Friday, August 31, 2012

The Devil

I sought for the Devil in the scheme of things, for I came to perceive the rules that govern our existence on earth and the pattern that the Creator has set into the design for us to abide by.

And I realized that if there is indeed a vacuum for the Devil to occupy in the master plan and its unraveling into the circumstances surrounding us as individuals, then it is in the pursuance of our wants; for then the Devil inserts himself/itself into our actions by creating hurt and conflict between us and others. For want in itself seems harmless enough, but the carrying out of want may create pain for ourselves and for others through conflict.

This is my nearest identification concerning the role the Devil plays in our actions, centralizing himself/itself on each mans originally harmless desire and wreaking pain along with its manifestation into the play of events.

So that when we guard ourselves against our wants and desires we are not in fact protecting ourselves from ourselves, but from the Devils obvious and predictable pre-occupation with them as soon as they begin to come into existence.

Fo r I reasoned that I never see an actual unknown entity harming me or harming others as I go through life, only human faces.

But perhaps this is the key; that the Devil breeds upon our desires and manifests his/its own plans through them.

Silent, patient, scheming, waiting for an opportunity to introduce the element of pain.

So that the infliction of pain; the creation of it, is what the Devil comes to be, having no birthright or purpose of his/its own, to say little of a master agenda, but preying upon our desires and using the will inside each of us as a tool of destruction.

Disguising himself/itself behind the wants o f human beings, keeping himself/itself hidden and blamelessly out of sight.

Is this not the way of cunning people direct tools of their master that play people against each other by identifying and manipulating their victims innermost wants and desires?

Nobody really intends to do evil [the way to hell being paved with good intentions and all. The Devil recognizes this and has developed a subtler, cleverer scheme to achieve his purposes through temptation.

Every man wants something, the Devil aligns his intentions with a particular, usually quick and easy method to achieving this thing, and offers it up to the individual, who then becomes a donkey the unseen force will ride skillfully, and a scapegoat to whom all the accusing fingers will point when the deed is done.

So that we do not necessarily become slaves to the desires we have but slaves to the Devil that swiftly rides upon them and then disappears into thin air, leaving us to face retribution.

And the Creator is perhaps pained that we, the chosen race, would let ourselves become subject to a force that is so beneath us, a force that was declared base and inferior before the beginning of the world.

I said in the past that I cannot be ashamed of my feelings for they are innocent divine I said actually, but it is what I choose to do with them that I will be held accountable for, for in those things I have been given the power of choice.

I think tha t these words must now further explain this point, for my choices may empower the unseen malevolent force that seeks only to create havoc and destroy me and others.

I have searched for the Devil. I wonder have I found him/it.

Because then it is not a new thing at all, just a fact that lay right before my eyes and I refused to see consciously or unconsciously.

Whenever a plan comes to your mind, offering itself to you as a means to achieving a want, desire or goal, search for the pain factor for you or for others. There lies the Devil and his/its intentions.

Stop creating the Devil and he/it will cease to exist.

Take responsibility.

I am a poet, a writer, and an artist, and I believe in beauty, creativity and perfection. I love life, the world, and existence, thoroughly enjoying all of my various roles in the three. I believe every moment on earth is a gift; my advice for anyone would be to ensure that days are conscientiously and properly seized and nights spent in the profitable dreaming of dreams that come true. The Gemini star sign captures my personality satisfactorily; I enjoy the duality and restlessness declared as significant components of my nature. I get occasionally erratic. This is usually when new ideas start spinning round in my head. I absolutely thrive on these moments I define as my moments of clarity; quickening my pace to catch up, hastening to a keyboard to punch away into the middle of the night or doing whatever it is that is must be done immediately at all costs or else. I am passionate about my writing. I have found art to compose of a variety of covertly classic mediums that capture and portray thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and I savor it.

Author:: Natasha Ashwe
Keywords:: Devil
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Fear Depletes Vitamins in the Brain Making You Stupid

Have you noticed what I have and that is that people are just getting stupid? I mean they seem to be running around in a daze? They have trouble carrying a thought or staying the bounds of reason and reality? I have theory on this and that is all the stress is getting to folks and the mass media hysteria is beginning to take its toll on people making them fear.

We know that stress and fear depletes the vitamins in the human body and therefore the Brain cannot function at optimum. If the Brain is not getting all it needs to think straight then could this be why everyone is getting stupid these days? Just a thought?

You know I sure hope I am wrong on this, one scientist I talked to said oxygen content was slightly down and the body needs oxygen too, as well as the Brain he told me. So I asked him what was causing this and he said President Bush and Global Warming? Now you see the problem, everyone is nuts, here this guy is a scientist and he is blaming stupidity of humans on Global Warming.

If indeed humans were causing climate change then it would humans cause Global Warming and not Global Warming causing human Brain function decreases? You know I think everyone needs to go see a shrink? All I can see is humans who are getting more crazy and stupid each day? What on Earth is going on here? Consider this philosophical thought in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Fear Depletes Vitamins, Brain, Making You Stupid
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Does a Royal Bloodline Give Someone an Edge in Competing in the Real World

If you have royal ancestry do those genes necessarily assist you in competing in the real world? Does royal bloodlines or DNA really help you win in life? This is an interesting subject because we come to find out that so many people running things, from large corporations to government offices, happen to have royal ancestry or bloodline.

You see there are over 1 million Americans with royal ancestry in the United States presently and there are a disproportionate number of people running things who have these genes; why?

Well some of it could be a sense of belief that they are destined to be in charge, some might be nurture of family compelling them, even pushing them to succeed. But is that the genes and DNA or is it merely the will of the family pushing their children harder?

Is it both nature and nurture that gives these people the edge? Well even if you had royal bloodlines, who is to say that is good or bad? It might be bad actually? Or it might be b etter, who could really say. For instance; one might have too much of something in one regard and something else which makes one more susceptible or vulnerable to another something. As that too is nature and in my opinion every person is compromise of sorts; like an aircraft, as some go very fast, some carry a lot of weight, some are meant for cargo, some are built to defend, while others to attack.

But of course there are certain materials that aircraft can be made out of that are better than others; lets call this the DNA. There too, sometimes it is good sometimes not. Maybe good for some things, while not so good for others? Perhaps this philosophical discussion might propel future discussion? Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Royal Bloodline, Edge in Competing, Real World
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Teilhard de Chardin


He is one of my heroes and an inspiration for all who seek for Peace and Harmony through a conspiracy of LOVE. His Templates suggest that one thought perfectly conceived by one man can influence the totality of consciousness or World Mind. I hope he is right, and I try to develop this critical mass of consciousness. I have covered the continuing battle the Catholic Church has with his thought and numerous other things related to him and Jean Houston, in other books.

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin was a visionary French Jesuit, paleontologist, biologist, and philosopher, who spent the bulk of his life trying to integrate religious experience with natural science, most specifically Christian theology with theories of evolution. In this endeavor he became abso lutely enthralled with the possibilities for humankind, which he saw as heading for an exciting convergence of systems, an Omega point where the coalescence of consciousness will lead us to a new state of peace and planetary unity. Long before ecology was fashionable, he saw this unity he saw as being based intrinsically upon the spirit of the Earth:

The Age of Nations is past. The task before us now, if we would not perish, is to build the Earth.

Teilhard de Chardin passed away a full ten years before James Lovelock ever proposed the Gaia Hypothesis which suggests that the Earth is actually a living being, a colossal biological super-system. Yet Chardin's writings clearly reflect the sense of the Earth as having its own autonomous personality, and being the prime center and director of our future -- a strange attractor, if you will -- that will be the guiding force for the synthesis of humankind. (1)

Gerald Massey has written about the Seven Souls of Man a nd many interpretations of various religions in his theosophical quest. I think he expresses what we all must do in terms of piercing the veils of both religious and scientific paradigm thinking which seems all too managed and deceitful. I find too many people need black and white answers when the Mysteries are quite chaotic just because they do not understand the fundamental laws or ways that energy works. It is better to trust in the awesome nature of nature and reality than to manufacture pat or self-serving answers or directed inferential theories to make it seem all is known. Chardin and Bellarmine or many others like Roger Bacon who toiled within the bowels of the behemoth of Catholicism were not averse to saying there is more than they knew.

The modern manufacture of ancient mysteries is just as great an imposition, and equally sure to be found out. Do not suppose I am saying this, or waging war, on behalf of the mysteries called Christian, for I look upon them as the greatest imposition of all. Rome was the manufactory of old masters 1800 years ago. I am opposed to all man-made mystery, and all kinds of false belief. The battle of truth and error is not to be darkly fought now-a-days behind the mask of secrecy. Darkness gives all its advantage to error; day light alone is in favour of truth! Nature is full of mystery; and we are here to make out the mysteries of Nature and draw them into day-light, not to cultivate and keep veiled the mysteries made by man in the day of his need or the night of his past. We want to have done with the mask of mystery and all the devious devilries of its double-facedness, so that we may look fully and squarely into the face of Nature for ourselves, whether in the past, present, or future. Mystery has been called the mother of abominations, but the abominations themselves are the superstitions, the rites and ceremonies, the dogmas, doctrines, delusive idealisms, and unjust laws that have been falsely founded on the ancient mysteries by ignorant literalisation and esoteric misinterpretation! (2)

Author of Diverse Druids

Columnist for The ES Press Magazine

Guest 'expert' at

Author:: Robert Baird
Keywords:: Gaia, Templates, Conspiracy of Love,
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Physics of the Soul

When Protons and antiprotons collide they annihilate one and another and release energy in the form of photons Or you could say that when matter is destroyed, light is created. Is this much different than when a person dies, his Soul departs. They say that when a person dies he becomes an ounce or so lighter. You might not believe this, because you can not see this energy depart the body, this light.

Now when the protons are annihilated by its contrasting particle it creates light that is beyond our vision which is in the Gama range. Is this light that of our Soul? As with any large astral body, great energy is needed to keep it from collapsing upon itself. Contrasting gravitational forces must not exceed one another or else its part fly apart or implodes. So what happens when the heart stops bringing blood past the lung to energize itself with oxygen, do particles and antiparticles held within the body that contain the Soul collide and release Gamma rays.

Also in Hindu and Chinese pagodas there is the belief the Soul rises through stages to the point of non-existence. Could this now be the final melting down of the nuclei by 1000 Billion degrees, a million times hotter than our sun, into its fundamental constituents. Which as you can imagine could take a really long time. A long time to gather that much of energy just to release yourself from all existence. Now when Souls fly around from life to life they keep a steady stream of states in a congruent order. A steady progression of changing nuclear masses and bonds with other atoms through time. But when the nuclei is melted down and the quarks are released to form new nuclei or just becomes raw energy. This is when the Soul is released from its cycles of rebirths, just to be eventually settled into new Souls with low energy or innate objects like tiny pebbles. Repeating the cycle all over in a completely new and unfamiliar state separated from its old parts.

< p>Dante thought that at the center of the Galaxy all the highest angels and beings rotated and basked in the light of God to eventual collapse into his singularity. To be at one moment with God forever. As with Buddha when he was confronted with desire and fear under his Bodhi tree, he was at one in his singularity with the universe. No self, no desire, no fear of underachieving which meant in Buddhas case was death. But when you are in true singularity either you explode away from God as light or collapse into darkness as like in a black hole. X-rays can be seen escaping from Black holes, so some Souls can escape, but most on this path fall upon the singularity and are frozen in time as is Lucifer at the center of hell half frozen in ice. There he chews upon you until he digests you into smaller and smaller dense parts. But as things break down into infinitely smaller pieces falling infinitely upon itself, it is also infinitely moving apart from itself and making a n ew universe in the small spaces of space that was never occupied before. As alice drank the tea she shrunk and the roof moved miles above her head, and when she ate the food her body bent over in half to keep her head from going through the roof. And in that new universe there is even more black holes that create new universes in its small spaces.

A straight line given enough time, will eventually curve back upon itself. By hitting dust, atoms, and other matter will deviate a line from its course and return it to its beginning. Even if it takes a trillion years and a roundabout zig zagging drunken route. So if something can have enough energy to propel its smallest parts for a really long time it will meet its starting point. Just like traveling on our earth in a straight line, we would climb hills, to plateaus, to mountains down into valleys to plains and enter the ocean down its trenches and up upon its beaches to start this process over. Not only forward and up and down, we do trip side to side as we stumble on rocks and people in our way. We travel in all three dimensions while we try real hard to travel in the one dimension. So when these Black Universe create infinite numbers upon itself it will eventual enter back into the original universe. Hopefully it will learn something by the time it returns, but by then it would be to late for it would have been long time gone since it departed it Gama stage where those chinese wished and hindus hoped for. Now it could only hope to coalesce into quarks one day.

Now when you fall upon the singularity of your God in the heat of the sun, you go back into the universe as a teacher or say brahman. The other choices is that you become the singularity in which you yearned for and let the previous guy go out and play; or you whiz off and become an Indra/odin/zeus/Jehovah/yahweh/ sun of your very own in which new matter will seek you out as there singularity. I much prefer the tea cher role, helping those Hindus and Chinese move on their way to their flame so that real estate rates will eventual go down.

One proton of the material world to 10 billion photons of the spiritual world, there is more beings of spirit nature who know everything about everything that existed or was known in all time before, now, and future. For at the speed of light time is at an singularity of time. They all seem a little nuts up there without or varying degrees of any filtration system. Image all the states of all matter with infinite personalities in all time in one moment, You think your Uncle Harry was schizophrenic? Now you know why I like this world and write things like this! Imagine sharing a bath with all the people who ever died in all the worlds of all of the universes! It gets quite crowded.

Souls we mostly encounter are from our sun. At the center of our galaxy only photons exist, the rest are just sucked into a mammoth black hole the size of several solar systems. Now through all civilized religions stretching from Summeria, to Persian, Egyptian, Greco/roman, hindu, buddhist, Norse, gnostic, and the mystic systems of Judeo-christian. There is a God of the universe (or pair) and a god of the earth sky. Yimir and Odin; and Zeus, Geb/Nut Osirus, Indra and Brachman, El and Yahweh. Now each sun is its own indra/zeus in a larger galaxy within the universe. The Gods of all are a pairing of imagination with a stage, via matter and space, or painting to canvas. These are the creators of the universe. So the universe exist because you perceive it and even more important imagine it. Chicken or egg?

All you can think up and believe in hard enough shall exist. But desire and fear create doubt that changes you imagination into failure. So I purpose if a child was raised in a society that every one flew about in the sky by means of hidden propulsion systems that the child never knew about. Through determina tion, practice and allot of belief that child would be the first to fly on its own accord with out any outside propulsion system. Ever heard of the bumble bee? Believe hard enough anything is possible!

There are alot of holes and mistakes in this paper so you can imagine and discuss, debate your own finer points in your own personal universe. If I told you all and correct there would be no wonder left, thus for no more reason for life or just psychology and philosophers. But as Adams had once said..When the answer to life and everything is found there will be a new answer created. Another theory said this already happened. So long and thanks for all the fishes!

Chris Dowgin is propietor of Docspond Life Coach Services and Norgeforge Illumination Studios.

Author:: Christopher Jon Luke Dowgin
Keywords:: Physics, Soul, Spirituality
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Why Are There So Many Worthless Stupid Humans in the World?

The other day at a coffee shop some gentlemen were talking and the conversation came up why are there so many stupid people in the World? Isn't it interesting that you have also had the same thought? I think we all have had the thought and asked ourselves the question why are there so many worthless stupid humans in the World?

Most of this is our own fault due to failures in education and parenting. It is also partly due to the mass media hysteria, which seems to rule the minds of the people rather than their own thoughts.

Some people believe that the cause is actually World religions and their wine of reasoning. Perhaps it is a combination of all these things in the present period and in all World civilizations and societies? Nevertheless there seems to be a dummy down of the intellectual capacity of most humans rather than a growth in enlightened individuals.

This is rather disconcerting considering that if all the stupid people vote and believe what they hear on TV from podium pushing politicians then we will never be able to move our country or any nation for that matter forward and what does this say for the future of mankind?

Those are some scary thoughts indeed and even if it is not politically correct to point out the people are getting stupid or we all know it is the fact. Rather than pointing this fact out to you I am simply repeating something I heard at a coffee shop between some gentlemen in their 70s who have been observing the World for at least that long. Blame them they said it, not me. Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Worthless Stupid Humans, World
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips


To start this chapter we have a response from the journalist Hippie and friend who uses the name Eternum1 on the web. He was a part of the founding of web logs as these journalists went to the hot spots of the world and kept in touch with each other. I think he sees where I am going with this book.

Dear Robert:

I agree with Sartre in that each being has complete freedom if he will only believe it and I agree with Camus on how the absurd man becomes a rebel. Sartre had de Beauvoir to keep him honest in his musings because most left wing sympathizers had yet to recognize women as the barometer of societys evolution. As a result Sartre was more of an anarchist in his existential writings while Camus remained a sympathizer to Marxist rebellion, he didn't quite link Engels statement judge a society by the position of its women to the rebellion of his time.

I understand your link to Abby Hoffman and Jerry Rubin btw I followed up on Rubins student is nigger with my own catchy title the lumpenproletariat and the revolutionary youth movement'... I know its a real page turner judging by the title.... but it was re-printed in all the new left magazines of the day and translated into French, German and Italian..... it was an analysis of why white middle class youth was dropping out into a sub-proletarian mode of existence... i.e. the hippy movement..... I explained in more human terms than Rubin... how white middle class and bourgeoi s children linked the limits on their freedom to racial minorities and the poor, which kind of shook up the socialists of the day who thought labor unions were the radical institutions still..... the idea that lumpys or otherwise dclass citizens were the future great unwashed disturbed them more than the capitalists it appeared.

I agree that true freedom is the ability to accept or reject all things or as Sartre says psychologically in each one of us this amounts to trying to take the causes and motives as things. We try to confer permanence upon them. We attempt to hide from ourselves that their nature and their weight depend each moment on the meaning which I give to them; I find this statement very important, but not original since a similar thing was said by Nietzsche a hundred of years before, be cause it allows a different view of the things in the world. It reveals the potential of the thoughts. When everything depends on the meanings we give, then, we should think positively and we should give the meanings that we want, however unusual they are, not the ones we are expected to give and this would bring us closer to reaching our purposes.

How often have we seen our motives and causes co-opted and their meanings distorted into what you refer to hole (ass) istic babble. Too often. As we discussed in Babble on Babylon the separation of beings continues without the need for foreign tongues, our own language is used against us.

To the point where words like patriotism, love, freedom all become things not qualities.... but things we attach to like clothing labels.

Sartre makes an attem pt to describe what freedom exactly is in Part 4, chapter 1 of his book Being and Nothingness. However, he says, he finds it difficult since describing something is looking for its essence. And freedom has no essence Freedom makes itself an act, and we ordinarily attain it across the act which it organizes with the causes, motives and ends which the act implies. That is to say that freedom is revealed by the act, we can experience the freedom only through act. It is not possible to describe freedom that is valid both for me and for the Other, thus no essence of freedom may be concluded. The freedom in one individual is different from the freedom of any other individual; there is nothing in common which can be named essence. Freedom is beyond essence since it is the foundation of all essences.

So that is why I say freedom is an individual act but the combined acts of freedom compose rebellion and that is how rebels become existent not that each finds a particular idealo logy but each exercises his freedom not to attach to the system or its ideaology. We know that Communism was never practiced by those who called us comrades... from each according to his ability and to each according to his need' ... possibly because the true anarchistic nature of freedom needs people sophisticated enough to implement socialist ideas.

Sartre often speaks of bad faith when we surrender our freedom to become soldiers for a cause.... to profess to love anything more than our responsibility to freedom is acting in bad faith. And when you hand that freedom to a President or his Generals or to the mob of religiosity you give up responsibility for your actions to others and thereby lose true freedom.

I don't think an existentialist would ever say we choose to be free however. Because w e are free at every moment. Freedom is not a choice made once and then forgotten. Freedom is not an ideal. Freedom exists within every being at every moment. Freedom on the individual level needs no defending against others unless others try to impose their will. There is no land of the free there are only individuals surrendering their freedom every day to causes and idealologys.

Sartres version of a radical transformation of society is the paradigm shift in thinking we have discussed in the past. It is the belief that we can be what we choose to be. This requires effort for most of us believe what we are told we cannot do while few tell us what we are able to accomplish.

If Sartre was President he would tell each citizen what they need to do to prevent terrorism and it wouldn't be surrendering your freedom or responsibility to others and continue grazing passively in the food courts of the nations shopping malls. Nothing is a complicated as the elites would have us believe and the fact that they deny each citizen the right to be fully involved in making a safer world gives the lie to their role of defenders of freedom.

Really if freedom was a project wouldn't we want everyone working on it? But the co-opted version of freedom is not a project... its a banner meant to take away ones options and choices like a valium induces passivity and a payment plan induces obedience.

Dear Et

I recall that lumpenproletariat thing. I liked it and the word. I agree about Simone de Beauvoir and there is another Simone that was important - Weil. Yep - I agree about Sartre and was impressed when he turned down the Nobel Prize. I used to call myself a French Atheistical Existentialist.

You apparently see where I am headed as I draw the Goths and Beatniks into this (tie it back to Cathars and Cynics long ago too). As the movie Braveheart ends the life of Wallace and the Keltic Creed that held the world in Brotherhood for millennia says - FREEDOM and NO FEAR - which you see all over the place. These symbols and the one for Peace are powerful legacies and archetypes. We need to show people some cultural through-lines and help the Goths be understood. Robert

The same issue of what a Goth really is can be made in comparisons to Flower Children and the people who really study what might be the core principles. The Goths I have known seem more able to defend their approach to life than the norm al average or everyday person. But I seem to know the upper echelon of them perhaps. I find few are doing it just for the attention which certainly was not as true with the Flower Children. At the same time one can find a wide variety of perspectives and wonder if there is any true Goth culture at all. Certainly the journalists and social commentators who were all the rage after Columbines Massacre did not clue in to some truly important things. Those kids were under psychiatric medication and there are other extreme issues they faced. But I will make a little analysis of what I think might be going on with them and a host of other Church-burnings and the like.

In my time in the Caribbean I met people who knew some things about the Lodges as well as Rastafarians or the followers of Bob Marley. There is something similar to the Peace, Love and Brotherhood message in these approaches and there are myths that make one smile. One of the things I intuit is operating has to do with the Rastie symbol and flag of Irie and I could be wrong but Eire seems to be there as a spiritual part or connection to the Kelts and the ancient Brotherhoods be they Olmec or Phoenician. Many black people there know that they were there long before the Spanish heathens and Empire-Builders came to wreck havoc and enslave them or perform an outright genocide on the likes of the Taino in Cuba. Their aversion to Babylon is a metaphor for all that is wrong with the materialistic Empires that control so many people. This continues in the black community to the present and many are they who abuse this knowledge and act as criminals. Who can really blame them? I deal with these things in depth in my historical books.

The stele I found at Chichen Itza had many ancient Masonic symbols including the old T-square which is the symbol of the Egyptian builder-god Ptah. It may have been put there by Rosicrucians and there was one member of their inner sanctum watching over it . The Goths who did the deed at Columbine were heard speaking about Plato and Aristotle and the day they chose to do it was the birthday of Adolf Hitler. The extent to which certain people know about these things or write about them has been hard to tell. I know authors like Marshall McLuhan knew about the influence of secret societies and yet he did not disclose what he knew. It can still be difficult for truth tellers. We must tell some of the root story of these Mystery Schools within what I call the octopus. Hitler was a student of them too.

There are at least a thousand different stories that would fill the equivalent of the thirteen volumes the CORPUS HERMETICUM entails. Stories abound with re-written history and co-opting the people who told the truth by creating fictions about them or eliminating facts like who tried to assassinate James 'The Righteous' leader of the Essenes and probable brother of Jesus. This tale is mentioned in the Bible without saying who t ried to assassinate him. Thus the reader is led to think it was an uprising of common people who distrusted James rather than the fact that Paul was diametrically opposed to the teaching of James; who as Michael Baigent says was much closer to Jesus than Paul ever was, even if James was not the actual brother of Jesus. The Roman scribes and lies are so complete as to make it exceedingly difficult to even guess what the nature of truth was. Unless one actually gets first hand experiential knowledge by means of such things as 'direct cognition' with such dimensional knowledge as the akashic or spirits might allow. That is what is known to me, alone; a simple sole and single searcher for truth - imagine how many other stories of even greater import there might be. It is hard to write about one without running into another but let me try to tie Aristotle and the life of Hermes in with Jesus and the enigmatic 'Emerald Tablet' so that you can see some different perspectives from a cademics. At the end of this story is a personal tale of soul-grabbing that makes the idea of the Lvi to Crowley to Hubbard and Miscavige soul entity continuance seem more possible. By the way, it is highly unlikely that Jesus did not visit Alexandria to see her great Lighthouse and Library during the long time he studied before his short period of missionary work that may have only been a couple of years at most.

After the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. which can be called the birth of Christianity or more properly 'Churchianity', the Gnostics were attacked four times over more than one hundred years. The agents of empire-builders like Constantine or Caliph Omar, did not want people to know the truth of the prophet Jesus, who spoke about all men being 'the children of God' in equal terms. They wished to be the Divine interpreters for whatever it is that we call God. In fact, they wished to be the sole interpreters if that were possible, but they knew they might have to share some of this power with others who also had armies and legions of willing 'sword or cannon fodder' that would follow like sheep in the proverbial 'flock'. The scribes were busily re-writing the apocryphal Bible or Septuagint and Targum Onklos with due regard to the Torah and Hebrew Bible. Part of the agreed upon purpose was to remove the story of the wise Miriam, whose counsel in her day (with Moses) was the most sought after in her land. This was once in the Bible under the name Jasher, but when the Council of Carthage removed women from the priesthood in 397 A.D. they allowed such heresy no more.

Enoch was another book of the Bible which told of psychic and spiritual realities 'within' and 'without', that mirror and elucidate the sayings of Jesus. Mary Magdalene, a priestess with the Essenes and part of the 'Therapeutae' who were a watered down version of the 'Great White Brotherhood of Master Craftsmen' from a couple of millenia before, was probably the wife of Jesus. Such truths would have rendered the 'Bible Narrative' incredible and without power to wield a 'sharp sword' of fear over the souls of all men. For if Jesus was not 'the only begotten Son of God' as the Jews and original Celtic Catholic Church say; then the concept of easy 'Salvation' (and its special dispensations that Martin Luther railed against) would be unable to generate the money-making and power creating outcome that has been with us these past 1500 or more years.

Karma or the original 'law of Retribution' would require right living on a daily basis and people would have to live in the true path of Jesus, and never be able to EXPECT a simple 'absolution of sin' through such things as confessionals. The great stories of 'Eternal n Damnation', 'The Resurrection' and 'Hell' would have little theological or philosophic support. The Pope has said there is no Heaven or Hell in the months leading up to the millennium and as part of damage control or spin-doct oring but is there any proactive course of change and when will the dogma and doctrine of Paul's 'Epistles to Timothy' that say 'man is the head of woman' etc., be expunged in all their vile prejudice against women? St. Augustine's portrayal of Genesis and the 'original sin' with women as the harbingers of that which disconnected us from God are damnable destructive influences to this very day.

Let me illustrate the academic conundrums and obfuscated idiocies attendant with Hermes and Jesus. Aristotle was able to keep his hermetic or alchemic inclinations sufficiently shrouded and thus lived a long life from the time his father taught him as physician to Alexander's father King Phillip of Macedon. (384-322 B.C.) He was motivated and guided by 'The Emerald Tablet' and the work of Hermes Trismegistus. According to the 'Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology':

Emerald Table: The (of Hermes) Believed to be the earliest statement of the principles of spiritual alchemy, ascribed to Hermes Trismegistus, after whom alchemy has been named the 'Hermetic Art'. Hermes Trismegistus is a shadowy figure, possibly mythical. The old alchemists believed him to have been an Egyptian living about the time of Moses; others have claimed him as a personification of Thoth, the Egyptian God of learning. There is a legend that the Emerald Table (also known as the Smaragdine Table) was discovered by Alexander the Great in the tomb of Hermes in a cave near Hebron.

The earliest printed version in Latin dates from an alchemical work of 1541, but a Commentary on it was known three centuries earlier, and the Table might well be ancient. The original was believed to have been inscribed on emerald (smaragdine) in Phoenician letters, later translated into Greek and Latin. (1)

Author of Diverse Druids, Columnist for The ES Press Magazine, Guest writer at

Author:: Robert Baird
Keywords:: Goths, Cynics, Flower Children, Sartre
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If Humans Left Earth Would Chimps Evolve to Take Over the Earth?

Some have asked if humans left the planet would apes and chimpanzees take over like we have in 30,000 years or so? Probably not, why bother, they have everything they need and are content, happy, carefree, no-stress, top of their food chain, few enemies [besides them selves and their cousins mankind killing them that they cannot deal with.

No need to leave the tree line or cover. Unless there was a super environmental change such as an ice age, global warming or volcanoes or such, but if man split from Chimpanzees 1-million years ago, Chimpanzees had their chances to adapt and move beyond, but did not desire or need too you see?

So, for those who ask this question they do so in error. Like wise a any higher order species at the top of their food chain may or may not adapt if their environment does not change.

Mankind constantly does as he keeps changing his environment and even one study recently showed brain cavity expansion of a measurable amount in onl y 650 years, which is 30 generations or so and that is indeed impressive from evolutionary standpoints. Although 650 is a long time in human terms 30 generations is not in the evolutionary process. Even insects take a while to get these things done, although we know from experimentation of course it is readily possible under controllable and observable, repeatable conditions. Perhaps you might consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Humans Left Earth, Chimps Evolve to Take Over the Earth
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Life in Galaxy Could Be Very Far Apart

How far away is the next nearest life form to people or humans, with a great amount of intelligence? That is to say other than what is here on Earth. This topic is often kicked around in scientific circles much to the chagrin of religious followers. Recently this topic re-surfaced in a most unusually place; an online think tank and forum, where a think tanker stated in the form of a question:

How far is the gap between Solar Systems? Is it like random islands distant from each other in the middle of the Pacific Ocean?

The think tanker was eluding to the fact that if there is some life in each solar system of various types and they are so far apart, then most of the life has evolved on its own. Thus similar life to that on Earth might be extremely far apart. It was further discussed that the Voyager Exploration unit which has now left the solar system has changed speed now that it has left into the void of interstellar space.

Indeed this finding of either gravity distribution, density of space, changes our whole set of values in terms of distance and light years doesnt it? Things maybe much different than they appear from our limited viewpoint and perspective here.

Such hypotheticals of types of other life on other worlds is interesting and perhaps my thoughts are that there is every type of life you can imagine out there and then some. After all from what we can see, there is a whole lot out there meaning a whole lot of possibilities. Perhaps you have thoughts on such things, if not do consider all this sometime in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Life in Galaxy Could Be Very Far Apart
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Scientology & The Freezone's Future

Many people will not know this but there is a massive grass roots Scientology movement growing outside the church of Scientology. One might ask why this is. Is there some dissatisfaction with the Church perhaps?

The Grass roots movement is called the Freezone. The Freezone consists of people who have either been ousted from the church or left of their own accord as well as many people who have never even set foot inside a Scientology church.

It is call the Freezone because it is just that. Since the death of Ron Hubbard, Founder of Scientology, the church has undergone a radical change by the incumbent management. Deep philosophical changes in the religion different to what Hubbard set out have been made. Text has been a altered and some even omitted. Many of the Scientologists in the Freezone have found it more beneficial to subscribe to the original Philosophy rather than the new wave now emanating from the church.

Many Freezoners practice their P hilosophy very successfully and achieve outstanding results with the methods and practices as originally researched and developed by Hubbard. In fact there are groups around the planet, especially in Europe and the Baltic States, which are expanding at a rapid rate.

Unfortunately, despite the high sounding ideals, the church is one of the most litigious in the world and seems, on the face of it, more concerned with copyright protection and acquiring property than in spreading the word. This seems to be having a devastating effect on the official church in terms of numbers and lack of expansion.

That job now appears to have been taken over by the Freezone, who are going through a rapid expansion, even as the church is shrinking.

The future of Scientology is going to be very interesting. Indeed, we may very well see the growing movement outside the church surpass the church in numbers and expansion as they focus heavily on the Philosophy and less on the ma terial aspects.

Sebastian Tombs

Permission to use this article is given provided the following link is included.

Author:: Sebastian Tombs
Keywords:: Scientology,l.ron hubbard,tom cruise,Scientologist,Scientologists,Philosophy,Freezone,Dianetics
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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

If a Father Dies in a War Their Kids Will Hate You

Many say that the United States should not go to war with nations such as Iraq, Iran or North Korea because it fosters another generational cycle of hate and thus more wars. This is a good philosophical argument indeed. Wars should not be the first choice in human political conflict or culture clashes. However we should also not go out of our way to try to win the hearts and minds of people who hate us and want to kill Americans either.

If someone gets killed in a war with my country I want the family of the fallen to fear that they too may be killed so they do not try to kill my family. It seems in the Middle East there is a rogue element, which thinks they want to kill my American family. I would rather not have my family killed and therefore am willing to kill those who wish to kill my family first with pre-emption to protect my American Family. So, those who hate should be forewarned that the threat of International Terrorism in my country, makes me more willing to kill all those who hate my American family first. All of them you see?

Maybe you are not understanding my position here. You see I care about my American family; my country was attacked by people who hate me, who I have never met. I therefore wish to guard against anyone who hates me and am willing to make certain it does not happen again no matter what the consequence to the other side.

No matter what, I no longer care to try to please the other side which hates, they will not listen and therefore pre-emption is the right thing to do to guarantee I survive with all my family first, no matter what you see? Maybe you do not understand what I am saying; You see, I no longer care to be nice after being attacked. I only care about protecting my American Family completely no matter what. No matter what I have to do to protect them, I am willing; no matter how many on the other side die. I am not concerned anymore. I was, now I am not. This is not about emotion or f eeling this is about protection of my American Family over all else! Dear American hater, please know this and act accordingly.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Father Dies in a War, Kids will Hate You
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Secret Societies a Seriously Stupid Strategy

Secret societies are seriously a stupid strategy to propel your will or your group over the masses. Because secret societies raise suspicion and they develop a sense of non-trust. If your group is not trusted by others and the others have larger groups then you'll find yourself being curtailed often. Secret societies are simply seriously a stupid strategy supporting suspicion.

Does you group want to be suspected, as less than honorable. Where it is the honor in that? And if your group is so secret why would anyone with any integrity want to join? Why would anyone with any honor wish to join? Why would I join a group which would have me as a member?

Secret Societies may evoke fear in those who encounter their members or they may meet challenge by those who are of such strong character that they are not distracted, but rather see it as a contest. When an individual meets a member of a Secret Society and that member starts playing this secret society game on them many things can happen. Perhaps the individual is impressed? Maybe they are in fear. Maybe they want to join or maybe they see this is as a challenge and a contest.

If so beware, because most secret societies hold no secrets at all and most of the people of the greatest strength of personal character do not need any secrets to win. They win on shear personal will and inner strength?

Secret Societies are for those who get strength from a group rather than from self and they are not as strong. Even with the entire group helping, they cannot defeat an idea from a single mind with unlimited belief in self or efficient use of human intent. Beware secret societies; do not push what you do not know. You know what I mean. Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Secret Societies, Seriously Stupid Strategy
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Another Reason to Dump All World Religions in the Present Period

We see in the world culture clashes and even wars fought over religions and religious literature with vengeance. But why? If all these religions are so old and we humans knew so little back then, wouldn't ya say it is time to upgrade the human species a tad and well ditch all religion in the present period so we can maintain a steady clip of forward progression in the human race into the next period. I am serious.

Why not just get rid of all of it. Silly humans wake up, you are killing each other over some old wives tales and folklore which they made up to control your ancestors. Those people who made it all up are all dead now, you don't have to follow all that piddly dribble any longer? Wake up and take a gander outside the cave. It is way to stuff in there with all the flickering lights, fog and smoke.

As we watch the massive slaughter of entire third world countries over a belief in a good, witch doctor, voodoo doll or even various factions of Islam itself, doesnt it seem rather odd, that so many religions have been the previous fiber holding people together? Why are we even allowing such disruptive thought in the world? Why do we allow people to kill their neighbors over something that was written by men to control other men 3000 years ago? Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Another Reason, Dump All World Religions, Present Period
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Up in Smoke

Eva patiently waited for her stepbrother, Robert, to end his drone about the money he was to get from the will something about opening a business with other peoples money and having the bank foreclose on some recalcitrant properties. I didnt seem fair that Robert would inherit everything except the contents of the old house, but after all, she had to remind herself that she qualified only as a stepdaughter. Dads passing did not seem like losing someone she ove, but rather gaining a lump in her heart that wouldnt go away.

She daydreamed about the wonderful talks she and dad shared. About when Mom was alive, about the hard days of her ilness and about her passing. Robert had been able to go to college, even if she had not. I wasnt so bad being a veterinarians assistant, since she always loved animals. If only she could finish her schooling and become a vet herself. But she knew it was an impossible dream with no funds ti finance her education.

Robers sm ile turned into a smirk as he offered his opinion on what she could do with the furniture left in the house. Eve couldnt imagin anyone wanting to buye these old, run-down pieces, but Roberts suggestion of a one price sale to a local send hand shop would have to do. Then Roberts brow furrowed with annoyance as he ranted on about the missing stock portfolio belonging to her dad. There as no specific mention of it in the will and Robert wanted to make shur he got everything owed to him. Of course, the house and land, even though mortgaged to the hilt, would pay the outstanding bills with money left over.

After their first conversation about settling Dads affairs, Roberts frequent phone calls became surlier by the day. Two weeks later a call from the police cam with the shocking news that her Dads house had burned down to the ground. The house itself did have fire insurance to the tune of $100,000.00. Lucky Robert.

Lucky also was the fire investigator who canva ssed the neighbors, one of whom recorded the license plat of a car in the street just before the time of the fire. The police soon identified Robert as the arsonist. But since it was his own property, as long as he didnt file a claim (He said it was an accident) he got off scot free.

Sad with the loss of Dads mementos, Eva sat reading the single piece of his writing left in the world. Halfway down the last page of the will, he sentimentally inclluded a poem he wrote for his beloved stepdaughter. It read:

You came like smoke into my life
To warm my heart and bless my wife.
Your giving nature deserves to find
A precious hearth for a heart thats kind.

One month later, as a final gesture, Eva decided to make one last visit to the old homestead. She gathered the bags readied for her trip to her job at the animal hospital. She cried as she eared the street of her youth. One last turn revealed an empty lot already over-grown with weeds.

Reaching to the sky, a lone chimney stood mute, surrounded by ghostly memories of happier days. As Eva approached the small fireplace at the base of the chimney mentioned in her will, of a hearth struck a chord in her mind. Frantically she grabbed a stick and frantically pried at the hearthstone. Raising it, the dark space under the stone at first seemed empty. No, something wrapped in a dark, wet bundle occupied the space. Unwrapping the folds carefully, an envelope addressed to her, a letter enclosed with a large number of stock certificates. Now tears of sadness turned to joy as she pressed the evidence of her fathers love to her chest. The sadness of her loss was transformed into the promise of a bright future.

This fiction story closely parrallels some events in my life.

Author:: Kenneth C. Hoffman
Keywords:: Wills, Philosophy
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Should Humans Be Classified as Animals?

An online think tank had brought up the point that human emotional characteristics and thought processes are so similar to the other animals we find in nature or even as pets, that we could assume that humans are only slightly smarter animals. That is to say that religious dogma aside; humans are not divinely made and hold no special valuation outside the classification of the animal kingdom.

One think tanker taking up such discussion stated; To properly evaluate whether or not there is sufficient distinction to unequivocally classify humans from animals we would need to gather and measure all possible elements as samples and create a minimum of 3 groups instead of 2.

1) the animal group

2) the human group

3) the combination group

Surely to I would concur, yet would ask those who believe humans are so much different and better to prove it rather than participating in the actually experiment or asking my fellow taxpayer to pay for it, as I am c onvinced by my own observations and so often reminded that humans are not anything special. Yet, have proceeded to the top of the food chain thru cataclysmic events, luck and their ability to re-produce at the proper rates for their next nearest competitors and environment.

One does not have to observe a human grouping or society for long to see that humans are animals. So, whereas your experiment would seem to wish to prove humans are different, I believe that those who actually believe that should be the ones to prove it, as it simply is not so. I would surely like to review such data.

The think tanker further stated: The focus here is the combination group. Since almost every human characteristic is shared or seen in other living things the use of a 3'rd group to pool combination data is necessary under minimum conditions.

Ah ha, now we are talking, indeed perhaps humans are able to use their emotional and social interactions and apply more combinations than other animals. I very much agree with your third group pool in this case, this makes sense indeed. Perhaps this online think tank is about on the verge of making sense of this highly debated subject, what say you? Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Should Humans Be Classified as Animals?
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Jill Carroll the Christian Hostage in Iraq Case Study

Everyone knows Iraq is a dangerous place for a reporter, volunteer or an American and it does not matter if you are a soldier, businessman or volunteer. If you are a woman, well even more so, as Western women do not follow the norms of their culture there in the Arab world.

You know if someone is working for the Christian Science Monitor in Iraq, running around with a cross on them and talking about Jesus, and I do not know if she was or not, but I would assume she would be instantly identified as a target.

She is lucky she is still amongst the living. I will not however buy the book, as it seems to me that is pretty flagrant in your face attitude which caused her to be a target, now then I have no use for international terrorists believe me, we need to rid the planet of all of them and anyone who would kidnap or behead or any of that nonsense.

However I think a national debate on the flip side of this issue is worthy discussion. Glad she came back in one piece we do not need any more statistics or national tragedy figures. We have a huge culture clash going on in the world and feeding the fire with in your face, here I am attitudes is going to get more Americans and Westerners killed until that society and civilization comes to grips with the new Free Iraq.

Things are much different now without Saddam and some are not exactly able to cope with it all. We should not expect everything to be perfectly US like in the interim, nor should we be pushing our limits. Jill Carroll pushed those limits, should we be all that surprised at what happened there to her? Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Jill Carroll, Christian Hostage in Iraq, Case Study
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Numbers Nature and Philosophy (Part 1)

Numbers are something with built-in exactness. When we think of five in whatever context it is precise, there is no ambiguity about it. The preponderance of Numbers in our lives is such that we hardly pay much attention to this feature. There is hardly any activity in which Numbers do not figure. Numbers come in different sizes but all can be expressed as a collection of ten primary or natural Numbers from zero to nine. There is some argument as to whether zero is a finite number but we shall not go into that here. We simply note that it does not have the exactness referred to earlier.

Numbers are also classified in various ways like prime, rational, irrational, and also transcendental. Some of these terms are anthropomorphic and are used as mere definitions. But whatever be their classification Numbers are just symbols to be used in expressing some idea. By themselves they mean nothing. There is nothing seven-like in seven; it acquires a meaning only in association with something being counted. Although we deal with Numbers all the time in our daily lives, we hardly ever see them as existing in their own rights. However, if we look at them closely, we find that some are special with distinct personality. For example, zero and one; multiply any number by zero and it puts its face on it; as for one it creates all whole Numbers by adding itself repeatedly.

Then there are groups of Numbers in special combinations series are sequences that are unique in their own way. One of them is encountered conspicuously in nature, although there is as yet no satisfactory explanation for that. This is a sequence of Numbers starting from one*, with each subsequent number obtained by adding up the previous two. This is known as Fibonacci sequence in the literature. The first few Numbers are one, one, two, three, five, eight, thirteen, twenty-one, and the sequence continues on indefinitely.

Numbers in Nature

There is well-documented evid ence of occurrence of these Numbers in nature. Pinecones, Pineapples, daisy flowers, sunflowers all exhibit these Numbers. If you look closely at a pineapple or a pinecone, at any point on the surface you find the little protrusions (or bumps) are arranged in Spirals (helices in three dimensions) going in mutually perpendicular directions. The same is true for the arrangement of seeds at the center of the flowers. A curious fact is that in each case the Numbers of Spirals in the two directions are always two consecutive Numbers of Fibonacci sequence. A pinecone may have spiral count of (3,5), (5,8), or (8,13). A ripe pineapple has a spiral count of (8,13). A coneflower has (13,21) spiral count at its center. The center of a daisy flower has a spiral count of (21,34). The sun flower has a spiral count of (34,55) or (55,89) depending on its size. Similar patterns are found in many other plants and even vegetables.

The sequence is named after Fibonacci because he found it by studying the reproduction progress of a pair of rabbits in a year assuming that the pair produced a pair of babies each month and the babies at one-month age were able to produce a pair likewise. The number of pair of rabbits follows the sequence. He published the results in a book and the sequence came to be known by his name. The genealogy of honeybees also follows this sequence.

Even though the sequence became well publicized only in early thirteenth century, it had been known earlier albeit without a name. In Sanskrit poetry syllables are classified as short or long. A line of a poem contains a combination of these. In the metrical construction a problem arose as to in how many ways the short and long syllables could be arranged, assuming that every line takes the same time to recite. Studying this problem in relation to the number of time units, in 1150 AD Aachaarya Hemachandra in India found that the number of ways in which short and long syllables could b e arranged for sequentially increasing time units followed this very sequence. This was more than seventy years before Fibonacci published his book Liber Abaci .

Numbers and Philosophy

Although Spirals with adjacent Numbers of the sequence occur in nature so abundantly the reason for this is not clear. There are two aspects to this problem. One is the presence of interlocked Spirals, the other is their Numbers. The current belief is that during the growth of the plants, flowers, and fruits this arrangement gives the optimum space utilization for a given surface. We can also think of the Spirals as interconnecting links for all the elements as well as connecting each one to the single source the root, symbolically representing the fact that everything in the universe is connected to everything else.

One way of looking at the Numbers in the sequence is to consider the start of the life cycle itself. One seed germinates into one plant with two leaves to begin with. In some plants the next two stages are three and five leaves. Thus the building blocks for the sequence are in place. Now we carry this idea to philosophy considering, specifically Vedanta and its theory of the origin of the universe. To begin with there is only one Ultimate Reality the Universal consciousness. The other aspect of consciousness is energy and now we have two unities. In Vedanta and Sankhyathese are called Purusha and Prakriti . Next there are three universal qualities (trigunas) and five intrinsic natures of matter (panchatattva ; there is no exact English equivalent of the word tattva unless we coin a word thatness). Consciousness and energy together with trigunas and panchatattva create everything in the universe. So the origin of the universe itself is based on the Numbers one, one, two, three, and five, the building blocks of the Fibonacci sequence.

*Strictly speaking the starting Numbers should be zero and one because their addition give s the second one in the sequence. Conventionally though zero is not included in the sequence. The only meaningful operation with zero is addition, which itself sets it apart from finite Numbers.

Acarya Hemcandra and the (so-called) Fibonacci Numbers, Int. J. of Mathematical Education, Vol. 20 (1986), pp. 20 30.

Dharmbir Rai Sharma is a retired professor with electrical engineering and physics background. He obtained his M.S. degree in physics in India and Ph.D. in electrical engineering at Cornell University. He has taught in universities here and also in Brazil, where he spent sometime. He maintains a website devoted mainly to philosophy and science.

Author:: Dharmbir Sharma
Keywords:: Numbers, Fibonacci sequence, Spirals, Pineapples, Sunlowers, Daisies
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Perpetuating Gift

During this incredible time of year I am compelled by my every encounter to do good to all those I come in contact with. This year as in years passed I ask myself, what is it that has unhardened my hart? And not just me, but seemingly all of mankind is brought to consider that which is holy. I have seen mercy extended by the merciless, kindness from the hard man, charity from the miser and peace from the war monger. Radio stations usually dedicated to propitious propaganda and vile content play Christmas music, siblings take on extra jobs and spend hard earned money not on themselves but delight in the joy their gifts may bring to another. Long and festering grudges seem to melt away in the warmth of forgiving kindness. Black sheep are welcomed back into the fold with loving arms. We are led to consider those less fortunate and joy in giving as we see not the dross of society but our brothers and sisters.

What a profound influence that babe in Bethlehem born o ver 2000 years ago has had on the world and yet continues to have. Surly Christians and non-Christians can appreciate the goodness and peace perpetuated as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Perhaps the goodness demonstrated during the Christmas season is a reminder to all of us of how we ought to act. Perhaps we are once more the recipients of yet another gift of Jesus of Nazareth, perhaps our souls are lifted up at this glorious time as a reminder of our divine potential.

May God look upon us and see that spark of the divine reflected in our souls as we turn our faces toward our beloved Redeemer and may we carry the Christmas spirit in our harts forever. God bless you and yours and may we all magnify the spirit of the season by giving of ourselves.

Author:: David Knowles
Keywords:: Christmans, jesus christ,
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Socialist Beehive Making Everyone Equal?

There is much flawed Thought in a society where everyone is considered Equal when in observation people are not always Equal in every endeavor. If you are trying to make everyone Equal in every regard then you will have no Lance Armstrong's, no competition and Humans will be bored and no longer wish to live, work or be productive. Think on the history of communism or the socialist countries, which fall far behind the innovation that a win/win Western Civilization has produced ?

Some Humans are better than others in some things and perhaps lack abilities in other things, that is a fact, we know this through simple observations dont we? Obviously you are better than others in some things, if you are reading this article you are probably above normal intelligence; few people indulge in the thinking level that has brought on this topic. If we believe all people are Equal then we will crush people like you. Is that okay with you? As we will all be Equal right? Do you wish to be crushed? I have found individual Humans to not be Equal and if your utopia denies this observation, wouldn't we all be living a lie in a perfect world? If one is living a lie, why live?

If we modify our current reality to take into consideration such a socialistic beehive scenario plan, which is intellectually reasonable as a possible solution to the lie we are currently living then, will we be trading one lie for another; a change of scenery? If so, we must understand that before we move on or we simply change everything, disrupt everything only for it all to repeat, and we know our human history has already done that. Think on this, too heavy for you; well think about something else, as you will then be thinking on Equal footing with everyone else in the socialist brain washed mass media mind of the beehive. Still think that is a worthy idea? Gotcha.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: socialist beehive, flawed thinking, Humans, Topics, Thought, all the same, Equal
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Belief is Closure

The CON in CONstructs:

There are many esoteric wisdom schools and many divisions or a hierarchy in each one of them. Some of the initiates think they are all-knowing once they see what their school has placed in the ether to make them think what they want to think. Carl Jung describes something related to this in his forward to The Tibetan Book of the Dead. He makes it clear that once a person is entering the afterlife they will see what they thought they believed or expected to see at first. Astral travelers who blunder along with little awareness of history will think they are finding proof of God or alien involvement in Earths cultural development. The magicians and priesthoods of the past were well aware most people traveled every night. In the pre-Christian era this travel was conscious and most people were more adept and aware. The Thoth-Hermes or Imhotep-Asklepios intellectual schools which noted historian Michael Grant tells us was the main system of thought in the Old World is mirrored throughout the whole world.

The Mediwiwin Society of North America and the Toltecs or Chanes/Dragons join the pantheon of adept spiritual scientists that modern quantum physicists note the Eastern philosophies were most expressive about. The Mandukya Upanishads, the I Ching and Tao or Zen all these systems including Yoga of my early adulthood and search for truth are noted by Capra, Heisenberg, Wigner and the likes of Zukav as well as top Nobel Laureates of all hard sciences. It was these schools of philosophy or thought that made me know our history was all made up and not very close to reality. It goes both ways. Knowledge must be checked through other means of awareness and all facts must be included. There should be no anomaly in any true account that understands our culture or science. Belief is closure of the mind! But belief or Faith in some CON game that Noahdists, Brahmins or other Cabalistic types might have made has a very negat ive side to it. It builds the kind of obsession and nationalism that leads to Gihads of many kinds. It makes people say they speak for God or consult higher authority as they create War on Terra (Or is that Terror?).

Two key terms for Pisces is Sacrifice and I believe. Could that be the lesson of the Piscean age, to sacrifice belief? By the way there is nearly six hundred years of the age of Pisces left to run. To stop the indoctrination of our young into established religions, to tell kids the truth and stop trying to build moral conscience through the stick and the carrot method of religion. This continual projection of shame, judgement and repression upon people who possess particular abilities is more the cause of psychological unsoundness than the ability itself. Yes, as a modern progressive society we are growing into a fuller appreciation that freedom of expression and psychological health go hand in hand but we are still a long way from libertarianism. Which ce rtain Illuminati say is their front and I know is derived from the Merovingian Physiocratic School that Dupont de Nemours initiated Jefferson into.We are still a hard punishing lot, the rule of law of our secular governments simply representing a shift in power base from king and Pope to a ragtag of over-opinionated people sponsored by commercial interest promoting an ethic of self interest.

As long as society in general and us as individuals resort to punishment as a way of modifying human behavior, God as the face of human collective unconsciousness, the universal mind will not be whole and balanced. God will be too ashamed to look at his own face because of how disgusting and ugly the not understood aspects of his nature are thought to be. So there the God and Devil sit at opposite ends of the same fence, facing away from each other, we forgetting that they are two halves of the one whole. For those who have journeyed along the inner landscapes will know you need to be friends with all aspects of human nature and it is the job of the individual to reconcile this split in consciousness and let these two friends, God and the Devil go home together.

Once again getting back to the legends of the enlightened ones who guide mankind, the secret societies, the esoteric orders who boast themselves privy to secrets too sacred for the uninitiated, the custodians of spiritual truth, the mystery schools that demand loyalty upon fear of death. Why would God as collective consciousness dream such groups into existence? For one, these groups have literally cemented the inner landscapes with bricks and mortar and sign upon sign. These pioneers of psychic exploration have mapped the human subconscious with such dedication that they have made travelling the realms, looking for answers possible. These groups provide a double function. They know the direction of man's destiny is going to come through the unravelling of a psychic thread so they promot e themselves as custodians of the keys of enlightenment. Their second function is to prevent anyone gaining access to this psychic thread.

God as the collective unconsciousness knows that as long as the hero keeps entering the labyrinth clutching Ariadne's thread only to return through the same way he left that it is the thread it's self that prevents him finding the other side of the maze. His own tradition of trusting in the fate repetitiously woven by Athena/Arachne in aspect as the weaver goddess, prevents him from dropping the old thread and finding the new one. When I enter the subconscious realms I want to met Elvis and Frank Zappa, Freddie Mercury and my Aunt Shirley. I found it really annoying to be directed by the custodians of the inner paths to answer questions about such old Archetypes such as Janus and Isis. My imagination was figuratively being constrained by the cemented traditions of which I have no interest, they are so antiquated they only represent tombs for thought not repositories for the living material of conscious building.

So any aspirant who seeks enlightenment who is able to open his mind up, raise his conscious level is trapped like a fly in a spider's web, into a stereotypical interaction with the subconscious resultant of the archetypal conditioning of the collective subconscious. What appears to have happened is that participants in the initiate mystery schools started to believe that the ritual Archetypes who were deliberately woven into the mists of the collective unconscious as signposts were actually real. This sentiment permeates many modern initiate schools who speak of the reality of the Otherworld as being just as real as this one. So the belief structure built up around this Otherworld has cut it off from the technique's original purpose which was simply an easy way, a step by step plan of gaining access to the human collective consciousness. These belief structures have cemented God, as coll ective conscious, into a prison. So, why if this is so obvious, why hasn't it been picked up before? This is the other function of mystery schools, to prevent people from seeing the truth, finding the keys, having access to a broader view of God as the collective unconscious.

By structuring the collective subconscious it has been fixed to a spot, anchored if you like. Imagine the evolutionary process of mans consciousness as a precessional zodiac wheel. With time errors appear, the archetypal map no longer represents the topography but the errors are only slight and by extending the original structure by over laying new myths over the old frame the map appears accurate. The two dimensional imagery of the subconscious becomes three dimensional. Every time the current of man's development has allowed him to glimpse a new concept, the essence has been symbolized and quickly incorporated as new building material in the old structure.

So the original spot in man's con sciousness where the precessional development of man's full nature has been so built upon, become so dense, that a fortress, a whirling castle of Arianrhod has been built. Instead of mankind drifting along the path of evolution we have been fixed in space, chained to a huge structure architecturally designed and contributed to by every fully initiated master. So if this structure is what's keeping man from continuing on the road to enlightenment why was it designed by people who were seeking that very thing. Because the Architect knew that one day these structures would finally be seen for the prison they are and God as collective unconscious would teach himself the means by which he could escape the prison walls. In hindsight we can say that man's conscious is genetically coded not to continue development until such time as man is consciously aware of the process and has made a conscious decision to evolve. (7)

Author of Diverse Druids
Columnist for The ES Press M agazine
Guest 'expert' at

Author:: Robert Baird
Keywords:: Quantum Many Worlds Interpretation, CONstructs
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Monday, August 27, 2012

PreCreation Why Are We Still In The Dark?

Where did That term (Pre-Creation)come from?

Actually, it has been taught for thousands of years. Every major Religion that I know of has either taught it specifically or referred to it in its Writings. In addition to the teachings of spiritual leaders we find the same theme in the Writings of many Financial, Political, and Business leaders of various periods, including today's well known Entrepreneurs. I'll tell you where it caught My attention later in this article.

People like Wallace Wattles, Napoleon Hill, Benjamin Disraeli, Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Andrew Carnegie, Paul J. Meyer, Mark Twain, Dr. Robert Anthony, and so many others have tried to explain this concept to us. They have put it in their Writings, on their Tapes and CDs, in their Presentations, and with their One-on-One coaching sessions. They KNOW it works because They are examples of its effectiveness. We see the results of this concept in them but... not in ourselves. We think they must be sp ecial because they can do this and we can't. It's like Window Shopping, looking at something through a glass window that you want but don't have for yourself. There they are... on the other side of the glass, beckoning us to come in, and here we are, stuck on the outside. That Stupid Glass Wall is in our way. So why don't we get it? Why are we still in the dark? Because we choose to be.

Did that comment sting a little bit. Well I hope it did because it is absolutely accurate. We are where we are because we chose to be there. It was Our decisions that brought us to this particular point in our life. And, quite frankly, for many people, that reality is something they cannot accept. They think that the world has put them there, or their life is controlled by circumstances outside themselves. As long as they believe that they will continue to be what they are and where they are now. Personally I don't want to be the same person tomorrow, I want to be a better person. I do n't want to be in the same place forever... and I won't be. I stepped through the glass. I came in out of the dark. I embraced Pre-creation with a vengeance.

Now telling you that doesn't help you one single bit does it? Hang in there.

The concept is simple. The application of it is not. It takes effort on your part to pull this off. I have no doubt that I just lost 80% of the readers right now with that statement. If you are not willing to follow the steps in the references below faithfully, then close this article now, grab a beer, go turn on the TV, and accept that you will be in the same place a year from now with nothing changed. Your life will continue to be a re-run of what it has been in the past.

For the remaining 20%, read on.

Simple doesn't mean easy. I say that, especially in reference to this article, because learning how to do something different from the way we were taught to do it is one of the hardest things one will ever accomplish. But... you can do it if you really want to badly enough. To pre-create seems like a ridiculous concept at first glance but we do it all the time. We just don't realize we are doing it. If you cook, you envision how the meal will be at serving time well before you assemble the ingredients. If you build, you see in your mind what the project will look like before you collect the materials. These are obvious to even the uninitiated. All we need to do is apply the same principles, those for cooking a delicious meal or building a beautiful piece of furniture, to the other areas of our life. Most of us actually think more about how to create a meal or build a dog house than how to create a life. That is amazing but true.

What does that mean. Well, there are certain steps that must be followed in order to create a meal or piece of furniture that is going to be what you want. Furthermore, there are components of those steps that must be adhered to in order to duplicate tha t meal or piece of furniture more than once. In plain talk, a cook has recipes and a carpenter has plans. As long as the recipe or the plans are followed faithfully the end result is successful.

Let's take a look at the process of creating a meal. What are the components of the total process.
1. Facilities
2. Recipe
3. Ingredients
4. Presentation
5. Eaters (yes, you must have this component)

Facilities may be simply a Crock Pot and a few utensils or a fully stocked commercial kitchen. It depends on the nature of the recipe. The cook needs to assemble all the necessary utensils before beginning the process of preparing the meal. If an item is missing that is critical to the process the meal may not come out like the recipe indicates.

Recipe is the steps to follow in a specific order. Those steps must be followed it that order for the meal to be successful. Any deviation will result in the meal either tasting different, looking differen t, or both. In other words, the desired result will not be realized.

Ingredients are the things that are necessary to build the total meal as described in the recipe. These are the actual components of this process that will be consumed, or appreciated by the persons enjoying the meal. Presentation is the manner in which the meal is set before the people. This is an important aspect of any meal and it also requires certain utensils available to the cook.

Eaters are the people that will enjoy the meal. They also are going to pass judgment on the meal. The cook would have no way of knowing whether the whole process was done correctly unless he or she had some sort of feedback on the meal. Without feedback there is no way to know whether the meal was successful or not.

Now let's apply that to life. Let's identify the elements of the process.

So where did the term Pre-Create catch my eye? On the Website called I Create Reality.

In order to have th e life we want we have to Pre-Create it. In other words we have to think it before we can do it. Just like the cook making a meal, the thinking must be coupled with certain actions to realize final goal.

1. We already have the Facilities to accomplish what we need to. It is our Brain and our Heart. Yeah, I know, what has our Heart have to do with this process. Our Brain creates our Thoughts, our Heart holds our Desires and is the source or our Passion. I know that the Eastern Religions refer to the Solar Plexus as being the seat of one half of this Dual power in humans but for all practical purposes we as westerners accept the term Heart more easily than Solar Plexus so I use that term.

We need to be aware of both to bring this off. If the Brain is saying one thing to us and our Heart is saying something else then that conflict either inhibits or stops our process. Just as a Homemaker prepares a meal with Heart (with love and desire to please his or her family) a nd Brain (understanding and following the steps of the recipe) we need to create our life with Heart and Brain.

I know we all have had experiences with successful people that seem to have Brain but no Heart. Believe me, they have Heart, they accessed their Desires through their own Heart. Their concept of Heart (their Passions) just doesn't seem to include consideration for other people on this planet from our perspective.

One of the interesting things about this whole process is that as you apply it, your Desires may change because your perspective of what is important in your life may (probably will) change. That is, what I think, the most Powerful aspect of this endeavor. The ability to change has to be the greatest ability ever given to the Human Race. You and I were given that ability.

2. The Recipe is the step-by-step process that we follow to reach our destination. Our destination may be enjoying the smiling faces of the folks that just enjoyed our d elicious meal or feeling the warmth associated with the (spoken or unspoken) gratitude of those with full bellies.

In life we need to have a Recipe too. If we want to have a new car, get a better job, find a soul mate, or even simply get rid of a bad habit then we need to have a plan. For me today it is Writing a complete sentence without misspelling a single word. We need to identify what steps are necessary to reach that destination and then follow those steps without fail until we get there. Identifying those steps is easier if we look at someone whom has reached that destination before.

We can follow their plan... like building a house. Of course you can build the exact same house if you want or you can change the plan but you want to be cautious that. Keep in mind that even if you use the exact plan you can paint the house any color you want to, put on any type of roof shingles, and furnish it the way You want.

The point is, the plan can still be adjus ted to fit your Desires and still be the original plan. Remember, in planning our life we want to follow a plan that we know works.

So, the Recipe is the Plan. Plans have a description (a visual picture) of the end product (goal), a reference to the building process (implied in the sense you have to build the foundation before you can erect the walls), and a definition of the materials used in the construction. In our life plan we will need our Goal, the Steps to take, and the Materials required. The first two of those is easy enough to get. The Materials may be more nebulous though. Depending on what your Goal is you may need to acquire some Books or Reference Materials to read or listen to. Obviously you need to acquire a Plan but you may need some other items as well.

3. The Ingredients are (A) The Plan, (B) your Brain, (C) your Heart, (D) Books or Tapes possibly, (E) a physical Location Den, Bedroom, Bathroom, or in really busy homes the Garage or Public Libr ary), (F) Pen and paper keep a journal... this will be how you monitor your progress, and anything else that may be peculiar to your Goal.

Those are pretty straightforward. Some of them we were born with. Others are readily available to us. Plans can be gotten from the Public Library and from the links on my website. I have links to various authors because all of them (the Authors) have Plans that work but each author has his or her own way of presenting things. Find one that seems to be right for you. I am of the belief that there is more than one right way to do any thing. 4. The Presentation is going to be what You set before yourself in this journey. Eventually the whole world will see it but in the beginning all your are to be concerned about is presenting it to yourself in a way that works for you. You are changing You, not the world outside. The world will follow. I don't mean that the whole world will change, I mean that the changes in you will be acknowledged by the world. That is why you will want to have a place where you can be away from distractions when you first begin this. You will want to present these concepts and do the steps without any outside determent. In other words get away from those that say you can't during the early stages of this endeavor. Later into it you will be able to laugh at their comments because you will have Already Done what they said you couldn't.

In some instances the Presentation may, in fact, involve the people around you right from the start. If your first Goal is to be a Nicer Person to your Co-workers (just an example) then it seems obvious that you will have to Present to them this new (you) person consistently.

I am going to make a comment here that may seem in contradiction to what many authors teach. The term Fake It 'til You Make It doesn't work... UNLESS... you have your Heart in it. If your Goal is to be a nicer person to your Co-workers but you have no Desire in your H eart to do so then it is not going to last if it works at all. And THAT folks is a Fact.

5. The Eater of the fruits is YOU. Admittedly those around you will enjoy the changes (hopefully your purpose is to create a Good and more Prosperous Life and not something like be mentioned by Robert Stack on America's Most Wanted) but the real recipient of this particular meal is YOU. You are the one that will enjoy the benefits most.

We all like to think we are something we aren't on occasion. We put up this facade for the world to see but inside WE know the truth. If you have followed me this far you know that I know it doesn't have to stay that way. You CAN become that which you truly desire to become. I did it and so can you.

So, grab a Recipe for Your life change and start cooking. Enjoy, Layard

I am a retired Adult Education Instructor and have a few Articles posted at as well as a new Blog at http:/ /

Author:: Layard Dunnett
Keywords:: article submission, Articles, Writers, Writing, Publishing, Ezine, Email marketing, Email newsletter, Email
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips