Thursday, May 31, 2012

Elite Bloodlines Must Be Stopped Said the Conspiracy Theorist

Many folks complain about the ruling elite and label them as scoundrels and led by pure greed. Personally I take offense to this notion, fore I myself indeed have such names in my own family. And to those who label our family names in such a negative way I would like to address you now and offer you another point of view.

Dear Sir, I truly wish you would understand the truth in all this, it appears you are set in your ways and do not wish to change your perspective even for a second to see the world thru another view or step outside the cave of shackles and flickering flame, which you yourself in your personal anger and accepted belief system created for yourself. You have left me know choice to show you the errors in your ways in your guerilla style personal and slanderous attacks against my good names. And all these negative words against my ancestry simply so you can knock us off the mountain and then what? Crumble civilization, repeat the follies of man and then install yourself as the leader or your human grouping. Let me ask you, what experience do you have in running the world? Do you think you can really do a better job? Please state your qualifications and that is my challenge for you today. The simple ability to complain, make excuse and label another unfit to lead is not a qualification to run the human race. We have too many historical examples to prove that fact.

For those who continually accuse the elite bloodlines of all their personal problems and create conspiracy theories to justify their positions and for all those who argue this issue and label elite bloodlines as bad, well; I hereby declare your comments baseless, undeserving of consideration and completely fruitless for the forward progression of the species. Good day fine Sir.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Elite Bloodlines, Must Be Stopped, Conspiracy Theorist
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Martin Luther King An Essay

Martin Luther King Jr.

Dr. King speaks of many of the racial prejudices and persecutions that they, African Americans, have suffered. Throughout the speech King uses the phrase Now is the time (502), this makes the reader feel King's view has utmost urgency. Dr. King stands strong on his view of non-violent protests saying, Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinKing from the cup of bitterness and hatred. (503) Dr. King tells the listener not to give up under pressure but to persevere because the day will come when King's dream is recognized. Dr. King's dream is a situation where little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls and walk together as sisters and brothers. In his speech Dr. King hopes to persuade the Great America to abolish all racial prejudice.

Dr. King uses many different but effective methods to convince the reader of his point. King uses the words from an old Negro spiritual, the famous line, Free at last! free at last! Thank God almighty, we are free at last! (505) This phrase serves as an exclamation point on an emotional speech that is sure to deeply move the reader. King quotes the song America the Beautiful stating that he wants everyone to sing it with new meaning. In his speech King comes across as a persecuted African American who wants a change for all. The voice King uses starts of as a soft but firm whispe r then it gradually builds with the message it carries until it is the full roaring voice of freedom at the end.

Dr. King presents his arguments in a very original way. King focuses on the reader's sense of right and wrong and goes on to appeal to the reader's emotions. The speech is not as important today as when it was written in 1963; but it still serves as an important reminder. King's argument is limited to a small audience in a sense but in day-to-day living comes into racial prejudice, either given or taken. Dr. King's speech had to be on a level for the common people to completely understand it. He does this by relating himself with the crowd and by using common speech. Overall his argument moves the reader, it makes them fell really human. After reading King's speech the reader realizes we're all the same and there is no need for racial persecution. King has written an argument that has such lasting appeal that it is imperative that the re ader reread King's speech ever so often to rekindle their heartfelt conscience.

Dr. M. Cooper provides research and term paper assistance at http://www.TermPaperAdvisor and on the world-wide web. Dr. Copper has a M.S. degree in data communications and a Ph.D in Computer Information Systems. He is a retired Army officer and a Vietnam veteran.

Author:: Mike Copper
Keywords:: King, dr. King, martin luther King, civil rights, equal rights
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

March 2006: Lay Vicheka's Message to the World

1. The only difference between those successful and those not, is just one thing: the successful ones dare to walk on their chosen paths, while those who are not just want to reach the destination without daring to walk.

2. We are not living forever; moreover, we do not know that next life exists or not, so always endeavor to leave your human symbols in this existing world.

3. Always bear in mind that all of us born with intangible Ph.D frame of mind, so the one who are tangibly holding Ph.D degree just different from us in that he/she knows the way to express his/her Ph.D frame of mind;

4. Always think positively with your action that you think is right for you, because at least it is better than negatively thinking about it.

5. You are lucky to be born in this world with trillions of free education, but if you cannot live on a truly human path, you are even worth than the creatures under the ground.

6. One of the paths to failure is that you cannot start your action that you think is right immediately.

7. Always remember that to be a successful we must be categorized into the very few people in this world, because important mission means that only the very few can accomplish.

8. Laziness and lack of self-confidence are the two most concrete evils contributing to the successes of French and British colonies in almost every part of the world.

9. To make the water in your glass wholly cold, you must stir the ice to every part of your glass. Those celebrates always strive to know everything in this world.

10. Always perform as the real actor: business means profits, love means mutual and unconditional honesty, help means never looking for rewards, soldier means courageously fighting for your own country and international policy meanings seeking the most interests back to your own home.

11. What we are learning today is just what is passed down to us from the former or deceased people, so our obligation is to make these learning more responsive to our todays and tomorrows needs.

12. It is possible to be fraudulent on the business stage, but never apply this lesson on your personal stage.

13. My best paths toward success are the philosophy of equality, but not the philosophy of my familys heritage.

14. Speaking is too easy, but action is really hard. So the one who do the action is respected and distinguished and finally the one we shall walk on his or her paths.

15. Until this technological today, there many more existences that need your modification.

Lay Vicheka is a translator for the most celebrated translation agency in the Kingdom of Cambodia, Pyramid. He is working as freelance writer for Search Newspaper, focusing on social issues and students' issues. Lay Vicheka has great experience in law and politics, as he used to be legal and English-language assistant to a member of parliament, migration experience (home-based b usiness) and experience in writing. You are stronly advised to contact him for any doubts or wonder about Cambodian politics and even the world's phenomenon. Posting address: 221H Street 93, Tuol Sangke quarter, Russey Keo district, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: 855 11 268 445,

Author:: Vicheka Lay
Keywords:: Philosophical quotes
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Ethics: More Than Just Right and Wrong


The following is a piece on Ethics and Morality. Many of my works tend to be in the area of Applied Ethics, such as on matters of Vegetarianism, Peace, Sexuality, and Abortion. However, these are issues in the realm of Applied Ethics. That is to say, they are the application of an ethical base -- how an idea of right and wrong applies to the real world and the issues that confront us. For example, one ethic might be Any action that causes suffering is immoral, and the Applied Ethics of this would be that to oppose Euthanasia is immoral, that the abortion of an unconscious fetus is not immoral, that to eat meat and promote agribusiness's murder of animals is immoral, among other things. This essay differs from my other essays in this one aspect: I am not dealing with Ethics as it is applied to our real world, but rather with Ethics as it exists in its primal form. However, like my other essays, I can only hope that it is informative and not a drag t o read.

Desire and Action

It is not an uncommon incident to hear a person attempt to justify their actions with, But I was drunk, and it is not rare to hear someone similarly attempt to justify their actions with, But I was under the influence of drugs. In both situations (of which they are not very much intrinsically different), a person is trying to explain why they did something, whether it was something that embarasses them or is immoral. Whether it justifies an action will vary on who you ask. I am not trying to question whether it is acceptable or unacceptable for such occurences to take place. But the reason why a person will make such statements about their inebriated state is because it's an explanation as to why they did what they did, and in a very sincere way, a sort of way of saying that no punishment should be given -- or at least, if a punishment is given, that it is given with extreme lightness.

While alcohol or drugs may alter a man's m ental state, and might make a noble man cruel or a kindly man brutal, those are not the only incidents of chemicals being responsible for an attitude change in a person. Alcohol can affect a person by making them much less intelligent, over confident, or uninhibited, causing for various problems. Other drugs (because Alcohol is a drug) can alter a man's mind state by causing violent tendencies, or at the extreme end of the possibilities, cause hallucinations that will bring the person close to homicide or suicide. However, there are other substances that will alter the mindset of a person once they are in the blood stream. My prime example being natural hormones. Aggression and anger can be natural results of the brain chemistry. Sex drive is also caused by natural brain chemistry. So, when a person is violent towards those around him, it may very well be due to high testosterone levels. However, it would be unlikely that anyone would be pitying him in our society, b ecause he had been under the influence of testosterone, but in a very real way, it's not much different than the claim of a man whose actions can be explained by alcohol.

What it comes down to then is the issue of a man under the influence of alcohol and another man under the influence of natural hormones -- the substances effecting their brains making them prone to certain action. This action might be something destructive to those around them. However, there is no real difference between either of these men, but rarely is testosterone level used as a just explanation for rape or violence. A man's desires and wents will be altered by the hormones that are in his blood, be they natural or unnatural, be they manufactured or produced by the body. In either instance, there is no real difference between a man whose actions are caused directly by alcohol or directly by high testosterone. The next question, though, is... if a man was given a drug, a drug so powerful th at it gave him extremely strong desires for violence and sex -- desires so strong that he immediately acted upon them without thought or contemplation -- could he honestly be blamed for the actions that he committed while under the influence of such a drug, even if it was taken by accident or offered with malicious intent? One would be hard-pressed to find a philosopher who would condemn this man whose will would be reduced to that of what scientists may say is beast-like, or entirely mechanical. But then it must be considered that many men drink alcohol, and many of them excessively, and they are still capable of controlling their violent urges or sex desires, and the same may be said of men with extremely high testosterone levels, who refuse to engage in violence or coerced sexual activity, much of the time for moral or ethical reasons. They are capable of fighting their desires, their instincts, that can easily be fulfilled by cruel and heartless action. So, simply be ing intoxicated or under the influence of bodily chemistry would not be a full justification for actions committed under such conditions.

The point I am attempting to demonstrate is that there is definitely a level at which every person will succumb to their urges which cause suffering to others. For example, consider the difference between a poor man and a rich man. If both of these individuals were addicted to drugs, there would be a variation in their behavior. While the rich man could sustain their habit independently, without work or theft, the poor man would have to engage in criminal activity. Drug addiction is a foul disease to have, and a curse to any man. Depending on the drug and the person, it may cause a person to go to the end's of the earth in the search of this one substance that will appease their bodily needs. The poor man may not be able to work a regular job that would be able to sustain his habit, so he will resort to criminal activity. This is not necessarily because he is a bad person, but he has a drug habit that will cause him great suffering if he does not appease it. The result would be the poor man betraying the people he trusts, perhaps even stealing from his friends and family, and causing heartache to those who have been good to him. The rich man who has the same drug habit will not have to reach such lows. However, it will be asserted that the rich man is good because he harms none, while the poor man is bad because he harms those close to him -- but it is undeniable, if they had their wealth switched, and the poor man became rich and the rich man became poor, their criminal and brutal behavior towards their fellow men would ultimately change. So, though it is a matter of their drug habit which causes them to seek out drugs at whatever the cost, it is ultimately the fact that a rich man will have moral means to feed his drug habit, while such moral means are closed to the poor man.

Consider another example... Still, a rich man and a poor man, but consider an extremely poor man, treated like fodder in a Third World country. He works 16 hours a day for a day's pay in his country, of what one would make in an hour in the United States. And so he works, his bones never resting, his body always bruised, never getting enough sleep, droning from day to day, and struggling to keep his sanity. But then he discovers that if he cooperates with a local, organized, crime syndicate, he would only have to work one hour a day, and he would make ten times the pay. And it would not be grueling, dangerous, hazardous factory work, where he has to worry about the loss of a limb or his life. He would be able to wake up every day feeling refreshed, knowing that he had food to eat for that day. Would this man be immoral for working with the criminal syndicate? Perhaps so. That is, at least, what the rich man would say. However, if the rich man lost his treasure, was denied his wealth, and had to be forced into those same conditions, he would probably make the same decision as the poor man. So, in a very real way, the actions of these men are not wholly governed by their moral character, but by the means to pursue their moral objectives. And it is also very true to understand that in that situation, some men would refuse to cooperate with the crime syndicate, even if it meant they had to work 16 hours a day for 50 years of their lives, they could still do it, but it would take such a gruelling, heartless toll on their mind, body, and soul -- to think of such a person, their will and dedication in the beginning, and then their eventual decline in spirit... I can only think that the rational man would kill himself in such a situation. But the point still stands: while most people lack the determination and will power to refuse the crime syndicate, there are those who have such mental determination to do so. It must also be understood that th e situation of a poor man working 16 hours a day and then deciding to cooperate with a criminal syndicate, this situation is not at all different than a man who has a drug addiction and engages in crime to suffice his needs -- but in the eyes of our society, drugs users are typically portrayed as cruel, malicious, irrational fools, and I had to bring up this point.

These examples I am bringing up, though they are very realistic and easy to apply to our real world, they are only slightly grasping at the issues I am trying to deal with. I will bring up one hypothetical situation to try and determine what I am getting at, though such a situation will hardly be every realized in our world. Consider a man who is tied up and being tortured with numerous ways: the cutting of the flesh, salt poured into the wounds, beatings, whippings, needles, among other cruelties and heartless brutalities. And then consider this: his torturer says, If you pinch this one girl, who has com mitted no crime and done no wrong, then I will stop torturing you. Anyone will not be slow to admit that randomly pinching girls would be immoral. However, this man is being tortured, and his only method of escaping from such merciless brutality is to cause a slight imMorality. One might say that the torturer was then guilty and immoral, but consider that the torturer was simply a computer, without a consciousness or awareness. In this situation, I cannot think of one man who would reply with, I refuse to cause even one slight imMorality! Torture me all you desire! I will never give in! Such a person would grow mad with insanity, and that may be the only way they could refuse giving in. But it would be rare to find any person who would not give in to such desires.

Today, in our modern world, as well as in the works of the ancient world, we find that one action or another may be immoral, or unethical. That, to do such a thing, under any circumstance, would be a malicious act against truth and compassion. Yet, analysis into this will find one fact... Every man, under the worst of conditions, will resort to cruel and brutal behavior, whereas every man, under the best of conditions, will resort to kindly and humane behavior. Some men can sustain bad conditions better than other men without being immoral, whereas some men cannot -- and while some men are good under good conditions, there are still those who resort to cruelties. The final point that I am attempting to demonstrate is that a man can only be so good as the physical world allows him, and will only be so bad as the physical world puts pressure upon him. Then, can we say that one action or another is moral or immoral? Perhaps the truth is this... That no action is right or wrong over another action, and that the only true way that a person can be moral is only if they take into consideration those conscious beings around. Or, maybe it is the other solution: the most moral of men will refuse to cause cruelty to others under the worst of conditions, whereas the least moral of men will resort to brutality under only slight durress. But, then again, a good inquiry's answer will render only more questions to be pondered...

For Life,

Punkerslut (or Andy Carloff) has been writing essays and poetry on social issues which have caught his attention for several years. His website provides a complete list of all of these writings. His life experience includes homelessness, squating in New Orleans and LA, dropping out of high school, getting expelled from college for subversive activities, and a myriad of other revolutionary actions.

Author:: Andy Carloff
Keywords:: Ethics, Morality, Philosophy, Socrates, Plato, Republic, Metaphysics, Epistemology, Locke, Idealism
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Dabbling in Infinity

In continuation of my discussion on Infinity and its implications with the divine, I should mention that the concept of there existing infinities beyond imagination is quite difficult to comprehend. If you read my poem, How Can this Be? you read in verse the proof that shows clearly that there is no such thing as one kind of Infinity. (See my ezine article How Can this Be) The extension of this most curious fact is that there are actually an infinite number of infinities!

Occasionally I wax metaphysical in conversations with my uncle and the other evening we were discussing some points regarding the spiritual realms. In passing, I brought up the topic of Infinity and I asked him his impression of it. His response, which is typical of most people, is that Infinity is just thatInfinity: something that never ends. But how do we make this vague notion somewhat more concrete? I pointed my uncles attention to the set of natural, or counting numbers. This set comprise s the familiar numbers 1, 2, 3, .... The numbers go on and on, falling like dominoes, and never reaching a biggest one. This process is easy to grasp and presents no ordinary difficulty for the average person. What does become difficult to understand is why the Infinity typified by this set of numbers is not unique.

Now lets delve a little more deeply into this curious set of numbers and the topic of Infinity in general. This set of counting numbers obviously never ends. If you have ever seen a chronometer counting hundredths of a second, then you have seen how fast the digits representing the hundredths of a second whiz by, not appearing for any length of time sufficient to allow recognition of the appropriate digit. And this is for hundredths of a second. Imagine the same chronometer counting off thousandths of a second. Now imagine this going on from, let us say, ten thousand years ago and continuing for another ten thousand years, starting with 1 and such t hat each thousandth of a second would represent the next sequential counting number. Think of how far along in the set of counting numbers you would be. We could actually compute the number but we are only interested in trying to conceptualize how large potential Infinity could be.

Now that we have this huge number in hand, we could do whatever we wanted with it to project ourselves much further out in the set of counting numbers. We could multiply it by itself ten times (the mathematical way of saying we can raise the number to the tenth power); we could multiply it by itself a hundred times, a thousand times, and so on. We could then take the largest product and do the same process all over again. How big is this set?

This set is so largenever ending in factthat we should be able to use it to compare to anything else that is infinite, right? Wrong. And in a continuing article on this most fascinating subject, I will discuss how this notion of one univers al Infinity is completely wrong. Thus, if Sets of numbers can shatter our preconceived notions of a concept like Infinity, which is more or less universally accepted as something that is real, what more can we uncover by plunging into the mysteries of numbers and Mathematics in general? Stay tuned......

Joe is a prolific writer of self-help and educational material and an award-winning former teacher of both college and high school Mathematics. Under the penname, JC Page, Joe authored Arithmetic Magic, the little classic on the ABCs of arithmetic. Joe is also author of the charming self-help ebook, Making a Good Impression Every Time: The Secret to Instant Popularity, the original collection of poetry, Poems for the Mathematically Insecure, and the short but highly effective fraction troubleshooter Fractions for the Faint of Heart. The diverse genre of his writings (novel, short story, essay, script, and poetry)?particularly in regard to its educcational flavor ? continues to captivate readers and to earn him recognition.&

Joe propagates his teaching philosophy through his articles and books and is dedicated to helping educate children living in impoverished countries. Toward this end, he donates a portion of the proceeds from the sale of every ebook. For more information go to

Author:: Joe Pagano
Keywords:: Counting numbers, natural numbers, Infinity, Mathematics, set theory, Sets, Calculus, Cardinality
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Versus Culture

Culture is essentially a misnomer; it is a subverted expression or an undermined one by the standards of what it implies. Culture is synonymous with being civilized, when actually Culture, in the aim of its virtue, is a term for a long association with civilization and not civilization exactly. Culture, like sex, is a symptomatic word. You think sex, you think orgies, oils, handcuffs, fantasies; likewise, you think Culture, you think dance, the generic literati, page 3, Prem Chand and more ethnic jabber.

When you say or brood a thing as Cultured, advertently or inadvertently, you render some other elemental thing as unCultured. Theres no third concept in a dichotomy. A wall is a wall and a door a door; they cannot subsist in an exchange of application, and they become so correlative that they correspond as extremities. Culture and non-Culture, shall we call it, are natural extremities; were dependant on privileging one over the other. It is seldom a matter of choice , and rarely a matter of subjectivity. Culture is an explicit term; a wrong term, but a term nonetheless. Mind you, a term for collectivism and not individualism. Not me, but us. Let us consider a political facet: the British bested us by the means to an end of a very elusively simple theory Divide and rule. Weigh those words divide and rule, they comprise the whole potential of man. It is inherent even in our most complex natures to be divided and to be ruled, and men, as a species, encompass such a tendency to be divided and to be ruled because their sense of individuality is compromised. This tendency arises from a collective idea of self; it is not psychological, it is not philosophical it is merely demented. We do not have a wholesome and manifest definition of an identity. For us, it immediately becomes the baffled something that we secure from the rest of the world. The objective of Culture, but, is not to divide and rule but something comparatively more insidious to unite and disintegrate.

Man might be a constant social animal but he is foremost a cultural beast. Culture is discrete from society owes to the fact that it is the only unit symbolic of it. Chiefly, it is symbolic of its evils. You see, the text of uniting and disintegrating is contingent on rational boundaries. You compound man, disillusion him as a collective force and then, you begin defining him. We are men enslaved in catalogues, in brochures, plastered stiff on walls, we can be opened, skimmed through and put back on a rack. Culture is the ornate design on our fronts and the price tag on our backs. As declared earlier, Culture is a term, a term that insinuates collectivism. However, a term, by manner, is always a representative of something. If so, what does Culture stand for, what does it represent? If we were to seclude two men in a room one culturally advanced and another, culturally backward, they will inevitably be in a conflict of notions, of ideas, of something both, we and they have yet to determine. Culture is a backward and forward motion and no man contains it wholly, we, all of us, are trapped at some point of our desires.

The fault lies not in the capacity of man but in the obvious presence of his common variation Culture. Now, the erstwhile question what does Culture stand for? What does it represent? Verily, it stands for nothing; it is altogether indifferent to the safe concept of representing something. It just adds to the basic human values, and by values alone, a man can neither be more human or less human, or more qualified or less qualified to be so. We bear a sense of something when were competent enough to ignore it. Hence we have neither a sense of individuality nor a sense of identity, but we do have a fundamental talent for each of them. And that is what we stand for, what we represent, and that is also what we hold against Culture.

Assuming Culture is NOT a divisive force, then, a man standing on top of a building about to affect a fall is a moral equivalent of a man standing right below it. But assuming Culture IS a divisive force, then the two men are factually and thankfully morally displaced, and are in their positions of advantage and disadvantage not for the result of Culture but for the resolute state of its divisiveness.

Culture, semantically, evolves from the word cult, again, an offbeat divisive term. Culture, finally and irrefutably, is about a procession of boundaries not of manufacturing a surplus, but manipulating the existential ones. The fantastic quality of its divisiveness is something it picks up from its handling of a similar contagious human attribute. Culture, by all means, is and shall remain indicative of civilization and civilization, by no means, shall make ostensible a lucid, united concept of man.

Refer any queries to -

Author:: Tushar Jain
Keywords:: Philosophy, Culture, Style
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Checked Into Nirvana. Where Is Joy?

Eckhart Tolle lived upto his twenty ninth year in a state of almost continual anxiety interspersed with periods of suicidal depression. Then he woke up one night with a feeling of absolute dread. The silence of the night, the vague outlines of the furniture in the dark room, the distant noise of a passing train - everything felt so alien, so hostile, and so utterly meaningless that it created in him a deep loathing of the world. I cannot live with myself any longer. This was the thought that kept repeating itself in his mind. Suddenly he became aware that if he could not live with himself, there had to be two - he and the self he could not live with. He was stunned by the realization. He became enveloped by powerful feelings.

Tolle had little memory of what happened after the powerful feelings overcame him. He woke up into a new world. His depression vanished. For the next five months, he lived in a state of uninterrupted bliss. While it diminished somewhat in intens ity, for another two years, he sat on park benches in a state of the most intense Joy. He felt that what he experienced was a form of enlightenment, of union with the eternal, somewhat similar to the experiences of Buddha. He quoted Buddha's definition of enlightenment as the end of suffering. Tolle became a respected teacher, with dedicated followers in Europe, North America and India. His book, The Power of Now, was on the New York Times best seller list.

Both Tolle and Buddha reportedly experienced a sudden release from the intense pain of powerful negative Emotions. Their Joy was understandable. Across history, there were many stories of the intense rapture associated with a sudden release from the Emotions of fear, dread, guilt or anger. In most cases, these were sudden happenings, when such Emotions just dropped away and the person felt an intense sense of freedom. But, actually, getting rid of negative Emotions could be very practical and down to earth. The mind perceives, recognizes events and then interprets those events as Emotions. Emotions are just a set of nerve impulses, which fire when you recognize an event.

Paul Eckman, the world famous Emotions scientist said that the evaluation that turned on an emotion happened so quickly that people were not aware it was occurring. We become aware a quarter, or half second after the emotion begins. I do not choose to have an emotion, to become afraid, or to become angry. I am suddenly angry. I can usually figure out later what someone did that caused the emotion. So you have no control over the Emotions that are triggered when you recognize an event. But, there were things you could do to prevent a surge of those Emotions.

Begin with the small turmoils. Traffic snarls, minor discourtesies. They trigger bad feelings. Just laughter could help by relaxing you. But, most people find that difficult. Instead, you could do something similar - pump your stomach repeatedly expel air from the pelvic area. That disperses the excess adrenalin into the system and carries away the negative emotion. Ten minutes later, you may not even remember what it was that upset you. That works for most minor disturbances.

In more critical situations, Emotions are the plans of primitive nature for action. Anger incites you to attack. Guilt persuades you to submit. And fear suggests you run away. But, if you have a plan of action, animal nature sits back. Negative Emotions recede. There are only three things you can do when something bad happens. Do something about it. Prevent it from happening again. Or, if you can't do anything, accept it as inevitable. So, plan, wait for time to bring you a plan, or decide to live with it. Over the years, if you are the type who plans, you will have plans to deal with most difficulties in life. So, over decades, the loud negative Emotions subside.

That leaves you with those moods, which drive you crazy. You don't know why, but you feel the world is about to end. Actually, those are internal drives, which switch on, mostly without your permission. Some stray event, which you may even have forgotten. Getting rid of moods takes a little more practice. Relaxation exercises help. Better to develop a familiar awareness of the mood. Oh, oh, here I am, in the same frame of mind again! An intense outside awareness works to kill it. Easier if you can spot the physical symptoms of the mood. A familiar strain here, a tension there. Identify it and the mood vanishes. It can be done.

So, suddenly, one day, you find you have reached Nirvana. Bad Emotions rarely bother you. Those repetitive thou ghts that circled around have stopped. You are able to prevent stray thoughts from coming in. You can focus your mind for long periods on a single problem, or even on just silence. The burdens of life don't bother you. You have decided to do your best right now. Hell with the rest. You have reached. The funny thing is, there is no special Joy when you get there. Only an empty silence. Could all those who were euphoric about a sudden release from pain, have kept up their Joy over the years? Tolle got off the park bench after three years. Euphoria, yes. But, permanent Joy doesn't sound real.

Abraham Thomas is the author of The Intuitive Algorithm, a book, which suggests that intuition is a pattern recognition algorithm. This leads to an understanding of the powerful forces that control your mind. The ebook version is available at The book may be purchased only in India. The website, provides a free movie and a walk through to explain the ideas.

Author:: Abraham Thomas
Keywords:: Nirvana, stilling the mind, Ekman, Happiness, Joy, Emotions
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

The Universe as Living Organism

I read the other day that astronomers have spotted a huge nebula in our galaxy in the shape of a double helix.

I couldnt believe it so I googled 'double helix in outer Space' and sure enough there is a picture of it.

I havent been able to stop thinking about it.

As you recall a double helix is the design or configuration that our DNA shapes itself into within us; the genetic stuff that gives us blue or green eyes, blonde or brown hair.

And there is a big one of these double helixes, some 80 light years long, floating around in Space in our galaxy 300 light years away from a black hole which is also located in our gala xy, which is about 25,000 light years away from earth.

Now that made me think, or start imagining things that may or may not be true.

A nebula is defined as being a vast mass of interstellar gas, so someone might say that just because it looks like a double helix doesnt mean its cosmic DNA. After all some clouds look like elephants or Napoleon, but that doesnt mean that clouds are the things they appear to be.

But still the idea is intriguing.

Why shouldnt the Universe be a growing expanding organism?

I cant prove it is anymore than I can prove it isnt.

And the concept does upset a few preconceived notions I have. For example, lets take religion. Maybe God is not a guy with a long white beard sitting on a throne in heaven who has omnipotent powers, but instead the nucleus of a cell, a nucleus that is omnipotent and all seeing while at the same time interacting with all of its components, kind of like, a God.

And if we live in a livin g organism is it then possible that other organisms live within us, that we are supporting Universes, galaxies and planets at a sub atomic level, much in the same way the Universe is supporting us, creating a continuum of life with all of us being connected?

And some other questions come to mind.

If the Universe is a living organism is it possible that the big bang theory was conception, the meeting of the egg and sperm with our Universe being the zygote, ever expanding and growing?

And if thats true, then what is our Universe growing up to be? A giant horse, or dog, or human?

And if thats true can a Universe die?

And if it does shouldnt that fact change my entire concept of death as being final and absolute for surely when a Universe dies its energy is transposed into something else, thus giving it eternal life?

Well, its just a thought.

Jim Muckle is the author of The Property Manager, How To Find Jobs Teaching Overseas, Teaching I n Saudi Arabia, Teaching in Japan, The Class Act Reading Game and The Stay At Home Dad. The contents of all of these booklets can be viewed at his web site at Booklets From Jim Muckle @

Author:: Jim Muckle
Keywords:: Universe as living organism, Universe, living organism, double helix in Space, Space
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3D Information vs 2D Images and Text

3D information is all around us; it is what we perceive our world to be. We then learn to decimate this 3D information into 2D images and text; this is what we learn to do at school, college, and university. However, this will not be necessary when the majority of the information is converted into a 3D database. Environment and realistic 3D models will teach, entertain, and replace the workplace and shopping, etc.

This change will be the major challenge for mankind in the next few years. Those who resist will be the 'architects of decay' as some learned person once said. Like all revolutions change should be managed as culturally we can't overnight change.

The changes will be momentous affecting all areas; engineering, shopping, architecture, education, communication, etc. Thinking in 3D will emerge and maybe a new language will eventually be required to create these 3D Virtual Real Worlds.

The present generation doesn't understand why this 3D world has not happened; as they have been brought up with this concept for the past ten years. Virtual humans and intelligence will help and enable inform us; making life much easier and able to take on more skills than ever before.

See web page Virtual Real Worlds' for a more detailed observation

Ken has spent most of his life in the 2D world and since the invention of the www with all its search engines for retreiving 2D information realised that the a new way must be found to understand all this information. This and other 3D challenges are to be found at Ken has spent most of is time working on standardizing engineering processes; trouble was passing the information to others which proved to be impossible as nobody has time to read and understand information provided in text.

Author:: Ken Rigby
Keywords:: 3D information, Virtual Real World, Culture, Environment, Upheaval, Mellanium, 2D images, Virtual
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International Terrorist Serious US Steadfast

In warfare many philosophers believe that the human will to win is much more important to the actual victory than any other single factor. An army who is out gunned and has the stronger will still takes the advantage. Many believe this is why the International Terrorists are not giving up so easy? Indeed, but that is far as I would go, as surely no one has more will than I and my fellow Americans, so if anyone thinks that they will over come this level of commitment; well they are in for a rude awakening indeed.

The United States of America is the greatest single nation ever created in the history of mankind, and that is why I am an American. It got to be number one due to the collective will of the American People and although you may not readily see that will if you are not living in the United States, those who do live here can feel it. You see Freedom and Liberty are contagious. For those in the World Media who give credit to our enemies; well, you might want to let everyone else on the Planet know that.

We stand tall to protect the American People. That is the noble and honorable thing to do and that is the job of our government and therefore it must be done, above all else; No matter what. Now then if the other side says the same thing, then we must win and they must lose completely. If they feel as strongly as we do about it, then I am sorry for them, but all they have to do is stop attacking and get with the program. Because the United States of America must stand and the people must be free and protected at all costs. Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: International Terrorist Serious, US Steadfast
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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Mankind and His Unnatural Environment in Modern Civilizations

Mankind has lived as a social animal for hundreds of thousands of years and our Chimpanzee Cousins do too. It might seem that Mankind has been thrust into a high-tech world, which is so foreign to its genetic displacement yet, here we are. Some say;

Mankind is nothing more than hunter gatherers running around in SUVs and sporting cell phones and they are just having a grand old time acting out in every possible way!

Indeed and your comments about moder n society and civilization are correct I believe, it takes time to evolve and when you through Mankind into a completely modern context, well they are still humans underneath all that is new. But it also causes the brain to get a work out to adapt and that means nurture is running redline trying to make up for evolution, which is trying to speed up. And it appears that evolution might be speeding up too, as if Mankind is commanding it too.

There is more fog of information flow and more to conquer than ever before as well. I see many people unable or unwilling to keep up and fall back on being comfortable and well you know what th at option makes sense too really. There is a sense of calmness in simplicity. Personally having experienced both, I am okay with either; that is to say the fast paced world at the Speed of Thought or the slow mellow pace of an inner peace so to speak. Although like many I gravitate often towards the most challenging, fastest and exciting because well, because it is fun.

One would suppose there is a big difference between living near or in the Great Redwood Forest or in Tokyo, NY, Beijing, Los Angeles, DC or Boston. Human Beings seem to be adaptable to either, very interesting species really. Perhaps we might consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Mankind, His Unnatural Environment, Modern Civilizations
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The Myth of the Suffering Artist

There is no be-all-end-all work of Art. No definitive statement will be made for all time by any of us, so lets take things a little easier and give our muses a little space to breathe.

This is one reason why, as I writer, I favor Stream-of-consciousness writing practice as a means of priming the pump. It allows me to simply tune in to whatever is wanting to come out of me at any given time. If I completely plan my work out ahead of time, Im much more likely to be restrained by my own beliefs about what constitutes real Art and what doesnt. Any moments that we reflect upon - not just the deep and serious existential speculations - contain something universal in human experience anyway.

So then what about this sticky notion that the Artist must suffer? Its long been a clich, this supposed truism. Addictions, suicidal temperaments, promiscuity, unbalanced behavior, misanthropyall these things have been expected of the great creators of the human race almost as a matter of course.

Its impossible to argue against the evidence that so many renowned Artists were or are going off the rails. But what does Pain really mean? It prompts us to seek ways to soothe or heal it. If we burn our hand on a hot stove, the Pain is there to tell us to yank our hand away. It is not a negative feeling; its a protective measure.

Suffering, then, in the life of an Artist is merely the impetus to embark upon the quest. Suffering means that the status quo has become too Painful, stifling or debilitating for Artists and so they must find their own way. The fruits of this search are what inspire the rest of us, their audience. Does this mean that our Artists are supposed to endure physical and spiritual penury all of their lives? No! The purpos e of Suffering, again, is to prompt us to learn how to heal or otherwise alleviate it. Artists who die in despair never learned how to redeem themselves with their own Art; in the end, they failed to be physicians for themselves in the way that they were for so many of us.

So, in answer to the eternal question Is it necessary to suffer in order to be an Artist? I would say: Yes but only at the onset. From there, the real creative path for each of us lies in finding our own personal answer, the means to fulfill ourselves without relying upon societys prescription for reality.

Seth Mullins is the author of Song of an Untamed Land. Visit his complete blog at

Author:: Seth Mullins
Keywords:: Artist,Suffering,Art,Addiction,Healing,Pain,Stream-of-consciousness
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Man Can Only Travel Faster than the Speed of Light as Energy

Many are under the belief that man cannot travel faster than the speed of light because a man or a woman for that matter has Mass. This would be in following Einsteins Theory. However some disagree with this concept and believe that no only can you travel faster than the speed of light, but travel in time as well.

The other day in a think tank a very hostile gentleman said Einstein was stupid and un-enlightened, which really angered some of the other online think tankers. But then the hostile one then said to further define his comments; But what I am pointing out is that to achieve such speeds greater than that of light, m an will no longer be a man, for he will become a being greater than a human. And the Application of this Power will make man be like a god.

This is interest in that in one instance the claimer of knowledge and hostile gentleman proclaims Einstein stupid and then reasons using part of Einsteins Theory. Indeed if under Einsteins Theory again man would have to be Energy or something with no Mass to travel faster than the speed of light and thus would be in a different form, thus he could be said to be better or like a god.

However until mankind does travel faster than the speed of light using other tricks such as stepping out of time or folding space none of this is provable and therefore somewhat irrelevant to the subject as we are discussing man traveling at the speed of light not a god, or god like being or anything else for that matter. The trick here is no matter where you are, be weary of those who claim knowledge and then throw rhetoric. Think on this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Man Travel Faster than Speed of Light, Energy, Power, Mass, Application, Theory, Einstein
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The Eucharist A New Perspective

Conventional Christian Theology promulgates the doctrine that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, leaves us with a renewable and everlasting gift in the form of the Eucharist, the actual body of Christ (God). A gift to be renewed and given to mankind over and over duRing the 'Liturgy' of the Mass.

The word 'Liturgy' (Leitourgia) stems from the Greek, literally meaning a publically witnessed action. It merits pause to consider the reason that Christ may have instituted this most indelible and everlasting gift, the giving of his very body, as the pinnacle communal act which now serves as the focal point of the Catholic Church (and to some extent, most Orthodox and Protestant Churches.)

Christ, via the Eucharist, chose to appeal specifically to one of the Human senses, that of Taste, and uses primarily th is Human element as the liturgical centerpiece to the Mass.

Although the other senses of touch, heaRing, smell and sight may be tangentially involved in the Catholic Celebration, it is nonetheless curious that this singular Human sense is the one which Christ predominantly embraces as a special vehicle for communing with mankind.

Ostensibly, he chose the very distinct channel of Taste and Consumption by which to serve as that conduit for infusing his actual persona and spirit into the Human body. He could possibly have selected as easily an alternative ritual, appealing to the any of the other senses, to institute this new sacrament to his disciples, at some other venue other than the Last Supper.

Consider the sense of touch. Christ could have readily chose and instituted, as example, the cl asping of hands or of hugging a certain way and then stating to all The Lord's Love Touches All..Do this in memory of me. An act which would then become the Liturgy and focal point of the Mass, rather than the act of eating Bread and Wine.

Likewise, he could have as easily produced a certain sound by Ringing a small Bell before the disciples, appealing to their sense of heaRing, and thereby likewise insituting a new sacrament that would bind all together at a similar form of repeated liturgical celebration. He could have augmented this act by utteRing some other directive such as Do this in memory of me... for all to 'Hear' the truth...

He could have even perhaps chosen the olfactory sense of smell, and the communal act of possibly smelling a fresh rose or fragrant Spices from a shared gold vial and saying The Goodness of the Lord is Sweet.. do this in memory of me as that supernatural act that would forever bind mankind to his spirit.

However, ultimately, he chose Taste and food as that binding factor to be the focal point and quintessent expression of the Catholic Liturgy, an act which would be re-enacted for all time duRing the mass.

In his infinate Wisdom, however, Christ chose this specific Human sense by which mankind is intrinsically bound, via the communal act of Human consumption; nutrition to sustain the Soul as well as Body, Take and eat this all of you, for this is my Body.

Genius...pure genius that only God could institute.

Michael Angelo Massa, JD., wRites on an array of thought provoking subjects which are easy to read and appeal to all. He is read by thousands. His topics include humor, slice of life, education, jurisprudence, religion and Phlosophy.

He is a graduate of Capital University Law School, and received his undergraduate degree in Interpersonal Communications and Rhetoric from Ohio University.

Author:: Michael Angelo Massa
Keywords:: Eucharist, Catholic, Taste, Human, Liturgy, Rite, Wisdom, God, Christ, Bell, Fragrance, Spices, Ring
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A Fact Behind Ph.D Degree

High education, a jargon that may distinguish us; spiritually and materially, from a huge numbers of people, whom are thought to be living in the very spiritually primitive parts of the world.

Everyday, we see that the ideas from those with Ph.D degrees seem to carry profound influence on the worlds phenomenon. So why are their words carry more power? No one states that what thoughts from those with Ph.D degree are right, but it is us, the people with no distinguished level on the social stages, who think that. Philosophers have thought that the idea from an innocent boy would somehow thought as genuinely good than those with Ph.D dgrees.

However, unconditionally, I do appreciate those with such the qualifications, since it is the landmark of their protracted endeavors. So do you really want to earn a Ph.D degree? If yes, so that is Ph.D? The sole and honest scope of this article is to reveal one truth behind Ph.D degree to the world in general.

Our diver se world is constituted of too many tissues that make us hard to walk from which from which. Those from Ph.D degrees are trained to see, as I assume, more evil existences in this world.

The world is full of opportunity and more apparently, the evils. If a person is categorized into doctoral species, he or she was trained to see huge negative aspects of the world that need to be demolished or rectified: the way to make our world a better place. What I am talking about here is already spoken too many times already from different people from different social aspects, but it is here just to reiterate the truth.

Ph.D degree just means to make the world a better place. Think about this phrase to make it truly melt into your heart, before you decide to enroll into the degree. Ph.D, from its natural sense, is not mean to make huge profit like many have thought. Aggregating the genuine information, regardless of how good or bad, discriminate or neutral, silly or intellect ual, and revel it to the world.

However, most Ph.D graduates have turned the natural meanings up-side-down. The next spiritual module for you the readers, is to think about those with Ph.D that turn the down its natural meaning.

Lay Vicheka is a translator for the most celebrated translation agency in the Kingdom of Cambodia, Pyramid. He is working as freelance writer for Search Newspaper, focusing on social issues and students' issues. Lay Vicheka has great experience in law and politics, as he used to be legal and English-language assistant to a member of parliament, migration experience (home-based business) and experience in writing. You are stronly advised to contact him for any doubts or wonder about Cambodian politics and even the world's phenomenon.

Posting address: 221H Street 93, Tuol Sangke quarter, Russey Keo district, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: 855 11 268 445,

Author:: Vicheka Lay
Keywords:: Ph.D reason
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Monday, May 28, 2012

Role of a Friend in Life.....

Our life is considered as a Modulating signal(base band) which doesnt have any meaning if we dont lead the better way and reach our destination, and to achieve that and to reach the destination the strength in ourselves is not enough, so you need to a have a friend who acts as carrier to your life helping you to reach the destination safely, which would have been highly impossible without that to reach the destination.

At the same time the carrier(friend)should be in such a way that, they helps us to reach the destination in a proper direction and with good strength(INTERACTION),even if it over crosses or under crosses the boundaries of FCC(Friendship) then ultimately results in INTERFERENCE(Misunderstanding).

The amplitude(level of understanding) should be high enough to ensure the proper t ransfer of signal.

The Noise (Misunderstanding) level should be as low as possible and see that the

Power level(Relationship) maintains at a optimum level.

Another important issue is that you should act like a DUPLEXER (flexibility and compatibility combined) so as to be ready to solve the problems no matter in which and whose way it comes.

Finally I (modulating) + U Friends (carrier) = V(Modulated signal)

Let me give the final conclusion,

that you Friends are my inspiration

This is my sole hearted declaration.

Author:: Venkat KIshore Phani
Keywords:: Friends
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A Journey Into the Abyss of Pain and Misrey In Search Of Peace and Tranquility

For many years I longed fore true Wisdom. I Searched every street and wandered through every field where life seemed breathing, but aside from the collection of numbers and alphabetical letters I could not find anything. This quest for truth lasted many decades and even being in the light of scorching sun; my eyes could not untie the secrets of absolute Wisdom.

While passing by a forbidden village, I met a passenger with no luggage or stock of food; where as the most nearby town was at least at two days Journey. I said to him; Strange you are brother and strange is your disposition; for you walk onto foot and posses nothing to eat while you know that next destination is miles away.

Stranger replied with a smiling face; My dear brother, Strangeness is a familiar to me and you speak all this for you know not. Destination for you is miles away at the doorsteps of the next town but for me it is the road in between which gives me Wisdom, warmth and food. Human race glorify their evolution but for me not they but the missing link connecting the chain of apes to human being, are worth cherishing. For todays human have halted their progress and evolution while that missing link struggled and evolved throughout their Journey in the dark.

His words gave warmth to my heart and serenity to my soul. As he was talking he seemed lost in himself, his eyes though focused at me but perhaps had another vision. His speech swayed me like a powerful conqueror. After a long silence, I raised my head and humbly said; oh my master, I believe every word of you was not but absolute truth and this was the only Wisdom that has pushed me for years in a Misery of unattainable quest. So master! Please lit my house for I am still entrapped in the dark.

He smiled at it and then said; I know this; for I could see your heart throbbing with thirst. So close your eyes for the truth lies in the caves of dark.

Then I felt that light in him increased t he awareness of darkness in me. But then I realized that it was only when it was pitch dark, I could converge my being to myself and felt my existence. I could hear the beats of my heart and influx of breath seeping into my lungs. I marveled for how my body works so perfectly without any rest. My eyes put curtain over her profession whenever I got tired enough, but still she herself rests not but still wanders to buy me the dreams, revealed to me as reality, thus amusing me and giving me refuge in my utopia. It was a highly mystic awareness and feeling of your body parts, for we know not the beauty of our creation.

While swayed by ecstasy I heard my master saying; You are cloud my brother, and you are the sky.

It then seemed to me as if I was floating like a cloud in the sky of my being where secrets were like birds in it and I found that it was only me, the sky, who assisted their flight. It seemed as the world rather lied in me as the earth lies in the blanket of sky. My objective of life grew clearer to me for I filtered the penetrating light of sun and presented it to those who dwell in me; on earth. For the absolute light like truth is hard to digest.

So it was me the mediator, who received the scorching light and distributed it to other souls to the proportion that they can bear.

For the humans in this world are but of three types; on who are like sun, pregnant of absolute light and other like clouds who filter it and convey it to the third kind, who receive light and the warmth of it to help and fuel their worldly passions.

My head grew heavier and my sight seemed tired() of seeing the absolute light in the dark and my existence was burning by the heat of this light. So I opened my eyes and found that my master had gone.

I kept standing and wondering but I knew what I was supposed to do. My master was like sun and I like a cloud had received the bounty from him, granted by a divine approval. So I threw my luggage and stock of food and marched towards the third kind; who needed warmth of their souls.

NAVEED AHMED CHANDIO, A person with bundles of knots to untie. The thinking fuel for him has been love, beauty and the inner rebelion. Most of the times, he would prefere to let the things be interwoven for the beauty of life remains in having some reason to fulfil. He is a fairly good student of Nature and feels proud of it. The unthoughtfulness, cruelity, trachery and hatred are few things that he never liked or perhaps he never got aware of. Naveed chandio lives in karachi, Pakistan.

Author:: Naveed Chandio
Keywords:: Journey, Pain, Misery, Search, Wisdom, Peace
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Ralph Waldo Emerson from the 'Look Who's Talking Series'

Such an ado was made at my passing from this life. Surely people knew that I was ready for the journey. Near the end, my memory failed, and my mind was not as keen and agile as it had been. I no longer wrote, nor could I converse with a degree of competency. Time had taken its toll, but I had been ready and I knew I was about to embark on another journey.

It had been an easy life that I enjoyed during the early times. Life was not complex. I came from a respected family, was fortunate to receive a good education, and had the benefits of good friends of intelligence.

As a young man I aspired to become a minister. I achieved that goal, but in time I determined it was not the life for me. My Philosophies were not readily acceptable to the clergy. When I left the ministry, I embarked on a trip to England where I had longed to go to meet with men of literature. In my youthful mind, I believed this young country of America had no literary masters.

In years to c ome, I would know men such as Carlyle, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Dickens, who would become friends. I was privileged to dine with Tenneyson, exchange ideas with Macaulay, admire the inventiveness of George Stephenson, and the mind of Thackeray.

As I grew older and wiser, I admired and respected my countrymen: Bronson; Alcott; Henry James: Margaret Fuller; Nathaniel Hawthorne, and my dearest friend, Henry David Thoreau, the young man I had taken into my home to assist me in my attempt at farming.

How grand and yet simple were his stories. His oneness with nature embellished all that he said and did. Well I recall helping to get him a scholarship to Harvard, and the joy I felt when he returned, still imbued with his love of nature, non plussed by the classic education.

What can I say of my life? That I enjoyed the company of all people? I was equally at home with the laborer as with the socially elite. I wrote my thoughts and feelings, and people invited me to s peak them in public lectures. I was an admirer of the Plato philosophy, and a member of the Transcendentalist Society. My joy was exchanging ideas with anyone who cared to listen.

To be a poet of worth was my greatest aspiration, but it was not to be. My rhyme and verse were acceptable, but not of great literary value.

As a farmer I also failed. Hawthorne once wrote that my idea of farming was to lean on a hoe while Thoreau leaned upon a rake, and Alcott sat on the fence. It is somewhat true. We greatly enjoyed discourse over workhorse.

My thoughts and Philosophies were not new. They had been the filtration of wisdoms from earlier times. I embraced the thoughs and beliefs of master before me, then reconciled them with my own intuitive spirit. In my essay, Fate, I wrote:

No one can read history of astronomy without perceiving that Corpernicus, Newton, Laplace. are not new men, or a new kind of men, but that Thales, Anaximenes, Hipparchus, Emp- edocles, Aristarchus, Phythagora, OEnipodes, had anticipated them;

Did not Socrates and Plato come before Immanuel Kant? And before Moses, Confucius and Pythagoras? When people today speak of New Thought, compare it to ancient wisdoms, and you will find that nothing new exists under the sun that has not been envisioned by another.

How do I apprise myself as a writer? In my essay on beauty, I stated:

It is proof of high culture to say the greatest matters in the simplest way, or, To clothe the fiery thought, In simple words succeeds, For still the craft of genius is To mask a king in weeds.

I believe that we could lear n much from the laborers who work close to nature. Watch a man build a bridge, see a woman tend her garden, observe the tin maker crafting his wares, and you see nature in her finest hours.

If we are true to our nature, open our minds to the voice of the universal spirit, allow the will of fate to guide our actions, break no law of nature, then we have lived to the fullest measure of our being. To that end, I hope I achieved a modicum of success.

Mary Bradley McCauley is a writer in no particular genre. Her articles, short stories, essays, poems, travel bits, and 'thinking about' series have been published and well received.

Her metaphysical novel, The House of Annon has been one of her writing highlights.

After the nomadic life of the military with it's countless moves, and a career in travel taking her to the Bering Sea in Alaska, the Opera House in Sydney, most of the major islands in the Caribbean as well as several trips to Europe, Ms. McCauley recently moved from Florida to Franklin TN.

A former Army Brat, Army Wife and Group Tour Travel Advisor, she claims her first love is being with her grandchildren and second is communicating in any way, shape, or form.

Author:: Mary McCauley
Keywords:: New Thought, ancient wisdom, Philosophies, Emerson, Thoreau, Hawthorne, Alcott, Kant, Plato,
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The Earth Energy Grid

EARTH ENERGY GRID: - Sedona, Arizona is not only my own personal special place in nature - almost all spiritual organizations have conventions, churches or offices near all these vortices of earth energy and nature. There is a secret government base in a valley to the north and under a swamp some engineers found signs similar to the Nazca Lines and other natural spirit forms from ancient peoples. That was after a dry spell and I no longer have the article from a local paper to quote for you. Few people who aren't totally dead from the neck up can say there is no earth energy. It has a wavelength of 7.8 cycles and intersects in ways that make numerous things happen. Personally I think 'crop circles' that aren't made by debunkers like those who've found three different confessors to the Kensington Runestone, have something to do with the Earth Energy Grid. We will go into Ley lines and other related studies as well as 'Feng shui', later. For now, suffice it to say that the e arth can conduct energy as Tesla showed in Colorado Springs when he lit the town up in the early 20th century before J. P. Morgan shelved the design (after paying a cool million for it).

The work of Dr. Robins in solid state chemistry will be dealt with under that heading even though it has much relevance to this heading. His 'Dragon Project' endeavour is an excellent study from a scientific point of view dealing with the Earth Energy Grid. David Hatcher Childress has some good information as well. There is a growing awareness of the whole field now that science has seen the things energy does in vacuum and other structural lattices and templates.

It takes more than one book to do the issue justice for sure. Most people are becoming aware of the integrated impact of our Gaian Mother and nature, that astrologers and shamans have known for what reasonably can be called forever. What energy comes from the earth is just part of the overall consciousness that makes al l these amazing things happen around us. 'Amber rays' might be one way of describing the gravitational energy we saw being described earlier that is sent out from each atom or nucleus. There are those who can see these connections just as they can see our aura. I'm not one of these visually talented or gifted people, so I must operate in the feeling and intellectual spectrum.

When I read that the psychic surgeons of the Philippines and Brazil have had their energy measured during operations at the same vibration rate of 7.8 cycles it started me thinking of how we can alter our state and how others might perceive us in these altered states. Clearly if anyone could see all the spaces between our electrons and the nuclei or between the different atoms and molecules we wouldn't seem solid by a long shot. Thus these surgeons who use no utensils would be able to energize the infected or diseased body part or tumor to remove it at an altered vibration level. There have been s olid documentaries with such credible support as X-rays before a San Francisco businessman had such a tumor removed and X-rays a year later showing it hadn't returned. The video presentation was impressive but we all know the debunkers can show how to fake these things. In the end you must decide who has the most to gain from the arguments and whether or not you want to actualize your own potential. Once you do a few things the debunkers say are impossible - then a smile will come to your face; and the intellectual conflict loses all import unless you are stupid enough to try to write a book such as this.

String Theory knows about the harmonic forces that are less than solid which somehow combine to make what we perceive as a solid. The astrophysicists now have told us that 95% of the universe is 'Dark Matter' or Dark Energy - so get with it before you are invisible and don't know it! Just kidding! We just saw Dowsing dealt with in fairly credible ways by lots of respe ctable people who use the results and make money by it. Maybe you already know about the ray guns and EMF equipment being used in secret research or perhaps you thought all that 'Black Ops' stuff was a great fiction like the 'X-Files' or 'Star Trek'. If so you probably are only reading this because someone insists you do it. OK. Let's say you accept there is a magnetic element beyond gravity, or some other forces attributable to the massive earth (small orb hurtling through space that it is) we walk upon. The interference on your cell phone near large mineral deposits might be enough, to demonstrate some of this.

Why is there a 'Grid' or how can one understand what level of consciousness there is? The discussion then becomes as involved as whether or not you believe you have a soul and whether or not a simple dumping of our memory onto a Computer chip (Stanford 1999) is able to transfer or superimpose the soul on the consciousness already there. That conversation will inevitably get beyond the realm of provable science for those who follow the 'Toilet Philosophy' (If you can't see it, IT doesn't exist' or Wayne Dyer's You'll see it, when you Believe IT!). At the very least it should be allowable that there are different energies and some kind of overall way these energies interact in the bowels of the earth. That is enough to end the point at this juncture.

Author of many books incuding about half of which are at

Author:: Robert Baird
Keywords:: Earth Energy Grid, Dr. Don Robins
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Should Scientists Theorize Before They Know Self?

An interesting topic of discussion came up recently in online think tank forum. The question being; should Scientists theorize Before they know their inner self? Many in the group wondered why that would matter unless they were theorizing on mans place in the Universe for some reason.

One online participant who many feel is somewhat of a lunatic made an fascinating comment and stated; It is stupid for scientists to spend all their lives theorizing about the world and the universe and yet they have not known themselves.

This is an interesting comment, perhaps one could say that scientists who do not know self have missed a very important step prior to theorizing what everything else is. Perhaps they are to intent on doing and theorizing, so that they may define it and categorize it and receive praise in doing so from humans who do not readily understand what they are talking about or why they persist.

Never the less for all the human endeavors that one chooses for their life experience, indeed this pursuit of knowledge by scientists who study and theorize on issues of time, space, energy and light is hardly the stupidest of all? The online participant was taken a back and I now ask you what do you think? Is it important to know self prior to theorizing on the subject of the universe, time or space? What say you? Think on this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Scientists Theorize, Before, Know Self, human endeavors
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Sunday, May 27, 2012

District Attorneys Must Never Be Allowed to Hold Higher Political Offices

All too often district attorneys file cases and pursue cases or dismiss other cases based on political motivations as they wish to seek higher office for instance the Duke Rape Case. This is criminal and this is an abuse of power by district attorneys.

We must give lie detector tests to district attorney's every year and we need to make sure that they are following the rules. Additionally to prevent human nature from taking a hold of these politically motivated ambitious young district attorney's we must not allow them to ever hold office once they the district attorneys office.

But they should be allowed to work in the sewer district or sanitation district of any large city or filthy area. If they truly believe in their job and they are not just doing it to get to a political higher office then they should be quite happy to work in the sewer departments and sanitation districts because they care about cleaning up our civilization from crime and debris.

District attorneys must never be allowed to hold a higher office and they should know that those are the rules before they are put into that position. That is fair for all concerned and if they are not interested in seeking a higher political office then they should be allowed to become district attorney.

If they are interested in seeking a higher political office that is great but you cannot ever be a district attorney. As long as they do this advance it is fair for all concerned and it is right thing to do to maintain truth, justice and the American way. Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: District Attorneys, Never Be Allowed, Hold Higher Political Offices
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Secret Societies a Seriously Stupid Strategy

Secret societies are seriously a stupid strategy to propel your will or your group over the masses. Because secret societies raise suspicion and they develop a sense of non-trust. If your group is not trusted by others and the others have larger groups then you'll find yourself being curtailed often. Secret societies are simply seriously a stupid strategy supporting suspicion.

Does you group want to be suspected, as less than honorable. Where it is the honor in that? And if your group is so secret why would anyone with any integrity want to join? Why would anyone with any honor wish to join? Why would I join a group which would have me as a member?

Secret Societies may evoke fear in those who encounter their members or they may meet challenge by those who are of such strong character that they are not distracted, but rather see it as a contest. When an individual meets a member of a Secret Society and that member starts playing this secret society game on them many things can happen. Perhaps the individual is impressed? Maybe they are in fear. Maybe they want to join or maybe they see this is as a challenge and a contest.

If so beware, because most secret societies hold no secrets at all and most of the people of the greatest strength of personal character do not need any secrets to win. They win on shear personal will and inner strength?

Secret Societies are for those who get strength from a group rather than from self and they are not as strong. Even with the entire group helping, they cannot defeat an idea from a single mind with unlimited belief in self or efficient use of human intent. Beware secret societies; do not push what you do not know. You know what I mean. Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Secret Societies, Seriously Stupid Strategy
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Maryland = Merry Land Just Like San Francisco = Girlie Men

Maryland is the land of liberals and Democrats, who really believe that socialism is better than capitalism and they really believe that our republic would be better off if we redistributed the wealth like a bunch of Communists. In fact most people in Maryland are so full of themselves and their political correctness that they will not even hear are common sense of reality.

After all these are the folks that gave school credit to students who marched in the Illegal Immigration rallies. Why is Maryland so Democrat and such a blue state? You would think that smart people would understand how capitalism works and understand common sense? But they don't be and they don't seem to understand how similar they are to the girlie men who run the politics of San Francisco CA.

Maryland equals Merry Land, LA LA Land if you will. When talking with a Maryland liberal you must put up with their bush bashing and all their comments about the war in Iraq. And you must listen t hrough their liberal one-liners, which they have memorized and you really can't talk to them about much of anything.

If you try to argue with these people using real facts they revert back to political correctness and start talking about perception based reality as if their reality is the correct reality and your reality is perception based. Folks there is only one reality and you should be able to see that no matter which perspective you're looking from by simply taking a look around and looking through the other perspectives and that takes about two minutes of human brain power to do that.

Don't bother talking with a Maryland liberal they are out to launch and just don't get it. Having been to every single city in the United States of America over 10,000 in population over the last four years I know close-minded perception based thinking when I see it, we all do.

I know what people are like with blind folders on when all the talk about is their religion . But these folks in Maryland are seriously dangerous to our country and the future of our nation. Don't trust a Maryland liberal and don't listen to their gibberish or their academic reasoning, as it is a false reality. Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Maryland = Merry Land;, San Francisco = Girlie Men
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Darius and the US Postal Service

DARIUS: - Coins bearing his visage are found in the Americas but we would never expect to see normal academic overviews mention this for public consideration. And I was not surprised when I read many other things about Aryans and supposed first Empires, as I read the following part of a far larger presentation. Was the US support of the Shah connected to a larger and long term plan to manage the plebs or serfs who think they are free?

Cyrus recognized that the known world he wished to conquer included Egypt, Carthage, Ethiopia, and Greek colonies on the Mediterranean coast as far as Gibraltar, but for the time being he thought he had better seize the known world to the east (except for distant, legendary China). In about a year he took lands as far away as what are now the Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. He rushed west again and fell upon Babylon by diverting the unfordable Gyndes River, a tributary of the Tigris which protected the city , into many shallow hand-dug channels. There he freed the forty thousand Jews held in the Babylonian captivity. A few years later, putting down a revolt in the east, Cyrus died in battle. His troops brought his body back to Pasargadae, and laid it to rest in the tomb with the Nordic roof. N.B.

Cyrus was not only the world's first great emperor; he was a humane man, who treated his victims benevolently, honored their gods, and set higher standards for the profession of kingship than most other monarchs down through the centuries. His son and successor, by contrast, was a brute who had earlier kicked his pregnant wife to death. He adored flattery, not blinking even when a courtier told him, I do not think you are the equal of your father, because you do not have a son like the son he left behind. Nevertheless, before he mysteriously committed suicide, he managed to capture Egypt and pack the pharaoh back to Iran. Upon his death, according to Herodotus, the seven young no bles who formed the imperial council met and agreed to accept as king him among them whose horse should neigh first at dawn the next day. One groom made sure that his master would win by providing a delectable, neigh-worthy mare for the stallion. In this way the noble named Darius became king, although his own account of his ascent, which he left engraved on stone, differs in ways that do not make nearly as good a story.

Whatever the truth, Darius turned out to be second only to Cyrus as Great King, King of Kings, and even more than Cyrus, the architect of the Persian Empire. Despite his chance choice, Darius had the royal blood of Achaemenes in his veins, for he descended from a collateral branch of the family. Darius ruled for thirty-five years, at first putting down rivals (he fought nineteen battles at the rate of nearly a battle a month, and defeated nine upstart kinglets), then giving the empire the institutions that Cyrus had been too busy to devise. He had to k eep the subject populations contented enough not to revolt (for the conquered masses greatly outnumbered the ruling Persians), but disciplined enough to pay heavy taxes to support the court and the armies. (2)

He established a secret spy network not unlike his far later relative and recent King, the Shah of Iran; but he also established a reliable postal service not unlike the Pony Express that Herodotus was inspired to write the words now used as the motto of the US Postal Service. We have all heard it and wondered perhaps, why we are not told the origin bespeaks great things in other cultures.

Sir Roger Stevens to write, in The Land of the Great Sophy: There can be no proper understanding of what underlies modern Iran unless we recognize the significance of this triumph of legend over history, or art over reality, this preference for embellishment as against unvarnished fact, for ancient folk beliefs as against new-fangled creeds. (3)

Author of Diverse D ruids
Columnist for The ES Press
Guest 'expert' at

Author:: Robert Baird
Keywords:: Shah of Iran, US Postal Service
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips