their choice and I assume they would be happy there right? And if so well then good for them, however, asking others to join such a cause, is unfair and would probably only lead to another religion gone bad in the end as it would like all religions be used to control, brain wash and manipulate others. After all isnt that what all religions do?

So maybe one might wish to think this thru at a much higher level as it appears that anyone including this man who created such a religion has the cognitive ability to now go to the next step. Did most religions start with the presumption of all that is good, including love and eventually end up distorted, prostituted and end up in Hypocrisy? Yet if all religions eventually end up like this in the end, then why do we allow any of them? Is it okay to live a lie, as long as it was originally based on love? Think on this before you jump into any love Bo xes, cults or sign up for any Organized Religion; think it thru, all the way thru.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: organized religion, religion of love, Ideal, Hypocrisy, current paradigm, Observation, Masses, Life
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Should I Be Politically Correct?

Many people ask themselves should I be politically correct? Often it seems that being politically correct is the safest policy for your career, family relations or when discussing issues with friends. But if one never says the truth for fear it might offend are they being honest? Which is more important to have personal integrity or to be PC? That is the question.

Many will complain about your Behavior if you say the truth but it could be offensive to someone? They pretend to take the highroad and tell you where you are wrong for saying something that is true, because it is not a nice thing to say. For instance if one says, you know all those International Terrorists who attack us during 911 were Muslim. Oh you cannot say such things because that is not fair to Muslims. And they say a true Muslim would never do such a thing.

Indeed and probably they wouldnt but those murderers truly believed in Muslim and even did their acts on behalf of Allah or so they claime d. But you cannot say that, even though it is fact that the 911 murderers were all Muslim. This is not to say that this particular is against any Religion, fore it is not, this is just one example of our PC world. If someone says your Behavior is inappropriate for saying the truth, then perhaps their PC is inappropriate for living a lie.

Perhaps they are right by the new standards in society of telling truth, your Behavior really is inappropriate but by whose standards. Should one call an ace an ace and a spade, a spade; why should you or me or them or anyone for that matter deny actual observation? To make everyone who is drown in Political Correctness feel warm and fuzzy; why if fore if one said otherwise and went along with the PC then they would be lying? Is the new paradigm in society to lie and see something that is not there? Are they now asking us to lie and live a lie in political correctness like the rest of humanity? How does that make you feel? Do you agree or disagree? Are you reality based or PC? Are you alive and alert or are you dead and deny your own observations? Think on it.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: politically correct, Muslim, 911, Pc, living a lie, Behavior, Religion
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Nude Art

Nude, we all are in our bathrooms, occasionally in our bedrooms, and when a celebrity is, every one wants to shoot that precious moment by virtue of our hi-tech devices, we were not blessed with, in ancient period when the only way to incarcerate those luxurious moments, was either painting or sculpture. In the beginning, they were gods, goddesses and angles, shown naked in paintings as symbols of grace, beauty and innocence, but then those were pretty women and handsome men painted undress under the strong wave of freedom of expression simply called Nudes in art, the most popular as well as controversial they remained in all ages.

They were hard to accept openly in society but always had a strong appeal for viewers to give them a glance, when in public and a detailed look when alone. Texture and glow of skin, masterly crafted muscles, bones under the tender or strong flesh, giving the canvass a depth and atmosphere so close to our imagination.

Basically nudes are the concrete form of creators thoughts and emotions under a certain instinct of wearing nothing but skin. There was no dress in the beginning of human history and might be so towards the end of human history. But anatomical study has always been a challenge to be adept in, for painters and sculptors. Religiously nudes were subject to free from any sensuality, on the contrary, they were taken as an expression of purity and nothing to do with attitude towards mortal life. Saints, goddesses and other sacred figures were above all social and ethical parameters but as soon as normal human beings were painted naked just to show them so, it was outlawed by righteous society.

When Raphael (1483-1520) painted THE THREE GRACES and David (1460-1523) produced TRIPTYCH OF JEAN DES TROMPES, they promoted the religious thoughts and concepts or Delacroixs famous LIBERTY was a symbol for pride and honor one could feel for ones home land although the lady holding the flag was expose d from the top, Then comes Manets (1832-1883) LUNCHEON THE GRASS showing a naked women sitting with two gentlemen fully and formally dressed, looking directly into the eyes of viewers, this painting was really hard to digest for the French society at that time, despite the fact that French society was quite interactive with traditional Nudes, whereas OLYMPIA by the same artist was bold enough nude to get appreciation for the impressionist.

Goyas (1746-1828) NUDE MAJA and Degas (1834-1880) key hole nudes of bathing women got applause and popularity in their respective times that helped this art to get the status of serious art rather scramble to sensuous feelings alone especially Degas crafty figures well knit with softness of pastels, became a byword of technique and thought. In 20th century, cubism owing to its sharp and misty combination in shape and concept struck art by means of pinching edges and overlapped images. Nude painting got more space to articulate itse lf, as the obscure and hazy ambiance gave artists the opportunity to avoid meticulous anatomical details to enlarge the conceptual and subjective aspect regarding this very art. Pablo Picasso was one of those artists, who not only gave nudes a new touch, but also caused the whole expression an indirect approach in terms of technique for certain circumlocutory subjects.

There was another stream of nude paintings that was neither sacred nor arty, but only sensuous; this art was in demand for dance floors, casinos, brothel houses and strip clubs. etc. it could not get any place in serious art but these paintings have got different, innovative ideas and twitching figures, definitely required perfection in skill as far as anatomical problems are concerned. Everywhere on earth, where art exists, nudes exist too.

In Pakistan even the normal art has been a taboo for society, then what about nude art? it must not exist here! It does exist, as Pakistan has got some real go od adroit painters who could fashion human anatomy with their skill and imagination and furnish the canvass up to the level of a treat to watch. Talism-e-Hoshruba by Ustad Alla Bakhsh has got tinges of semi exposed human bodies in a mystical atmosphere. Sadqains paintings give you an idea about bodies of active, working human beings that do not come under nudes but do reflect painters skill.

Shakir Ali, we could say, was the first one to paint abstract nudes as real art in Pakistan. His strong contours, dark bold colors and conceptual attitude, truly distinguish him from his contemporaries. Shakir experimented in showing womens body in a hidden abstract approach. In new generation, Saeed Akhter, with his realistic style of work has contributed valiantly in this prohibited art form while Jami Naqsh sharpened the edges of his ideas along with nude figures in his paintings done in knife work. As art is, what a person thinks about and the way of thinking, so the expression has been close to nature where sometime, norms and values could not be considered.

Bernard Berenson (1897) said, Not what man knows but what man feels concerns art. All else is science.

A painter n' sculptor, Researcher, Critic and Poet.

Author:: Nadeem Alam
Keywords:: Nude Art, Need of Nudes, Nudes in Pakistan
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Logical Methods for Testing the Effectiveness of Artificial Intelligence Prototypes

Perhaps the most famous test of artificial intelligence is the Turing test, elaborated in 1950. As part of his argument Turing put forward the idea of an 'imitation game', in which a human being and a computer would be interrogated under conditions where the interrogator would not know which was which, the communication being entirely by textual messages. Turing argued that if the interrogator could not distinguish them by questioning, then it would be unreasonable not to call the computer intelligent.

There are several ways of interpreting and discussing the Turing test, which in effect all lead to the discussing of some key philosophical views on the Mind. Considering the Mind as an input-output device with the exterior world, the four mAin metaphysical takes on the Mind would have four different views of how the decision of choosing an appropriate output to a given input is mediated. The dualistic view on the Mind would see as responsible for this mediation the ri ght conscious experiences, the Mind-brAin identity theory would name the right neurophysiological mechanisms, functionalism the right procedures while the Behaviorist would not identify any. Accordingly, these four views would view the mental processes as phenomenological, neurophysiological, computational, while the Behaviorist would see the Mind as lacking any processes but just having qualities resulted from Behavioral dispositions.

What these four views state effectively about the way the Mind works can be explAined in an easier way, as follows. The dualistic view implies a certAin awareness of the self, of the past experiences and is probably the closest to imply a freedom of choice. The Mind-brAin identity sees the Mind and the brAin as a whole and as the only defining element of humans. All the processes of thinking can be explAined through chemical and biological reactions. Functionalism is the closest to the Turing test and to the most basic way we perceive co mputers. It states that the Mind acts as an axiomatic system and all the outputs are given as results of the use of the axioms and theorems present in the brAin. Behaviorism sees every decision made by the Mind as the choice of one alternative over another, where the preferred output is the response that has repeatedly been followed by a reinforcing stimulus.

We can see now that a method that would test the effectiveness of such a machine would be entirely based on a chosen interpretation of the Mind. Moreover, not only the test should be based on this interpretation, but also the whole way the machine is built. It is obvious that the Turing test is entirely based on functionalism because the way computers were built, especially in the beginning was based on functionalism.

Nevertheless, the Turing test has been severely criticized, especially by logicians. There has even been invented a counter-test, or experiment to prove its lack of validity. This test, the Chi nese Room Experiment, developed by John Searle has the mAin quality that assumes the premises of the Turing test, namely that the human Mind works according to theory that it has built in. Shortly, the test says that an English native speaker that has no knowledge of Chinese, is locked in a room and given a set of instructions and then two batches of Chinese writings.

When the third one is given, he is able to correlate one set of formal symbols to another set of formal symbols and thus, using the rules, he is able to give back certAin sorts of Chinese symbols with certAin sorts of shapes in response to certAin sorts of shapes given him in the third batch. Thus, the person would be able to communicate in Chinese, and convince the interviewer of his abilities, without actually knowing any word of Chinese. He produces the answers by manipulating uninterpreted formal symbols, but as far as the Chinese is concerned, he simply behaves like a computer; he performs computatio nal operations on formally specified elements. For the purposes of Chinese, he is simply an instantiation of the computer program. Searles conclusion is that computers can perform a program according to how they have been programmed but never understand what is actually that they are doing. Thus, there can be no discussion of whether the computer actually has intelligence or not.

Coming back to the idea of creating a new test, based on one or more philosophical interpretations of the Mind, the one that seems most probable of designing is the one based on Behaviorism. Indeed, the Behaviorist theory supposes that most basic responses are learnt and integrated into complex patterns by a process of conditioning. According to the Behaviorists, one of the mAin ways of conditioning operant conditioning supposed that a response that has repeatedly followed by a reinforcing stimulus will occur with greater frequency and will thus be selected over other possible responses.

< p>A Behaviorist machine would suppose that it is programmed in such a way that it identifies similar situations, meaning, it has introduced in it several types of causalities, conditionings and other similar types of relationships between one or several objects. Thus the computer will be able to relate the data he receives to these kinds of relationships. Later, the computer will be able to identify the kind of association he is asked to operate with when he will be stimulated. Now, suppose we introduce the computer to several events. The computer will judge the events described according to his pre-existent knowledge of relationships and will thus be able to identify which kind of relationship is addressed. He will then associate to every event a certAin kind of reaction to certAin kind of action. The one that occurs most often will then be judged as the correct one and thus the only one according to which the computer should act in the future.

Concretely, we have a c omputer, which we teach relationships like cause-effect, for instance. We provide the computer with some information, say, some stories from a newspaper. He will be able to identify among these stories the ones in which the relationship of cause-effect occurs. According to the comments in the articles, the computer will be able to identify which kind of cause generates which kind of effect. By systematizing the events, the machine will then be able to formulate a general situation that will allow him to say the appropriate reaction to this kind of event is this one. Therefore, when given a concrete event, based on his cause-effect resolution, the computer will be able to give a reply to that event.

To make the whole case even clearer, let us consider the case of ethics. The computer is presented several articles from the newspaper that describe crimes, the way they were committed and what happened to the delinquents. Even if some of these articles would say that the cr iminals were not yet found by the police, the computer will be able to judge that, for instance violence-which has been the theme in most of those articles- brings the incarceration of the criminals. The machine is now presented with a situation from an interviewer that presents a situation and asks whether he should act in a violent way or not. The computer will undoubtedly answer No.

Thus, the Behavioristic computer acts exactly as the Behavioristic person- by reacting to certAin stimuli. The whole question of a Behavioristic machine is not if we are able or not to build such a computer but indeed if the Mind and the human being is conditioned to such a simplistic functioning. Here, the question of free will occurs. No doubt that even human beings can be convinced using certAin stimuli that hey should act in a certAin way in different situations. In fact, this is the mAin theory manipulation works on. Still, it can be argued that as long as there is free will, man is not a purely Behavioristic being.

Summarizing, my essay started off by stating that if we want to create artificial intelligence we should first define what we understand through the human Mind, and identify a certAin mechanism through which it works. Then, I presented four different such mechanisms that describe the way the Mind works, corresponding to four philosophical views. I conjectured that any kind of test would presuppose that the machine was created bearing in Mind one of these concepts of the Mind. After presenting and discussing one previous such test, I have proposed an alternative one, based on the Behaviorist interpretation of the Mind.

The author of this article has been involved in Artificial intelligence research ( Discussions on the topic are welcome on

Author:: Ioan Hepes
Keywords:: AI, artificial intelligence, Turing, Philosophy, Behaviorist, Mind, Robotics, Behavio r, Neurophysics
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Academic Cadence

Is the pace of academic research and discovery really speeding up? Well most researchers believe it is thanks in part to collaboration efforts, the Internet and massive research funding for some of our top areas of scientific momentum. Yet I also see something else and let me call it Conflicts in Academic Cadence and the premise or thought goes something like this.

As scientific discovery reaches the pace of a break-away rider at the Tour de France in the early miles of a 180 mile day filled with hills, one has to ask is that gentleman for real, can he sustain or will he get himself so far behind the fatigue curve that he is quickly reeled back in and finds himself at the back of the back the rest of the day?

What I am speaking of is the rush to move faster and faster, to receive the funding to keep going and thus more and more research is put out as scientific fact before it is duplicated and it hits the scientific journal online newsletter, both the popular p ublic ones and the semi serious ones and goes around the world in less than 18-hours and for this they stay in the news and hope to continue funding on into the next period.

Unfortunately this causes conflict and takes funding away from more staunch academic researchers who will not dare risk life or limb; academic publish or perish credibility, in the rush to outpace the public relations and media press release war? Do you see what I am getting at now? I sincerely hope you do and well, consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Academic Cadence
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

No Human Can Ever Travel Faster Than the Speed of Light

Some believe that no matter what no human can ever travel faster than the speed of light. Recently a member in a think tank became embroiled in controversy when he stated this in such a matter of factly way. But he did seem to indicate that one could travel in consciousness as an observer in time.

Another member of the think tank stated that we could send pArticles or seeds of life in time on a chemical laser beam. The protagonist of the heated debate found these thoughts interesting and the think tanker who had stated that it would be possible to send pArticles back in time said;

It is intriguing that you find my tho ughts on traveling at speeds greater than the speed of light interesting, how so? Your consciousness matrix is an interesting use of compound words indeed. Time may very well be something that our mind does.

The aggressive protagonist then stated that; If a human being ever succeeds in traveling at a speed greater than the speed of light, he will no longer be human because he will undergo a change in consciousness and all these theories by Einstein and others will not apply.

I completely disagree with this notion, if a human being travels faster than the speed of light, then he would most likely either be light or pure energy, as per Einsteins theories so in this case the theories do indeed hold true to your sentence and until you re-structure this sentence you have validated Einsteins theory of relativity not nixed it.

Do you ever think about time travel or the speed of light? Is this something you wish to discuss? If so do you know where you can go to dis cuss it? What are your thoughts on time, space, energy, mass and light? Let us know on that and think on this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: No Human Can Ever Travel Faster Than the Speed of Light
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Monday, May 27, 2013

So What is Communication

In Signature Event Context, Derrida tackles a weighty question: What is Communication? Early in the chapter he offers his definition of Communication, I have been constrained to predetermine Communication as a vehicle, a means of transport or transitional medium of a meaning, moreover of a unified meaning. (Derrida, 1) Recognizing the limitations of his definition, he proceeds to break that definition down into what he considers the two basic forms of Communication: written Language and spoken Language.

He then addresses the merits of written and spoken Language based on their value, how the idea of absence affects each form and the intentions of the author/speaker as it relates to the message they are trying to communicate. The emphasis on written Communication supposes that it somehow is more accurate, reliable and accessible then spoken word, a supposition that is in many ways inaccurate.

Also, while Derridas discussion appears thorough, the solitary focu s on spoken and written Language as the sole or main means of Communication, fails to adequately answer the question he poses by eliminating the import and affect of non-verbal Communication.

Derrida begins his discussion on written Communication by stating that, [writing is an especially potent means of Communication, extending enormously, if not infinitely, the domain of oral or gestural Communication.(Derrida 3) Using the philosopher Condillac as a basis for much of his reasoning, Derrida states that writing trumps other forms of Communication because of the idea of thought as representation, (Derrida 4), mans ability to create ideas or thoughts in his mind and communicate them to others through a written method, is a complex one and required evolution on mans part to accomplish such a feat. Also that written words value is bolstered by the idea of absence, written words ability to continue to communicate even when the originator of the message is no longer presen t.

On some levels Derridas and Condillacs argument hold true: as a society we value the written word over the spoken word. A civilization is determined to be advanced if it has a written Language. We will mark the day that civilization created its alphabet or other form of written Communication as the day it became civilized and left its primitive ways behind. We also, as a society, tend to believe that Communication in its written form is more valuable than Communication that is spoken to us. How often have we asked, Can we get that in writing? when wanting to validate a piece of information someone has given us.

Information written down and better yet, that contains a signature has more authority then someone telling us something. The problem with this emphasis on written word is that it doesnt account for oral traditions. Spoken word was just as capable as the written word in its ability to communicate outside of the presence of the original communicator and held as much weight as the written word prior to and even after the advent of written Language. For centuries town criers, griots and priests were the keepers and disseminators of information from fireside stories to a peoples history.

These gatekeepers of information passed down their responsibilities to others who were given the all important and in many ways sacred duty of continuing the traditions of a people or of simply being accurate record-keepers. The advent of the written word is in many ways like a new technology: its great if you know how to use it but absolutely useless to you if you cant figure out how it works.

So, if you couldnt read then the fact that all this information is written down is useless. Where before a person had only to speak the Language to be informed, as civilizations begin to rely more and more on the written word, those who couldnt break the code didnt know what was going on. Think of the person who is computer illiterate. As the world relies more and more on this method of Communication those who dont know to use a computer will suffer.

And as Derrida did disservice to non-verbal Communication in his discussion on Communication, as will I since I am running out of space. To not give sufficient time to non-verbal Communication is to not recognize that most of how we communicate is without words in any form. From a glance to posture one can communicate a wealth of information and many ways more accurately communicate that information then anything that is written or said. Derrida through his use of Austins writings, questions the role of intent and context and how important it is in what is being communicated.

For Austin, intent and context are the main reason why he states spoken word is the only form of Communication since intent and context are harder to ascertain in the written word. For Derrida the intent of the communicator or the context in which something is said or wr itten is secondary and ultimately not as important as the message itself. What non-verbal Communication does is clarify that intent or the context of a message or it may simply allow people to communicate when words are inappropriate or insufficient; think of military Communications in a battlefield or a long stare at a person across a crowded room.

Derrida begins an interesting discussion on the nature of Communication but in the end his discussion amounts to only a beginning and further discussion is merited to really get at the heart of the question: What is Communication?

T.S. Johnson is a Florida Based Freelance Writer for Hire, Providing Nation-Wide, Professional, Freelance Writing Services. For All of Your Writing Needs Visit Today!

Author:: T.S. Johnson
Keywords:: Derrida, Philosophy, Language, Communication, Deconstruction, Play, Signification, Signature Event C
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

The Early Life of Jesus


Yeshua bar Joseph or Yeshua ben Joseph has become known as Jesus Christ. He was neither Jesus nor The Chriost. (1) This book will dare to try to make some sense of all the myths and conflict surrounding him. I wont try to make it a scholarly book and there will not be a lot of references and so-called experts. The many great authors and wise men who have tried to pierce the veil of his myth are my inspirations along with the Dead Sea Scrolls and Dag Hammadi finds. I especially want to thank Hyam Maccoby, Bloom and John Dominic Crossan who has been a professor at De Paul University n Chicago. This book will be a fiction but so are most books telling us something about what he might represent or what he might have been. It will be far less of a fiction than the words put in his mouth by the pulpit-pounders who would not like what I or Yeshua will have to say, about the likes of the money-changers who he threw out of the Temple in his youth according to th e Bible. I hope my poor craft or wordsmithery will convey an excitement I feel for having Jesus as my guide or the things he did as he learned to do great things.

He was from a rich clan or group of people who have been in control of most of the world for many millennia. In 1 Kings 10:22, 2 Chronicles 9:21, and 2 Chronicles 20:36 we can reasonably conclude that Solomon had a navy whose home port was Ezion-Geber on the north shore of the Gulf of Aqabah that had three year voyages bringing back things not merely African. Solomon was his forbear. He was not a poor shepherd or son of a carpenter. He lived in exciting times and went through many changes from zealot (bandit according to Josephus) to philosopher but settled as a Cynic after learning the things we call Yoga or sorcery in far off lands. I will present some of his escapades alongside Mary who I believe he married after years of being her best friend and fellow student in Alexandria with the likes of Comarius, wh o also tutored Cleopatra to be a good alchemist. Indeed Mary will be very much his equal and this will not sit well with those who want to present him as the only begotten so that they might interpret for him as the Lords sole representative.

Antisthenes was a pupil of Socrates and he is the acknowledged founder of the school of philosophy known as the Cynics. There is an esoteric through-line that includes Yeats (The HOGD) and Blake or other Stuart Royal Society members including Newton and the heads of the Priory of Sion including Da Vinci. I address these matters more fully in other books I have done. Lesser influences of the Cynics are the Stoics but there are many esoteric schools which are more impacted by Alchemy and the ancient sciences of the Druidic peryllats or shamans.

There is a place in the Caribbean that I have spent a lot of time in. Today it is called Belize and it was a favorite hangout of the pirates all the way back to pre-Cretan times. One of its special attractions is the chili plant that produces the hottest chili in the world. The same conditions in the soil also bring us root juices that would have been used by Tantra or other sexual ritual practitioners in places like Josephines Virgin (Yes like the Virgin Mary, who was no virgin.) Islands. I can easily imagine Ambergris Caye had a production center of this juice. I know this is one of the few places (Just two.) where the Merovingians have an ashram. These are the Essenes and the local legends there tell us Jesus (Yeshua) came to the Mayan lands. I think his last words reported in the Bible make more sense translated through Mayan.

We are inundated with nonsense about Erectile Dysfunction today. Some authors negate the importance of psychology and few address the creative aspects of Tantra. Of course, you can be sure; I think the Merovingian drug or pharmaceutical complex is involved in keeping secrets. This is a link that mentions Ambergris Caye which is where San Pedro and the Essene location can be found - and ambergris brought back by whalers may be connected. They love to make stories up that keep the secret and build more mystery which makes the products sell at higher prices.


The root juice sold in Belize is concocted from Coclemeca and Gangweo in combination. The supply is limited and seems to be left over plants around Mayan ceremonial centers from long ago. Since the plants require 35 years to grow, the source is estimated sufficient only for about 500 people.

Here is a poem from one of the Stuart-backed alchemica l types talking about Jesus coming to Britain.

And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England's mountains green?
And was the holy Lamb of God
On England's pleasant pastures seen?
And did the countenance divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here
Among those dark satanic mills?
Bring me my bow of burning gold!
Bring me my arrows of desire!
Bring me my spear! O clouds, unfold!
Bring me my chariot of fire!
I will not cease from mental fight,
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand,
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England's green and pleasant land. - William Blake (1757-1827)

Author of Diverse Druids
Columnist for The ES Press Magazine
Guest 'expert' at

Author:: Robert Baird
Keywords:: Cynic, Yeshua, Alchemy, Merovingians
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The Enneagram

When I left the 'Don', (This is part of a far larger story about how I learned a great deal in jail at the age of twenty when I went to serve off parking ticket fines rather than pay for what I considered illegal taxation for a corrupt bureaucracy) I saw a cat near the sidewalk ahead of me. It was an orange and white tabby that didn't move out of my way nor did it come for rubs from my outstretched hand. It winked at me with one eye and I received a flash of enlightenment. The knowledge of what exists in the lowest form of life is ruled by the same principles and rules that impact the more complex creatures. Knowledge is not comprised of words or logical constructs and when fully integrated it appears quite simple. That is the nature of principles. Seeing or feeling the white light in Yoga has an element of this, as does the Near Death Experience. This was more than that!

In a mere fifteen seconds my head was filled. I may only have been able to incorporate a small p ortion of what it offered yet it seemed almost to be the kind of divine illumination that many ecstatic religions report. It was something I pondered upon for many years. My current attitude about it is that it was not the level of knowledge that I would have gotten at the most complex level of life, but rather one or more steps beneath that. About ten years ago James Redfield's book the Celestine Prophecy told a nice story that incorporates the knowledge of the Enneagrams. Around the early 1920's Jesuit priests brought this knowledge out of Persia and probably it is related to the Magi of Zoroaster and the three wise men of the Bible. These Magi are on the path of the alchemist and other shamanistic attunements. Gurdjieffs Sarmoung Brotherhood are directly associated with the Enneagrams. Redfield doe s not include mention of the Enneagrams in this book and I have not read his follow up books to know if he gives them credit there. If he does that is nice; but it might also threaten a lot of people if he did. (The gate was opened to me ... in one quarter of an hour I saw and knew more than if I had been many years together at a University ... I saw it as in a great deep in the internal; for I had a thorough view of the Universe, as a complex moving fullness wherein all things are couched and wrapped up. - Jacob Boehme, Mystic)

In his book he takes a person through the plant and animal knowledge of the laws of nature and dimensional reality of energy and the soul in a beautiful story ending in de-materialization. This book was at the top of the New York Times best-seller list longer than any other book. I believe it was 28 months. De-materialization and ascendancy or what the Bible refers to in part as Resurrection are human adept potentials and we shall delve into th is much deeper later in this book. The Enneagrams are also able to be expressed in the purest form of language - mathematics. I have had occasion to look at the work of one scholar who had done this. He agreed with me on almost every point related thereto.

However, when it happened to me I did not know about the Enneagrams and I thought it was a Cosmic Consciousness or direct cognition of even greater proportions. I had read R. M. Bucke's book by that title and it had led to some calling me the 'Cosmic Kid' a few years earlier. His work also details a man who disappeared before scientists and police 29 times at McGill University in Montreal where Bucke was a psychiatrist. Bucke is the man who worked with Walt Whitman to end straight-jacket uses and treat people with respect. The Movie Beautiful Dreamers is well worth watching and tells their story in a London, Ont. asylum. Eventually the man who could dematerialize didn't return as he had said would happen.

Beaut iful Dreamer:

The Civil War was a cauldron horrific

One medical helper in it became terrific

Richard Maurice Bucke says he was Jesus-like

Cosmically conscious even riding a bike

The Collective Unconscious not yet spoken about

Bucke was the top psychiatrist there can be no doubt

Why did later journals eradicate his contributions grand

This is no laughing matter and I an accounting do demand

This medic made great poetry much more than I can do

You could even say in comparison mine is mere do-do

I recommend the movie Beautiful Dreamers

Though focused on London Asylum screamers

There Walt Whitman through and with his friend

Brought strait-jackets and worse to an end

Cavorting physically and swimming nude

Some people found this man quite crude

Bi-sexual or a simple gay

I truly cannot really say.

His influence, though and humaneness

Has uplifted many from a great mess

His prose is greater than what we call a muse

You sometimes even become amuse

Society should hold him above most heroes

Warriors and Kings are mostly zeroes

I do truly bless his heart

He put the horse before the cart

Whitman died before my birth

I would have loved to share his mirth.

Author of many books available at Lulu and

Author:: Robert Baird
Keywords:: Gurdjieff, Celestine Prophecy, Walt Whitman, Cosmic Consciousness
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What I Know About String Theory

You all saw Jodie, Jodi, Jody Foster in Contact.

Oh, you missed it?

Lucky you?

Oh, you liked it!

Anyway, Jodie, Jodi, Jody doesnt always take good roles.

Either that or she doesnt always get good directors. (What, he directed Forest Gump!)

Either that or when I watch a technical movie the inaccuracies make me want to barf.

When Jodie, Jodi, Jody gets a good role and director, wow!

I like Jodie, Jodi, Jody when she lets her hair down like in Maverick. She was Mrs. Annabelle Bransford.

I loved that gal!

But this is not a gossip column. We are into serious science here.

Now, you did see Jurassic Park at least forty times, right?

Remember the dark haired guy that spoke of String Theory?

That was Dr. Ian Malcolm whom was played by Jeffrey Lynn Goldblum.

Jeff was born in Pittsburgh in 1952. He probably saw Roberto Clemente play for the Pirates. Clemente died tragically in 1972 when Jodie, Jodi, Jody Foster was about 10 years old. (Jodie, Jodi, Jody was born in Los Angeles in late 1962.) When we lived in Pittsburgh we loved to watch those Pirates. Roberto could throw a man out at home from the right field fence!

Well, Jodie, Jodi, Jody didnt just talk String Theory, in her movie. She got zapped off to another planet!

If that is not true, lets make it our hypothesis. It wont change the direction of this article much.

As soon as I know what the direction of this article is, Ill let you know.

When I was a kid, we all knew the value of string. We collected it and hid it from our siblings. It was required for kite flying and for making play telephones from tin cans. What we knew about string theory was that if you ran out of string, you would lose your kite, have to run a mile to find it, and then have to throw rocks at the thing to get it to come down from the tree. If you broke a window, you had to run.

Also, for tin can telephones, the string must be held very tightly or no communications were possible. We had the basics figured out back then. Now string theorist use different shape strings but still require that they be tight.

Im sure Albert Einstein would be against string theory. He always kept his violin strings very straight and tight as do my grandchildren. If violin strings were normally curving about and tight, he would have invented the theory.

I think it is about time to get to the meat of this article, so please stop distracting me.

To learn about string theory we must go to their official web site:

I quote:

Think of a guitar string that has been tuned by stretching the string under tension across the guitar. Depending on how the string is plucked and ho w much tension is in the string, different musical notes will be created by the string. These musical notes could be said to be excitation modes of that guitar string under tension.

In a similar manner, in string theory, the elementary particles we observe in particle accelerators could be thought of as the musical notes or excitation modes of elementary strings.

In string theory, as in guitar playing, the string must be stretched under tension in order to become excited. However, the strings in string theory are floating in spacetime, they aren't tied down to a guitar. Nonetheless, they have tension.

There are two kinds of strings described on the site. The first are those in closed loops that can break open and those that are closed and cant brake open.

Well, I guess that about covers string theory.

John T. Jones, Ph.D. ( a retired R&D engineer and VP of a Fortune 500 company. He is author of detective & western novels, n onfiction (business, scientific, engineering), poetry, etc. Former editor of international trade magazine.

More info:

Business web site: (wealth-success books / flagpoles)

Author:: John T Jones, Ph.D.
Keywords:: string theory, roberto clemente, Pittsburgh, jodie foster, Jeffrey Goldblum, Contact, Jurassic park
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

The Real Truth

There is much pain inside, I really am not past it. There is still more to come much, more, to come. In fact there is so much more to come it is infuriating. I thought I was done with it all, I thought just maybe, just maybe I could really be past it. I thought maybe this time it would be different. This time it was true but, no its not. Its not true at all. You see I have found merely found a way to portray happiness which is fake and normally lasts for a very short time.

All I have really done is created a block. A way to avoid it but if you think about it everyone does everyone, creates there own little block. Its like there own spy ware system, they use what they call strategies, or calming techniques, or something along those lines. I mean yes, sure it gets there mind away from it but all it is really doing is avoiding it. They are putting it off so they don't have to deal with it. So as of now I have come up with another Philosophy and, that is that ev eryone in this whole, entire, world is unhappy no matter what. But some have been able to avoid it but you see the truth is its still there. They are still unhappy they just don't realize it in till, it gets to the point were its uncontrollable. I mean sometimes it never happens but, many times it does. Once in a while there is a case were the person is able to continue the way they normally would do it but, the truth once again, is that it is still there. Whether on a conches or unconscious level.

With this realization I have stumbled upon, I have had many of my own questions answered. The pieces of the puzzle have began to fit together. I have found some of what I lost in translation. Yet this gives me no comfort. In fact it gives me more discomfort in some ways. So now I shall go on knowing the truth and not knowing what to do about it. Maybe one day I will figure something out but for now the truth has caused much chaos in my mind!

I am big on Phil osophy and I am a big fan of Nietzsches work. I also fins that Marilyn Manson (Brian Werner) has some very good Philosophys (although controversal and he is not thecnically a philosopher but of course neither am I) I also enjoy many other philosophers and I am considering a carrer with something to do with Philosophy

Author:: Andrew Randazzo
Keywords:: Philosophy, Nietzsche, Marilyn, Manson, Happieness, Opinon, Portrayl
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