Thursday, June 30, 2011

When Does One Become a Criminal by Obeying the Law?

Henry David Thoreau presented several radical ideas in his mid-nineteenth century writing Civil Disobedience. The work, published under the title Resistance to Civil Government puts forth several profound assertions and questions concerning the Law, man and the government. One key subject that Thoreau focused on was whether just men should continue to support the government by complacency with no regard to moral reason? Should Laws that are unjust be adhered to, or should they be viewed as moot? His ideas seem like common sense to me, yet his clear and practical ideas would be considered a capital offense in some oppressive nations. I believe that Henry David Thoreaus ideas are sound in theory. Society has been conditioned to accept ever-increasing taxation without contest except for superficial discoursehow far can we, as a society, be pushed, pulled, punched and sucked while remaining complacent? At what point does one become a co-conspirator of oppression by passive acceptance?

Thoreau gave three general responses one may choose from when faced with the question of whether or not to follow unjust Laws. He asks if we should blindly follow all that the government asks of us without question, should voice contempt for the Law yet still remain within its bounds, or Shall we transgress them at once (Thoreau, 144). I believe it is always within the rights of the individual to subvert authority on the matter of adherence to unjust Laws. While I do not share Thoreaus contempt for those who passively oppose, I find that once the scope of injustices instilled by a government as Law becomes brutal, all- encompassing, and deaf to reason and redress, by following the Law, one becomes a Criminal of the higher Laws of morality, reason, and nature.

Thoreau holds contempt for those who voice concern for unjust Laws yet comply with them. Thoreau reasons that these people view Law violators as hurting their cause resulting in their motivation for adherence (Thoreau, 144). When the severity of the injustice merely extends to the fringes of our freedoms and prosperity, I find that it is the fear of repercussions for breaking the Law that causes compliance with moderates.

Unjust Laws with far-reaching encroachments should be actively challenged. I share a source of inspiration that Thoreau experiencedspending the night in jail. Few things can so rapidly and thoroughly change ones pace and train of thought. Also sharing in this experience and views concerning Laws against reason and parity is Dr. Martin Luther King. In his renowned writing Letter from a Birmingham Jai l, Dr. King elaborates on the philosophy of compliance to unjust Laws. King holds that freedoms are never voluntarily surrendered by the ruling and will only come by insistence. Relating to the horrors that oppressed African-Americans suffered, King proclaims, There comes a time when the cup of endurance runs over, and men are no longer willing to be plunged into the abyss of despair (King). Dr. King lends support to Thoreaus frustration with the resenting conformer; the practice seems to clearly strike a nerve in both men. On this matter King says,

I must make two honest confessions to you, my Christian and Jewish brothers. First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Councilor or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to order than t o justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a more convenient season. Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. (King)

It has been incorporated into American Law for the ability of the people to invalidate unjust Laws through the process of jury nullification. This philosophy is deep-rooted in American policy and by its practice has done more to arrest the development of tyranny than any other American policy. The United States Supreme Courts first Chief Justice said, The Jury has a right to judge both the Law as well as the fact in controversy (Jay). The power of the people to void unjust Laws is suppressed by the government in its struggle for control.

In the infamous case, U.S. v Dougherty, 473 F.2d 1113, 1139 (1972), the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit upheld the district courts ruling forbidding the mentioning to the jury that moral compulsion or choice of the lesser evil constituted a legal defense (US v. Dougherty). In Vin Suprynowiczs The Undisputed Power of the Jury to Acquit he quotes AP writer David Kravets who says that under a 1998 California snitch policy judges routinely order jurors to inform the court if a juror is not applying the Law during deliberations (Suprynowicz). Jurors found by the court not to be basing their opinions on the literal interpretation of the Law are often replaced by alternates. If this policy becomes suppressed to a level that completely prevents jury nullification then the final barrier to stop unjust Laws wit h ordered legal procedure is lost. The less one has to lose, the less one has to fear. And when one is stepped on, to the point of breaking, along the way, most will come to point where compliances benefits yield less than resistances.

Once the Law becomes brutal and barbaric in its policy or enforcement, enforcers, and those who live within its bounds, become Criminals in the eyes of God, moral reason, natural Law, and international treaty. The Justice Trial, United States of America v. Alsttter et al, one of The Nuremberg Trials, highlights this point in the prosecution of judges who issued orders of murderous oppressions in compliance with directives of Law issued by Adolph Hitler. The majority of the Nazi judges were found guilty at this trial including Franz Schlegelberger who provided lengthy rationalizations at his trial for his continued service as a Nazi judge even after it became apparent to him the abhorrent reality of Nazi Law. Despite Schlegelbergers somewhat rational pleas, the Military Tribunal found that by deciding his rulings in accordance to Nazi Law, despite his preference against Nazi atrocities against humanity, these favorable rulings for the Nazi party in prior court rulings lent credence and support to the resulting depravity that lead the torture and deaths of political dissidents. Consequently, Schlegelberger was found guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity (Nuremburg).

Henry David Thoreau chose to separate himself from the state. He reasoned that it was improper for him to wait for change and to patiently pay homage to unjust Laws. He found breaking the most unjust Laws were necessary endeavors, resulting in his refusing to comply with the Law forbidding assisting fugitive slaves and in his refusal to pay a mandatory tax used to support what he viewed as an unjust war against Mexico. When an unjust Laws effects lead to tyranny and wanton treatment of human rights, it is the duty of just people to actively resist all efforts of such tyranny. The more atrocious a regime, the less compliance it takes for one to become Criminal by adhering to the Law of such a regime.

2005 David Oppenheimer Performance Impressions

Works Cited

Jay, John. Jury Rights. 1789. Fully Informed Jury Association of South Carolina. 6 Nov. 2005 Jury Rights -

King Jr., Dr. Martin Luther. Letter from a Birmingham Jail. 16 Apr. 1963. University of Pennslyvania. 6 Nov. 2005

The Nuremberg Trials: The Justice Trial. Ed. Doug Linder. 1948. University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law. 6 Nov. 2005 Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

God is an Entrepreneur and Capitalist

If there was a God; what would God be like and what would his impression of the United States of America be? Well, God would certainly be an Innovator, a Capitalist and pose as the entrepreneurial spirit. I am sure of it. You see, God helps those that help themselves and therefore he probably would not be a Communist or a socialist.

Perhaps he would be a benevolent dictator, yet rather than a monarch leader most likely he would serve a group of benevolent gentlemen or as an adviser to a democratic system, which was blessed in having a system similar to Platos Republic and God would sit nearby power chosen human leader available for wisdom and answer questions.

Indeed, God would be like an entrepreneurial Capitalist, as he would fund the wishes of mankind and provide the civilization with their desires. And would also be there to provide wisdom to those we entrust to lead. If there was a God, he would be an entrepreneur and Capitalist or at least have that exact mindset. You see, God knows and humans should know that Utopia will not build itself.

Utopia can only be built by those hard Chargers, dreamers and dedicated individuals who have the resources, the stick-to-it-ness and the passion to bring innovations, ideas and dreams to reality. Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: God is an Entrepreneur, Innovator, Capitalist
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The Sources of Any Knowledge

I have always wondered where our academic curriculums; law, politics, international relations, business administration, philosophy, biology, health, aviation or building come from, but now, I have found the answer to the above wonder. These academic curriculums come from our repeated surroundings and these repeated surroundings are referred to as the sources of any knowledge. What are repeated surroundings?

Repeated surroundings are any social phenomenon; good or bad, which have happened many times. Sources of education are instigated they touch the hearts of those caring about human lives and societies; consequently, they (those caring about human lives and societies) decide to be deeply aware of the issue and spread those issues to the public. To make them (those care about human lives and societies) deeply understand the issues and to syndicate to the public, collecting, codifying or other storing mechanisms are needed: from here come all any source of knowledge.< /p>

I stated that only repeated surroundings that can become our sources of knowledge, because anything that occur only once, would not touch the hearts of those humanitarian persons or would not the educational or preventive necessities for human beings and societies.

Let see the concrete examples in the society for clarity. Repeated traffic accidents (repeated surroundings) would lead to the establishment of laws and regulations related to road traffic: speed limits, civil compensation for those injured or sanctions to those committing serious negligence. Fridge-invention (one of technology-related subjects) was instigated by human desires to have cold or cool food or beverage and diplomatic law would be just arisen from the repeated relation approaches taken by two or more countries in the past ...etc.

All of us always grumble about the absolute complication of academic work, but just be aware that what we are being educated about are just the repeated surro undings from both the present and the past.

Above all we are just learning or reviewing what just came across us this morning, what we wrongly committed in the night club last night, repeating or encouraging the perfect things done by an illiterate child in Rwanda and other everyday phenomenon, behind or in front of us. Remember! Sources of knowledge are born from both good and bad repeated surroundings. For good phenomenon, such as national top student, law or regulations to encourage more outstanding students may be established. For bad phenomenon, such as intoxicated driving, law to ban intoxicated driving or to sanction intoxicated drivers would be resulted.

As a L.L.B student, translator, freelance newspaper columnist, media liaison officer and prolific on-line author, I do feel the complications from both academic and employed work; however, knowing this fact (the sources of any knowledge) has extensively helped me to break any barrier obstructing my path t o achievements.

This knowledge-based article is to help or encourage those striving for better tomorrow to see a simplistic, yet foremost fact that would serve as their path to any end.

Always apply why and always-possible approaches to any complication (Coined by Lay Vicheka, Tuesday, May 18, 2006, 10:00 p.m., Cambodian time zone).

Lay Vicheka is a translator for the most celebrated translation agency in the Kingdom of Cambodia, Pyramid Translation Co.Ltd.. He is now hoding other two professions: freelance writer for Search Newspaper; focusing on social issues and students' issues and Media Liaison Officer for Asia's first free on-line IELTS consultation website. Lay Vicheka is the expert author for ezine and prolific article contributor to other websites around the world such as articlecity, 365Articles, spiderden, talesofasia, etc (Just google him). He is also a volunteer Cambodian-newspapers columnist (Rasmey Kampuchea and Kampuchea Thmey). Lay Vicheka has great experience in law and politics, as he used to be legal and English-language assistant to a Cambodian member of parliament, migration experience (home-based business) and in writing. He is also member of a New York-based research company. Posting address: 221H Street 93, Tuol Sangke quarter, Russey Keo district, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: 855 11 268 445,

Author:: Vicheka Lay
Keywords:: Education and human
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Making Your Entertainment More Rational and Less Selfish

Since we are human animal, I believe, entertainment is indispensable to make us even more human, more integrated into the human society. But again, human being is bounded with rationalism, creativity, problems to be settled, focus and most of all humanity. From the aforesaid principles; rationalism, creativities, problems to be settled, focus and humanity, human shall not be ignorant to even their entertainment, which is one of the fundamental rights or I would say, the natural rights of human being. But everything should be in the human context.

The purpose of this essay is to depict an entertainment that I think are too selfish and too inhuman. This entertainment that I depict as too selfish and too inhuman is FISHING. I will take very simple approaches for our considerations over this issue, but philosophical, legal grounds will be taken into accounted.

I claim that I do eat fish and I do like fish to any other animal, but what I do is necessary, I eat fish so that I can live (filling my physiological needs, which is the most fundamental), but I dont entertain my self by killing or wounding fish, because I dont thing this is a must, I can escape from it, and enjoy myself with another kind of entertainment.

I. Ones Life is not just for anothers Flashlight Entertainment

Regarding to the concept of humanity, we will definitely cant seek any rational to defense that fishing is human-like. I once heard a phrase animals are people too. This phrase in a very simplistic denotation, means that animal do have hurting-sense and the sense to survive in their own worlds. Many times, after questioning many people; what do you like dong?, the answers are mostly fishing.

The idea of debating (through this article) that fishing is an inhuman form of entertainment comes after I went fishing with my immediate relatives. I do not contradict to fishing as governments business, daily earning of the ordinary people and fish for the daily protein for human kind, but I strongly contradict to the idea of fishing as an entertainment. Entertainment should not be war-like entertainment. I seem to too irrational and even stupid that just a form of entertainment of a person kills other lives (just for funs). I see with my own eyes that people insert the fishing into the fish barbs, those people feel that the fish do not hurt. Fishing is all about killing. In order to kill a fish, another animals life has to be killed, which is the worm or any other living creature.

People have choices to make funs, but please and please make your funs more rational, more beneficial to the good of many, make your funs be not the grounds for anothers misery.

II. Fishing Leads to Easier Violence Commitment

I may trying to debate though this article that fishing is another kind of violence, the world has experienced too much trauma, and the most brutal trauma is annihilation. Not body want this trauma to happen a gain, but fishing as the form of entertainment is, I thing, another form of killing living being. The concept to fell disgust with killing, blood, conflict should start very young, to make the most fundamental principle (peace) of the worlds biggest family, United Nations be more likely to achieve.

III. Conclusion

The very basic and jargon that I want to raise again and again is living being has the right to existence, and from this we can draw the analogy that every living being is free from being slave of another. You are playing with fishs life means that you are making fish your slave, which is contradict to the Cambodian, regional, global and international law, but Cambodia, particularly the schools never teach students about such an illegal conduct.

I need another debate to prove that fishing is rational, so it would proceed my endeavor against fishing further.

Contact: 221H Street 93, Tuol Sangke quarter, Russey Keo district, Phnom Penh, Cambod ia, Tel: 855 11 268 445,

Author:: Vicheka Lay
Keywords:: Philosophy and entertainment
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

StarFire Ceremony

The Templar flag Columbus and da Gama traveled under was the dominant economic (and therefore if for no other reason) force in the three centuries before they set sail. Not just in Europe as we have shown, but in the entire world, these progeny of the Phoenician Brotherhood ended feudal socio-political strangleholds and opened the way for new possibilities. For these reasons and the eventual weakening of the church influence and Inquisitions (though that is what the church started against THEM!) we can truly be thankful.

This superficial evaluation is only one aspect of what we analyzed with input from all available quarters and presented a real and true threat from the continued macho or competitive nature of those in pursuit of power. Their progeny has lost much of the righteous underpinnings of the Templar zeal. Needless to say their influence has not been exposed in the cultural history of our various media including schools. Therefore constant harping on the sub ject is somewhat warranted. I only seek to set the stage for their specific history and influence on the time of Marco Polo and another 'fiction' that was used to create the impression that there was a need for 'discovery' of the 'New World'. The idea that the land of the Dragons in China was not part of a world order continues to the present. There are many perspectives on the origin of the Templars and why they were given Papal carte-blanche' but let me quote Gardner again to see something far more ancient than most scholars purporting to know when Templars or Masons became a part of our cultural fabric. He is talking about a re-structuring of much more ancient mystery schools at this juncture.

It has long been a customary Jewish practice to hang meat for blood-letting before cooking and consumption, but in contrast the Christian faith is especially concerned with the figurative ingestion of blood. In the Christian tradition it is customary to take the Communion sacr ament (the Eucharist), wherein wine is drunk from the sacred chalice, symbolically representing the blood of Jesus, the life-blood of the Messianic line. Could it be, therefore, that the modern Christian custom is an unwitting throwback to some distant pre-Noah rite of actually ingesting blood? If so, then since we also know that the chalice is a wholly female symbol which has always been emblematic of the womb, might this even have been an extract from divine menstrual blood which, as we have seen (Chapter 10), was revered as life-giving 'Star-Fire'? The answer to these questions is yes, that was precisely the custom - but it was not so unsavoury as it might seem. (3) Few of us think to enquire about the ultimate sources of many of today's bodily supplements, and those in the know are generally reluctant to tell us. The premarin hormone, for example, is made from the urine of pregnant mares, while some forms of growth hormone and insulin are manufactured from 'E.coli', a hu man faecal bacterium.

Before considering this ancient practice in detail, it is worth reminding ourselves that the edict to abstain from blood came not from Enki the Wise but from Enlil-Jehovah, the god of wrath and vengeance who had instigated the Flood, wrought havoc in Ur and Babylon and endeavoured to deceive Adam with regard to the Tree of Knowledge. This was not a god who liked people and the Sumerian records are very clear in this regard. If he forbade the intake of blood, this was not likely to have been an edict for the benefit of Noah and his descendants - it was most probably to their detriment.

The menstrual Star Fire ('Elixir Rubeus') of the goddess, being essentially regarded as fluid intelligence, was symbolically represented as the all-seeing eye The circle with a dot again., or as the fiery cross (the 'rosi-crucis') The Circle with the cross., precisely as depicted in the Mark of Cain. The emblems were later used by the mystery school of ancient Egypt, particularly that of the priest-prince Ankhfn-khonsu (c.2170 BC Check out Crowleys Book of the Law and the name at the end of it., which was formally established as the Dragon Court by the twelfth-dynasty Queen Sobeknefru.

Another of the most prominent mystery schools was the Great White Brotherhood of Rameses III (c. 1450 BC) - so called, it is often said, because of their white raiment, but actually named because of their preoccupation with a mysterious white powder Through 'high-spin' atomic attunement able to levitate the pyramid blocks, he says.. According to the Supreme Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, there were thirty-nine men and women on the High Council of the Brotherhood, who sat at the Temple of Karnak in Luxor. (4) A branch off this Order became more generally known as the Egyptian Therapeutae, who in Heliopolis and Judaea, were identified as the Essenes. (5) It was into this White Brotherhood of wise therapeutics and hea lers (the original Rosicrucians) that Jesus was later initiated to progress through the degrees, and it was his high standing in this regard which gained him the often used designation of 'Master'... 'essaios': that is, something secret or mystic. (In the Norse tradition, the gods are called the 'Asen', the guardians of purity, and the word has a similar root.)...

In the hermetic lore of the ancient Egyptian mystery school, this process of achieving enlightened consciousness was of express importance, with spiritual regeneration taking place by degrees through the thirty-three vertebrae of the spinal column Including the tail bones or sacrum and coccyx. until reaching the pituitary gland which invokes the pineal body. The science of this regeneration is one of the 'Lost Keys' of Freemasonry, and it is the reason why ancient Freemasonry was founded upon thirty-three degrees. (6)

Though they have impressive pedigrees and lots of nice myths I am sure their knowledge is limited by the lack of ethics entailed in the elitist attitudes and acts of their members. Levitation and use of cosmic thought field potentials including one dimensional harmonic force and the probable 'Lost Chord' pre-dates these people, in my mind or point of view. MacDari is a Masonic linguist who suggests this time was even before the building of the Sphinx, and he says Phre-Masonry of the Lord Sun God Iesa was an early Brotherhood of Man that Jesus was named after. Gardner admits to 'pre-Noah' knowledge and probably has an open-mind about earlier roots, but his story focuses on the Bible and the Pendragon Grail legends.

Author and activist for LOVE as the guiding force in society. You can see my over 60 books in places like, and the on-line retailers who sell Diverse Druids: The Origin of All Religions.

Author:: Robert Baird
Keywords:: Templars, Rosicrucians, Vampires
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Political Correctness and Stereotypes are Either Really Fair?

Many people decry the use of Stereotypes, yet I find them useful, especially when you can back them up by reality; that is to say actual observations. Although this is probably the more prudent way to deal with ones observations we all must understand that due to political correctness and the living of a lie making any comments concerning Stereotypes in public can lead to negative social problems.

Some less that politically correct folks laugh at all the political correctness out there. I am one of them; it is just some silly human social conditioning, which prevents integrity and truth in societies and human civilizations, as Stereotypes generally do have some relation to reality.

For instance many people have observed that most Asians have issues with their driving of automobiles. A friend and I were hit by a Chinese Driver last night in Atlantic City, NJ, he was with 4 friends in a Honda Car and smashed into us. He said he was; Oh so sorry! I did not see you ? Well, I did have to consider the Stereotypes of Asian Drivers? Only for a second, but nevertheless it does have some bit of truth to it ehy? (the ehy was for the Canadian readers). We were driving a Red Magna and how on Earth could you miss that right in front of you?

In any case Political Correctness is not something I have the patience for really. As an entrepreneur, also I am not beholden to you see? If this bothers you, well. I guess we both know I will never change personally. What about you? Are you blinded by political correctness as much as that driver who hit us? Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Political Correctness, Stereotypes, Fair
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

International Terrorist Serious US Steadfast

In warfare many philosophers believe that the human will to win is much more important to the actual victory than any other single factor. An army who is out gunned and has the stronger will still takes the advantage. Many believe this is why the International Terrorists are not giving up so easy? Indeed, but that is far as I would go, as surely no one has more will than I and my fellow Americans, so if anyone thinks that they will over come this level of commitment; well they are in for a rude awakening indeed.

The United States of America is the greatest single nation ever created in the history of mankind, and that is why I am an American. It got to be number one due to the collective will of the American People and although you may not readily see that will if you are not living in the United States, those who do live here can feel it. You see Freedom and Liberty are contagious. For those in the World Media who give credit to our enemies; well, you might want to let everyone else on the Planet know that.

We stand tall to protect the American People. That is the noble and honorable thing to do and that is the job of our government and therefore it must be done, above all else; No matter what. Now then if the other side says the same thing, then we must win and they must lose completely. If they feel as strongly as we do about it, then I am sorry for them, but all they have to do is stop attacking and get with the program. Because the United States of America must stand and the people must be free and protected at all costs. Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: International Terrorist Serious, US Steadfast
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Star Journal

The fifth day of June, 3085, cosmic era II. Jon Falcone, Overcaptain, Mining starboat Antares IV.

We have been on this lump of ice for fourteen days the pocket of ergite was detected and since no further progress has been made on the object'. It is sixty meters high and fifty-two meters in circumference. It possesses a soft outer skin which is covered by an impenetrable layer of an unknown substance. My chief scientist says this substance could be a force field, since our ultradiamond drills had no effect. The only information received from its interior was a slow rumble of noise that tilted the Antares IV six degrees off axis. No damage was reported. I ordered a complete spectrum analysis which should be ready tomorrow. Thank Space the ergite processing site is almost completed. The crew is getting edgy.

The sixth day of June, 3085.

Dr. Blade notified me of twelve complaints of headaches among the exterior crew. No cause is named. Corsair, our chief sci entist reported that with one exception, no emanations at all are coming from the 'object'. Estimates from the lab say it weighs five million earth tons and they time the rumbles from its interior at twenty three hours apart. The exception is probably a false reading of 56 to the 7th power at 6 nano angstroms - somewhere in the lower thought ranges, but impossibly strong.

The seventh day of June, 3085

Finally, a light wave report from Sirius answering my request for information about the single emanation from the object. There must be some mistake or a joke of some sort. The readout claims its source from a study done on extra galactic life in 3044 by Earth University. The frequency is listed as a single syllable from a life form on the super planet, Lagos, Sirius Cluster. It supposedly denotes the hunger cry of a baby. Very funny. Ho Ho.

The eighth day of June, 3085.


Retired portrait photographer. Comments welcome.

Author:: Kenne th C. Hoffman
Keywords:: Future, Spacetravel
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Joseph Brant and The Hegelian Dialectic

I admit I am only able to provide guesses as to the nature of how the elites might convene or make known to each other the nature of shared interests at different times. I have traveled in some circles where some of these people are present and I may have overheard a few things from others who work for them but it is pure guesswork in the final analysis. The Jacobin Scottish era shows us that Hume, Carlyle and Gibbon where checking with each other and following a plan to minimize the lesser nobles or keep them in the dark. Who did these people report to in the Stuart Royal camp? Bonnie Prince Charlie was opposed by his own general when the French did not send troops as promised so we can wonder if the people like William of Hesse and the De Medicis who appear together shortly after this were involved. Clearly Robespierre fomented a Revolution they needed in order to cleanse over-indulgences of the Royals in France. I am pretty sure that the Hegelian Dialectic borne of the top-down Platonic ideology was a factor. They were playing many sides and some very high personages were left out of the loop.

The Royal Society included a shadow government and Francis Bacon may have been the actual offspring of Queen Elizabeth. At that time we saw a concentration of the best minds under the auspices of the Stuarts. The Stuarts are the Milesian BEES and so are the Benjaminites like the Rothschilds who got the De Medicis monopoly and spy network. If you put it together it is worth speculating that a few people like Lord Mountbatten and Pierre Dupont de Nemours are in a position to make or influence decisions. To what degree they get manipulated by their own paladins and how far the conflicts in their own midst go is the big question mark.

The head people of the Priory of Sion were often from the alchemists in the Royal Society so we can speculate that an inner group of people there were of great importance. When Dan Brown (Author of The Da Vinci Code) had the tie in to Roslyn and the Sinclair Stewarts there he was making a similar guess to what I am saying.

The use of myths like the Grail legend or other religious denominations they have allowed the Masons to start (Mormons, Scientology, Billy Graham and fundamentalism, Calvin, Luther and all the rest) are mirrored in the Hindu Tradition. They were always in touch with that part of the world and China. The Tarim Basin was once a central area that their top people resided. The Basilidae of Hecateus family and the Basilians who derive therefrom as well as the Nestorians are evidence of this in the Greco-Roman to recent era. In America they had the Toltecs and Mediwiwin who were not always willing to toe the line just as the Ptolemies like Juba had been unwilling to go along with the major power grabs and Brutus was doing to Caesar. These things require a lot of reading and researching and I have done the bulk of the work to make these things into a continuous an d reasonable guess at true history.

Thus it often crosses my mind and I have to tell people who are into some of the Conspiracy Theories such as Jesuits, Rothschilds and the rest; that it has always been the case for the last 5,000 years James Joyce dubbed a nightmare. It is not one group all on their own, and it is not new. They have tried to let people take part in their own education and government but often this back-fired. I can defend many of the things they have done. The time for true change is upon us however.

Could the 'hide the ball' campaign or technique that keeps our attention away from the real problem and lack of freedom, such as the 'Red Scare' (Palmer Raids) or spread of communism be taken over by anti-smoking and ecology? I'm sure the people in the trenches of these battles are good people who have no ulterior motive. But my question is worth thinking about on the road to establishing priorities, I hope. The highest level of engineering where t he greatest evolution has occurred might be in the field of 'social engineering' and polite political intrigue. This is one area of human development that I see no ancient gift and intent to develop into greater adeptness, until the myth-making of the Mediterranean patriarchs or what Jung calls the 'Ur-stories'. From that point forward things have taken a far more Synarchistic tyrannical turn. The relationship of Onassis and Winston Churchill is one that I find most intriguing but no greater than the Iroquois roots of the Randolphs or Churchills. The Indian name of Joseph Brant tells us his father understood what position his son would have to take.

In the tradition of the Mediwiwin Society of pre-Columbian Masons in America and the genetically proven Sioux to Iroquois Haplogroup X trackers showing they are white, we have Joseph Brant who is a proud Mason. Churchill is related to him; and because Churchill was also a Druid and Mason among other things including the Rho des outgrowth of Illuminism, it gets interesting to see this. Of course, one must remember that Thomas Paine said Masonry is based on the 'sun son worship of Druidry and that the Adams Dragons are in this too. This is taken from the respected official Masonic site of British Columbia and the Yukon.

1742 - November 2, 1807

The Mohawk Thayendanegea, also known as Joseph Brant, served as Principle Chief of the Six Nations Indians, a Christian missionary of the Anglican church, and a British military officer during the U.S. War of Independence.

Brant was born in 1742 near what is now Akron, Ohio and given the Mohawk name of Thayendanegea, meaning he places two bets. N.B. He inherited the status of Mohawk Chief from his father.

A student of Latin and Greek, he helped translate Mark's Gospel into Mohawk. With the help of the Iroquois, he fought for the British against the American colonists. After the war he led his people to what is now Ontario, Canada. Jo seph Brant died in Burlington, Upper Canada on November 2, 1807.

The story of his rescuing a Continental soldier may be apocryphal. (6)

Apocryphal perhaps but it is also evidence of his connection with a media spin which makes his people accepted on both sides.

Author of Diverse Druids Columnist for The ES Press Magazine Guest 'expert' at

Author:: Robert Baird
Keywords:: Mediwiwin Society, Joseph Brant, The Hegelian Dialectic
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Government is Good at Only One Thing Well Actually Two!

Many people in the United States of America are trying to rely on the government for more and more every year and they vote for all the podium pushers and politicians who promised them things that the government can neither afford or that the taxpayer is willing to pay for.

Nevertheless, people rely on the government for all kinds of things such as health care, when what they should be doing is eating right and exercising more and they would not need pharmaceutical drugs or free health care at all. I am over 40 years old and have not been to a doctor in 28 years and I am in perfect shape and health and always will be.

I do not take drugs of any type pharmaceutical or otherwise and I eat healthy; you cannot rely on the government for such things as many of the things that people are relying on the government for our something that they should be responsible for themselves.

Most everything the government does it does inefficient and they do nothing very we ll. Well actually the government is good at only one thing; well actually two. The government is extremely good at lying to the American people.

And the government is very good at spending our money on wasteful endeavors in a very inefficient manner. In fact they are so good at both of these things that they probably deserve some sort of an award. Please consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Government is Good at Only One Thing
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Socrates and Plato

I have no desire to write this communication. Socrates, my teacher and friend, asked that I write for both of us.

You know me as well as I know myself, dear friend, he informed me. When you write of me, remember my one axiom was to know thyself.

I, Plato, am amused that he would say thus. Great were his oratories, his lectures, and most of all, his interrogation of the Sophists. He rallied wherever there was an ear. Only in the presence of his wife did he remain in a 'dumb' state. Many times she pulled him from a public lecture or debate to accost him for being idle.

It is not true, what you speak, Plato. I was not idle. My work was to teach, thus I did so. Did I not teach you? You, who became the writer with books read through all these many generations. I have no books, only the statues I sculpted as a young man. I have no written work.

Yes, Socrates, but you have given more than the written word. You produced the ideas, you taught great men who w ere to inscribe the words for posterity.

I am amused. He directs me to relate the information, which I do not wish to do, then he interrupts me with his comments. It is as it was. When we were together in the great halls of Athens, he would bid me to begin the oratory, and then proceed to question me until he was conducting the speech.

I questioned to learn my own thoughts, Plato. The mind is stimulated by debate. Did my questions not stir you to greater thoughts?

True, Socrates, in the ten years we were together you assaulted my mind. You were always the leader, I the follower. Even at your death I would have followed you, drunk the hemlock with you, but you persuaded me to carry on, to write your philosophies.

Yes Plato, but you left Athens, the center of learning and went to Syracuse, cursed city of neglected intelligence.

I could not remain in Athens after you were forced to take your life, dear Socrates. I went to Syracuse after leisure tra vel through Italy to Egypt, only after repeated requests from Dionysius, the ruler.

What did he do? He sold you as a debtor.

I was given my freedom by a faithful benefactor and returned to Athens to continue my work.

Ahh, do I have silence for a brief moment? Have you no retort, Socrates? Good,then I shall continue the text, as I was asked to do.

After my return to Athens I was given the opportunity to start an Academy where I taught young students among the gardens and trees. Always I attempted to teach them the importance of classifying one's thoughts in order to think logically. My greatest pupil was Aristotle, who became my trusted companion for many years. To him I handed down the teachings of Socrates and my own thoughts about life.

It was my firm belief that the sate should be governed by an authority that would grant equality to all.

I felt that people would work well if they were assigned to a labor they had a talent for and enjoy ed doing.

I believed in equality. I had been fortunate to be born into a family of wealth, which my friend Socrates was not, still, I felt not superior to him or to any human. I might have been gifted by the design of the Creator to learn, write and teach, but others too were gifted, to carve, build, harvest and create.

Even a blind many can learn to play a lute and give music to his neighbors. A crippled one can learn to weave and make fine clothes for others.

I believed that women were not inferior to men, except perhaps in strength. Socrates's mother was a nurse and midwife who supplemented his father's stone cutting income.

In my dialogue, The Republic, I extolled the virtue of woman. I deplored that a woman should be forced into a marriage against her will. To have or not have a child was for her to decide, not a husband or ruling authority.

May I intercede at this point, Plato?

You will with or without my approval.

I owe you a debt of gratitude for preserving my teaching in Athens after I had been labeled a heretic and forced to drink Hemlock. Most of all though, I wish to commend you on your expanded consciousness. You took my humble beliefs and combined them with your own. Frequently I have been given credit for philosophies that were yours.

It is of no consequence, my friend. Surely the seed of the idea was planted by you.

Just as you planted the seeds in Aristotle, who expanded on them.

There is one major seed of an idea that should be passed on to all generations,Socrates.

What might that be?

To know thyself.

Mary Bradley McCauley is a writer in no particular genre. Her Articles, short stories, essays, poems, travel bits, and 'thinking about' series have been published and well received. Her metaphysical novel, The House of Annon has been one of her Writing highlights.

After the nomadic life of the military with its countless moves, Ms. McCauley lived in FL for 27 years and recently retired in Franklin TN. A former Army Brat, Army Wife and Group Tour Travel Advisor, she claims her first love is being with her grandchildren and second is communicating in any way, shape or form.

Author:: Mary McCauley
Keywords:: article submission, Articles, Writers, Writing, Publishing, Ezine, Email marketing, Email newsletter, Email
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Illuminati in Kentucky

Illuminati in Kentucky:

My fevered imagination includes the probability that Andrew Jackson and stories of the Bell Witch are connected with this kind of knowledge.

In his 1806 book Travels In America, Thomas Ashe writes of his experiences with a vast cavern originally discovered in 1783 beneath the city of Lexington, 300 feet long, 100 feet wide and 19 feet high, containing exotic artifacts, a stone altar for sacrifices, human skulls and bones piled high, and mummified remains. The mummies are very strange looking and have red hair. The local native Americans claimed that these were the remnants of an ancient civilization that died out long ago. Respected historian George W. Ranck also discusses this lost city buried beneath Lexington in 1872. It is said that local Native Americans identified the bodies as being from the ancient race who inhabited the area long before them.

In 1792 an early settler, General John Payne, made a strange discovery while building his house in the tiny town of Augusta, KY, 63 miles North of Lexington. From Historical Sketches of Kentucky by Lewis Collins, Maysville, Ky. 1847, page 205:

The bottom on which Augusta is situated is a large burying ground of the ancients...They have been found in great numbers, and of all sizes, everywhere between the mouths of Bracken and Locust Creeks, a distance of about a mile and a half. From the cellar under my (Payne's) dwelling, 60 by 70 feet, over a hundred and ten skeletons were taken. I measured them by skulls, and there might have been more, whose skulls had crumbled into dust...The skeletons were of all sizes, from seven feet to infant.

David Kilgour (who was a tall and very large man) passed our village at the time I was excavating my cellar, and we took him down and applied a thigh bone to his. The man, if well-proportioned, must have been 10 to 12 inches taller than Kilgour, and the lower jaw bone would slip on over his, skin and all. Who were they? How came their bones here?

When I was in the army, I inquired of old Crane, a Wyandot and of Anglerson, a Delaware, both intelligent old chiefs, and they could give me no information in reference to these remains of antiquity. Some of the largest trees of the forest were growing over the remains when the land was cleared in 1792.

A few years later, on December 21, 1806, the town of Augusta, KY was visited by Harman Blennerhassett, lawyer, occultist, and member of the Illuminati. Was he aware of the ancient underground civilization in the region?

Blennerhassett was born on October 8, 1764 in Ireland The Black and Red Lodge of Masonry and Keoghs grandfather in my researches on this probable great great-grandfather of mine is connected I suspect.and moved to the USA after graduating. He and his wife (who was also his niece which is in-line with the Merovingian genetic programming so long as there are adequate foreign genes put into the mix which the Hapsburgs forgot for a few centuries) lived on Blennerhassett island on the Ohio River. Blennerhassett was a friend and colleague of Adam Weishaupt Son of a Rabbi, and a member of his Order of the Illuminati, reaching the level of Illuminatus Magus. He was also a friend of Vice President Aaron Burr, with whom he engaged in a conspiracy to remove President Thomas Jefferson from power. The plot was discovered and Blennerhassett's secret camp at Marietta w as destroyed on December 19, 1806.

Blennerhassett fled with about 50 of his fellow initiates, leaving his wife, his sons and the rest of his guerrilla troops behind. But instead of making a direct exit, Blennerhassett risked making a mysterious side trip to Augusta, KY, arriving on the day of the solstice. Clearly, there was some occult significance to his visit to Augusta. But what? That Blennerhassett was interested in the forgotten ancient civilization is a distinct possibility. (7) and many Ezines or journals support my work and there is much more to come.

Author:: Robert Baird
Keywords:: Illuminati, Merovingians, Jefferson, Lexington
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Martin Luther King An Essay

Martin Luther King Jr.

Dr. King speaks of many of the racial prejudices and persecutions that they, African Americans, have suffered. Throughout the speech King uses the phrase Now is the time (502), this makes the reader feel King's view has utmost urgency. Dr. King stands strong on his view of non-violent protests saying, Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinKing from the cup of bitterness and hatred. (503) Dr. King tells the listener not to give up under pressure but to persevere because the day will come when King's dream is recognized. Dr. King's dream is a situation where little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls and walk together as sisters and brothers. In his speech Dr. King hopes to persuade the Great America to abolish all racial prejudice.

Dr. King uses many different but effective methods to convince the reader of his point. King uses the words from an old Negro spiritual, the famous line, Free at last! free at last! Thank God almighty, we are free at last! (505) This phrase serves as an exclamation point on an emotional speech that is sure to deeply move the reader. King quotes the song America the Beautiful stating that he wants everyone to sing it with new meaning. In his speech King comes across as a persecuted African American who wants a change for all. The voice King uses starts of as a soft but firm whispe r then it gradually builds with the message it carries until it is the full roaring voice of freedom at the end.

Dr. King presents his arguments in a very original way. King focuses on the reader's sense of right and wrong and goes on to appeal to the reader's emotions. The speech is not as important today as when it was written in 1963; but it still serves as an important reminder. King's argument is limited to a small audience in a sense but in day-to-day living comes into racial prejudice, either given or taken. Dr. King's speech had to be on a level for the common people to completely understand it. He does this by relating himself with the crowd and by using common speech. Overall his argument moves the reader, it makes them fell really human. After reading King's speech the reader realizes we're all the same and there is no need for racial persecution. King has written an argument that has such lasting appeal that it is imperative that the re ader reread King's speech ever so often to rekindle their heartfelt conscience.

Dr. M. Cooper provides research and term paper assistance at http://www.TermPaperAdvisor and on the world-wide web. Dr. Copper has a M.S. degree in data communications and a Ph.D in Computer Information Systems. He is a retired Army officer and a Vietnam veteran.

Author:: Mike Copper
Keywords:: King, dr. King, martin luther King, civil rights, equal rights
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Straight Angular Lines are So Powerful in Art!

Ultimately, we want our designs to contain beauty and meaning. This is not easily done. Since *Lines* is one of the elements of design, we never want to overlook how Lines can enhance or detract from our work. Lines should be used in such a way that they improve the tone and quality of designs. In the way Lines are used, they add a unique signature to artistic expressions. To illustrate, everyone forms the Lines in their handwriting and signature according to their own biological thumbprint. This same principle holds true for artists.

In nature and in most designs, there are a large variety of Lines that range from short to long, thick to thin, smooth to jagged, and curved to straight. Straight, angular Lines bring structure, strength, and stability to designs; while curved, s mooth Lines generate movement and grace.

As we continue to raise our awareness for the creative arts, we need to remember the importance of Lines and be mindful of how Lines are used in nature. For instance, some varieties of palm trees have leaves with straight folds in them, yet the shapes of the leaves are circular. And as for man made designs, notice the body styles of today's motor vehicles. If Lines on motor vehicles are too straight instead of those nice curves, cars would not be as visually pleasing to us. Even landscapes have more appeal when curves are incorporated.

Straight and squared off Lines are predominantly used for books, magazines, business cards, brochures, and paper in general. Straight, angular Lines look great on architecture with complementary curved Lines< /b> to set it off. The form of kitchen tiles are straight and grid-like and contain the illusion of texture (or patterns) and have become the standard protocol (or upgrades) for kitchens and bathrooms throughout America.

Lines are part of every design, and it is up to us to know how to use them. When straight, angular Lines are combined with curvy Lines, designs have a broader appeal. Unless you are designing a flag as an emblem, make sure to complement straight Lines with curvy ones. (Revised 2/17/2006)

Debbie Jensen, Graphic Designer and Photographer

Author:: Debbie Jensen
Keywords:: Lines, design principles, watch your Lines, observe nature, notice Lines in art, art education,
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Conversation with Plato in 3D Holographic Virtual Reality

There have certainly been many worthy philosophers and learned men in World History perhaps none more celebrated that the Greek Philosopher Plato. Unfortunately we are unable to talk with Plato as he is from a past period, while we are in the present period moving into the future period. Much of the basis for our Republic comes from Platos comments on civilization and his philosophy. What if we could watch Plato and Aristotle having a philosophical conversation?

I propose that we use Holographic Technologies, which are getting closer to becoming reality to produce educational works to teach humans and help them learn. You see, soon we will visualize data on our computers in 3D, 4D and 5D. We will enjoy Virtual Reality on our 360 X-Box in our living rooms. Military strategists and war fighters can play out the battle in the virtual battlespace in advance and then watch it un-fold in real time. Great, great grandchildren will be about to meet their past ancestors and w atch a holographic Video. We will communicate in Video conferencing with the image of the other people sitting next us, but not actually there. All this is on its way and even more, as the applications are endless indeed.

It makes sense that we would use such technologies to re-enlighten the masses, teach them to think and learn from the masters of past periods. The sooner we deliver these technologies to the masses and make them available the sooner entrepreneurs will find such killer applications for them. Plato would be proud of our ingenuity and we should be proud to do him such an honor. Think on this.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Aristotle, Conversation Plato, 3D Holographic Virtual Reality, Video, x-boxm Video conferencing, God
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Monday, June 27, 2011

The Wisdom of a Road

A small road can give us Wisdom. These words may seem strange to many. But after reading this article many will change their views and agree with me. Every week I go to Rampur from Moradabad (both districts in Utter Pradesh, India) and come back. For the last two years I am repeating this to and fro journey. I have seen the all good and bad shapes of road. I have seen it in all seasons. I have enjoyed its grace and beauty. I have enjoyed its cuts and jumps too. This road is the Part of Delhi- Lucknow highway. It is 27 km in length. It takes nearly one hour to cross this busy road. Thousands of people travel every day on this road.

This road is very familiar to me; I know each uniqueness and weakness of this road. My people before me must have traveled on this road. Even there may be people who know it much better than me. They may be traveling everyday. There memories associated with road may be more than me. There are many people who have died on this road. For there familys road may be associated with bad memories. Every body travels on this road a poor man to a VIP. This road has treated every body in same way.

For the last two years this road is sharing with me some Wisdom, which I am going to share with you. The first this road tells us is never involve deeply with anybody. This road takes lots of people to their destinations. It travels with them up to their destination and leave them there alone for further travel. It doesnt accompany them. But take some other for accompanying to its destination. We also have to accompany people up to their destinations and help them to reach there. Once they get it, our job ends. There should not be any expectation in our mind in return of helping the others. This is the real purpose of our life.

The second point is road remain same in all conditions and seasons. It never changes its direction. It may be in what ever shape, it always take us to our destination. Similarly like road, we should be ready for all difficulties and face them. We should never deviate from our chosen goals. But accomplish them under all circumstances. Many kind of situations may come, but we should be firm like road towards our destination. Our aim should be clear to reach our destination.

Third point is to be open to everybody. Road doesnt distinguish between individuals. Every body is same for him. It never disallows the poor from traveling on it or favors the rich in traveling on it. It is open to a cycle in the same way as to a expensive car. We should also be open to everybody and not to restrict to some. If someone has the need, w e should be ready to fulfill it without any prejudice towards any body in our mind.

Fourth point is satisfaction, road never riches any where or achieves any thing significant. Still road is satisfied. It never welcomes the person coming on it with frustration. It has nothing to achieve, but it is helpful in others fulfilling their dreams. We are in life become so obsessed with our goals, that their non achievement makes us dissatisfied. So we become a frustrated individual. Due to this frustration either our family members or the innocents suffer. We see only our goals and never care about the others. We require changing our outlook.

Road in his silence tells us many things. We require listening to it. For this we require a calmness of our mind. This is filled with worldly needs. We need to reprogram it and learn from the road.

Author:: Arvind Katoch
Keyw ords:: Wisdom
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Epic Fantasy It's Really About The Meaning Of Life

Since the beginning of time mankind has made up epic fantasy stories in the form of Myths to reflect his role in the universe. The oldest piece of written work is the Epic of Gilgamesh. It was inscribed on stone tablets a thousand years before the Iliad was written and it is in the genre of epic fantasy. Since this piece was written many more have followed.

We are all familiar with the story of Jason and the Golden Fleece, or the story of King Arthur and the Holy Grail. We are also all familiar with the quest of Bilbo Baggins. Why have these stories and others like them survived for so long? Why are they so fully engraved in our psyche as a race? Is it because they are fun stories? It is true that they are good stories and grand adventures but they also convey a deeper meaning about what it is to be hu man. And this search for a deeper meaning has been with humans since the beginning of time.

The ancient Greeks created Myths that revolved around Heroes facing the wrath of a variety of gods. This helped them to understand their place in the world and it applied meaning to their lives relative to the world they lived in. In medieval times humanity changed. The Renaissance brought with it a new understanding of the world we live in. And that new understanding brought new questions. No longer were we subject to the whims of a variety of gods. We, as people, gained a new control of our own lives and we came to the realization that it wasnt gods that controlled us but it was us who controlled ourselves. This made us look inward. It caused us to seek out the things within ourselves that made us like the old go ds. This new outlook was reflected in the epic fantasy Myths of the times. Heroes looked inside themselves. They took great strides in making themselves better people. They believed that there was a right way to be and this belief is epitomized by the code of the knight.

There are no dragons to slay, there are no more knights, and there are no princesses to rescue. How do these stories of Heroic quests apply to you today?

Each character in these stories is given a task of a seemingly impossible nature. And each character has to find his way through a world wrought with dangers, difficulties and obstacles. The parallel here is obvious and we all travel a similar road to that of Gilgamesh and Jason but this isnt the real reason why epic fantasy is so relevant to our lives. This kind of conflict and se arching is found in just about every piece of fiction and in every medium. The secret to why epic fantasy rises above all the others is hidden within each story itself.

Joseph Campbell, in his book The Hero With a Thousand Faces, outlined the twelve steps that each Hero must take on his personal journey to realizing his quest. One critical early step that must be made is the meeting with the mentor. The mentor himself has traveled his own personal journey, learned many lessons along the way and he imparts this wisdom on our Hero. Our Hero learns some valuable lessons from someone who has been there and done that. This is exactly what epic fantasy does for you. It works as a mentor.

In a beautiful sense of folding in on itself the Hero of an epic fantasy story becomes a mentor to you. You travel along with the Hero and you learn the lessons that he learns. You learn the value of trust or the danger of greed. And most importantly you learn the value of persisting in your personal quest and following your heart because in the end you see the reward.

Read the stories of the epic fantasy Hero and listen to the lessons that he can teach you. Maybe there are no more Dragons and no more damsels in distress but you are in the middle of an epic quest called your life and you must follow this quest to the end. This quest is the search to find the meaning in your life and epic fantasy is the mentor that will help you find it.

Will Kalif is the author of two epic fantasy novels and he is currently engaged in the quest to find the meaning in his own life. You can visit his website devoted to epic fantasy at: The Only Epic Fantasy Website

Author:: Will Kalif
Keywords:: epic fantasy,Hero,meaning of life,joseph campbell,Myth
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United Nations and We the People Debate

It is truly amazing the amount of anti-globalist sentiment out there. Often you have to wonder what is these peoples problems, as they protest, riot and graffiti during World Leadership conferences which discuss how best to help the third world. It is almost as if they are saying do not help the poorer nations at all.

Yet we do not see these same groups out their teaching these folks how to do agriculture, clean water or develop solar energy power. Not, all they do is complain and piss and moan. One anti-globalist recently came to an online think tank and stated;

The UN is not doing their job and We the People can take it from here on out.

Interesting comments indeed and just where are they going to take the third world now? It seems that if the anti-globalists can do a better job out there, then go get busy and do something, but causing riots and protests all over the world is silly and reckless. It is a slap in the face to modern civilization. Look here is the deal, if you anti-globalists are so great and wise and resourceful, then why not get your rear ends down to Africa or some poorer third world nation and start by lending a helping hand. Get busy and do something and lead by example, dont piss and moan and protest the money sources that are needed to get the help to where it needs to be you see? Consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: United Nations, We the People Debate
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Essence of Democracy and Freedom of Speech Disagreeing?

Recently a gentleman stated to me that he believed that the essence of Democracy and Freedom of Speech was disagreement, protest, debate and counter arguments to a point of contention. Well, maybe Democracy and Freedom of Speech has turned into that. But if it has then is it indeed the best method to run a Great Nation like the United States?

Is it best for all concerned for everyone to run around and complain, without a viable solution to the points of contention that they are protesting? For instance during the last election in the United States the self-proclaimed Blue Party, which really should have been reversed as Communism stands for Red and the Liberals are socialists waiting for a disaster to happen and would love to turn the greatest nation in the History of Mankind into a communist (government does everything) socialist Beehive of humanity.

As this debate and discussion continued apparently this liberal never had this pointed out to him in a meaningf ul way and thus he stated; So, first off, thank you. Very seriously, thank you for taking all the time you did to respond to me in such detail. As your goal was to open my eyes, you certainly did that. You and I disagree on some points, but isn't that the essence of democracy and freedom of speech?

So, I ask YOU, the reader of this article, is Disagreeing the essence of democracy? If so, Democracy should render itself short lived amongst the human race in the next millennium. If the entire population runs around Disagreeing and attacking, may I please ask how any of YOU humans plan to get anything done of value or propel the human species forward? Because seriously, I am having my doubts about YOUR abilities and the forward progression of mankind. Consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Essence of Democracy, Freedom of Speech, Disagreeing, agree to disagree
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Positive Thinking Starts with Knowing You Cannot Trust Human Beings

Are you someone who wants to be a positive thinker but is having problems doing so? As people get older we notice that they either become cynical and brash or they start looking at the world through rose-colored sunglasses as if looking at a perpetual rainbow.

Everything is just great and they seem to understand the world is the way it is they are just happy as punch to be alive. You know the type? Have you ever wonder why some older folks are either completely cynical or perpetual optimists?

Philosophically perhaps it's because positive thinking starts with knowing that there are some things you just can't change and you should not sweat over them. One thing I have come to learn is that you just cannot trust humans. And once I realized this things just got a lot more simpler and the cynicism when away because I simply accepted the fact that you cannot trust human beings is far if you can throw them.

Different people find different ways in life to sta rt thinking positive and myself well I am an eternal optimist, mostly due to my achievements in the past and knowing there is nothing I cannot do if I put my mind to it, yet I have adopted the philosophical point now that you cannot trust humans, but I can trust myself and a few friends most all the time.

That is the reality of life on Earth and excepting that although it may be tough is one way to get closer to positive thinking. There will be some self-help gurus who may disagree with this point, but if they are humans they don't trust them, but I do trust my own observations and therefore I don't trust humans. These the cake; have a nice day!

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Positive Thinking, Starts with Knowing, Cannot Trust Human Beings, perpetual rainbow, rose-colored s
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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Dabbling in Infinity

In continuation of my discussion on Infinity and its implications with the divine, I should mention that the concept of there existing infinities beyond imagination is quite difficult to comprehend. If you read my poem, How Can this Be? you read in verse the proof that shows clearly that there is no such thing as one kind of Infinity. (See my ezine article How Can this Be) The extension of this most curious fact is that there are actually an infinite number of infinities!

Occasionally I wax metaphysical in conversations with my uncle and the other evening we were discussing some points regarding the spiritual realms. In passing, I brought up the topic of Infinity and I asked him his impression of it. His response, which is typical of most people, is that Infinity is just thatInfinity: something that never ends. But how do we make this vague notion somewhat more concrete? I pointed my uncles attention to the set of natural, or counting numbers. This set comprise s the familiar numbers 1, 2, 3, .... The numbers go on and on, falling like dominoes, and never reaching a biggest one. This process is easy to grasp and presents no ordinary difficulty for the average person. What does become difficult to understand is why the Infinity typified by this set of numbers is not unique.

Now lets delve a little more deeply into this curious set of numbers and the topic of Infinity in general. This set of counting numbers obviously never ends. If you have ever seen a chronometer counting hundredths of a second, then you have seen how fast the digits representing the hundredths of a second whiz by, not appearing for any length of time sufficient to allow recognition of the appropriate digit. And this is for hundredths of a second. Imagine the same chronometer counting off thousandths of a second. Now imagine this going on from, let us say, ten thousand years ago and continuing for another ten thousand years, starting with 1 and such t hat each thousandth of a second would represent the next sequential counting number. Think of how far along in the set of counting numbers you would be. We could actually compute the number but we are only interested in trying to conceptualize how large potential Infinity could be.

Now that we have this huge number in hand, we could do whatever we wanted with it to project ourselves much further out in the set of counting numbers. We could multiply it by itself ten times (the mathematical way of saying we can raise the number to the tenth power); we could multiply it by itself a hundred times, a thousand times, and so on. We could then take the largest product and do the same process all over again. How big is this set?

This set is so largenever ending in factthat we should be able to use it to compare to anything else that is infinite, right? Wrong. And in a continuing article on this most fascinating subject, I will discuss how this notion of one univers al Infinity is completely wrong. Thus, if Sets of numbers can shatter our preconceived notions of a concept like Infinity, which is more or less universally accepted as something that is real, what more can we uncover by plunging into the mysteries of numbers and Mathematics in general? Stay tuned......

Joe is a prolific writer of self-help and educational material and an award-winning former teacher of both college and high school Mathematics. Under the penname, JC Page, Joe authored Arithmetic Magic, the little classic on the ABCs of arithmetic. Joe is also author of the charming self-help ebook, Making a Good Impression Every Time: The Secret to Instant Popularity, the original collection of poetry, Poems for the Mathematically Insecure, and the short but highly effective fraction troubleshooter Fractions for the Faint of Heart. The diverse genre of his writings (novel, short story, essay, script, and poetry)?particularly in regard to its educcational flavor ? continues to captivate readers and to earn him recognition.&

Joe propagates his teaching philosophy through his articles and books and is dedicated to helping educate children living in impoverished countries. Toward this end, he donates a portion of the proceeds from the sale of every ebook. For more information go to

Author:: Joe Pagano
Keywords:: Counting numbers, natural numbers, Infinity, Mathematics, set theory, Sets, Calculus, Cardinality
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Philosophical Arguments Against Illegal Immigration

In the United States of America we live in a society, which is caring and loving of all people. Most Americans do not want to exploit illegal aliens in some sort of slave labor. At the same time we realize that we cannot afford to take all the poor people of the world into our civilization and feed them.

There are hundreds of millions of poor people in Africa, South America, India, China and the rest of Asia in the United States has big and as economically strong as we are, we just can't take everyone. Over 3.5 Billion People live on less than a dollar a day. Currently there are 24 million illegal aliens United States and 60 percent of those came from Mexico and we need to be very careful not to take too many more or we jeopardize all that we have built in this great country of ours.

Below is excerpt all that article that I wrote back in 1999 discussing this very issue and the information in this paragraph is still warranted and must be considered. We must d o what's right for the American people and also consider the illegal aliens in their plight as they flee from Mexico's corrupt government for a better life;

Right now it may appear good to employers because wages are kept low, yet if the middle class disappears then there will be no one to sell too. Then what? Remember we do not make anything, we do not use our own resources, and we are giving away our technology to Nations who have yet to go where we have been. Can we afford to do that? I do not want to have a civil conflict with my neighbor who came here for a better life to feed his family. I do not want talk two different languages to people on the streets. I do not want to catch a disease that was suppose to be gone 40 years ago. I do not want to lose the middle class who buys my services and who will own our franchises in order to move to the next class.

All Americans must wise up and consider the reality of a situation. It is okay to be of a libera l mindset, but the same time we must face reality if we are to move the United States of America forward to the utopia that we all seek and for the forward progression of our nation and the future of our children and their children. Please consider this in 2006 on a more realistic basis.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Philosophical Arguments, Against Illegal Immigration
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Why Are There Racist Attitudes In The First Place?

What is the point of Racism? ... Whats underneath it all?

Well those questions, as some of you are aware, have complex answers! Like an Octopus with a thousand tentacles! But lets attempt to answer them anyway!

Why are theyre Racist attitudes in the first place? Or to put it another way, what drove White European Christians to view themselves as superior to non-Whites and to go around the world conquering or enslaving them for benefit and profit?

I don't know why they did that! But I'm damned good at speculating!

When the Romans first invaded Northern Europe circa 500 AD, they encountered Germanic tribes wearing animal skins and living in thatched huts! The Romans wore fine clothes lived in eLaborate stone building, lived by written laws and legal codes and had a high degree of civilization (aqueducts, indoor baths, etc) They looked on the animal skin wearing, thatched hut living Germanic tribes, as savages! Sound familiar! Thats the how the Europea ns who first invaded, I mean discovered America viewed the Indians when they first encountered them! But in this instance you have Whites looking down on other Whites as inferior! The Germanic tribes populated England and most of Northern Europe!

To make a long story short! Roman civilization was the dominant culture and power in that region and the world for about a thousand years! But as time went on the ruling class became indulgent, corrupt and lazy until the wild war waging savage, Germanic tribes became powerful enough to over throw what was left of the Glory of Rome!

Now here's where my speculations get psychologically interesting (at least to me!)

As a result of being treated as inferior by the Romans for hundreds of years, when these savages finally did over throw Rome, they over compensated for the inferiority complex they had developed by putting in its place a superiority complex that masked their feelings of cultural inferiority! It's like some one having murderous envy toward another they secretly admire finally getting the chance to knock them off and take their place!

These savage tribes started feeling really good about themselves! Like they were the Big Dogs! And they were the Big Dogs! Hadnt they just knocked off the superior culture of the once mighty Roman Empire!

They started seeing themselves as superior and but still had the need to keep that inferiority complex covered up! So it was easy for them to act-out their distain without guilt, on those ethnic groups they viewed as savage or inferior, because they saw the savagery and inferiority as coming from those groups, not from themselves!

The Whites in the U.S. inherited this cultural legacy of White Supremacy from the descendants of those savage tribes who immigrated to North America before the founding of the Nation! Northern European history and culture was so affected by Roman culture that, around the 11th century AD, the pope of tha t period and Charlemagne create a Second Roman Empire, The Holy Roman Empire! Now ruled by the once envious savage tribes! Today England has a parliament and the United States a Congress because they are both patterned after the Roman judicial system created by the cultural descendants of these savage tribes!

Further Speculation On Why There Are Racist Attitudes

Some Whites grow up in Racist home and social environments! Some have been brainwashed with Racist propaganda throughout their whole early Social development as kids! I've seen documentaries on the Klan, Neo-Nazis and other Racist groups that show parents with their 3,4, or 5 year olds at these rallies dressed in Klan robes, Neo-Nazi uniforms or other Racist attire, chanting Racist slogans and beaming with pride and enthusiastic approval of their children for doing so! So these are some of the way Racist attitudes are passed on from generation to generation and why theyre there in the first place for thes e kids!

What's the point of Racism? What's underneath it?

Whats underneath White Racism in this country is (to reiterate) the ideology of White Supremacy! Certain White European philosophers perpetuated the theory (as a result of Darwin's theory of evolution, for some of the reasons I gave above and for others to complex to go into in this article) that White people (especially White men because they dominated White society) were the pinnacle of the evolution of the human species and therefore racially superior and more privileged than all other races!

That philosophy was behind the exploitation of Africans for free slave Labor and the economic gain of White businessmen during the era of the slave trade! Africans were seen as subhuman in the evolutionary scale and therefore they weren't really enslaving or exploiting humans but something more like cattle or other beasts of burden!

When the United States Constitution was created the enslaved Africans w ere (for political reasons) only referred to indirectly as only 3/5th of a person! Most of the so-called founding fathers if not all of them, including Jefferson and Washington were rich slaveholders! The Constitution was obviously created to protect economic rights of the founding fathers not African Americans, American Indians, White women or any other non-White group for that matter!

As a matter of fact, in the early days of the United States before White Supremacy became the dominant ideology of the country, the only people classified as White were, White Anglo-Saxon protestants, who were English or descended from the English! Italians and others weren't looked upon as White until well after the slave trade was in full bloom!

The White supremacist philosophy and economic gain was behind the civil war! The southern states, who imported most of the slave Labor, whole economy was based on the slave trade and lots of people were getting rich or doing very well as a result of it! So they weren't too happy when certain conscientious Whites (like Lincoln), who may have thought Whites were racially superior to Blacks, but didn't believe it was right to enslaved their fellow man, wanted to end the profitable importation of slave Labor! So rather then have that occur, the political leaders of the slave states decided that they would no longer be part of the United States! Lincoln and other leaders said, You can't break up the Union of the United States! The slave states leaders said Oh yes we can! And that's how in a simplified way the Civil War got started!

Hitler was a White supremacist! He called the superior Whites, Aryans. He learned a lot of his ideas about racial superiority from the Racist science and philosophy of the slave trade and Jim Crow practices of the United States!

Another less familiar source of Racism is the Old Testament idea of the Chosen People of God who are more special to God than all other people! An d of course through much intellectual rationalizing by Racist Judeo-Christian intellectual Gods Chosen People were deem to be White! They convinced themselves and others that it was Ok to deprive Africans of their rights because they enjoyed a special privilege from God, a manifest Destiny, to dominate Africans and other non-White groups because they were God Chosen people!

But the underlying core of Racism is that White Supremacists dont want Blacks or other groups they view as inferior, contaminating their superior gene pool with their tainted blood! And White Racist men jealously defending their sexual dominance over White women! These two issues have sparked the most vehement White violence and hatred toward Black men! It made supremacist men feel sexually inadequate and inferior and an affront to their sexual dominance and pride if their White women preferred, what they saw as subhuman, genetically inferior men to themselves! They become enraged with hate filled, envy and jealousy toward Black men! Thus the formation of 'the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan as Chivalric order to protect the virtue of the flower of the White race (White women) from all those degenerate Black men whose only desire was to deflower them (Rape them)! Thus the thousands of lynchings of Black men during the late 18 and early 1900s in the United States (mainly in the southern states)!

You can see how over time this hate-filled jealousy would continue to reinforce its self and how it would be attractive to other White men, who wanted to see themselves as this chivalrous order of knights valiantly protecting the flower of the White race from the threat of deflowerment by the black beasts and the even greater threat of the tainting of their familys gene pool with the blood of these genetic ally inferior beasts of burden or predators!

These feelings, supported by White supremacist Christian doctrines, sent them on a religious crusade carrying out Racist violence with religious zeal against black men and any White women who dared to have sex or become romantically involved with them! (But it was ok if White men had sex with Black women!) The flaming cross of the Klan is a Christian cross! They see themselves as Christians and Jesus as their Aryan brother!

Now I went through all of that to give you some idea of the underlying concepts and ideology behind the point of Racism and what's underneath it from a psycho-social-historical point of view!

From a psychological view, the point of Racism is to make those groups who hold this view feel they are superior, better and more privileged than all other ethnic groups! It's kind of like one little kid saying to another that my dad is better than your dad! Sometime those who latch on to Racist ideas hav e unfulfilled needs for self-esteem, self-worth or some other lack that they're unconsciously attempting to fill or over compensate for but may not see in themselves or want to see in themselves! For others, it's just brainwashing, plain and simple! Or a combination brainwashing and other factors! There are usually complex factors involved in the genesis of any problem rather than just one! Especially a problem like this one!

That, in a very simplified way, are some of my thoughts why there are Racist attitudes in the first place but definitely by no means all of my thoughts on the subject! Or all of my knowledge on the subject! I've studied, pondered and researched this topic for about 20-30 years because, I was puzzled by all this racial hatred and why it keeps raring its ugly head and wanted to find out what it was is about! Why its so resilient!

Thats my thoughts!

What are your thoughts on my thoughts and speculations?

Copyright 2006 El-Veasey Pub lishing Inc

El Veasey has PhDs in Social-Politics, Psycho-Social Relationships, History of the Human mind and Religious Politics, from the University of Hard-Knocks, Ghetto Town, USA

Email: elveasey at


Author:: El Veasey
Keywords:: Racist, Racism, White, Supremacy, Klan, Nazi, Slavery, Lincoln, Consitiution, Labor, God, Destiny
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips