Wednesday, August 31, 2011

United Nations and We the People Debate

It is truly amazing the amount of anti-globalist sentiment out there. Often you have to wonder what is these peoples problems, as they protest, riot and graffiti during World Leadership conferences which discuss how best to help the third world. It is almost as if they are saying do not help the poorer nations at all.

Yet we do not see these same groups out their teaching these folks how to do agriculture, clean water or develop solar energy power. Not, all they do is complain and piss and moan. One anti-globalist recently came to an online think tank and stated;

The UN is not doing their job and We the People can take it from here on out.

Interesting comments indeed and just where are they going to take the third world now? It seems that if the anti-globalists can do a better job out there, then go get busy and do something, but causing riots and protests all over the world is silly and reckless. It is a slap in the face to modern civilization. Look here is the deal, if you anti-globalists are so great and wise and resourceful, then why not get your rear ends down to Africa or some poorer third world nation and start by lending a helping hand. Get busy and do something and lead by example, dont piss and moan and protest the money sources that are needed to get the help to where it needs to be you see? Consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: United Nations, We the People Debate
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From Experience: Is It the Circle of Life?

All of it in one way or another a part of my Lifetime and not an analytical study of the way that business has changed but a comparison that is not at all hard to follow or see. What happened to our country now seems to be subtle changes that occurred as the years passed by.

Always a reason behind a wage difference always because of the area of the country or because of the actual company I was Working for.

Basically it has all boiled down to the ultimate understanding that it was just the standard of living country wide had taken a turn for the worse and no one, definitely not mewanted to admit it or look at it.

Yes, beyond my capability to actually crunch numbers and really see what was happening somehow the American way of Life has changed and it is harder than ever to do what needs to be done financially.

Beyond my want to know at all of what has really happened, and understand it. Because the country that I grew up in, the country that was so fair to all was slowly changing. So much that it wasnt really noticeable immediately and if you were too busy trying to make ends meet possibly you didnt even think about it or find it unusual or sad. It really is sad, but real.

Unions cant make it anymore. Why? Because we as Americans will not pay the price of labor unions and dont have to because unions no longer make a difference. Our government says that we can unionize and yet it will allow the companies that have had unions for many years to bail out on pensions that were part of union agreements and contracts. What good is unionizing when it means nothing?

What once was not the norm is now. Women have Worked for decades at destroying the American family as it once was and now just as men did before us we compete with one another and with them too.

We for the most part took the original American Dream and turned it into a self serving egotistical attitude and had no real idea of when we had it all.

We as women went past the wife and mother aspect of being female and ran to the far side of the businesses and corporate offices out of some depraved kind of jealousy and why I have no idea.

I know that at this point we are far beyond being able to turn around and go back. I know that many would without a second thought throw me to the dogs for even mentioning it.

Still there was a better time and place for all of us and it isnt going to be easy to find a place like that in the future. Families that always relied on each other for emotional support now rely on each other to make ends meet.

Families that had a bond o f love that nurtured our young people to great achievements and discoveries have turned into families that have a bond that is produced by basic needs.

The college graduate of today is now in a situation many times of having to look back at a generation that seriously lived beyond its means. At the same time there are those who for one reason or another found a place in society that allowed them to enter a comfort zone that is now turning into a place of uncertainty and the worry of yesterday coming back to haunt the future is real.

Generations that lived through the Great Depression knew how to live without. Our government for how many years now has told us that there is no Recession, no depression and that our country is on a firm footing.

In my Lifetime I remember someonesaying that we would retire in our fifties, that we would have more time to spend at homea four day Work week. Is it my imagination or part of a novel I read in my school days?

It did not happen and no one seems to know why.

A time when there was a bread winner in a family and one person could financially support a family.

Did we use it all up? Did we somehow over do it? What went wrong with the country and where did all of the dreams of retirement, educational superiority of our country and the research and discovery so important to our country and our tomorrows die?

The comfort zone is fading away and now the political arena challenges anyone who listens to find a side and take the walk to the extremes that are a regular part of the country that I grew up in.

If not for the belief that something bigger than all of us is out there I would say that there is no hope that it will get better.

Doom and gloom is a terrible thing especially for the privileged who have no idea of what it is to do without.

Has our generation primed our children to believe that there will never be a time when we will live through another time in this country where more will be living in poverty than during the Great Depression?

I remember someoneway back saying that the United States was on the top.

Have we thought seriously of how it would be if history were to repeat itself and another depression fell upon us?

Life has been good for many. Life has been hard at times and rewarding at other times. Many of my generation grew to be far wealthier than their parents could have imagined and yet is that wealth a temporary haven that will dissolve and turn into nothing more than a memory of what was?

Is it our government, our society, our morals or the cycle of Life that will return us to where we came from?

Julie Pierce has Worked in the retail sector for more than thirty years. She has been a union member of the UCFW Union and the afl-cio more than once and has Worked for more than one large retailer during the course of her career.

She attended Gulf Coast Community College, Panama City Beach, Florida, in the nineties in the pursuit of a degree in Journalism and Mass Communications.

Some of her Work has been published during the eighties and nineties in various editorial pages of newspapers in the state of New Jersey and Florida. She also did some Work as a community reporter for a weekly newspaper in Panama City Florida.

Author:: Julie Pierce
Keywords:: Economy, Wages, Great Depression, Recession, Life, United States, Work,
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You Are Not Lost at Any Point

Nothing is lost in this universe as long as the confidence stays with you. If you have desire alone, it may take a very long time to fulfill the desire. But when you have confidence to achieve that, the confidence itself provides the requirements to achieve that. What are the requirements? The first factor to do any job is involvement. When you are involved in a job, that means that you are at the job. That is all. That never means that you have the involvement towards the job. It is something different. The job requires your body and mind to finish that job. When you are able to register in your mind whatever you do in that particular job, you can say that you have the involvement. What is the advantage of involvement? In fact, the involvement paves the way for perfection in the job. For example, if you happen to do a job regularly, you can find improvement day by day as long as you are at the job. The perfection gives satisfaction to the mind. If you are satisfied with your performance of your job you undertake, then it would be surely appreciated by everyone.

This is the stage, when dedication comes. That is, when you are satisfied with your job, the involvement would be more. When you are involved more, the resultant would be better always. At this stage, the mind would go deep into the job. That is, the thought would be about the job alone, even when you are not at the job. The mind would always be working on that job and when you start to do that job, that thoughts would go further deep and you are completely at the job. This is the time when your mind and your body are engaged at the job. This way of approach brings the betterment in the job. You are the most difficult person to be satisfied.

If you are satisfied, that means every one is satisfied. When you are satisfied completely, then slowly it starts boring. That means the mind thinks of the other ways on the same job. This is the first stag e for creativity. What is the meaning for creativity? The term itself says that it is not the usual way of approach. That is, the mind thinks of the new things that would be useful to that job. When your mind thinks in the other way, your body implements the thoughts of your mind. But the result would be entirely different. This is the way to create new things. When new things are created, it becomes very useful in that job and it saves time and energy to everyone and the creator is celebrated. But in total, it is the same traditional way that gave you strength to make new ideas and ways on the same subject. For everything what we need is the base, which is the pillar. With the help of this pillar, you are constructing the ideas.

So far, we have been talking about the involvement, satisfaction, dedication, and creativity. For all these, your mind is the key. When your mind is in pink condition, then everything is possible. Nothing is impossible in this U niverse. The fact is that the impossible things take a longer duration to reach and achieve it. But surely, you can do it without any doubts.

Author:: Raghu Sundaram
Keywords:: article submission, Articles, Writers, Writing, Publishing, Ezine, Email marketing, Email newsletter, Email
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Plato's Atlantis: Fact Fiction or Prophecy?

Atlantis is often described as paranormal or mythical, but is it really? In two of Plato's great works, the Timaeus and the Critias, Plato describes an Athenian Civilization in diaglogue between Critias, Socrates, Timaeus and Hermocrates. (Predating Plato by 9,000 years, or 9,600 BC) Atlantis, according to Critias, was a great Athenian city which, by the hand of Mankind, met with cataclysmic destruction. By his (Solon) grandfather's education, Critias retold the story of an Athenian civiliation. Critias claimed that Solon (not only his grandfather, but a Greek traveler and historian from Egypt), stayed and interrelated with great Egyptian priests. The recordings from Solon were then given to Plato by Critias. Because Plato's works are considered historical fact, one can only assume that Atlantis DID ind eed exist.

According to Plato's historical literature, Atlantis was an organized , massive military state that at the end of its realm, met with great, natural calamity during the planning stages on an assault on Egypt.

Agriculturally, the Athenian Nation was well educated and able to create herbal remedies from plants. Their irrigational skills were very advanced, as they constructed muliple canals to irrigate their plains and farmlands. Due to their superior intelligence, reservoirs and buildings like the Metropolis were constructed, hydraulically-engineered machines and bridges were built, literary pieces and laws were written; and most often, their objects were coated with bronze, copper or gold.

Based on a monarchy and systemized class, the Atlantis Civilization also held a valuable status for women. Historically thought to be the greatest of all Nations, Atlantis ruled all surrounding land with their emperiorical laws.

Apart from being an advanc ed Civilization, Atlantis (according to Plato), was a massively-sized continent. By Critias' measurements, Atlantis would have been about 3,400 x 2,300 miles in size - this is larger than some, major oceanic basins. Critias accounts that Egyptian priests told of Atlantis being located beyond the Pillars of Hercules (the Strait of Gibraltar); this, where the Atlanic Ocean and the Mediteranian Sea intercede one another. Today, some evidence has been provided that denote underwater walls and roads, and a set of islands resembling the shape of Atlantis in the Caribbean Sea. Another possible theory would be that Atlantis could possibly rest on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, (a beneath-ground mountain range); while some researchers believe that Atlantis could be in the Azores, Crete or the Canary Islands.

Unfortunately, (according to the Egyptian priests), Atlantis was continually pounded by catastrophic earthquakes and floods until one day when the whole continent sunk beneath the sea and disappeared. They were also quoted as saying that where Atlantis vanished, became an area in the ocean that was impassable and undiscoverable. The theory behind the sinking of Atlantis was that Mankind had become so corrupt, that by their own hands, created their own demise.

In closing, Atlantis brings to mind the biblical stories of Sodom and Noah. It also interrelates with the continental shifts throughout the ages of the earth's history, but could Atlantis really have existed? The evidence, whether circumstantial or philosophical literature, the fact remains that Plato only wrote historical truth. This being said, what message was Plato trying to convey to the future of Mankind? To the reader, I conclude this article with a quotation from Critias, from the literature of Plato, There have been, and will be again, many destructions of Mankind arising out of many causes; the greatest have been brought about by the agencies of fire and water, and other lesser ones by innumerable other causes. A thought to ponder.


About the Author: C. Bailey-Lloyd - Author of Somewhere Along the Beaten Path

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Author:: C. Bailey-Lloyd
Keywords:: Plato, Atlantis, Civilization, Nation, Society, Mankind
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3D Information vs 2D Images and Text

3D information is all around us; it is what we perceive our world to be. We then learn to decimate this 3D information into 2D images and text; this is what we learn to do at school, college, and university. However, this will not be necessary when the majority of the information is converted into a 3D database. Environment and realistic 3D models will teach, entertain, and replace the workplace and shopping, etc.

This change will be the major challenge for mankind in the next few years. Those who resist will be the 'architects of decay' as some learned person once said. Like all revolutions change should be managed as culturally we can't overnight change.

The changes will be momentous affecting all areas; engineering, shopping, architecture, education, communication, etc. Thinking in 3D will emerge and maybe a new language will eventually be required to create these 3D Virtual Real Worlds.

The present generation doesn't understand why this 3D world has not happened; as they have been brought up with this concept for the past ten years. Virtual humans and intelligence will help and enable inform us; making life much easier and able to take on more skills than ever before.

See web page Virtual Real Worlds' for a more detailed observation

Ken has spent most of his life in the 2D world and since the invention of the www with all its search engines for retreiving 2D information realised that the a new way must be found to understand all this information. This and other 3D challenges are to be found at Ken has spent most of is time working on standardizing engineering processes; trouble was passing the information to others which proved to be impossible as nobody has time to read and understand information provided in text.

Author:: Ken Rigby
Keywords:: 3D information, Virtual Real World, Culture, Environment, Upheaval, Mellanium, 2D images, Virtual
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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Government is Good at Only One Thing Well Actually Two!

Many people in the United States of America are trying to rely on the government for more and more every year and they vote for all the podium pushers and politicians who promised them things that the government can neither afford or that the taxpayer is willing to pay for.

Nevertheless, people rely on the government for all kinds of things such as health care, when what they should be doing is eating right and exercising more and they would not need pharmaceutical drugs or free health care at all. I am over 40 years old and have not been to a doctor in 28 years and I am in perfect shape and health and always will be.

I do not take drugs of any type pharmaceutical or otherwise and I eat healthy; you cannot rely on the government for such things as many of the things that people are relying on the government for our something that they should be responsible for themselves.

Most everything the government does it does inefficient and they do nothing very we ll. Well actually the government is good at only one thing; well actually two. The government is extremely good at lying to the American people.

And the government is very good at spending our money on wasteful endeavors in a very inefficient manner. In fact they are so good at both of these things that they probably deserve some sort of an award. Please consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Government is Good at Only One Thing
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Linear Thought of the Present Period or Lies of History for $200 Bob

Have you ever thought to yourself when interacting with others in social situations; you know I have heard all this BS before. Indeed it seems that even intelligent people show up at a party and begin discussing; How about those Yankees or How about the weather?

Indeed most of us have nothing against baseball, as it is about as American as Apple Pie and Automobiles. And the 2005 Atlantic Tropical Hurricane Season, certainly changed the weather headlines for months on end, as if it would never stop.

Nevertheless are you simply tired of all the linear thought out there? If so well then it sounds like you are someone who could certainly benefit from higher level dialogue and assist us in bettering the Republic and moving linear thought from flickering cave walls to the masses.

Would you rather discuss other things? Do you ancient studies fascinating, do you ever wonder if all the history we have been taught and everything we know is wrong and we are doomed t o repeat even if we study it because we are studying nothing more than re-written purported falsehood by the victors of that past period?

If we have all be sold a bill of goods on history then we need not discuss the past. If everyone in the present is stuck in linear thought, then why bother discussing anything but the future road ahead? Too philosophical for you; I see, well then; How about those Yankees do you think the weather will hold out for next weeks game? Think on this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Linear Thought of the Present Period, Lies of History, $200 Bob
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Human Life Who Would Want To Do It?

Obviously life is not easy or fair. It is not even close. And as folks reach their later years more and more seem to wonder if it is all worth it. Sure there are the great times and the not so great events which we endure, however all in all it isnt so bad. Now then the question of the day, if you had to choose to do it all again; would you? Would you choose to come back and live again, as a different person and go thru the trials and tribulations of a different life story or saga? Well would you? Ah, human life; who would want to do it?

You know some cultures and religious belief systems believe that you get to choose who your parents are and who you will go thru life with. That is an interesting notion indeed. Other religious beliefs say that you are re-incarnated, fairly interesting concept too? What if you could choose, would you choose to go for it? Do it all again? Or would you simply say, I have had enough and choose not to partake in such activities such as t he life experience?

There are some who actually believe that life is nothing more than the worlds greatest virtual reality game or similar to the Matrix, if so, it is a very interesting game. But is it one you would wish to play? Well, would you go again? Would you choose to re-wind a little? Would you consider yourself privileged to play or to have been chosen to be a given character? Would you? Consider this philosophical thought for moment. Ill get back to you with another one later.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Human Life, who would want to do it
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Should Animals and Humans be in the Same Grouping or Classification

The question has been pondered for thousands of years; What makes man unique? That is to say what makes them different than other animals and should animals and Humans be in the same Grouping or Classification? Indeed a Think Tank quality question to discuss and so it was recently in an online think tank with a young researcher from what is to be called the Why Are Humans Unique Project perhaps or a very similar name along those lines.

As the think tank begin to address the concept and the types of experiments we should set forth to find the answers we seek two sets of questions were considered;

(1) Are Humans Unique to all other life?

(2) Should Animals and Humans be in the same Grouping or Classification?

One think tanker stated that he believed that it seems both questions are synonymous anyway? In that if you answer the question:

Are Humans Unique to all other life? If so, then they could not be considered in the classification of animals. If yes they might be grouped as animals.

Should Animals and Humans be in the same Grouping or Classification? If so then they could not be considered unique to all other Earthly life forms. If no, then there is a good chance they would be in a Unique Category all their own.

So, you only have to answer one of these and you automatically have potentially have the correct answer to the other he stated. Indeed this makes sense and in the end the Why Are Humans Unique Project could possible answer the question once and for all. Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Should Animals, Humans, same Grouping or Classification
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Future Shock

Futurists like Alvin Toffler and his wife are important parts of any informed citizens reading. Naisbitts forward to Marilyn Fergusons The Aquarian Conspiracy was part of my introduction to other futurists. I am not sure that the New Age has advanced a great deal since he wrote that forward for her book however. Let me assure you there is nothing new about the New World Order or the New Age philosophies. From the days of the Antonines in the first century BCE the local authority and borders have been established in ever-increasing bureaucracy. The Oxford History of the Roman World goes on to say: More significant is the interference in the financial affairs of cities which became widespread during the second century AD we find a momentous departure from the traditional laissez-faire attitude toward government which had hitherto prevailed.

Toffler appears to have been right about the formation of Economic Unions and more International co-operation but I think the corp orate behemoths are more responsible for it than any real effort at efficiency. Bureaucracy might be increasing a great deal more once sentient robots make it unnecessary to have people doing much of the menial labor they now perform. The police or drug-pushers in government are already too numerous. All in all I can assure you there are very few people who understand the Physiocrats and the Hegelian Dialectic and I am not convinced that futurists are looking into clear crystal balls. In fact the Mayans seem to be more correct. The ethical malaise that includes secret agencies and clubs for men whose nature requires more power rather than more abundance for all life on earth is not being addressed. Most people are unwilling to do any real learning about the controls that are increasing through bet ter science and all manner of immoral attitudes. Justice is a hard thing to find in our present world.

Author of Diverse Druids, Columnist for The ES Press, Guest writer at

Author:: Robert Baird
Keywords:: Physiocrats, Sentient robots
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Monday, August 29, 2011

Is Plato Totalitarian!

In his Republic, Plato suggests that in an ideal state, the members should be divided into three different classes: philosopher-king (ruler), guardian and merchant. Philosopher-king is to rule the whole state, guardian is to keep the order and maintain security within the state or fight the war with another state, and merchant is to satisfy the material needs of the members of the state.

Moreover, Plato suggests a rigid hierarchy between the three classes: Philosopher-king is the highest class, which is to rule, the guardian is obliged to unconditionally comply with the philosopher-king, and merchant is the lowest class, and must comply with the philosopher-king and the guardian.

People inne class cannot interfere with the affairs of another class, because Plato believes that people have different skills and innate aptitudes as he says two of us are born exactly alike, We have different natural aptitudes, which fit us for different jobs. This is one of th e points that Plato criticizes democratic regime; in democratic regime, one person can interfere into another's affairs, this would cause injustice.

In his Republic, Plato always criticizes democratic regime. He claims that democratic regime is an unjust regime, the regime by opportunity, but not by capacity, the regime that causes upheaval and confusion among the people. Democratic regime is like a toy regime: people can change administration all the time and too much choice would lead people to confusion. Democracy makes the poor poorer and the rich richer.

Ideal state, for Plato, should be fairly small and justly adequate. Too big state would be very hard to govern. By justly adequate, Plato wants to mean that the material needs should be equally shared by the three classes of the state, private property is not allowed to all the three classes. Though merchant is to earn the material needs, Plato does not allow this class to embrace all of their earnings. It m ust be equally shared. Enough food, family, and satisfactory sanctuary is enough for everyone, we don not need more than this material need. The more we have, the more injustice and corruption we become.

Moreover, we can assume that women is not allowed into the philosopher-king and guardian class, because in his entire political philosophy, Plato does not suggest any women's involvements into these two vocational categories.

Because of his suggestions on what he calls the idea or utopian state, Plato is largely criticized of initiating totalitarianism. Did Plato really intend to introduce totalitarianism?

I would say yes that Plato's political philosophy does indicate some notions to totalitarianism, but he does not predominantly suggest totalitarianism.

Firstly, there is no need of election in totalitarian regime, but in Plato's ideal regime, philosopher-king is obliged to struggle across rigid and protracted education, until he becomes mentally phi losophized. This is an indirect or unconscious indication to election and competition, which are two of the most important elements of democracy.

Secondly, Plato doesn not suggest succession. In totalitarian regime, anyone can become the next leader if the ruling leader wants him to be. Plato, on the other hand, states that anyone can be the leader, but through serious conditions. Present leader cannot hand over his leadership power to anyone he likes. Mostly in the totalitarian regime, the next leader usually has blood relationship or been loyal to the present leader. In Plato's regime, anyone can not become leader, unless he has leadership capacity.

Thirdly, Plato does propose separation of power. Plato recommends that people of the three classes cannot interfere with another class' affaires. Each class has its own obligation and sovereignty. Genuine totalitarian regime, in contrast, the leader can interfere into any affair of every institution or individual in the state. As we can see, Hitler's totalitarian regime, he could meddle into all the three institutions: legislative, executive and judicial institution.

The purpose of Plato's regime is to bring justice, peace and stability within and beyond the state. Leader of such patriotic mentality cannot be considered as totalitarian.

Moreover, democracy during Plato's time is absolutely different from our 21st century democracy. At that time, Athenian people had too much freedom; they can change the form of government whenever they want. Democracy at Plato's time is unchecked democracy. But even 21st century democracy also opposes these political elements. People in democratic regime today, cannot change whatever regime they want, this would cause upheaval and I also oppose this. Today democracy is needed to be checked, in other words, transparent.

Additionally, 21st century democracy is also consisted of rule of law, equity before law, free and fair election, tran sparency, accountability, leadership capacity, etc. Plato did not oppose any one of these values at all in his Republic.

Need more information about Cambodian politics, laws, history, humanity, culture, LAY VICHEKA: Contact:, 855 11 268 445. Posting address: 221H Street 93, Tuol Sangke quarter, Russey Keo district, Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia.

Author:: Vicheka Lay
Keywords:: Ancient philosophy and today's
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Love is a 3Step Spiral

The heart creates chaos...

The brain creates complexity...

The senses confuse the two - they cloud our souls with pure beauty and pain...

LOVE is a 3-Step-Spiral.

LOVE is a 3-Step-Spiral.

LOVE is a 3-Step-Spiral.

This is the introduction to three of the main emphases of my Philosophy Chaos. Complexity. And Love. The heart creates chaos. This is symbolic on mainly two levels. 1.) The beating of our heart is affected by our health, which in turn is affected to what we do to our bodies. A stimulant will mostly increase the beats per minute, and a depressant will mostly decrease the bpm. The rhythmic beating of our hearts forces blood through the alleys and motorways that are our veins and arteries. Which in turn forces blood through arterioles and capillaries, (the hallways of our body). All of this effects the organs where the supplies of oxygen and what have you are delivered. Not all ideas are made to get along, some back up t raffic like accidents on highways something you do not normally want occurring in your bloodstream. Basically what I'm getting at is, the well being of our body is very chaotic, and is in some small way based on the rhythmic pulsations from the center of where Love is symbolized. The speed in which our heart decides to work is ancillary to the outside stimulants (and depressants) we have all around us. Drugs are the main stimulants/depressants we think of. But the flux between up and down is controlled by more than just drugs. Each one of our senses plays a key part. This will be covered more in depth in later chapters. 2.) Chaos deriving from the heart also can be looked at on a relationship level. The roles others played with others in your lives and your amount of devotion to them is highly chaotic. You may Love someone one day, and Hate them the next only to Love them again with more passion than you ever experienced with them before the falling out. There ar e two main types of Love. Love for one's family, and Love for anyone not included as family. Which is easier understood as platonic and non-platonic Love. Non-platonic Love is compounded in strength when coupled with platonic endearment as well. Ayn Rand states that Only the person who extols the purity of a Love devoid of desire is capable of the depravity of a desire devoid of Love. But choosing the one you will ultimately devote your life to (if you are into that sort of commitment) is a chaotic spiral.

The brain creates complexity. A mind is a beautiful thing to waste. To me it seems like people forget that they have the ability to think, before they do something. But if only that was true, the trick is not to think about it. If you mind was pure then you would not have to think if an action you are going to initiate will give you bad or good karma. Your instinct would be correct all the time. That is the thing, it is we just don't understand why. The brain is the source of complexity in our minds, and complexity is a beautiful thing. It is infinitely more beautiful if you can begin to understand what is going on with all of your senses and how complex systems work. What the brain does is take all of the electrical impulses that originate from your nerves and turn them into something that you consider to be your reality. It is impossible to explain a complex system, like your reality. But you can get close. You have to understand that you have 5 earthly senses. They compose five different sources for stimulation and depression. Consider if we only had 2 senses, say sight and hearing. Wouldn't the world and our bodies be a much easier place to manage? What about 1, even 0? A complex system refers to a system of many parts wherein all parts are nonlinear in fashion. Complex systems are more than the sum of their parts, due to their nonlinear nature.

I'm going to introduce harmonics into the equation. You h ave five senses, all contributing to the stimulation of your body, and mind you have chemical reactions inside your body from what you have ingested, or failed to ingest (if you starve yourself you use your hypothalamus more dominantly and your brain reverts to cannibalism) and you have your thoughts. These three factors indicate whether you are being stimulated or depressed at any given moment. But let us think about this mathematically. Say the senses hold one third of the ability to stimulate or depress your body, chemical reactions hold one third, and your mind holds one third (note that this is not true as the balance is ever changing). Now that means that each sense holds about 6.66% of the ability to calm you down or speed you up. Chemical reactions hold about 33.3% so the drugs you take have a drastic impact on your well being. And your thoughts hold about 33.3%, (this area is often overlooked). Well what I'm getting at is assign a numeric value to each of t hese three parts, positive, negative, or zero. Add them all up and what do you get, something very harmonic. Always changing but moving from number to number back and fourth depending on your senses, the chemicals in your body, and your thoughts. Meditation seeks to clear the mind of all thought, thus eliminating a factor from the equation. This can be very helpful in curing mania. The key is, to be in a meditative state while you are doing that which requires thought but only as much as you can handle, very tricky yet a practice I seem to be improving at day by day. Meditation does not need to be practiced with the eyes shut, (although that helps because you are cutting off most of one of your senses).

And now we get to Love is a 3-step spiral. I think the musical group Wolfsheim defined Love almost perfectly by saying Love is doing no harm. If you truly Love someone you will do no harm to them. And if you do harm them with an act of treason possibly, on acc ident, you feel sorrow an remorse; or else you do not truly Love them. I am in Love. I am in Love with the world around me, and day by day I try and do it no harm. I am in Love with every living being, I may not like some of them sometimes, but still my Love is endearing and enduring. I choose a vegan lifestyle because I believe that it is disharmonious to destroy the life of everything I am blessed to see around me in order to sustain my own frankly because it is not necessary, and I believe that life is sacred.

Author:: Glen Dewitt
Keywords:: Love, Hate, Dialectics, golden ratio, Phi, Wolfshiem
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

The Meaning of Life

I don't know when I started looking for the meaning of life; probably a few years back after my grandmother died. I thought I found it many times, but I was wrong. It changed with new wisdom, new thoughts and beliefs. It's what everyone wants to know, but maybe none are able to handle.

I will never know everything there is to know in life; I will never know what no mortal can know. I will live for a purpose I can't explain, that no one can, but I will still live. I will love life for no matter what it is. Life is me, in my soul, in my mind, and in my heart. I wasn't created to live it, I was created to be it. Life is what we were given, our gift from existence. I will never forget this, no matter how buried I become in wisdom and knowledge. I may fade when I die, but life will never fade from my soul.

I want peace for the world. A simple thought indeed, but it is my dream. It is the gift that I owe the world for giving me life. It seems weird to say this is my only dream. It isn't a dream that I share alone, but it is a dream that I have great passion for. It pains me to see others hurt and suffering. It makes me empty inside. I want people to have peace. I want them to know life and its beauty.

I want peace for the world, but I know it won't happen. I know this because it is not living without pain. You need pain and suffering to live as much as you need peace and happiness. That is life, a combination of all feelings, emotions, thoughts, and beings. That is existence. What creates life is everything, from the shade to the light and back again: a continuous cycle.

My thoughts won't end. They will live on forever in my soul, in my mind, in my heart. My views will change with age, with experience, with feelings and life. I accept that I won't know an end in life. An end would mean that I have every answer I need, every want fulfilled and every dream lived. No mortal can have any of those, let alone them all. There isn't an answer for everything. Sometimes the answers aren't worth finding. These are just things you know, things you will understand in life. I may not admit it at times, but deep inside I understand why. Thats just how life is.

My life is strange and odd. I'm special in ways, normal in others, and pathetic in the remaining. I'm human, nothing more, nothing less. I can't pass judgment, I can't give pain, and I can't watch suffering. I can feel and think, but I can't control myself. I am a wanderer of life, aimlessly and hopelessly. I go where I am called. I have dreams and wants, but I am confined to mortal rules, to nature's rules, and to life's rules. I am not predestined, but I am not free-lived. There are paths, endless and winding, that I follow, but I can stray.

The meaning is thus: Life is for savoring, for living as it is. It is beauty. Nothing in the world can compare to it. Not even death or afterlife can match it. It spreads its arms and holds every creat ure closely, and it never lets go.

Many will search for something greater, some deeper meaning, but they will not find it. We are not given life to serve others. We are not given life to worship anything. We are not given life to ponder our existence. We are given life to live. We are to enjoy the world, enjoy creation, and enjoy ourselves. We will learn much in our time, we will travel far and see many things, but in the end it is the same. We lived our journeys, and we pay the price.

Those who read this are probably disappointed. People seek some truth that seems hard and deep, when really the answers are simple. They are what we want them to be. If afterlife exists, we will know. If it doesn't, we will never know. Either way we will be in peace. The meaning of life is like that. It isn't one meaning for all of us to follow, but rather thousands bound together by truth. I wasn't given life to question it; I was given life to accept it. I will never know the tru th, but I know it exists, and that is the meaning of life.

Jake Rose is an artist and an author on http://www.Writing.Com/ which is a site for Creative Writing.

Author:: Jake Rose
Keywords:: article submission, Articles, Writers, Writing, Publishing, Ezine, Email marketing, Email newsletter, Email
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips


DEPTH PSYCHOLOGY (ARCHETYPES): - All material bodies are condensations of frozen bodies. (2) Jung is becoming 'in vogue' again, I hear. Perhaps this time around it won't just involve so little real appreciation for all that he meant and understood. Dream interpretation and projected Western values can be a Freudian gambit - Jung grew to see things few will ever admit to in the present ideologies of the West. He was able to contact the future before the First World War and it almost convinced him he was mad, until he saw his visions were right - then he knew it wasn't himself who was mad - it was the world he lived in! His Archetypes may be a contact with the genetic 'history book' that the Director of the Human Genome Project talked about recently when he announced that only 2.8 centimetres of 1.8 metres of a gene are required to make the human being. It might be a collective 'tap-in' or even the 'medulla oblongata' has the ability to record the knowledge of previous evolu tionary experience of man's development. Personally I feel it is a matter of some of each of these things and the factors relating to chaos and the interference of conflicting vibrations or wavelengths in the confusing array of bandwidths and personalities.

The 'Archetypes' and our dreams are definitely important to our discovery of what the soul and oversoul is trying to achieve. Our conscious waking experiences are far too influenced by convention and peer pressures or the five senses, to differentiate the ego's interest from the purpose we are here to explore and refine. Is there a connection between the Archetypes and the helical structure of all the naturally occurring paradigms like time, harmonic building blocks of one dimensional force, nanotubes, DNA and telomeres, etc.? Is that structure part of a form which is unique to the earth experience or does it have close corollaries in other parts of the universe? We are on the verge of breaking down the insights of intuitive attuned masters of the philosophies that are aware of the ego and its NEEDS. Soon the Eastern mystics and shamans of the world will be universally appreciated, I hope. Their ethic is a clear requirement to explore if we are to begin the 'New Age' in a position to make the most of all that can be! It might be required by other life forms we call alien before we are allowed to participate in the cosmos and its order. That would be great!

When I go past the dark alleys and passages of my mind, I come to the core of my Being. - At the core of my Being I am in touch with the light and the love and the knowingness that are inherent properties of my natural state. (3)

One of the outcomes and plans involved in the rape and pillage of aboriginals and nature-worshipping cultures around the world was a history that injected war into the lives of the Mayans. Personally I have a hard time accepting that the 'missionaries' of the Keltic/Toltec or Druidic tradition th at are reported in the stories about Kukulcan and Quetzacoatl were responsible. However, they were probably accompanied by those members of their society (or followed by) who brought the mindset of European power-mongers and aristocrats. I can see where the Ostrogoths disappeared to and it wouldn't surprise me if the Sybarite/Milesian faction had ousted other 'Bruttii' before the 6th century BC., who found their way to the Upper Mississippi area of the Great Lakes before moving south to the more extensive mounds they built.

There is mounting evidence that the Basque played an important part in the Mayan scheme of things. Their language is connected as is the Rh factor in the blood. It is rare and traceable to Iberia, (the one between the Black and Caspian Sea) and the Mayan. They also seem to have lived in harmony until the Norman or other conquests were occurring in Europe. Needless to say the conventional wisdom is trying to paint them as sacrificers of barbaric prop ortions, but that too can be traced to Moshe (as in Moshe Rabbenue) and European influence and practice. There is no doubt in my mind that the nature and Archetypes of the Mayan culture make it clear there was a long tradition of harmony and awareness of the ego and its conflict that adds so much negative inputs to our shared experience with nature. I like the words of the following author who has lived in the lifestyle or with these people even more than I have.

Even though the Mayan temples became overgrown with jungle lushness, the Mayan beliefs have survived. Because of their togetherness all these years and their deliberate lack of contact with the Spanish, the Mayans have managed to practice their beliefs and practice them today almost as they did thousands of years ago. (4)

The Mayans say we should be careful and observe our involvement with nature and the progressions of different forces. They say: Do not put yourself, in front of your SELF! Most people a re unable to quiet their mind and keep order in their memory and recall, due to a lack of proper tools (like Ars Memoria, in the 'Symbols and Concepts section') and the spiral of educational inputs that have no flow and fit. If we have a through-line of purpose and ethic these problems of the busy-mind disappear and a greater sense of mental and other well-being permeates our lives. The Mayan are naturally this way and if Western Man succeeds in abusing them with greed and need then it will be a greater loss in my heart than I wish to bear.

The inner quest

The tradition of vision, and the inner quest by the shaman, the Druid, the saint or the holy man, seem to be connected at specific places where the energy forces of the planet are located In the microcosm of our mind or the macrocosm of the universe, too.. The Celtic and pre-Celtic shaman, the living embodiment of the collective psyche, was the link with the ancestral spirit world. He performed the ceremonies c onnected with the dead, and the annual rites of renewal on behalf of the living. The age-old communal tomb which was the source of his power Like relics of the Catholic Church. The lattices of the DNA Archetypes and stone enclosures were designed to house the forces of personal and tribal attunements. was the place where the forces of heaven and earth could meet. The vulva-shaped megalithic dolmens from Cornwall and India show how widespread was the ancient belief in the burial receptacle as a womb-place of the Earth Mother and the Other-world. These tombs were usually constructed with giant stone slabs forming a chamber and a trenched passageway, the gaps filled with dry-stone walling and covered by a great mound of earth. Dolmens, quoits and cromlechs are the remains of the original chambers. Natural caves and artificial chambers cut into the rock were also used.

The block of sandstone, 28 ft. (8.6 m) long, which is called the Dwarfie Strane, is an example, unique in Britain, of a rock-cut chamber. It may have been used for meditation or initiation; for 'at each end is a bed and pillow of stone capable of holding two persons, with a hole above to admit light and allow smoke to escape'. We believe the kings chamber in the Pyramid has a resting place rather than a sarcophagus. There were no mummies or bodies therein, and there was no top to this bed. The 'debunkers' of ancient knowledge say there was a grave robbing enterprise. These were not robbed and their uncovering through tunneling is well recorded. The grave robber priests of the second millennia and later BC are a fact but they went were the material treasures were housed and did not get into the Giza Pyramids. They are also part of a time when the ethic and culture of the supposed Stone Age or earlier 'primitives' were no longer in charge. After the Trojan Worldwide War things became worse in leaps and bounds. There was a 400 year 'Dark Ages' as the Keltic/Phoenician 'Red-Heads' such as those being burned at the graves of their long ago leader Osiris; decided New Zealand and the Americas were better places to live and love life. The early Christian saints of Ireland and Scotland Like Columba and Pelagius, who still endeavoured to retain old 'Brotherhood' ideals [Iesa=Jesus from before Rome when deviate behavior swept this opportunistic church.continued the tradition of using rock cavities for meditation and prayer. They chose mountains, islands and desolate places not only to avoid distraction but also to be closer to the Sacred. The church near Bilbao, actually built round a group of natural standing stones, and dedicated to St. Michael, the dragon-slayer beloved of the Celts, is a remarkable example of the Christianization of a sacred place. (5)

We will go further along the pat h of science that is proving the existence of templates and Archetypes in all of nature as we cover Dr. Robins work and Lamarckian evolution etc. Yes, the universe might have an over-riding purpose and potential that insists on growth and creativity. If we don't allow each member of our human family to be able, through enabling support, we might not only be diminished; we might have a re-start of universal proportions as Martin Rees is saying about the whole of our universe. He is a recognized expert in the field for whatever that is worth, but what he says is in line with the cycles of Hindu astrology to be sure.

Here is a simple exchange of knowledge from a forum on the World Wide Web. It includes Iesa in a gospel that reflects back to the things which ancients learned and gradually got imbedded or imbu ed into our genes and Archetypes. But that knowledge of the oneness or what Jung calls the collective unconscious has another side or oppositional element. There are those who would use our oneness against the good of the collective.

Hymnal prayer from the Gospel of the Egyptians IE IEUS EO OU EO OUA
the living water!
The child of the child!
O glorious name!
Truly, Truly! The one existing eternally!
Truly, Truly! EI AAAA OO OO
O one who exists, who sees the aeons!
The one who exists for ever and ever!
Truly, Truly! IEA AIO, in the mind, who exists!

This, your great name, is upon me, o faultless, self-born one, who is not outside of me. I see you, O one invisible before everyone. For who will be able grasp you in another language? Now that I have known you, I have merged mys elf with the one who does not change. I have armed myself with luminous armor and have been luminous. For the mother was there on account of the lovely beauty of grace. Therefore I have reached out my folded hands.

I have been formed by the ring of the wealth of light which is in my breast, which gives form to the multitude born in the light, where no accusation reaches. I shall sing your glory truly, for I have grasped you. SOU IES IDE AEIO AEIE OSIS O! Eternal, eternal god of silence, I honour you completely. You are my place of rest, O son, ES ES O E, the formless one who exists in the formless ones. He exists, he raises the one by whom you shall purify me into your life according to your indestructable name. Therefore the fragrance of life is in me. I have blended it with water, from the pattern of all the rulers, so that I shall live with you in the peace of the saints, you who exist forever.

My response:

Thank you for the Hymnal Prayer of the Egypt ians. It has much of the meaning of Iesa (Iesous in the fish symbol [IXOYE stolen by Christians) and even Zeus comes from this concept of the Brotherhood of Man. That 'one mind' or collective that is known to the ancients and which Jesus (Iesa through linguistics) may have allowed himself to be known.

The Keltic program of 'Brotherhood' required sending children to far away places for their upbringing as we have mentioned. In the matter of psychology it served to ensure disciplined people with few 'spoiled brats'. Much of our insanity comes from a confusion created in the minds of undisciplined people. Habits and ego or choices to behave as idiots seem more likely causes of aberrant behavior than most psychologists want to allow. After all if discipline and meditation were all we needed then a lot of people would see what is going on: and education would have to become enabling for individuals rather than for our bureaucratic propaganda and psycho-civilizing purposes.

Author and activist for ethical change.

Put my full name in your browser (Robert Bruce Baird) is you want more about me.

Author:: Robert Baird
Keywords:: Archetypes, Human Genome Project, Iesa
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

The Ghost Cat in the Attic

This is a very strange but True story. Not everyone believe's in Ghosts but I do and I have had several experiences with the super natural, this is only one of my encounters.

This happened when I was only (8) eight years old.

My bus driver's wife had a kitten and she wanted to get rid of it so she offered it to me first and of course I took the female kitten from her. Now this was the first Cat that I can remember owning, she was a black and white Cat and for some reason I gave her the name Dozier. She was a very sweet Cat and she truly was mine because she was every where that I was.

Now we had several other Cats and we had a problem with them getting into our attic, seemed like we could not keep them out so we decided to put up boards in the places that they were getting in through but Dozier would always find a way in. Now in my bed room there was a large rectangular hole in the corner of the ceiling: now Dozier had found this hole and we started playi ng with each other through this hole and I would feed her if I had any food in my room, she would stay there for hours and play with me.

We had this Cat for maybe a year, we had her long enough for her to have a litter of kittens. About two weeks after her having her kittens my grandfather had found her dead in the road when we all had gone to the store. Instead of burying her he had just thrown her over the hill. When mom had finally decided to tell me that evening I was sad and depressed because that Cat and I were so close and I couldn't believe that my grandfather didn't bury her.

Well we were left to care for her kittens. Days later after Dozier's death I was sitting in my bed room doing home work when suddenly I saw a black and white paw coming through the hole in my ceiling and not really thinking I was glad to see Dozier because my home work was getting on my nerves and I went to play with her. Now her death had completely slipped my mind and I was really playing with her and petting her then I turned to see if I had some food for her when suddenly it hit me that she was dead and I fell flat on the floor trying to get away from her and I busted my head on the floor but the pain didn't faze me. I looked back up at the hole and she was still there waiting for me to bring her something like she always did.

I went to my mother and asked her to go outside and call all of her Cats on the porch then I had her to come in the bed room and she saw it to. This dead Cat was still there. I was one terrified little girl then suddenly I had realized why she had came back to me, two reason for her return; one was to tell me good bye and the other one was that she was not at rest. The next day when I came home from school I went over the hill where my grandfather had thrown her and found what was left of her and I buried her in the hills and I never seen her again. So I put her soul to rest and she was satisfied and had no reason to co me back.

Seeing a Ghost is one thing but seeing one and touching one is something that you never forget. The reason that so many Ghosts try to reach the living is because they want us to help them to reach the other side.

Copyright 2006 Tasha Slone. For more articles about death, Ghosts, and the nature of the soul in the afterlife visit Ghosts & Hauntings and Why Do We Dream?.

Author:: Tasha Slone
Keywords:: Cat,Ghost,Haunt,Haunted,Hauntings,House,True,Stories
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Animus Mundi and Intelligent Design

Animus Mundi:

The World Mind or Critical Mass of intellectual and spiritual energy was called Animus Mundi by the spiritually aware revivalists of the turn of the century. The spirit or anima (Aristotle) in all that is includes things not alive as we think of it. The Mayans put it this way Do not put yourself in front of your Self. There is a qualitative aspect to our genetic mutations and other changes in the world around us. Koestler saw some of it and Bucky Fuller (A charmed person to be sure.) put it forward as creative realization. I also have enjoyed many other Fullerisms and principles. His Observer of the Observed is a tool I have found useful in keeping balance even as I seem to be hysterical in the joy of what goes on around me. Bucky said that the world around us is the way it is because we think or made it that way because of our mindset or what might be termed our paradigm. All we need to do to actualize great and wondrous change is to think differently .

Dr. Janice Boddy says we have a Reifying thrust of Materialism and we need to develop a Reifying thrust of Spiritualism I think.


Just as Gertrude observed in her airplane flights over America, there are designs that open and aware artists or people can tune into. The ancients who worshipped Ra or other sun-gods were more aware of our intricate and intimate involvement with the sun than you might imagine. It is not just the desire for melatonin such as the Star Fire Ceremony of the Rosicrucians like Gardner that allow me to say this. He details the psychic and spiritual effects on us through the Third Eye. It is not just the accuracy of the prophetic Mayan calendar which tracks the transit of Venus in its short count. That transit has a means of understanding the effect of the sun when combined with the Long Count or Polar Wander Path. I have tried to describe these things in other books and I confess it is not a simple discussion; or at least I am not able to make it so. Suffice it to say, there are ways we are impacted by the forces of nature that make us a very habit formed creature far beyond mere psychological conditioning. The billions of years that life has been evolving in concert with or alongside the effects of the stars and cosmic or earth energies are in all of us whether we are attuned to it or not.

When man does not know all the awesome potential he (she) has to develop God does God develop as well as God would like? When man does not fulfill a positive harmonizing function and all manner of other life forms suffer because of it, does that mean it was God who was the problem? I say God (he/she/it) or Divine Providence must grow or harmonize and man making God the culprit for mans own deceits and destructive acts is mere anthropomorphing ego. We must stop the divisive and racist designs that old religions and other insane constructs cause. There is more MUCH more wealth and health availab le for all life on earth if only we ethically planned to act in creative cooperation with All that IS. This is the real Charm of Making. Intelligent Design:

WILLIAM DEMBSKI: - Rather than deal with Intelligent Design thoughts and the math of this highly accredited academic who was given a Research Center at Baylor University, that has been in the news a lot over the last few years; I will place some thoughts that may be confusing but touch upon some of the issues of the Origin of Life as debated in the larger theme of our beginnings and consciousness studies. It is a response with other people in a long thread of posts on the matter of Creationism and Intelligent Design.

I see Evolutionary Theory as a study of the Origin of Life not the genesis of the human species. There are few researchers (including Jacobson of ASU who discovered Lucy) who will not do any human evolutionary tree today. Darwin did not go to the Galapagos to study humans. He tried also to maint ain he was not inspired by Lamarck (whose work includes an attunement or qualitative aspect that Russian science still employs rather than the more quantitative approach of most Western scholars) but it was subsequently shown that Darwin was well versed in Lamarckian principles and employed much of his insight though from a different premise or POV. Darwin also had a Theory of Love. You do not read about it and that is sad, because that really integrates what I am about to demonstrate if this discussion goes to the nature of lattice intersectional consciousness.

That is where one encounters another theory - different from Interventionism or the alien seed from microbial RNA lattices. Darwin was greatly hampered by his materialistic science that understood nothing of the cellular level of life biologic. They had no microbiology or electron microscopes. It is upon the cellular substrate that each lifeform has been created and the Human Genome Project assures us we are no t so different genetically from the worm. I offer certain 'Faith'-based evidence as proof of that contention.

This theory suggests that the crystalline structure of rocks and minerals had a part to play in focusing energy to the biological soup ingredients at the beginning of life on earth. It is cutting edge stuff and I have only seen one article on it. I like this theory because I am a great fan of String Theory and Solid State Physicists like Robins and Tiller of Stanford (He has a recent book on Creation of life which I quote and have referred to many times in these debates.). String Theory tells us that all matter and energy is derived from 'one dimensional harmonic forces'. Now I can also draw the Logos into this and ask about the two muons separated in the deep Sudbury research center. How can sub-atomic pArticles communicate as was shown in this study? If they can communicate do they have some rudimentary consciousness? Indeed consciousness may not be only existent in biologic life.

Going down that path will eventually take us to our most feared Creator or the collective unconscious, and the ONE of many non-theistic disciplines like Buddhism. I did not come to the point I am at (OPEN), by desire to believe in a Creator. I assure you I am raised in the most Atheistical up-bringing and approach. But now I see some merit in something these religions may have intuited somehow.

In the open state any asymmetry causes an energy imbalance to build up, caused by rectification of random fluctuations occurring in the surrounding region. When some shock causes closure, an energy discharge will occur and the resulting flow can provide the shock needed to cause a change in state of other nearby junctions. So waves of switching action will arise spontaneously: t hese could be the quantum waves: the core feature of quantum theory. Furthermore, all the ingredients are present from which a working neural network could evolve and could ultimately yield a primary consciousness.

The network or grid, now defining the nuether and represented symbolically by a rectangular mesh in Figures 3, 5, and 6, would interconnect everything in the universe. As yet, however, no universe of matter could exist. Spontaneous creation of the nuether had to occur first, followed by evolution of its consciousness, since on this model matter would require deliberate design. This came from the site of the Center for Philosophical Freedom and an extensive article by Ronald Pearson which includes this description of his work as well Articles by and about Ronald Pearson, the Derbyshire s cientist who has discovered a structure of the ether that has potential to evolve intelligence. This has provided the mathematics to back up the experiments of Sir William Crookes and Charles Richet. In these experiments, deceased people returned, proving they had survived death. (12)

I see so much in current science that supports life after death theories; and yet it may not be our personality which continues to exist in the ways most religions or concepts like Karma think of it. Beyond limbo or purgatory and these local event horizon states or attached energy bandwidths I think little could be likened to what we would call our own persona. In closing let me say simply we must learn to think and question in the Socratian manner or else we are headed for a lot more war and other ghastly results.

When she came out of the anaesthetic, she turned to the always faithful Alice B. Toklas and said, What is the answer? The heartbroken Alice was unable to reply and, afte r a pause, Gertrude went on: In that case, what is the question? These, it is said were her last words.(13) And in my mind no bard or mere poet ever asked a more important question of life each and every day.

Author of Diverse Druids Columnist for The ES Press Magazine Guest 'expert' at

Author:: Robert Baird
Keywords:: Intelligent Design, Animus Mundi, Charmed Circle
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Abandoning Consensus of the Means for the End Goal

So many people in our political structure have specific plans on how to achieve the will of the people and simultaneously steer enough good fortune to their political money supporters to stay in power that we have a completely filled political body. Yet some are not so smart and all too often jeopardize our nations future for their own political gain at the expense of the people.

Luckily there are enough good hearted Americans and supporters who believe in America that the line is ridden on but not crossed too far enough of the time to move the ball down the field for the common good of country, corporation, politician and our future children. Now then this brings me to my next point and that is while all the rest of this political mess or controlled chaos is going on these same politicians get their selves in a tizzy fighting over the Means of how to get there and get into super heated debate to the point of political suicide or character assassinating homicidal tendencies and well when that happens no one is served and thus my advice for the would be politician is stop burning bridges, look at the bigger picture, practice being a pragmatist and learn to a diplomat of gentile qualities.

The reason I mention these factors is because I myself have watched politics from both sides and always consider the unfortunate need for human politics, even though it is a terrible way to run the human race. Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Abandoning Consensus, Means, End Goal
Post by History of the Computer | Compute r safety tips

The Eucharist A New Perspective

Conventional Christian Theology promulgates the doctrine that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, leaves us with a renewable and everlasting gift in the form of the Eucharist, the actual body of Christ (God). A gift to be renewed and given to mankind over and over duRing the 'Liturgy' of the Mass.

The word 'Liturgy' (Leitourgia) stems from the Greek, literally meaning a publically witnessed action. It merits pause to consider the reason that Christ may have instituted this most indelible and everlasting gift, the giving of his very body, as the pinnacle communal act which now serves as the focal point of the Catholic Church (and to some extent, most Orthodox and Protestant Churches.)

Christ, via the Eucharist, chose to appeal specifically to one of the Human senses, that of Taste, and uses primarily th is Human element as the liturgical centerpiece to the Mass.

Although the other senses of touch, heaRing, smell and sight may be tangentially involved in the Catholic Celebration, it is nonetheless curious that this singular Human sense is the one which Christ predominantly embraces as a special vehicle for communing with mankind.

Ostensibly, he chose the very distinct channel of Taste and Consumption by which to serve as that conduit for infusing his actual persona and spirit into the Human body. He could possibly have selected as easily an alternative ritual, appealing to the any of the other senses, to institute this new sacrament to his disciples, at some other venue other than the Last Supper.

Consider the sense of touch. Christ could have readily chose and instituted, as example, the cl asping of hands or of hugging a certain way and then stating to all The Lord's Love Touches All..Do this in memory of me. An act which would then become the Liturgy and focal point of the Mass, rather than the act of eating Bread and Wine.

Likewise, he could have as easily produced a certain sound by Ringing a small Bell before the disciples, appealing to their sense of heaRing, and thereby likewise insituting a new sacrament that would bind all together at a similar form of repeated liturgical celebration. He could have augmented this act by utteRing some other directive such as Do this in memory of me... for all to 'Hear' the truth...

He could have even perhaps chosen the olfactory sense of smell, and the communal act of possibly smelling a fresh rose or fragrant Spices from a shared gold vial and saying The Goodness of the Lord is Sweet.. do this in memory of me as that supernatural act that would forever bind mankind to his spirit.

However, ultimately, he chose Taste and food as that binding factor to be the focal point and quintessent expression of the Catholic Liturgy, an act which would be re-enacted for all time duRing the mass.

In his infinate Wisdom, however, Christ chose this specific Human sense by which mankind is intrinsically bound, via the communal act of Human consumption; nutrition to sustain the Soul as well as Body, Take and eat this all of you, for this is my Body.

Genius...pure genius that only God could institute.

Michael Angelo Massa, JD., wRites on an array of thought provoking subjects which are easy to read and appeal to all. He is read by thousands. His topics include humor, slice of life, education, jurisprudence, religion and Phlosophy.

He is a graduate of Capital University Law School, and received his undergraduate degree in Interpersonal Communications and Rhetoric from Ohio University.

Author:: Michael Angelo Massa
Keywords:: Eucharist, Catholic, Taste, Human, Liturgy, Rite, Wisdom, God, Christ, Bell, Fragrance, Spices, Ring
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DEPTH PSYCHOLOGY (ARCHETYPES): - All material bodies are condensations of frozen bodies. (2) Jung is becoming 'in vogue' again, I hear. Perhaps this time around it won't just involve so little real appreciation for all that he meant and understood. Dream interpretation and projected Western values can be a Freudian gambit - Jung grew to see things few will ever admit to in the present ideologies of the West. He was able to contact the future before the First World War and it almost convinced him he was mad, until he saw his visions were right - then he knew it wasn't himself who was mad - it was the world he lived in! His Archetypes may be a contact with the genetic 'history book' that the Director of the Human Genome Project talked about recently when he announced that only 2.8 centimetres of 1.8 metres of a gene are required to make the human being. It might be a collective 'tap-in' or even the 'medulla oblongata' has the ability to record the knowledge of previous evolu tionary experience of man's development. Personally I feel it is a matter of some of each of these things and the factors relating to chaos and the interference of conflicting vibrations or wavelengths in the confusing array of bandwidths and personalities.

The 'Archetypes' and our dreams are definitely important to our discovery of what the soul and oversoul is trying to achieve. Our conscious waking experiences are far too influenced by convention and peer pressures or the five senses, to differentiate the ego's interest from the purpose we are here to explore and refine. Is there a connection between the Archetypes and the helical structure of all the naturally occurring paradigms like time, harmonic building blocks of one dimensional force, nanotubes, DNA and telomeres, etc.? Is that structure part of a form which is unique to the earth experience or does it have close corollaries in other parts of the universe? We are on the verge of breaking down the insights of intuitive attuned masters of the philosophies that are aware of the ego and its NEEDS. Soon the Eastern mystics and shamans of the world will be universally appreciated, I hope. Their ethic is a clear requirement to explore if we are to begin the 'New Age' in a position to make the most of all that can be! It might be required by other life forms we call alien before we are allowed to participate in the cosmos and its order. That would be great!

When I go past the dark alleys and passages of my mind, I come to the core of my Being. - At the core of my Being I am in touch with the light and the love and the knowingness that are inherent properties of my natural state. (3)

One of the outcomes and plans involved in the rape and pillage of aboriginals and nature-worshipping cultures around the world was a history that injected war into the lives of the Mayans. Personally I have a hard time accepting that the 'missionaries' of the Keltic/Toltec or Druidic tradition th at are reported in the stories about Kukulcan and Quetzacoatl were responsible. However, they were probably accompanied by those members of their society (or followed by) who brought the mindset of European power-mongers and aristocrats. I can see where the Ostrogoths disappeared to and it wouldn't surprise me if the Sybarite/Milesian faction had ousted other 'Bruttii' before the 6th century BC., who found their way to the Upper Mississippi area of the Great Lakes before moving south to the more extensive mounds they built.

There is mounting evidence that the Basque played an important part in the Mayan scheme of things. Their language is connected as is the Rh factor in the blood. It is rare and traceable to Iberia, (the one between the Black and Caspian Sea) and the Mayan. They also seem to have lived in harmony until the Norman or other conquests were occurring in Europe. Needless to say the conventional wisdom is trying to paint them as sacrificers of barbaric prop ortions, but that too can be traced to Moshe (as in Moshe Rabbenue) and European influence and practice. There is no doubt in my mind that the nature and Archetypes of the Mayan culture make it clear there was a long tradition of harmony and awareness of the ego and its conflict that adds so much negative inputs to our shared experience with nature. I like the words of the following author who has lived in the lifestyle or with these people even more than I have.

Even though the Mayan temples became overgrown with jungle lushness, the Mayan beliefs have survived. Because of their togetherness all these years and their deliberate lack of contact with the Spanish, the Mayans have managed to practice their beliefs and practice them today almost as they did thousands of years ago. (4)

The Mayans say we should be careful and observe our involvement with nature and the progressions of different forces. They say: Do not put yourself, in front of your SELF! Most people a re unable to quiet their mind and keep order in their memory and recall, due to a lack of proper tools (like Ars Memoria, in the 'Symbols and Concepts section') and the spiral of educational inputs that have no flow and fit. If we have a through-line of purpose and ethic these problems of the busy-mind disappear and a greater sense of mental and other well-being permeates our lives. The Mayan are naturally this way and if Western Man succeeds in abusing them with greed and need then it will be a greater loss in my heart than I wish to bear.

The inner quest

The tradition of vision, and the inner quest by the shaman, the Druid, the saint or the holy man, seem to be connected at specific places where the energy forces of the planet are located In the microcosm of our mind or the macrocosm of the universe, too.. The Celtic and pre-Celtic shaman, the living embodiment of the collective psyche, was the link with the ancestral spirit world. He performed the ceremonies c onnected with the dead, and the annual rites of renewal on behalf of the living. The age-old communal tomb which was the source of his power Like relics of the Catholic Church. The lattices of the DNA Archetypes and stone enclosures were designed to house the forces of personal and tribal attunements. was the place where the forces of heaven and earth could meet. The vulva-shaped megalithic dolmens from Cornwall and India show how widespread was the ancient belief in the burial receptacle as a womb-place of the Earth Mother and the Other-world. These tombs were usually constructed with giant stone slabs forming a chamber and a trenched passageway, the gaps filled with dry-stone walling and covered by a great mound of earth. Dolmens, quoits and cromlechs are the remains of the original chambers. Natural caves and artificial chambers cut into the rock were also used.

The block of sandstone, 28 ft. (8.6 m) long, which is called the Dwarfie Strane, is an example, unique in Britain, of a rock-cut chamber. It may have been used for meditation or initiation; for 'at each end is a bed and pillow of stone capable of holding two persons, with a hole above to admit light and allow smoke to escape'. We believe the kings chamber in the Pyramid has a resting place rather than a sarcophagus. There were no mummies or bodies therein, and there was no top to this bed. The 'debunkers' of ancient knowledge say there was a grave robbing enterprise. These were not robbed and their uncovering through tunneling is well recorded. The grave robber priests of the second millennia and later BC are a fact but they went were the material treasures were housed and did not get into the Giza Pyramids. They are also part of a time when the ethic and culture of the supposed Stone Age or earlier 'primitives' were no longer in charge. After the Trojan Worldwide War things became worse in leaps and bounds. There was a 400 year 'Dark Ages' as the Keltic/Phoenician 'Red-Heads' such as those being burned at the graves of their long ago leader Osiris; decided New Zealand and the Americas were better places to live and love life. The early Christian saints of Ireland and Scotland Like Columba and Pelagius, who still endeavoured to retain old 'Brotherhood' ideals [Iesa=Jesus from before Rome when deviate behavior swept this opportunistic church.continued the tradition of using rock cavities for meditation and prayer. They chose mountains, islands and desolate places not only to avoid distraction but also to be closer to the Sacred. The church near Bilbao, actually built round a group of natural standing stones, and dedicated to St. Michael, the dragon-slayer beloved of the Celts, is a remarkable example of the Christianization of a sacred place. (5)

We will go further along the pat h of science that is proving the existence of templates and Archetypes in all of nature as we cover Dr. Robins work and Lamarckian evolution etc. Yes, the universe might have an over-riding purpose and potential that insists on growth and creativity. If we don't allow each member of our human family to be able, through enabling support, we might not only be diminished; we might have a re-start of universal proportions as Martin Rees is saying about the whole of our universe. He is a recognized expert in the field for whatever that is worth, but what he says is in line with the cycles of Hindu astrology to be sure.

Here is a simple exchange of knowledge from a forum on the World Wide Web. It includes Iesa in a gospel that reflects back to the things which ancients learned and gradually got imbedded or imbu ed into our genes and Archetypes. But that knowledge of the oneness or what Jung calls the collective unconscious has another side or oppositional element. There are those who would use our oneness against the good of the collective.

Hymnal prayer from the Gospel of the Egyptians IE IEUS EO OU EO OUA
the living water!
The child of the child!
O glorious name!
Truly, Truly! The one existing eternally!
Truly, Truly! EI AAAA OO OO
O one who exists, who sees the aeons!
The one who exists for ever and ever!
Truly, Truly! IEA AIO, in the mind, who exists!

This, your great name, is upon me, o faultless, self-born one, who is not outside of me. I see you, O one invisible before everyone. For who will be able grasp you in another language? Now that I have known you, I have merged mys elf with the one who does not change. I have armed myself with luminous armor and have been luminous. For the mother was there on account of the lovely beauty of grace. Therefore I have reached out my folded hands.

I have been formed by the ring of the wealth of light which is in my breast, which gives form to the multitude born in the light, where no accusation reaches. I shall sing your glory truly, for I have grasped you. SOU IES IDE AEIO AEIE OSIS O! Eternal, eternal god of silence, I honour you completely. You are my place of rest, O son, ES ES O E, the formless one who exists in the formless ones. He exists, he raises the one by whom you shall purify me into your life according to your indestructable name. Therefore the fragrance of life is in me. I have blended it with water, from the pattern of all the rulers, so that I shall live with you in the peace of the saints, you who exist forever.

My response:

Thank you for the Hymnal Prayer of the Egypt ians. It has much of the meaning of Iesa (Iesous in the fish symbol [IXOYE stolen by Christians) and even Zeus comes from this concept of the Brotherhood of Man. That 'one mind' or collective that is known to the ancients and which Jesus (Iesa through linguistics) may have allowed himself to be known.

The Keltic program of 'Brotherhood' required sending children to far away places for their upbringing as we have mentioned. In the matter of psychology it served to ensure disciplined people with few 'spoiled brats'. Much of our insanity comes from a confusion created in the minds of undisciplined people. Habits and ego or choices to behave as idiots seem more likely causes of aberrant behavior than most psychologists want to allow. After all if discipline and meditation were all we needed then a lot of people would see what is going on: and education would have to become enabling for individuals rather than for our bureaucratic propaganda and psycho-civilizing purposes.

Author and activist for ethical change.

Put my full name in your browser (Robert Bruce Baird) is you want more about me.

Author:: Robert Baird
Keywords:: Archetypes, Human Genome Project, Iesa
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Getting Even is Odd Revenge is a Dish Best Served Not at All

I hear you; another bleeding-heart Liberal trying to save vicious barbarians from the Justice they deserve and everybody wants to see. Bleeding-heart is a term vicious barbarians apply to forward-looking, sympathetic people who would deprive them of their just desserts (sic). Call me Progressive Ishmael.

It is common that societies large and small depend on Punishment to maintain order. The threat of Punishment is the main device. The actual Punishment is evidence that the society stands behind the threat. The paddle and expulsion at school, the speeding ticket and the fine, the very presence of the police car or motorcycle, the policeman equipped with a truncheon, a gun and a radio to call for reinforcements, the hydrogen bomb are all threats of hurt which exist to keep order.

Tyrants typic ally attempt to ward off attacks on their authority by killing or imprisoning their real or perceived enemies.

The United States of America is founded on the idea that the government is more dangerous than its worst citizens and must be curtailed. So it is not permitted to assume that someone is going to break the law and restrain him in advance. This is very inconvenient for everyone except the transgressor but in other systems no one is safe from the whip of the powerful.

It boils down to the question: How can we maintain order without harsh and debilitating measures?

Citizens who misbehave need to be motivated to conform to reasonable standards so that the general populace can function in a safe environment. How do we go about this? Fines, imprisonment and death are the usual solutions. Fines and the threat of fines seem to work for the large majority. People who have a lot of money are not concerned about fines so that brings up an equality issue, but t he concept is probably healthy.

Imprisonment is generally punitive and hurtful. If we can find the resources and heart to make prison a place of rehabilitation instead of one of Revenge, we will benefit greatly as a society. The function of prison should not be one of getting even with oddballs but a way to get destructive people away from the main body of society and help them to become positive citizens.

Of course, none of the above bleeding-heart attitudes should apply to my neighbor whose dog barks and whines day and night and whose stereo blares out techno music at three in the morning. He should be tarred and feathered, boiled in oil and torn asunder by four horses tearing off in all directions at once.


Jack Wilson is a writer and artist in Tempe, AZ

Author:: Jack Wilson
Keywords:: Revenge,Punishment,Vengeance,Bully,l aw and order,social order,Crime,Hate,Justice,Progress,Liberal
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